Historical records matching Sir Alexander de Forbes, 1st Lord of Forbes
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Immediate Family
About Sir Alexander de Forbes, 1st Lord of Forbes
- Records from the Netherlands say the death was in 1448: Name: Alexander Forbes, Gender: m, Birth Place: Forbes (Aberdeenshire) Scotland, Death Date: 1448, Death Place: Aberdeenshire Scotland, Spouse: Elizabeth Douglas, Children: Annabella Forbes, URL: [https://www.genealogieonline.nl/en/stamboom-dullemen/I162914.php]
- University of Michigan also has data indicating the death was in 1448. Here is from the University of Michigan, which indicates the death of 1448: [https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/ecco/004896980.0001.000/1:108?rgn=div1]...
- Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 19, Forbes, Alexander (d.1448) by Henry Paton. [https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Forbes,_Alexander_(d.1448)_(DNB00)]
- [http://genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00046179&tree=LEO]
- [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Forbes,_1st_Lord_Forbes]
- Alexander de Forbes , 1st Lord Forbes (c. 1380-1448), also feudal baron of Forbes, was a Scottish peer. He was the eldest son of Sir Alexander de Forbes (d. 1405), Justiciary of Aberdeen, and Coroner of that county, by his wife, a daughter of Kennedy of Dunure.
- Alexander de Forbes fought at the Battle of Harlaw in 1411, and appears among the Scottish forces sent to the assistance of Charles, Dauphin of France, afterwards King Charles VII, and had a share in the victory obtained over the English at Beaugé, in Anjou, on March 22, 1424. But soon after, at the desire of King James I of Scotland, then a prisoner in England, Forbes quit the French service and subsequently obtained three Safe-conducts at different times to visit England, with one hundred persons in his retinue each time, to wait upon his sovereign, James Ist.
- He was created a Lord of Parliament sometime after 1436. The precise date of the peerage creation is not known (although Brown gives 1440), but in a Precept, dated July 12, 1442, he is already styled Lord Forbes.
- The first Lord Forbes married Lady Elizabeth (or Mary), only daughter of George Douglas, Earl of Angus, a granddaughter of King Robert II of Scotland, by whom he had two sons and three daughters. He was succeeded by his eldest son: James Forbes, 2nd Lord Forbes, (d. c1460).
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Sir Alexander de Forbes, 1st Lord of Forbes's Timeline
1377 |
June 20, 1377
Aberdeen, Scotland
1412 |
Forbes, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
1423 |
October 1423
Forbes, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Forbes, Aberdeenshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1424 |
January 1424
Forbes, Aberdeenshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1426 |
1428 |
Forbes, Aberdeenshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1430 |
1434 |
Forbes, Aberdeenshire, Scotland