Historical records matching Richard III, duke of Normandy
Immediate Family
fiancée's son
About Richard III, duke of Normandy
Richard III FitzRichard de Normandie, died young.
Parents: Richard II 'le Bon' & Judith de Rennes
Betrothed to Alix Capet, later Comtesse de Corbie
Never married
Children (by mistresses)
- Nicolas
- Alix, married Ranulf, Vicomte du Bessin
RICHARD ([1001]-Rouen 6 Aug 1027). Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Richard, Robert et Guillaume" as the three sons of Duke Richard II and Judith[176]. Ademar names Richard as son of "Ricardus Rotomagensis comes"[177]. An agreement between the abbots of Jumièges and Bougeuil concerning an exchange of land in Poitou, by charter dated [13 Apr/4 Apr] 1012, is subscribed by "Richardus…filius Ricardi principi magni, filius eius Richardus…"[178]. He succeeded his father in 1026 as RICHARD III Duke of Normandy. Guillaume de Jumièges records the death of Duke Richard III, poisoned, at Rouen in 1028[179]. Orderic Vitalis also alleges that he was poisoned[180]. The Obituaire de Notre-Dame de Paris records the death "VIII Id Aug" of "Ricardus dux Normannie"[181]. Betrothed (Jan 1027) to ADELA de France, daughter of ROBERT II " le Pieux" King of France & his third wife Constance d'Arles [Provence] (-Messines 8 Jan 1079, bur Messines, Benedictine monastery). Kerrebrouck mentions her betrothal to Duke Richard "très jeune" but does not cite the corresponding primary source[182], which has yet to be identified. "Richardus Nortmannorum dux" agreed grants of property to "Adela" on the occasion of their marriage by charter dated Jan 1026, which does not specify her parentage[183]. She later married Baudouin V "Insulanus" Count of Flanders.
Duke Richard III had two illegitimate children by unknown mistresses:
a) NICOLAS (-27 Feb 1092, bur Rouen Saint-Ouen[184]). Robert of Torigny names "Nicolaum…duas filias Papiam…uxorem Walterii de Sancto Walerico et Aeliz uxorem Ranulfi vicecomitis de Baiocis" as the children of "Ricardo secundo duce Normannum filio primi Ricardi", specifying that Nicolas was "postea abbatum Sancti Audeni"[185]. Guillaume de Jumièges names Nicolas as "un fils très jeune" of Duke Richard III, records that he was deprived of his inheritance, brought up at the monastery of Saint-Ouen "dès sa plus tendre enfance", and succeeded abbé Herfast as abbot, ruling as such nearly fifty years before he died in Feb 1092[186]. Nicoias is named as the son of Duke Richard III by Orderic Vitalis, who specifies that he was compelled by his uncle Duke Robert to become an oblate monk at Fécamp while still a boy, but that some years later when still an adolescent he was installed by Duke Guillaume II as Abbot of St Ouen at Rouen which he ruled "for almost 60 years"[187]. The Brevis Relatio de Origine Willelmi Conquestoris records that "Nicolao abate de sancto Audoeno" contributed 15 ships and 100 knights towards the invasion of England in 1066[188].
b) ALIX . Robert of Torigny names "Nicolaum…duas filias Papiam…uxorem Walterii de Sancto Walerico et Aeliz uxorem Ranulfi vicecomitis de Baiocis" as the children of "Ricardo secundo duce Normannum filio primi Ricardi"[189]. As noted above, it is chronologically impossible for Papia, wife of Gilbert de Saint-Valéry, to have been his daughter.
m RANULF Vicomte du Bessin, son of Vicomte ANSCHITIL & his wife --- (-killed in battle Val-es-Dunes 1047).
