ROBERT de Ros (-[1162/63]). “Walterus Espec et Adelina uxor eius” founded Kirkham Priory, Yorkshire by undated charter, dated to the reign of King Henry I, witnessed by "…Everardo de Roos et Roberto de Ross, filiis Audelinæ sororis meæ junioris…"[Dugdale Monasticon VI, Kirkham Priory, Yorkshire, I, p. 208]. "Robertus de Ros" confirmed donations to Rievaulx by "Walteri Espec avunculi mei", for the souls of "…fratris mei Everardi", by undated charter, dated to [1147/53], witnessed by "…Roberto clerico nepote domini Roberti de Ros…Stephano nepote domini Roberti de Ros…Thomas de Ros…"[Surtees Society (1889) Cartularium Abbathiæ de Rievaulxe (Durham) ("Rievaulx"), XLIII, p. 21]. The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "Robertus de Ros ii m" in Yorkshire and "Robertus de Ros dimidiam marcam" in Warwickshire, Leicestershire in [1161/62][Red Book Exchequer, Part I, Knights fees, pp. 29 and 30]. The 1162/63 Pipe Roll names "Rob de Ross", with no further words and no payment, and on the following line "Euerard de Ross" paying £30/6/8 in Yorkshire[Pipe Roll Society, Vol. VI (1886) The Great Roll of the Pipe for the 9th year of King Henry II (London) ("Pipe Roll 9 Hen II (1162/63)"), p. 5]. This unusual arrangement of the names, as well as the large payment, suggest that it represents a record of the death of Robert de Ros and the payment by Everard de Ros of the fine for his inheritance. [m firstly ---. As noted Robert de Ros’s known wife Sibylle de Valoignes is recorded in a manuscript relating to the foundation of Rievaulz abbey as the mother of his son Everard. Everard is named in the 1162/63 Pipe Roll, apparently having already reached the age of majority. However, these two statements appear mutually incompatible because Sibylle de Valoignes is recorded as having had children by her third marriage which is dated to [1181/82]. The most likely explanation is that the Rievaulx abbey manuscript is incorrect and that Robert’s son Everard was born from an earlier otherwise unrecorded marriage.] m [secondly] as her first husband, SIBYLLA de Valoignes, daughter of --- (-after 1212, bur Nun Appleton Priory). A manuscript narrating the foundation of Rievaulx Abbey records that “Robertum de Roos” married “Sibillam de Valoniis”, by whom he was father of “Willielmum de Roos et Robertum”[Dugdale Monasticon V, Rievaulx Abbey, Yorkshire, III, Fundationis et Fundatorum Historia, p. 280]. She married secondly ([1165/66]%29 William de Percy of Topcliffe, Yorkshire. Her first and second marriages are confirmed by the 1165/66 Pipe Roll which records "Wills de Pci" accounting for ".cccc. m. p uxore Robti de Ross hnda" in Yorkshire[Pipe Roll Society, Vol. IX (1888) The Great Roll of the Pipe for the 12th year of King Henry II (London) ("Pipe Roll 12 Hen II (1165/66)"), p. 41]. “Willielmus de Percy” donated Topcliffe church to York Cathedral, for the souls of “uxoris meæ Sybillæ…filiorum quoque et filiarum mearum”, by undated charter witnessed by “Sybilla de Valloniis…”[Dugdale Monasticon VI.3, St Peter’s Cathedral, York, Yorkshire LXXVIII, p. 1190]. It is assumed that the first witness was the donor’s wife but this is not specified in the document. She married thirdly ([1181/82]) Ralph de Albini Brito. Her third marriage is confirmed by the 1181/82 Pipe Roll which records "Radulfus de Alben" accounting for ".cc. m pro ducenda matre Ebrardi de Ros" in Yorkshire[Pipe Roll Society, Vol. XXXI (1910) The Great Roll of the Pipe for the 28th year of King Henry II (London) ("Pipe Roll 28 Hen II (1181/82)"), p. 46]. Robert & his [first] wife had one child: i) EVERARD de Ros (before [1141/44]-1183).
No children recorded by Sibylla de Valoignes.
