Immediate Family
About Richard Putnam, of Edelsborough
It is now thought that Richard Putnam was the son of John Puttenham of Edlesborough, not of Henry Putnam, of Edelsborough.
Eben Putnam (author of A History of the Putnam Family.....citation below) places him as son of Henry of Edelsborough,who was son of Nicholas of Penn. Other researchers suggest he was the son of John Putnam of Edelsborough (see links below).
Richard Putnam, who removed from Eddlesborough to Woughton; will dated in 1556. He m. Joan, surname unknown and had: John Putnam of Rowsham, in Wingrave, Bucks., where he was buried, 2 October, 1573.
70. Richard PUTTENHAM (John-16, John-15, Richard-14, Roger-13, Roger de-12, John de-11, John Fitz Wale de-10, William de-9, Thomas-8, Richard Fitz-7, Henry Fitz-6, Matilda (Maud) de PUTTENHAM-5, William de-4, Geoffrey de-3, Roger-2, Anschitil-1) was born about 1490 in Edlesborough, Buckinghamshire, England. 4 Eben Putnam guessed Richard as the probable son of Henry of Wingrave and Woughton.
He was from Woughton, Buckinghamshire, England. He was from Slapton and was associated with Nicholas Puttenham in a riot in 1517.279,280,281 He is named Richard "Puttnam" of "Edlesbury" along with John Pottman of Slapton in 1523/24281,282,283 He was assessed 20/12d and his name is clearly written "Puttnam" in 1523/24 in Eddlesborough, Buckinghamshire, England. 281,284,285 He acquired by an Indenture, lands and messuages which had previously belonged to the Barking Abbey in 1538/39 in Slapton, Buckinghamshire, England.?*I He remained in Slapton and Woughton in 154928
He signed a will on 12 Dec 1556 in Woughton on the Green, Buckinghamshire, England.287 He died between 12 Dec 1556 and 25 Feb 1557287 He was buried in Church Yard, Woughton, Buckinghamshire, England.288
1288 His will was proved on 26 Feb 1556/57 in Woughton on the Green, Buckinghamshire, England287 His will is contained in the following paragraph. The name of the testator in this instance is spelled Puthnam, and he is styled as of "Woughton on the Grene." He directs that his body be buried in the churchyard at Woughton.
To Joan his wife, he leaves his house in Slapton, with remainder to his son John, and all the goods she brought with her at her marriage. To John he also gives £3.6.8; to son Harry, land in Woughton. To son John's wife, 6s. 8d., and, to every child that he hath one sheep. To his daughter Joan he gives £6.13.14, and to each of her children a sheep. The residue of his estate he gives to son Harry whom he makes his executor. To the high altar at Woughton he gave 4s. Overseers were his son John and Rychard Brynkelowe. Witnessed by John Chadde, Laurence Wylson, with others. (Arch. Bucks.)
Americans of Royal Descent by C. H. Browning states that his wife's name was Joan and they bore John Putnam, but other notes say otherwise.
Richard PUTTENHAM and Joan were married before 1513 in England.281,289 The marriage location is probable. Joan was born about 1496. She died in 1565 in Woughton, Buckinghamshire, England. 28l
Richard PUTTENHAM and Joan had the following children:
- +91 i. John PUTNAM (born on 2 Oct 1513).
- +92 ii. Henry (Harry) PUTNAM (born about 1518).
- 93 ili. Joan PUTNAM was born about 1520.288 She inherited £6.13.14 from her father on 25 Feb 1556/57.290 Joan PUTNAM was married before 1556.290
Source: Putnam, Matthew H. & Putnam, Rand M. The Referenced History of the Putnam family in England and America, Volume 1. (2004) < Book link >; < [www.familysearch.org/library/books/idviewer/362334/49 page 38] >; < [www.familysearch.org/library/books/idviewer/362334/50 page 39] >.
XVI) Richard, son of Henry Putnam, was of Eddelsboro in 1524, and owned land in Slapton. His will was proved Feb. 26, 1557, and he left a widow Joan.
He had sons:
Harry and John.
________ It has come to my attention there is proof that Henry is the father of Richard. This is proven by the fact he is in his brother's will.
A History of the Putnam Family in England and America: Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of Danvers, Mass., Volume 2. by Eben Putnam, Salem Press Publishing and Printing Company, 1908.
Claims our/this Richard Puttenham page 129, is the son of a Henry Putnam (of Eddlesborough, 1526,) named in the will of his brother, in 1526. He probably died intestate, having issue, by his wife, name unknown
According to the College of Arms in the UK the line to Henry Puttenham used to be considered fact however now they do not recognized because of conflicting researchers.
Note added by Joseph Putnam
- A history of the Putnam family in England and America: recording the ... By Eben Putnam Pg.128 GoogleBooks
- New England families, genealogical and memorial: a record of the ..., Volume 2 edited by William Richard Cutter Pg.1075 GoogleBooks
- Additional links:
- http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~kugerrand/mvincent.htm
- http://www.billputman.com/Early%20Putnam%20Family.pdf
- http://genealogy.wikia.com/wiki/Richard_Puttenham_%281490-1550s%29
- http://dunhamwilcox.net/me/me_bio_putnam.htm
- Putnam, Matthew H. & Putnam, Rand M. The Referenced History of the Putnam family in England and America, Volume 1. (2004) < Book link >; < page 9 >; < page 13 >; < page 34 >; pages also attached as documents.
Richard Putnam, of Edelsborough's Timeline
1490 |
Edlesborough, Buckinghamshire, England
1513 |
October 27, 1513
Rowsham, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom
1518 |
Of Eddlesborough, Bucks, England
1520 |
Eddlesborough, Buckinghamshire, England
1556 |
February 26, 1556
Age 66
Wingrave, Buckinghamshire, England
February 26, 1556
Age 66
Church Yard, Wingrave, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom