Immediate Family
About Robert I, seigneur de Vitré
Please see: Medlands "Brittany: Nantes, Porhoet, Nantes". – 12 Aug 2022 update.
added by marvin c 1/13/2011
~Annals and Antiquities of Lacok Abbey, Pedigree V. pg. 264, d. 1135 759
~Weis' Ancestral Roots . . ., 8th Edition, Ralph Paynel was of Dudley, Worcestershire, and heir of William Fitz Anscult. He joined the rebellion against King Stephen in 1138. Ralph de Paynel was living in 1141, and was dead by 1153. He most likely married a daughter of Robert de Ferrières and his wife Hawise de Vitré, daughter of Andre, Seigneur de Vitré en Bretagne by Agnes, daughter of Robert comté de Mortain
The Conqueror and His Companions, Vol. II, pg. 301
André married Agnes de Mortaigne, daughter of Robert Comte de Mortaigne Earl of Cornwall and Matildis de Montgomery.759 (Agnes de Mortaigne was born about 1059.)
See "My Lines"
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of the Barons of Vitré, who ruled from 1008 to the French Revolution. In seven centuries, the Barony of Vitré was ruled by four great families: the House of Vitré (1008-1254), the second House of Laval (1254-1547), the House of Montfort-Laval (1547-1605) and the House of La Trémoille-Laval (1605-1792). The family of Goranton-Hervé, who ruled Vitré a short time during Robert II's reign, also ruled the barony.
c. 1072 Robert I (c. 1034 † c. 1072), Lord of Vitré,[2] their son,
married in 1060 Bertha (c. 1039 † c. 1109), daughter of Guérin, Lord of Craon, and sired:
Ennoguen a.k.a. "Domitille" (born after 1060), Lady of Craon
married c. 1070 Renaud (c. 1060 † c. December 1101), Lord of Craon, et,
Robert († c. 1106), Philip and Guy of Vitré, and,
Robert I de Vitré Seigneur de Vitré
Marriage (1): de Craon
Marriage (2): Berthe
Died: Abt 27 Jul 1090
General Notes:
ROBERT de Vitré, son of TRISCAN de Vitré & his wife Enoguen de Fougères (-27 Jul [1090]). A charter dated to [1030/45] records the purchase by Marmoutier of land granted by "Rivallon le Vicaire" to "Urvodius", tutor to "son fils Gautier", approved by "Driscan, frère de Gautier et…Robert son fils". A charter dated to [1045/90] records a donation to Marmoutier by "Rivallon le Vicaire, grand-père de Robert I de Vitré". "Robert I de Vitré fils d´Enoguen, époux de Berthe, père d´André et de Robert" donated property to Marmoutier by charter dated to [1064/76]. Seigneur de Vitré. The Chronique de Normandie, based on le Roman de Rou, names "le sire de Vittry" among those who took part in the conquest of England in 1066. A charter dated to [1070/75] records an agreement between the monks of Sainte-Croix and the canons of Notre-Dame de Vitré, with the consent of "domino Roberto et filiis eius Andrea…et Roberto". A charter dated to [1110] recalls the foundation of Sainte-Croix de Vitré by "Robertus de Vitriaco" with the consent of "Inoguende matre eius et Berta conjuge ipsius cum filiis suis Andrea et Roberto", and the later confirmation by "Andreas dominus Vitriaci castri et frater eius Philippus et uxor ipsius Andreæ…Agnes, cum filiis suis Roberto, Gervasio et Elia".
m firstly --- de Craon, daughter of GUERIN de Craon & his wife --- (-[before 3 Mar 1070]). Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 3 Mar 1070 under which her son-in-law "Rainaldus filius Roberti Burgundionis et uxor mea Eunoguena filia Roberti de Vitreio, nata de ipsius legali coniuge filia…Warini, naturalis hæredis et domini Credonensis honoris" confirmed the possession of "ecclesia Sancti Clementis…apud Credonum" to La Trinité de Vendôme. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified. Under the scenario set out in this document, "Berthe" was the name of Robert de Vitré´s second wife and no primary source has yet been found which indicates that this was also the name of his first wife. The charter dated 3 Mar 1070 suggests that --- de Craon may have died before that date, otherwise it is unclear why she would not have issued the charter in her own name (together with her husband, who was still living). The issue is not free from all doubt as the phrase "domini Credonensis honoris" in the document appears to apply to "Warini", not to Renaud. Nevertheless, the fact that Renaud inherited Craon through his wife indicates that Enoguen must have been the sole heir of Robert de Vitré´s marriage to the heiress of Craon and that his other children, whose possible inheritance of Craon never seems to have been raised, were born from a different marriage. Her son-in-law is named "Raynaldus castri Credonensis dominus" in a charter dated 26 Jan 1078, which demonstrates that his mother-in-law must certainly have died by then.
m secondly BERTHE, daughter of --- (-after 1093). "Robert I de Vitré fils d´Enoguen, époux de Berthe, père d´André et de Robert" donated property to Marmoutier by charter dated to [1064/76]. Broussillon argues convincingly that Berthe, mother of Robert´s two sons André and Robert, could not have been Berthe de Craon, otherwise Craon would not have been inherited by Robert´s daughter, which inheritance was unchallenged by the Vitré family. A charter dated to [1110] recalls the foundation of Sainte-Croix de Vitré by "Robertus de Vitriaco" with the consent of "Inoguende matre eius et Berta conjuge ipsius cum filiis suis Andrea et Roberto". "A. de Vitreio et B. mater eius" asked the abbot of Saint-Aubin d´Angers to celebrate a mass "XV Kal Sep" each year for the anniversary of "Roberti fratris mei", by charter dated to [1093/1106].
Robert & his first wife had one child: Enoguen.
Robert & his second wife had three children: André, Robert and Philippe.
Robert married de Craon, daughter of Guérin de Craon and Unknown. (de Craon died before 3 Mar 1070 1.)
Robert next married Berthe. (Berthe died after 1093.)
1 Charles Cawley, <i>Medieval Lands</i>.
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p126.htm#i14694 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Robert I, seigneur de Vitré's Timeline
1054 |
Vitre, Brittany, France
1055 |
1060 |
Vitré, Duché de Bourgogne, France
1090 |
July 27, 1090
???? |