Birth: ABT 0997 in of, , Normandy, France
Marriage 1 Adele Capet b: 1009 in of, , , France
Married: Jan 1026/1027 in Contract, Not Married
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps05/ps05_229.htm
Duke of Normandy (1026-27, or 1027), son of Richard II the Good. He was succeeding in quelling the revolt of his brother, Robert, when he died opportunely, perhaps of poison, making way for his brother's succession as Robert I.
d. , Feb. 3, 1027
References: [AR7],[ES],[PlantagenetA],[Weis1],[WallopFH]
Richard III (997 - 1027) was the eldest son of Richard II, who died in 1027, and left the Duchy of Normandy to his eldest son. Although the eldest son, Richard died mysteriously soon after his father, leaving the duchy to his younger brother Robert I, sixth duke of Normandy and direct ancestor of the present-day British royal family. Richard reigned for a few months and never really had any effect on the Duchy of Normandy. He had children from two unknown mistresses. He was betrothed to Adela, countess of Corbie (1009-June 5, 1063), second daughter of Robert II of France and Constance of Arles, but never happened as Richard was poisoned in Rouen. Adela later married Baldwin V, Count of Flanders.
Alice/Alix of Normandy who married Ranulf, Viscount of Bayeux.
Nicolas, the Lay Abbot of Rouen (b? - d. 27 Feb 1092). He helped his cousin, Duke William II the Conqueror with the contribution of 15 ships and 100 soldiers for the invasion of England in 1066.
Other Event(s)
Note 1: bet 1026 and 1028
5th Duke of Normandy
Note 2: 6 Aug 1028
Said to have been poisoned
AKA (Facts Page):
Duke of Normandy
Contract but not married
Duke Richard III was the eldest son of Duke Richard II, who died in 1027.
Before succeeding his father, perhaps about 1020, he had been sent by his father in command of a large army, to attack bishop/count Hugh of Chalon in order to rescue his brother-in-law, Reginald, later Count of Burgundy, who the count/bishop had captured and imprisoned.
Richard was betrothed to Adela, countess of Corbie, second daughter of Robert II of France and Constance of Arles, but they never married.
After his father's death, Richard ruled the Duchy of Normandy only briefly, dying mysteriously, perhaps by poison, soon after his father.
The duchy passed to his younger brother Robert I. (Adela later married Baldwin V, Count of Flanders.)
Richard was our ancestor through two distinct descent lines--one through his daughter UNKNOWN and the other through his daughter Alix, each of whom was independently our ancestor.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_III_of_Normandy for more information.
Also see "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p337.htm#i7110 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
The book, 'They Came With The Conqueror'
Info gathered from cousin, Joann Yeager Gwinn
The book, 'The Oxford History of the British Monarchy'
Died mysteriously.
Richard III (997–1027) was the eldest son of Richard II, who died in 1027. Before succeeding his father, perhaps about 1020, he had been sent by his father in command of a large army, to attack bishop/count Hugh of Chalon in order to rescue his brother-in-law, Reginald, later Count of Burgundy, who the count/bishop had captured and imprisoned. He was betrothed to Adela, countess of Corbie (1009 – 5 June 1063), second daughter of Robert II of France and Constance of Arles, but they never married. After his father's death, he ruled the Duchy of Normandy only briefly, dying mysteriously, perhaps by poison, soon after his father. The duchy passed to his younger brother Robert I. Adela later married Baldwin V, Count of Flanders.
By unknown women, he had two known children:
* Alice/Alix of Normandy who married Ranulf, Viscount of Bayeux.
* Nicolas, the Lay Abbot of Rouen (died 27 Feb 1092). He helped his cousin, Duke William II the Conqueror with the contribution of 15 ships and 100 soldiers for the invasion of England in 1066. He would probably have been chosen to succeed his father as Duke of Normandy if he had not been "immediately relegated first to the monastery of Fécamp and then to that of Saint-Quen in Rouen."[1]
The line to the dukes of Normandy comes through Isabel St. Liz and the line to Charlemagne comes through her husband, William Mauduit. The lines merge again with the marriage of Richard I, Duke of Normandy, and Emma, daughter of Hugh, who was - in all but name - King of France. His son, Hugh Capet, later assumed the title and primogeniture began in the French line of kings.
