See MedLands, Richard FitzUrse.
1. RICHARD FitzUrse (-after 1166). The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Ric fil Urson" in Wiltshire (two entries), Huntingdonshire, and Surrey[732]. "Ric fil Ursi" witnessed the charter dated to [1139/40] under which King Stephen granted land in Kingerby, Osgodby and Owersby, Lincolnshire to William Earl of Lincoln[733]. Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, record that "Ricardus filius Vrsi" used to hold one and one half knights’ fees from the abbot of Glastonbury in Somerset "tempore Regis Henrici" (presumably indicating King Henry I) now held by "Reginaldus filius eius"[734]. m MATILDA de Boulers, daughter of BALDWIN de Boulers & his first wife Sibylle de Falaise. A plea at Westminster, dating to the ninth year of Henry III King of England [1226], records that "Vitalis Engaing" claimed land "in honore de Mungumery" which "Dominus Rex H, senex" had given "in maritagium Baldewino de Bollers cum Sibilla de Faleise, nepte ipsius H regis", and that "eadem Sibilla" had "unam filiam Matillidem de ipso Baldewino" who "dominus Rex" gave to "Ricardo filio Ursie" who by her had "unum filium et duas filias…Reginaldum filium Ursi et Margeriam primogenitam et Mabiliam"[735]. Richard & his wife had three children:
a) REYNOLD FitzUrse (-[1171/75]). A plea at Westminster, dating to the ninth year of Henry III King of England [1226], records that "Vitalis Engaing" claimed land "in honore de Mungumery" which "Dominus Rex H, senex" had given "in maritagium Baldewino de Bollers cum Sibilla de Faleise, nepte ipsius H regis", and that "eadem Sibilla" had "unam filiam Matillidem de ipso Baldewino" who "dominus Rex" gave to "Ricardo filio Ursie" who by her had "unum filium et duas filias…Reginaldum filium Ursi et Margeriam primogenitam et Mabiliam"[736]. Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, record that "Ricardus filius Vrsi" used to hold one and one half knights’ fees from the abbot of Glastonbury in Somerset "tempore Regis Henrici" (presumably indicating King Henry I) now held by "Reginaldus filius eius"[737]. The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "Reginaldus filius Ursy xl s et xxvii d" in Northamptonshire in [1167/68][738]. The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "Reginaldus filius Ursi lxxiii s iv d" in Northamptonshire in [1171/72][739]. Ralph de Diceto’s Ymagines Historiarum record that “Willelmus de Traci, Reginaldus filius Ursi, Hugo de Morevilla, Ricardus Brito” murdered the archbishop at Canterbury in 1171 and relate the subsequent events in detail[740]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "militum…Richardus Brito, Hugo de Morevilla, Renaldus Ursus et Guillelmus de Traci" as the murderers of Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury[741]. m BEATRICE de Limesey, daughter of GEOFFREY de Limesey & his wife ---. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a claim dated 1220, recorded by Bracton, by "Vitalis Engaun et Rogerus Gernet" against "Willelmum de Cantelupo et Maziliam uxorem eius" which recites that "Gaufridus de Limeseia" had "unum filium Walterum…et duas filias Beatriciam et Matillidem", that Beatrice married "Reginaldus"[742]. Reynold & his wife had one child:
i) MATILDA (-before 1195). Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a claim dated 1220, recorded by Bracton, by "Vitalis Engaun et Rogerus Gernet" against "Willelmum de Cantelupo et Maziliam uxorem eius" which recites that "Ricardus filius Ursy antecessor eorum" had "unum filium…Reginaldum et duas filias Margeriam et Mabiliam", that Reynold had "unam filiam…Matillidem…[qui] habuit unum filium Willelmum de Curtenay qui obiit…tempore Regis J…sine herede corpore suo"[743]. The 1174/75 Pipe Roll records “Robto de Curtenai” in the fee of “Regin fil Ursi” (father of his first wife, which helps to date their marriage) in Northamptonshire[744]. m ([1174/75] or before) as his first wife, ROBERT de Courtenay Lord of Sutton, Berkshire, Sheriff of Cumberland, son of RENAUD Seigneur de Courtenay & his second wife Hawise d’Avranches (-[1207/09]).
b) MARGERY ([1134/35]-after 1185). A plea at Westminster, dating to the ninth year of Henry III King of England [1226], records that "Vitalis Engaing" claimed land "in honore de Mungumery" which "Dominus Rex H, senex" had given "in maritagium Baldewino de Bollers cum Sibilla de Faleise, nepte ipsius H regis", and that "eadem Sibilla" had "unam filiam Matillidem de ipso Baldewino" who "dominus Rex" gave to "Ricardo filio Ursie" who by her had "unum filium et duas filias…Reginaldum filium Ursi et Margeriam primogenitam et Mabiliam"[745]. The Rotuli de Dominabus of 1185 records “Margareta Engaine”, that she was "in donatione Domini Regis intra hos viii annos", that she had married “Galfridus Brito”, her land in "hundredum de Wilebroc" in Northamptonshire, and also in "Cleile hundredum", the entry for the latter recording that she was "L annorum…filia Ricardi filii Ursi" and naming her heir "Ricardus Engaine"[746]. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a claim dated 1220, recorded by Bracton, by "Vitalis Engaun et Rogerus Gernet" against "Willelmum de Cantelupo et Maziliam uxorem eius" which recites that "Ricardus filius Ursy antecessor eorum" had "unum filium…Reginaldum et duas filias Margeriam et Mabiliam", that Margery was "avie ipsius Vitalis"[747]. m firstly RICHARD [II] Engaine, son of VITALIS [I] Engaine & his wife --- de Lisours (-before 1177). m secondly GEOFFREY Brito, son of ---.
c) MABEL . A plea at Westminster, dating to the ninth year of Henry III King of England [1226], records that "Vitalis Engaing" claimed land "in honore de Mungumery" which "Dominus Rex H, senex" had given "in maritagium Baldewino de Bollers cum Sibilla de Faleise, nepte ipsius H regis", and that "eadem Sibilla" had "unam filiam Matillidem de ipso Baldewino" who "dominus Rex" gave to "Ricardo filio Ursie" who by her had "unum filium et duas filias…Reginaldum filium Ursi et Margeriam primogenitam et Mabiliam"[748]. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a claim dated 1220, recorded by Bracton, by "Vitalis Engaun et Rogerus Gernet" against "Willelmum de Cantelupo et Maziliam uxorem eius" which recites that "Ricardus filius Ursy antecessor eorum" had "unum filium…Reginaldum et duas filias Margeriam et Mabiliam", that Mabel was "matri ipsius Rogeri"[749]. m --- Gernet, son of ---.
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Bulwick, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom
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Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
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Kirby Bellars, Leicestershire
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Bulwick, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom
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Age 46
Bulwick, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom
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