"His father Peter, the ancestor of this great and noble family," says Dugdale, "did originally assume his surname in the time of Henry I from that lordship in Holderness called Ros, where he then had his residence, needeth not to be doubted." This Peter de Ros, or Roos, a feudal baron, m. Adeline, one of the sisters and co-heirs of the famous Walter Espec, Lord of the manor of Helmesley, called sometimes Helmeslac, but oftener Hamlake, in the north riding of Yorkshire, and was s. at his decease by his son, Robert de Ros. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, London, 1883, p. 458, Ros, or Roos, Barons Ros]
sometimes constable, probably to the Count of Aumale, Lord of Holderness. In 1158, and for several years thereafter, he was in charge of King Henry II's works at the castle of Scarborough.
Family Sheet
Name: Robert Ros Note Born: Abt 11241124-1-1 at Helmsley, Yorkshire, EnglandHelmsley, Yorkshire, England Married: Died:
Father: Peter Ros
Mother: Adeline Espec
Name: Sybil Valoines
Born: Abt 1129 at Helmsley, Yorkshire, England
Name: Everard Ros
Born: 1153 at Helmsley, Yorkshire, England
Died: Abt 1186
Wife: Rose Trussebut
1). New Hist of Northu, Northu 6, 11 37 Magna Charta p. 1 2 1 1 23 Yorks Archa Journal, Yorks Pub A 24 329 Rievau l x Ch a r t p. 21, 360. Archive Record SLC, UT
Robert De ROS
Born: BEF 1130
Died: 1162/3
Notes: sometimes constable, probably to the Count of Aumale, Lord of Holderness. In 1158, and for several years thereafter, he was in charge of King Henry II's works at the castle of Scarborough.
Father: Piers De ROS
Mother: Adeline ESPEC
Married: Sibyl De VALOGNES (b. BEF 1132/3 - d. AFT 1212)
1. Everard De ROS
Everard de Ros, eldest son of Peter de Ros and Edelina his wife, sister and one of the coheirs of Walter Espec, was succeeded by his younger brother Robert de Ros before 1158.
Notification by William, earl of Albemarle, of his gift to the Cistercian monks of Meaux of the place called Meaux, for the health of the soul of Ingram his brother, also the wood of Routh which he obtained by exchange for other land of more worth from Alan de Ringburgh. ^.1150. Willelmus comes Albemarlie universis sancte ecclesie filiis tarn futuris quam modernis salutem. Sciatis me dedisse monachis Cistercii ordinis locum quendam Melsa vocitatum, de meo hereditario jure, atque in perpetuam elemosinam confirmasse, cum omnibus apperiticiis, videlicet in terris colendis et in pratis et [in] nemoribus et in pascuis et in marasco et tarn integre et bene et libere sicuti egomet earn unquam melius tenui, pro salute auime mee ac fratris mei Hingeram et patris et matris mee, necnon et omnium parentum meorum, et ut ibidem sedes abbatie fiat ac permaneat instituisse. Dedi etiam eidem abbatie totum nemus de Rudhe cum marisco ei proximo in perpetuam possessionem quod juste commutavi ab Alano de Ringeburc dando eidem pro ipso quandam terram eo magis valentem; itaque precor omnes amicos et homines meos quatinus supradictam abbatiam et universes habitantes in ea studiose diligant, consilii et auxilii eis beneficium impendere non cessent, ut universorum ipsius beneficiorum, mecum effecti participes, in eterna tabernacula a Domino recipiantur et a salutari suo. [Testibus], Hingeram fratre comitis, Helia de Mundewille, magistro Warnario, magistro Rogero, Gerardo de Fanencourt, Isaac clerico, Roberto de Ros, Stephano pincerna. Valete.
The two confirmations which follow help us to clear up the tangle in which the lists of the archdeacons of York are involved. The attestation of John Talvace, treasurer of York, appointed in 1154 and consecrated bishop of Poictiers in 1163, and that of John Lethold, who became archdeacon in 1 1 59 or 1 1 60, provide a limit of date for these instruments. As we have noted elsewhere of the period immediately after 1160, that there were two archdeacons of York, namely Ralph de Aulnai and John son of Lethold, 4 so here also within the period of 6 years prior to 1 160 we have two archdeacons, contemporary with Bartholomew, archdeacon of Richmond, namely Ralph Baro and Robert Butivillein who attested a confirmation of Robert de Ros, in or about 1153, and both of whom attested Roger de Mowbray's grant of Welburn.
In 1212 Sibyl de Valoignes, relict of Robert de Ros (d. 1163), held 2 fees in Wootton, co. Line., (of Eustace de Vescy, who held) of Ralph de Mortemer.