The two lines met again later with the marriage of Adele, daughter of King Robert II and Richard III, Duke of Normandy.
Richard I, "the Fearless"; named father's heir 29 May 942. Married first (Danish wife) Gunnora but betrothed ca. 945 and eventually married 960 to Emma. Richard was betrothed to Emma for some time but did not marry her until about 960, after the death of her father, Hugh the Great, in 956. Richard was the guardian of Hugh's son, the Duke of Paris, and eventually married Emma to strengthen his position. He did not treat her unkindly, he merely loved Gunnora. Poor Emma passed her life at Rouen alone and solitary and eventually she pined away and died about the year 962. After Emma's death he married (Christian marriage) Gunnora to legitimize their children.
He was born to William I of Normandy, ruler of Normandy, and his wife, Sprota. He was still a boy when his father died in 942. His mother was a Breton concubine captured in war and bound to William by a Danish marriage. After William died, Sprota became the wife of Esperleng, a wealthy miller; Rodulf of Ivry was their son and Richard's half-brother.
Richard was still a boy when his father died, and so he was powerless to stop Louis IV of France when he seized Normandy. Louis kept him in confinement in his youth at Lâon, but he escaped with the assistance of Osmund de Centeville, Bernard de Senlis (who had been a companion of Rollo of Normandy), Ivo de Bellèsme and Bernard the Dane (ancestor of families of Harcourt and Beaumont). In 968 Richard agreed to "commend" himself to Hugh, Count of Paris. He then allied himself with the Norman and Viking leaders, drove Louis out of Rouen and took back Normandy by 947. He later quarrelled with Ethelred II of England regarding Viking invasions of England because Normandy had been buying up much of the stolen booty.
Richard was bilingual, having been well educated at Bayeux. He was more partial to his Danish subjects than to the French. During his reign, Normandy became completely Gallicized and Christianized. He introduced the feudal system and Normandy became one of the most thoroughly feudalized states on the continent. He carried out a major reorganization of the Norman military system, based on heavy cavalry. He also became guardian of the young Hugh, Count of Paris, on the elder Hugh's death in 956.
He married 1st (960) Emma of Paris, daughter of Hugh the Great, Duke of the Franks and Count of Paris. They were betrothed when both were very young. She died after 966 with no issue.
According to Robert of Torigni, not long after Emma's death, Duke Richard went out hunting and stopped at the house of a local forester. He became enamoured of the forester's wife, Seinfreda, but she being a virtuous woman, suggested he court her unmarried sister, Gunnor, instead. Gunnor became his mistress and her family rose to prominence. Her brother, Herefast de Crepon, may have been involved in a controversial heresy trial. Gunnor was, like Richard, of Norse descent, being a Dane by blood. Richard finally married her to legitimate their children:
Richard II "the Good", Duke of Normandy (966) Robert, Archbishop of Rouen, Count of Evreux, died 1037. Mauger, Earl of Corbeil, died after 1033; his alleged grandson (or perhaps great- grandson) was Robert Fitzhamon, an important Anglo-Norman baron. Robert Danus, died between 985 and 989 Emma of Normandy (c.985-1052) wife of two kings of England. Maud of Normandy, wife of Odo II of Blois, Count of Blois, Champagne and Chartres Hawise of Normandy (b. ca. 978), d. 21 February 1034. m. Geoffrey I, Duke of Brittany Beatrice of Normandy, Abbess of Montvilliers d.1034 m. Ebles of Turenne (d.1030 (divorced) Papia m. Gilbert de St Valery
Richard was known to have had several other mistresses and produced children with many of them. Known children are:
Geoffrey, Count of Brionne, (b. ca. 970) William d'Eu, Count d'Eu, (b. ca. 985).
