Historical records matching Samuel Liepmann Loewen
Immediate Family
About Samuel Liepmann Loewen
Samuel Liepmann Loewen was born in Potsdam in 1747. By the age of 14 his father, Moses Liepmann, had died and Samuel Liepmann Loewen was sent to Hamburg by his relative, the banker Daniel Itzig of Berlin, to learn banking. At the age of eighteen Samuel went to Berlin, where he lived in the house of Daniel Itzig. Upon the recommendation of Daniel Itzig and in spite of his young age he was made responsible for Prussia's salt trade and the acquisition of salt in the East Prussian towns of Königsberg, Elbing, Memel and Libau. He acquired permission (General-Privilegium) for him to settle in Königsberg, along with one of Daniel Itzig's daughters, who was to be his wife. However, due to a bad business deal, this marriage did not occur. Samuel returned to Königsberg, where he began to study medicine, but gave up his studies after three semesters and returned to his family in Potsdam due to the illness and subsequent death of his mother. He then went to Berlin, where he established a business in accessories (Galanteriewaren) and jewels in Berlin. In 1795 he married Sara Heym (Hayum) of Mannheim. In 1803 their son Liepmann (Leopold) was born in Berlin. He would become a dealer in millinery. In 1841 Liepmann married Bertha Leffmann of Berlin. In 1848 they had a son, Gustav Samuel.
Samuel Liepmann Loewen died in Berlin in 1827, Sara Loewen in 1839. Liepmann Loewen died in Berlin in 1875, his wife Bertha in 1868.
Samuel Liepmann Loewen's Timeline
1750 |
July 1750
Potsdam, Brandenburg, Prussia
1799 |
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
1800 |
March 27, 1800
1803 |
April 9, 1803
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
1812 |
January 9, 1812
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
1827 |
November 29, 1827
Age 77
Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia
???? |
Jüdischer Friedhof Schönhauser Allee, Berlin, Germany