Immediate Family
About Riotham ap Deroch
Prince of Dumnonée Riotham ap Deroch of Dumnonée
b. circa 435
Father Prince of Dumnonée Deroch I ap Guitol of Dumnonée1 b. circa 400
Prince of Dumnonée Riotham ap Deroch of Dumnonée was a son of Prince Deroch I and grandson of Guitol.2 His name "Riomathus" means "Greatest-King." He was the successor of Prince of Dumnonée Deroch I ap Guitol of Dumnonée; Prince of Domnonée.3 Prince of Dumnonée Riotham ap Deroch of Dumnonée was born circa 435.1 He was the son of Prince of Dumnonée Deroch I ap Guitol of Dumnonée.1 Prince of Dumnonée at Brittany circa 460.3 Prince of Dumnonée Riotham ap Deroch of Dumnonée was a witness where Euric, rex Gotthorum engaged the Roman Emperor Anthemius and the emperor's Breton allies under Riothamus in 469 at Gaul. Prince of Dumnonée Riotham ap Deroch of Dumnonée was a witness where imperator Procopius Anthemius engaged the able and ambitious Visigoth, King Euric, with the assistance of the Bretons under Riothamus, in 469 at Gaul.4,1 Prince of Dumnonée Riotham ap Deroch of Dumnonée sent 12,000 Breton troops to support Emperor Anthemius of the Romans against the invading Visigoths under Euric in 469. However, the Roman forces let him down completely and arrived at the ensuing battle too late to prevent the total annihilation of the Breton army at the hands King Euric of the Visigoths.4,1,5 He received a letter from Sidonius Apollinaris, a Roman Prefect and Bishop of Clermont, written around 470, asking Riothamus for justice for "an obscure and humble person," who has had his slaves enticed away, by a group of armed Bretons, for whom the slave-owner was little match in 470.1 He was the predecessor of Prince of Dumnonée Riwal Deroc ap Riotham of Dumnonée; Prince of Dumnonée.3
Prince of Dumnonée Riwal Deroc ap Riotham of Dumnonée 3
Alma Pompea verch Riatham of Dumnonée+ b. c 4851
[S266] EBK, online http://freespace.virgin.net/david.ford2/… URL Gone Bad. use one below.
[S266] EBK, online http://www.earlybritishkingdoms.com/bios/riothdo.html
[S640] History Files, online https://www.historyfiles.co.uk/KingListsBritain/ArmoricaDomnonia.htm
[S228] Jordanes, Jordanes' Getica.
[S302] Jean-Michel Pognat, "Brittany: Many Kingdoms or One?".
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riothamus
The Old Breton name Riatam, which (like Riothamus) is derived from Brittonic *Rigotamos, appears in medieval Breton records (primarily biographies of early Breton saints) as one of the Princes of Domnonée (a coastal region in Brittany which takes its name from Dumnonia in southern Britain). He is identified as a son of Deroch II. For chronological reasons, this Riatam is probably a different individual from Jordanes' Riothamus, who lived earlier.
Riotham ap Deroch's Timeline
435 |
Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, Brittany, France
470 |
Age 35
Domnonée, Armorica, Brittany, France
475 |
Domnonée, Armorica, Brittany, France
485 |
Domnonee, Bretagne, France
???? | |||
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