He died in Fecamp, France on November 20, 996 of natural causes.
Richard III (997–1027) was the eldest son of Richard II, who died in 1027. Before succeeding his father, perhaps about 1020, he had been sent by his father in command of a large army, to attack bishop/count Hugh of Chalon in order to rescue his brother-in-law, Reginald, later Count of Burgundy, who the count/bishop had captured and imprisoned. He was betrothed to Adela, countess of Corbie (1009 – 5 June 1063), second daughter of Robert II of France and Constance of Arles, but they never married. After his father's death, he ruled the Duchy of Normandy only briefly, dying mysteriously, perhaps by poison, soon after his father. The duchy passed to his younger brother Robert I. Adela later married Baldwin V, Count of Flanders.
By unknown women, he had two known children:
* Alice/Alix of Normandy who married Ranulf, Viscount of Bayeux.
* Nicolas, the Lay Abbot of Rouen (died 27 Feb 1092). He helped his cousin, Duke William II the Conqueror with the contribution of 15 ships and 100 soldiers for the invasion of England in 1066. He would probably have been chosen to succeed his father as Duke of Normandy if he had not been "immediately relegated first to the monastery of Fécamp and then to that of Saint-Quen in Rouen.
Notes for RICHARD-111 5TH DUKE OF NORMANDY:Richard III of Normandy 5th Duke of Normandy (0997-1028) [Pedigree]
Son of Richard II "the Good" of Normandy 4th Duke of Normandy (958-1026) and Judith of Brittany (-1017)
Daughter (Alix) is illegitimate. b. ABT 0997 b. 1001, Normandy, France r. Normandy, France d. 6 Aug 1028 Married first Adele-Alice (Aelicie) of_France (1009-1079)
Children: Elena of Normandy m. Hubert HUSE (-1066) Avelina FITZRICHARD
Married second Unknown Mistress Children: Alice of_Normandy m. Ranulph I Vicomte of the Bessin
Children of RICHARD-111 5TH DUKE OF NORMANDY are:11. i. ALIX OF11 NORMANDY, b. 977; d. 08 6 1028, Normandy, France. 12. ii. RICHARD-11 THE 4TH DUKE NORMANDY, b. 996; d. 08 28 1027.
Herzog der Normandie 1026-1027.
- Er war der Sohn von Herzog Richard ll., dem er 1026 nachfolgte.
- Er starb bereits kurtz nach der Thronbesteigung unter mysteriösen Umständen und konnte keine einfluß auf die Geschicke der Normandie nehmen.
- Sein Nachfolger wurde sein jüngerer bruder Robert l. "der Prächtige".
- Er war verlobt mit Adela (Adelheid) von Frankreich, Tochter König Robert ll. von Frankreich. Nach Richards Tod heirate sie den Grafen Balduin V. von Flandern.
- Richard lll. hatte außer eheliche Kinder von twei unbekannten Frauen:
- Alice von der Normandie.
- Agnes von Evreux.
Richard III FitzRichard de Normandie, died young.
Parents: Richard II 'le Bon' & Judith de Rennes
Betrothed to Alix Capet, later Comtesse de Corbie
Never married
Children (by mistresses)
Nicolas Alix, married Ranulf, Vicomte du Bessin LINKS
RICHARD ([1001]-Rouen 6 Aug 1027). Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Richard, Robert et Guillaume" as the three sons of Duke Richard II and Judith[176]. Ademar names Richard as son of "Ricardus Rotomagensis comes"[177]. An agreement between the abbots of Jumièges and Bougeuil concerning an exchange of land in Poitou, by charter dated [13 Apr/4 Apr] 1012, is subscribed by "Richardus…filius Ricardi principi magni, filius eius Richardus…"[178]. He succeeded his father in 1026 as RICHARD III Duke of Normandy. Guillaume de Jumièges records the death of Duke Richard III, poisoned, at Rouen in 1028[179]. Orderic Vitalis also alleges that he was poisoned[180]. The Obituaire de Notre-Dame de Paris records the death "VIII Id Aug" of "Ricardus dux Normannie"[181]. Betrothed (Jan 1027) to ADELA de France, daughter of ROBERT II " le Pieux" King of France & his third wife Constance d'Arles [Provence] (-Messines 8 Jan 1079, bur Messines, Benedictine monastery). Kerrebrouck mentions her betrothal to Duke Richard "très jeune" but does not cite the corresponding primary source[182], which has yet to be identified. "Richardus Nortmannorum dux" agreed grants of property to "Adela" on the occasion of their marriage by charter dated Jan 1026, which does not specify her parentage[183]. She later married Baudouin V "Insulanus" Count of Flanders.
