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Robert Lawrence

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Ashton Hall, Thurnham Parish, Lancashire, England, (Present UK)
Смерть: 1485 (50-59)
Bosworth, Leicestershire, England, (Present UK) (Slain in Battle of Bosworth)
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Sir Robert Lawrence, 4th Squire of Ashton Hall и Amphilbis Lawrence
Муж Margaret Lawrence
Отец Isabel de Kirkby; Anne Radcliffe; Sir Robert Lawrence; John Lawrence, of Ashton и James Lawrence
Брат Thomas Lawrence, Sir; Nicholas (died Without Issue) Lawrence; Sir James Lawrence, 5th Squire of Ashton; Margaret Rigmaiden и Elizabeth Boteler
Неполнородный брат Agnes Skillicorne

Менеджер: Bo Garsteen
Последнее обновление:

About Robert Lawrence, of Ashton

  • The Magna charta barons and their American descendants with the pedigrees of the founders of the Order of Runnemede deduced from the sureties for the enforcement of the statutes of the Magna charta of King John (1898)
  • Pg.244
  • 11. LADY MARY DE WELLES, sister to Sir Lionel, or Leo, sixth Lord Welles, lord lieutenant of Ireland, k. 1461, and Sir William de Welles, lord chief justice of Ireland, 1442, who m. John Laurence, of Rixton Manor, Lancastershire, returned to Parliament for Lancaster County, October 16, 1419. He was a commissioner for musters in Londale Wapentake, commission dated April 28, 6 Henry V., and had :
  • 12. MARGARET LAURENCE, who m. her cousin, Robert Laurence (his nephew Sir Thomas, son of his brother. Sir James Laurence, of Standish, m. Lady Eleanor, a daughter of Sir Lionel, Lord Welles), eldest son of Sir Robert Laurence, of Ashton Hall, Lancastershire, member of Parliament, 1459 (whose pedigree, beginning in 1190, is preserved in the Herald's Visitation to Gloucestershire, 1682-3), and his wife, Amphibis, a daughter of Edward de Longford, Lancastershire, and had :
  • 13. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, of Withington, 1509, and Sevenhampton, which he bought, in Gloucestershire, Sea House, in Somersetshire, and Blackley Park and Norton, in Worcestershire. He also owned the manors of Staple Farm, New House, Upcot Farm, etc. His will was proved
  • Pg.245
  • in 1559.(*) He m. before 1518, Isabel, daughter of John Molineaux, of Sefton Manor and Chorly (Sorely), in Lancashire, and had :
  • 14. EDMUND LAWRENCE, of Withington parish, Gloucestershire, fourth son. His will dated August 30, 1558, proved January 10, 1559. He had issue by his wife Eleanor, whose surname has not been preserved :
  • 15. JOHN LAWRENCE, of St. Albans, in Hertfordshire. He was chief burgess in 1553, and mayor of St. Albans in 1567 and 1575, and had by his wife, whose name has not been preserved :
  • 16. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, of St Albans, who m. there, November 25, 1559, Catherine Beamond, or Beaumont, and had:
  • 17. JOHN LAWRENCE, bapt. at Abbey Church, St. Albans, January 12, 1561-2, who had by his second wife, m. January 25, 1586-7, Margaret Roberts:
  • 18. THOMAS LAWRENCE, of St. Albans, second son, bapt. at St. Albans, February 2, 1588-9, d. March 20, 1624-5. He was an assistant of the borough of St Albans, 1622, and m. October 23, 1609, Joan, daughter of Walter and Joan Antrobus (Anterbus), of St. Albans. Joan m. secondly, John Tuthill (or Tuttell), of Ipswich, and came with him to New England in April, 1635, bringing John, b. 1618, and William, children of her first husband, Thomas Lawrence, of whom :
  • 19. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, bapt. at St. Albans, July 27, 1622, d. 1680 (no will). In 1645 he and his brother John, who was one of the patentees of Hampstead, Long Island, New York, obtained the patent of Flushing, Long Island,
    • (*) In the Herald's pedigree (Gloucestershire Visitations, 1682) he is given as son of John, the son of the aforesaid William and Margaret, but by Sir Thomas Phillips, in the pedigree of Lawrence, of Sevenhampton, as brother to John, son of Robert.
  • Pg.246
  • New York, from the Dutch Governor Keift, and were of the number to whom the confirmatory patent was issued by Governor Nicoll, in 1666. He was a magistrate of Flushing, 1655, and one of its largest land-owners ; was a member of the governor's council, 1700 ; captain of a foot company, 1665 ; high sheriff, 1673 ; justice of the North Riding, 1675. He m. secondly, March 4, 1664-5, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Smith (she m. secondly, Philip Carteret, governor of New Jersey, and m. thirdly. Colonel Richard Townley, of Elizabeth, New Jersey, which city was so named in her honor by her second husband), and had by her :
  • 20. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, of Flushing, Long Island, d. 1719 (N. Y. Wills, ix. 152), having issue by his wife Deborah, d. 1743 (N. Y. Wills, xv. 47), daughter of Richard Smith: .... etc. _________________________
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Хронология Robert Lawrence, of Ashton

Ashton Hall, Thurnham Parish, Lancashire, England, (Present UK)
Ashton Hall,,Lancashire,England
Ashton Hall, Thurnham Parish, Lancashire, England, (Present UK)
Возраст 55
Bosworth, Leicestershire, England, (Present UK)
Возраст 55