Death: 1294 in String of Lorne, Scotland
Burial: Kilchrenan (Killed at the Red Ford in Lorne)
Ancestry: Colin Campbell of Lochow, Knight, son of Sir Gillespic Campbell of Menstrie (d ca 1280), killed ca 1294, fighting Alexander, Lord of Lorne,at the Ath-dea rg (red ford) of Lorn (where a cairn marks the site of his grave). Sir Colin married , possibly a daughter of Sinclair of Roslin (alias St Clair of Roslin).
Sir Colin Campbell of Lochow, the real founder of the family, sixth in descent from the first Gillespie, distinguished himself by his warlike actions, and was knighted by King Alexander the Third in 1280. He added largely to his estates, and on account of his great prowess he obtained the surname of Mohr or More ("great"); from him the chief of the Argyll family is in Gaelic styled Mac Chaillan More.
Sir Colin Campbell had a quarrel with a powerful neighbour of his, the Lord of Lorn, and after he had defeated him, pursuing the victory too eagerly, was slain (in 1294) at a place called the string of Cowal, where a great obelisk was erected over his grave. This is said to have occasioned bitter feuds betwixt the houses of Lochow and Lorn for a long period of years, which were put to an end to by the marriage of the daughter of t he Celtic proprietor of Lorn, with John Stewart of Innermeath about 1386. Sir Colin married a lady of the name of Sinclair, by whom he had five sons.
Sir Colin Campbell of Lochow was the son of Sir Gillespic Campbell of Menstrie.1 He died circa 1294 at Ath-dearg of Lorn, Argyllshire, Scotland, killed while fighting Alexander, Lord of Lorne.1
Sir Colin Campbell of Lochow lived at Lochow, Argyllshire, Scotland.1
In 1296 Sir Colin Campbell the great, Cailein Mor, was killed by MacDougalls in the hills between Lochawe and the sea, a cairn of stones still marks the place.
Knighted by King Alexander III in 1280
Killed abt 1294 fighting Alexander, Lord of Lorne, at the Ath-dearg (Red Ford) of Lorn (where a cairn markes the site of his grave)
Cailean Mor Caimbeul was knighted about 1280 and appears in a charter about 1281 by Malcolm, Earl of Lennox to the lands of Luse. He was also one of the supporters of his cousin Robert Bruce's claim to the Scottish throne and was one of his advocates to King Edward I in 1291. In 1293 he received from Sir William Lindsay the lands of Symontoun, Ayrshire and agreed to pay the feu-duty yearly to the monks of Newbattle.
In the Newbattle Registrum c.1293 he is called the son of "Gylascop Kambel". Cailean witnessed a charter of James Stewart to Paisley Abbey in 1295 and attested to the marriage of James to the sister of Richard de Burgh, Earl of Ulster in 1296 also in the Paisley Registrum. Cailean also witnessed a charter of Maol Choluim, the contemporary Mormaer or Earl of Lennox, and in another Lennox charter in which he is granted lands in Cowal by John Lamont, one of Maol Chaluim's vassals.
By 1296, and perhaps by 1293, Cailean held the position of "Ballie" of Loch Awe and Ardscotnish, a position he was granted either by King John Balliol or Edward I of England. It was this position that made him the enemy for Iain of Lorn, the MacDougall Lord of Lorne. Sometime after September 1296, Cailean was killed by the MacDougalls at the "Red Ford" on the borders of Loch Awe and Lorne at a place known as the String of Lorne where a cairn marks the spot. So many died in this battle that the stream ran red with their blood, hence the name Red Ford. His tombstone may still be seen.
From "The Life of His Grace John Duke of Argyle" by his nephew Robert Campbell - 1765.
The first remarkable man of this family, we find mention'd in History is Colin surnamed More, or Great; from whom the Heads of this Family are term'd in the Highland Tongue, M'calen More, or the sons of Colin More. He was one of the Magnates Scotiae, that were summon'd to Berwick upon the part of Robert de Bruce, when he and all the other competitors for the crown of Scotland, on the demise of Queen Margaret, had referred the decision of their claims to Edward I. of England, He had been engaged in many conflicts, with McDougald of Lorn his neighbour, in one of which he was slain.
He was succeeded by his Son Sir Neil.
ancestor of Duke of Argyle
Born on his father's estate "Drumboden", 7 miles from Londonderry, Ireland. Married in 1695 to Grace Grissell Hay, daughter of Patrick Hay. In 1726, John and Grace settled in Sweet Awe, Dongal Township, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania. In 1730, They moved to Fincastle Co., Virginia. Bought land in Orange, Augusta Co., Virginia. Grace lived 93 years. Many of their descendants are from Washington Co., Virginia.
They had 10 children:
Patrick Campbell, Sr., b. 1696, Antrim, Ireland; d. March 17, 1767 in Augusta County, Virginia.
Arthur Campbell b. between 1697 - 1735
Catherine Campbell b. between 1697 - 1735.
John Campbell, Jr., b. between 1697 - 1735 in Drumboden, Ireland.
Margaret Campbell b. between 1697 - 1735.
William Campbell b. abt. 1700 in Ulster, Ireland d. 1759 in Augusta County, Virginia. Some records state that this William Campbell married Sarah Gay, and other records state that he did not marry anyone.
James Campbell b. abt 1704. Had a son named Hugh Campbell Hugh 2nd marriage to Elizabeth Buchanan, has a son with 1st unknown wife named Robert Campbell.
David "White David" Campbell, Sr. b. March 8, 1705 or 1706 in Drumboden, Ireland d. October 17, 1790 in Washington County, Virginia.
