Immediate Family
About Roger III, comte de Foix
ROGER [III] de Foix, son of ROGER [II] Comte de Foix & his second wife Estefanía de Besalú (-[1147/48]). “Rogerius comes Fuxensis…et filius meus Rogerius” restored property to the abbey of Alet by charter dated 1108[248]. “Rogerius comes Fuxi et filii mei Rogerius et Bernardus et Petrus” donated property to the abbey of Lezat by charter dated 1120[249]. He succeeded his father in 1124 as Comte de Foix. “Rogerius comes Fuxensis et fratres mei Petrus-Bernardi et Raimundus Rogerii” renounced their claim to the county of Carcassonne in favour of “Bernardo-Athonis vicecomite et cum uxore eius Cæcilia vicecomitissa, filiisque eorum Rogerio et Raimundo Trencavelli atque Bernardo” by charter dated 1 Apr 1125[250]. “Rogerius Fuxi comes, filius Rogerii et Stephaniæ” issued a charter dated Dec 1129[251]. "Rogerius comes Fuxensis…[et] Essena conjux ipsius" founded the commanderie of Ville-Dieu by charter dated 27 Oct 1136[252].
[m firstly ---. No direct evidence has been found which proves this supposed first marriage of Comte Roger [III]. However, the date of the marriage of his daughter Bradimene appears inconsistent with her having been the daughter of his wife Jimena de Barcelona.]
m [secondly] (before [8 Jul] 1130) JIMENA de Barcelona, daughter of RAMON BERENGUER [III] Conde de Barcelona & his [third wife Dulce Ctss de Provence] ([1117/18]-after 1136). The testament of "Raimundus Berengarii…Barchinonensis comes et marchio" dated [8 Jul] 1130 names "Raimundo Berengarii filio meo…et filie mee ipsa de Castella et illa de Fuxo"[253]. Her name is more recognisably reproduced in the charter dated Nov 1149 of her son "Roggerus-Bernardi comes Fuxensis, filius Roggerii et Xaminiæ"[254]. In most secondary sources, Jimena is shown as the daughter of her father´s first marriage and widow of Bernat [III] Conde de Besalú. However, no primary source has yet been identified which confirms that this is correct and several reasons point to it being unlikely. Firstly, if Jimena had been the widow of the last comte de Besalú, her second husband would presumably have had the right to claim the county in her name, and there appears to be no indication that he ever did this. Secondly, the testament of her father names "filie mee…illa de Fuxo" after his daughter "ipsa de Castella". This would normally indicate that the former was younger than the latter. The only possible reason for reversing the order of his daughters would have been the supposed precedence of the queen of Castile over the comtesse de Foix. However, no other example of this adjustment to the order of names in primary source documents has been found, except those justified by the supposed precedence of children holding ecclesiastical office over lay children. Thirdly, Jimena would have named her daughter after her own mother. Fourthly, the dates of marriage of Jimena´s two known children, in the 1150s, suggest that they were born in the 1130s, which is not inconsistent with Jimena having been born from her father´s third marriage. This appears to be corroborated by the charter dated 26 Oct 1136 by which “Rogerius comes Fuxensis [et] Essena coniux ipsius” founded the commanderie of Ville-Dieu which refers to "infantes nostros"[255]. The date of the marriage of Comte Roger´s daughter Bradimène is inconsistent with this hypothesis, unless she was born from an otherwise unrecorded earlier marriage, or was illegitimate, as is proposed below. The only factor which appears to indicate the co-identity of the two daughters is that Jimena could have been named after her maternal grandmother, mother of her father´s first wife. However, the name was not uncommon in Spain at the time, and it is quite possible that Jimena was named after another relative. Until further primary source data emerges which contradicts this hypothesis, it has been decided to show Jimena has her father´s daughter by his third marriage in this document.
Comte Roger [III] & his [first] wife had one child:
Comte de Foix (1124-48).
