"John of Chelmsford"
'John Heald
- was chr. on 26 Mar 1637 and died on 17 Jun 1689 in Concord, Mass. .
He was the son of John Heald and Dorothy Royle.
John married Sarah Dean on 10 Jun 1661 in Concord, Mass..
@R1053029567@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=151003881&pi...
1634 |
March 1634
Adderley, Shropshire, England, United Kingdom
1636 |
December 3, 1636
Alderley, Cheshire, England (United Kingdom)
1637 |
March 26, 1637
Alderly, Cheshire, England (United Kingdom)
March 26, 1637
Alderley, Cheshire, England
March 26, 1637
Alderly, England
March 26, 1637
Alderley, Cheshire, England
March 26, 1637
Alderley, Cheshire, England
March 26, 1637
Alderley, Cheshire, England
1662 |
March 30, 1662
Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Colonial America