Duke Richard III had two illegitimate children by unknown mistresses:
a) NICOLAS (-27 Feb 1092, bur Rouen Saint-Ouen[184]). Robert of Torigny names "Nicolaum…duas filias Papiam…uxorem Walterii de Sancto Walerico et Aeliz uxorem Ranulfi vicecomitis de Baiocis" as the children of "Ricardo secundo duce Normannum filio primi Ricardi", specifying that Nicolas was "postea abbatum Sancti Audeni"[185]. Guillaume de Jumièges names Nicolas as "un fils très jeune" of Duke Richard III, records that he was deprived of his inheritance, brought up at the monastery of Saint-Ouen "dès sa plus tendre enfance", and succeeded abbé Herfast as abbot, ruling as such nearly fifty years before he died in Feb 1092[186]. Nicoias is named as the son of Duke Richard III by Orderic Vitalis, who specifies that he was compelled by his uncle Duke Robert to become an oblate monk at Fécamp while still a boy, but that some years later when still an adolescent he was installed by Duke Guillaume II as Abbot of St Ouen at Rouen which he ruled "for almost 60 years"[187]. The Brevis Relatio de Origine Willelmi Conquestoris records that "Nicolao abate de sancto Audoeno" contributed 15 ships and 100 knights towards the invasion of England in 1066[188].
b) ALIX . Robert of Torigny names "Nicolaum…duas filias Papiam…uxorem Walterii de Sancto Walerico et Aeliz uxorem Ranulfi vicecomitis de Baiocis" as the children of "Ricardo secundo duce Normannum filio primi Ricardi"[189]. As noted above, it is chronologically impossible for Papia, wife of Gilbert de Saint-Valéry, to have been his daughter.
m RANULF Vicomte du Bessin, son of Vicomte ANSCHITIL & his wife --- (-killed in battle Val-es-Dunes 1047).
Birth: ABT 0997 in of, , Normandy, France
Marriage 1 Adele Capet b: 1009 in of, , , France
Married: Jan 1026/1027 in Contract, Not Married
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps05/ps05_229.htm
Duke of Normandy (1026-27, or 1027), son of Richard II the Good. He was succeeding in quelling the revolt of his brother, Robert, when he died opportunely, perhaps of poison, making way for his brother's succession as Robert I.
d. , Feb. 3, 1027
References: [AR7],[ES],[PlantagenetA],[Weis1],[WallopFH]
Richard III (997 - 1027) was the eldest son of Richard II, who died in 1027, and left the Duchy of Normandy to his eldest son. Although the eldest son, Richard died mysteriously soon after his father, leaving the duchy to his younger brother Robert I, sixth duke of Normandy and direct ancestor of the present-day British royal family. Richard reigned for a few months and never really had any effect on the Duchy of Normandy. He had children from two unknown mistresses. He was betrothed to Adela, countess of Corbie (1009-June 5, 1063), second daughter of Robert II of France and Constance of Arles, but never happened as Richard was poisoned in Rouen. Adela later married Baldwin V, Count of Flanders.
Alice/Alix of Normandy who married Ranulf, Viscount of Bayeux.