Everard de Ros, eldest son of Peter de Ros and Edelina his wife, sister and one of the coheirs of Walter Espec, was succeeded by his younger brother Robert de Ros before 1158.
Notification by William, earl of Albemarle, of his gift to the Cistercian monks of Meaux of the place called Meaux, for the health of the soul of Ingram his brother, also the wood of Routh which he obtained by exchange for other land of more worth from Alan de Ringburgh. ^.1150. Willelmus comes Albemarlie universis sancte ecclesie filiis tarn futuris quam modernis salutem. Sciatis me dedisse monachis Cistercii ordinis locum quendam Melsa vocitatum, de meo hereditario jure, atque in perpetuam elemosinam confirmasse, cum omnibus apperiticiis, videlicet in terris colendis et in pratis et [in] nemoribus et in pascuis et in marasco et tarn integre et bene et libere sicuti egomet earn unquam melius tenui, pro salute auime mee ac fratris mei Hingeram et patris et matris mee, necnon et omnium parentum meorum, et ut ibidem sedes abbatie fiat ac permaneat instituisse. Dedi etiam eidem abbatie totum nemus de Rudhe cum marisco ei proximo in perpetuam possessionem quod juste commutavi ab Alano de Ringeburc dando eidem pro ipso quandam terram eo magis valentem; itaque precor omnes amicos et homines meos quatinus supradictam abbatiam et universes habitantes in ea studiose diligant, consilii et auxilii eis beneficium impendere non cessent, ut universorum ipsius beneficiorum, mecum effecti participes, in eterna tabernacula a Domino recipiantur et a salutari suo. [Testibus], Hingeram fratre comitis, Helia de Mundewille, magistro Warnario, magistro Rogero, Gerardo de Fanencourt, Isaac clerico, Roberto de Ros, Stephano pincerna. Valete.
The two confirmations which follow help us to clear up the tangle in which the lists of the archdeacons of York are involved. The attestation of John Talvace, treasurer of York, appointed in 1154 and consecrated bishop of Poictiers in 1163, and that of John Lethold, who became archdeacon in 1 1 59 or 1 1 60, provide a limit of date for these instruments. As we have noted elsewhere of the period immediately after 1160, that there were two archdeacons of York, namely Ralph de Aulnai and John son of Lethold, 4 so here also within the period of 6 years prior to 1 160 we have two archdeacons, contemporary with Bartholomew, archdeacon of Richmond, namely Ralph Baro and Robert Butivillein who attested a confirmation of Robert de Ros, in or about 1153, and both of whom attested Roger de Mowbray's grant of Welburn.
In 1212 Sibyl de Valoignes, relict of Robert de Ros (d. 1163), held 2 fees in Wootton, co. Line., (of Eustace de Vescy, who held) of Ralph de Mortemer. Kuollut 1163. Lord of Holderness. Syntynyt 1117 Helmsley, Yorkshire, England
Robert de Ros
Birth 1134
Helmsley, Ryedale District, North Yorkshire, England
Death 1162 (aged 27–28)
Helmsley, Ryedale District, North Yorkshire, England
Rievaulx Abbey
Helmsley, Ryedale District, North Yorkshire, England
Memorial ID 149630740
Robert de Ros´s known wife Sibylle de Valoignes is recorded in a manuscript relating to the foundation of Rievaulz abbey as the mother of his son Everard. Everard is named in the 1162/63 Pipe Roll, apparently having already reached the age of majority. However, these two statements appear mutually incompatible because Sibylle de Valoignes is recorded as having had children by her third marriage which is dated to [1181/82]. The most likely explanation is that the Rievaulx abbey manuscript is incorrect and that Robert´s son Everard was born from an earlier otherwise unrecorded marriage.
Family Members
Piers de Ros
Adeline d' Espec Espec
Sybilla de Valoignes de Ros
Everard de Ros
Sir Everard de Ros
1124 |
Helmsley, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
1140 |
Hamlake (Helmsley) Castle, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
1150 |
Helmsley Castle, Yorkshire, England
1152 |
Pembrokeshire, Wales, United Kingdom
1158 |
Of,, Pembrokeshire, Wales, United Kingdom
1162 |
Age 38
North Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
Age 38
Rievaulx Abbey, Helmsley, North Yorkshire, England, UK