Fill de Roger II i de la seva segona muller Estefania de Besalú. Poc després d'haver pres possessió del comtat (1125), renovà el contracte estipulat pel seu pare amb la família del vescomte Bernat Ató I de Carcassona-Besiers, el qual, malgrat la venda dels comtats de Carcassona i Rasès feta per la seva mare Ermengarda al comte Ramon Berenguer I de Barcelona (1067/ 70), se n'havia tornat a apoderar (1082). En les rivalitats entre les cases comtals de Tolosa i Barcelona, mantingué una actitud neutral, favorable als propis interessos, si bé el seu casament amb Ximena de Barcelona (vers el 1117), filla de Ramon Berenguer III, marcà, de fet, una preferència que havia de contribuir, en definitiva, a l'increment de les relacions amb Catalunya i a facilitar la política d'expansió occitana dels darrers comtes barcelonins i dels seus immediats successors.
Enllaços=Roger III, comte de Foix es mi 28th bisabuelito
Roger-Bernard I le Gros, comte de Foix is your 27th great grandfatherpadre de Raymond-Roger I, comte de Foix is your 26th great grandfather padre de Roger-Bernard II le Grand, comte de Foix is your 25th great grandfather padre de Roger IV, comte de Foix is your 24th great grandfatherpadre de Roger-Bernard III de Foix, comte de Foix is your 23rd great grandfather padre de Gaston I, comte de Foix is mi # 22 bisabuelito, padre de Gaston II le Preux, comte de Foix es mi #21 bisabuelito padre de Gaston III Febus, comte de Foix es mi # 20 bisabuelito padre de Bernardo de Foix, conde de Medinaceli es mi #19 bisabuelito padre de Gaston I de Bearn de la la Cerda,11 es mi #18 bisabuelito padre de Luis de la Cerda,III conde de Medinaceli es mi # 17 bisabuelito padre de Gaston de la Cerda.IV Conde de Medinaceli es mi #16 bisabuelito padre de Juana de la Cerda, Señora de Monux, Barca y Fresno de Caracena es mi # 15 bisabuelita, madre de mi#14 bisabuelito Rodrigo de Mendoza ,III Conde de Castrojeriz, padre demi#13 bisabuelito Francisco de Mendoza, padre de mi #12 bisabuelita Elvira(I) Manrique de Lara y Mendoza madre de mi #11 bisabuelita Elvira(II) Manrique de Lara y Mendoza, madre de mi # 10 bisabuelita Elvira(III) Manrique de Lara(y Osorio) madre de mi#9 bisabuelito Antonio Luis de Cabrera y Manrique de Lara, Sgto.Mayor padre de mi #8 bisabuelita Maria Sotomayor y Cabrera Duarte de Meneses, madre de mi #7Jose de Escobar Sotomayor Castellanos Cabrera ,padre de mi #6 bisabuelito Jose Castellanos Gallo,padre de mi #5 bisabueltiaMaria Teresa Castellanos Arias Velazques ,madre de mi #4 bisabuelito Justo Pastor Tomas Fernandez Cornejo Catellanos, padre de mi#3 bisabuelita Narcisa Fernandez Cornejo Elgueta ,madre de mi #2 bisabuelita Ricarda Carolina Francisca Vidal Fernandez Cornejo, madre de mi primera bisabuelita Maria Greoria Benigna Arana Vidal esposa de mi bisabuelitos Leon Clodoveo Urioste Velazco padres de mi queridísimo abuelito Manuel Tomas Meliton Urioste Arana , esposo de mi queridísima abuelita Maria Julia Teresa Gantier Velazco de Urioste, padres de mi padre Walter Urioste Gantier.
Amalia Maria Rafaela Urioste Prudencio de Murillo G.
Roger II took part in the crusade of 1095, and was afterwards excommunicated by Pope Paschal II. for seizing ecclesiastical property; but subsequently he appeased the anger of the church by rich donations, and when he died in 1125 he was succeeded by his son, Roger III. The death of Roger III. about 1149, and of his son, Roger Bernard I., in 1188,. brought the county to Roger Bernard's only son, Raymond Roger, who, in 1190, accompanied the French king, Philip Augustus, to Palestine and distinguished himself at the capture of Acre.
Roger III, comte de Foix's Timeline
1120 |
Foix, Ariege, Midi-Pyrénées, France
1130 |
1147 |
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