Nicolas, the Lay Abbot of Rouen (b? - d. 27 Feb 1092). He helped his cousin, Duke William II the Conqueror with the contribution of 15 ships and 100 soldiers for the invasion of England in 1066.
Other Event(s)
Note 1: bet 1026 and 1028 5th Duke of Normandy Note 2: 6 Aug 1028 Said to have been poisoned AKA (Facts Page): Duke of Normandy Contract but not married
Duke Richard III was the eldest son of Duke Richard II, who died in 1027.
Before succeeding his father, perhaps about 1020, he had been sent by his father in command of a large army, to attack bishop/count Hugh of Chalon in order to rescue his brother-in-law, Reginald, later Count of Burgundy, who the count/bishop had captured and imprisoned.
Richard was betrothed to Adela, countess of Corbie, second daughter of Robert II of France and Constance of Arles, but they never married.
After his father's death, Richard ruled the Duchy of Normandy only briefly, dying mysteriously, perhaps by poison, soon after his father.
The duchy passed to his younger brother Robert I. (Adela later married Baldwin V, Count of Flanders.)
Richard was our ancestor through two distinct descent lines--one through his daughter UNKNOWN and the other through his daughter Alix, each of whom was independently our ancestor.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_III_of_Normandy for more information.
Also see "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p337.htm#i7110 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
The book, 'They Came With The Conqueror'
Info gathered from cousin, Joann Yeager Gwinn
The book, 'The Oxford History of the British Monarchy'
Died mysteriously.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_III_of_Normandy -------------------- Richard III (997–1027) was the eldest son of Richard II, who died in 1027. Before succeeding his father, perhaps about 1020, he had been sent by his father in command of a large army, to attack bishop/count Hugh of Chalon in order to rescue his brother-in-law, Reginald, later Count of Burgundy, who the count/bishop had captured and imprisoned. He was betrothed to Adela, countess of Corbie (1009 – 5 June 1063), second daughter of Robert II of France and Constance of Arles, but they never married. After his father's death, he ruled the Duchy of Normandy only briefly, dying mysteriously, perhaps by poison, soon after his father. The duchy passed to his younger brother Robert I. Adela later married Baldwin V, Count of Flanders.
By unknown women, he had two known children:
- Alice/Alix of Normandy who married Ranulf, Viscount of Bayeux. * Nicolas, the Lay Abbot of Rouen (died 27 Feb 1092). He helped his cousin, Duke William II the Conqueror with the contribution of 15 ships and 100 soldiers for the invasion of England in 1066. He would probably have been chosen to succeed his father as Duke of Normandy if he had not been "immediately relegated first to the monastery of Fécamp and then to that of Saint-Quen in Rouen."[1]
The line to the dukes of Normandy comes through Isabel St. Liz and the line to Charlemagne comes through her husband, William Mauduit. The lines merge again with the marriage of Richard I, Duke of Normandy, and Emma, daughter of Hugh, who was - in all but name - King of France. His son, Hugh Capet, later assumed the title and primogeniture began in the French line of kings.
The two lines met again later with the marriage of Adele, daughter of King Robert II and Richard III, Duke of Normandy.
Richard I, "the Fearless"; named father's heir 29 May 942. Married first (Danish wife) Gunnora but betrothed ca. 945 and eventually married 960 to Emma. Richard was betrothed to Emma for some time but did not marry her until about 960, after the death of her father, Hugh the Great, in 956. Richard was the guardian of Hugh's son, the Duke of Paris, and eventually married Emma to strengthen his position. He did not treat her unkindly, he merely loved Gunnora. Poor Emma passed her life at Rouen alone and solitary and eventually she pined away and died about the year 962. After Emma's death he married (Christian marriage) Gunnora to legitimize their children.
He was born to William I of Normandy, ruler of Normandy, and his wife, Sprota. He was still a boy when his father died in 942. His mother was a Breton concubine captured in war and bound to William by a Danish marriage. After William died, Sprota became the wife of Esperleng, a wealthy miller; Rodulf of Ivry was their son and Richard's half-brother.
Richard was still a boy when his father died, and so he was powerless to stop Louis IV of France when he seized Normandy. Louis kept him in confinement in his youth at Lâon, but he escaped with the assistance of Osmund de Centeville, Bernard de Senlis (who had been a companion of Rollo of Normandy), Ivo de Bellèsme and Bernard the Dane (ancestor of families of Harcourt and Beaumont). In 968 Richard agreed to "commend" himself to Hugh, Count of Paris. He then allied himself with the Norman and Viking leaders, drove Louis out of Rouen and took back Normandy by 947. He later quarrelled with Ethelred II of England regarding Viking invasions of England because Normandy had been buying up much of the stolen booty.
Richard was bilingual, having been well educated at Bayeux. He was more partial to his Danish subjects than to the French. During his reign, Normandy became completely Gallicized and Christianized. He introduced the feudal system and Normandy became one of the most thoroughly feudalized states on the continent. He carried out a major reorganization of the Norman military system, based on heavy cavalry. He also became guardian of the young Hugh, Count of Paris, on the elder Hugh's death in 956.
He married 1st (960) Emma of Paris, daughter of Hugh the Great, Duke of the Franks and Count of Paris. They were betrothed when both were very young. She died after 966 with no issue.
According to Robert of Torigni, not long after Emma's death, Duke Richard went out hunting and stopped at the house of a local forester. He became enamoured of the forester's wife, Seinfreda, but she being a virtuous woman, suggested he court her unmarried sister, Gunnor, instead. Gunnor became his mistress and her family rose to prominence. Her brother, Herefast de Crepon, may have been involved in a controversial heresy trial. Gunnor was, like Richard, of Norse descent, being a Dane by blood. Richard finally married her to legitimate their children:
Richard II "the Good", Duke of Normandy (966) Robert, Archbishop of Rouen, Count of Evreux, died 1037. Mauger, Earl of Corbeil, died after 1033; his alleged grandson (or perhaps great- grandson) was Robert Fitzhamon, an important Anglo-Norman baron. Robert Danus, died between 985 and 989 Emma of Normandy (c.985-1052) wife of two kings of England. Maud of Normandy, wife of Odo II of Blois, Count of Blois, Champagne and Chartres Hawise of Normandy (b. ca. 978), d. 21 February 1034. m. Geoffrey I, Duke of Brittany Beatrice of Normandy, Abbess of Montvilliers d.1034 m. Ebles of Turenne (d.1030 (divorced) Papia m. Gilbert de St Valery
Richard was known to have had several other mistresses and produced children with many of them. Known children are:
Geoffrey, Count of Brionne, (b. ca. 970) William d'Eu, Count d'Eu, (b. ca. 985).
He died in Fecamp, France on November 20, 996 of natural causes.
Richard III (997–1027) was the eldest son of Richard II, who died in 1027. Before succeeding his father, perhaps about 1020, he had been sent by his father in command of a large army, to attack bishop/count Hugh of Chalon in order to rescue his brother-in-law, Reginald, later Count of Burgundy, who the count/bishop had captured and imprisoned. He was betrothed to Adela, countess of Corbie (1009 – 5 June 1063), second daughter of Robert II of France and Constance of Arles, but they never married. After his father's death, he ruled the Duchy of Normandy only briefly, dying mysteriously, perhaps by poison, soon after his father. The duchy passed to his younger brother Robert I. Adela later married Baldwin V, Count of Flanders.
By unknown women, he had two known children:
- Alice/Alix of Normandy who married Ranulf, Viscount of Bayeux. * Nicolas, the Lay Abbot of Rouen (died 27 Feb 1092). He helped his cousin, Duke William II the Conqueror with the contribution of 15 ships and 100 soldiers for the invasion of England in 1066. He would probably have been chosen to succeed his father as Duke of Normandy if he had not been "immediately relegated first to the monastery of Fécamp and then to that of Saint-Quen in Rouen.
Notes for RICHARD-111 5TH DUKE OF NORMANDY:Richard III of Normandy 5th Duke of Normandy (0997-1028) [Pedigree]
Son of Richard II "the Good" of Normandy 4th Duke of Normandy (958-1026) and Judith of Brittany (-1017)
Daughter (Alix) is illegitimate. b. ABT 0997 b. 1001, Normandy, France r. Normandy, France d. 6 Aug 1028 Married first Adele-Alice (Aelicie) of_France (1009-1079)
Children: Elena of Normandy m. Hubert HUSE (-1066) Avelina FITZRICHARD
Married second Unknown Mistress Children: Alice of_Normandy m. Ranulph I Vicomte of the Bessin
Children of RICHARD-111 5TH DUKE OF NORMANDY are:11. i. ALIX OF11 NORMANDY, b. 977; d. 08 6 1028, Normandy, France. 12. ii. RICHARD-11 THE 4TH DUKE NORMANDY, b. 996; d. 08 28 1027.
Herzog der Normandie 1026-1027.
Er war der Sohn von Herzog Richard ll., dem er 1026 nachfolgte. Er starb bereits kurtz nach der Thronbesteigung unter mysteriösen Umständen und konnte keine einfluß auf die Geschicke der Normandie nehmen. Sein Nachfolger wurde sein jüngerer bruder Robert l. "der Prächtige". Er war verlobt mit Adela (Adelheid) von Frankreich, Tochter König Robert ll. von Frankreich. Nach Richards Tod heirate sie den Grafen Balduin V. von Flandern. Richard lll. hatte außer eheliche Kinder von twei unbekannten Frauen: Alice von der Normandie. Agnes von Evreux.
Hertig av Normandie 1026-1028 talet
Courtesy of fantastically full family tree cf.:
Hughes of Gwerclas 1/2/3/4:
Info from Findagrave.com: Birth: unknown, France Death: Feb. 3, 1028, France
Richard III was the eldest son of Richard II, who died in 1027. Before succeeding his father, perhaps about 1020, he had been sent by his father in command of a large army, to attack bishop/count Hugh of Chalon in order to rescue his brother-in-law, Reginald, later Count of Burgundy, who the count/bishop had captured and imprisoned. He was betrothed to Adela, countess of Corbie, second daughter of Robert II of France and Constance of Arles, but they never married. After his father's death, he ruled the Duchy of Normandy only briefly, dying mysteriously, perhaps by poison, soon after his father. The duchy passed to his younger brother Robert I. By unknown women, he had two known children: Alice/Alix of Normandy who married Ranulf, Viscount of Bayeux. Nicolas, the Lay Abbot of Rouen (b? - d. 27 Feb 1092). He helped his cousin, Duke William the Conqueror with the contribution of 15 ships and 100 soldiers for the invasion of England in 1066. He would probably have been chosen to succeed his father as Duke of Normandy if he had not been "immediately relegated first to the monastery of Fécamp and then to that of Saint-Ouen in Rouen."
Family links:
Richard II of Normandy (____ - 1026)
Judith De Rennes (____ - 1017)
Richard III of Normandy (____ - 1028)
Robert I of Normandy (1000 - 1035)*
Adelaide de Normandie (1002 - 1038)*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Unknown
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Created by: Kat Record added: Nov 14, 2012 Find A Grave Memorial# 100683523
Richard III, duke of Normandy's Timeline
1001 |
August 28, 1001
Rouen, Haute-Normandie, France
1021 |
October 14, 1021
Falaise, Calvados, Normandy, France
1025 |
Rouen, Haute-Normandie, France
1027 |
August 6, 1027
Age 25
Rouen, Haute-Normandie, France
August 1027
Age 25
Rouen, Haute-Normandie, France
???? |