Robert Campbell, Sr. b. 1708 in Drumboden, Ireland d. December 24, 1810 in Carter's Valley, Hawkins County, Tennessee.
Mary Campbell b. 1710 m. John Patrick Campbell b. between 1700 - 1720.
John's Father: Duncan Campbell was born 1645 in Drumboden, Ireland, and died between 1700 - 1725. He 1st married Marjorie Campbell. She was born Bet. 1640 - 1653. He 2nd he married Mary McCoy in 1672. She was born in 1648.
John's Grandfather: Andrew Campbell was born abt 1609, and died 1717. He married Mary Rich on December 17, 1637, daughter of Henry Rich, Earl. She was born abt 1615.
John's G-Grandfather: Hugh Campbell was born abt. 1560 in Ireland, and died aft. 1612. He married Mary Graham, daughter of William Graham. She was born Bet. 1580 - 1595.
John's GG-Grandfather: Patrick Campbell was born abt. 1530 in Inverary, Argylshire, Scotland.
John's GGG-Grandfather: Duncan Campbell was born Bet. 1490 - 1518 in Inverary, Argylshire, Scotland.
John's GGGG-Grandfather: Dugal Campbell was born 1480 in Inverary, Argylshire, Scotland.
John's GGGGG-Grandfather: Colin Campbell III was born abt. 1482, and died October 9, 1529. He married Jane Gordon, daughter of Alexander Gordon and Jane Stewart. She was born August 11, 1479, and died May 9, 1530.
John's GGGGGG-Grandfather: Colin Campbell II was born abt. 1434. He married Marion Houstoun abt. 1460. She was born abt. 1433.
John's GGGGGGG-Grandfather: Colin CAMPBELL, SR., 1ST EARL OF ARGYLL was born abt. 1433, and died May 10, 1493. He married Elizabeth Isabel Steward, daughter of John Steward. She was born abt. 1437, and died October 26, 1510.
John's GGGGGGGG-Grandfather: Archibald Campbell was born Abt. 1394. He married Elizabeth Sommerville. She was born abt. 1413.
John's GGGGGGGGG-Grandfather: Duncan "NA-ADH" Campbell was born abt. 1373 in Argylshire, Scotland, and died 1453 in Scotland. He married Margaret Stewart, OF Scotland on February 6, 1391 or 1392, daughter of Robert Stewart and Anabelle Drummond. She was born Bet. 1365 - 1380 in Renfrewshire, Scotland, and died March 4, 1459 or 1460 in Scotland. Duncan's date of birth is shown by some sources to be 1390. Margaret's date of birth is shown by some sources to be April 7, 1387. Also, in some sources, her father is shown to be John Stewart. Duncan and Margaret's date of marriage is shown by other sources to be January 17, 1422.
John's GGGGGGGGGG-Grandfather: Colin "Iongantach" Campbell was born abt. 1344 in Lochow, Argylshire, Scotland, and died 1413 in Scotland. He married Margaret Campbell, daughter of John Campbell. She was born 1348.
John's GGGGGGGGGGG-Grandfather: Archibald More4 CAMPBELL was born abt. 1310 in Lochow, Argylshire, Scotland, and died bet. 1372 - 1392. He married Isabelle Mary Lamont, daughter of John Lamont. She was born Abt. 1318 in Lochow, Argylshire, Scotland.
John's GGGGGGGGGGGG-Grandfather: Colin OIG3 Campbell was born in 1280, and died in 1340. He married Helena MOORE. She was born 1285, and died May 2, 1343.
John's GGGGGGGGGGGGG-Grandfather: Neil "MacCailen More" Campbell was born 1258, and died 1315. He married Mariota Cameron. She was born abt. 1260.
John's GGGGGGGGGGGGGG-Grandfather: Colin Mor1 Campbell was born 1230, and died 1294. He married Isabel Sinclair or ST. Clair. She was born abt. 1232.
Family links:
Grizella Grace Hay Campbell (1677 - ____)
John Campbell*
Patrick Campbell (1696 - 1767)*
David Campbell (1703 - 1790)*
Robert Campbell (1718 - 1810)*
Killed fighting Alexander, Lord of Lorn
Buried Church Of St. Peter The Deacon, Kilchrenan, Loch Awe
Notes ◦1 - The broad lands of Lorne passed into the hands of the Campbells of Lochow, the direct ancestors of the present ducal house of Argyll, about four hundred years ago; and it is remarkable that they were acquired, not by force of arms, but by a fortunate marriage. Sir Bernard Burke tells us that Sir Colin Campbell, of Lochow, in recognition of the great additions which he had made to the estates of the house of Campbell, and to his achievements in war, acquired the name of 'More,' or the Great, and that from him the head of his descendants, down to the present day, is known among his Gaelic' tenantry 'and clansmen as 'MacCallum More.' He received the honour of knighthood in A.D. 1280, from the hands of Alexander III. of Scotland; and eleven years later was one of the nominees of Robert Bruce in his contest for the Scottish crown. This renowned and gallant chieftain was slain in a contest with his powerful neighbour, the Lord of Lorne, at a place called the 'String of Cowal,' where an ugly obelisk of large size is erected over his grave. This event occasioned feuds for a series of years between the neighbouring Lairds of Lochow and Lorne, which were terminated at last by the marriage of Colin, second Lord Campbell of Lochow, and first Earl of Argyll, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland at the close of the fifteenth century, with Isabella Stuart, the eldest daughter and heiress of John, Laird of Lorne.
2 - Knight, son of Sir Gillespic Campbell of Menstrie (d ca 1280), k ca 1294, fighting Alexander, Lord of Lorne, at the Ath-dearg (red ford) of Lorn (where a cairn marks the site of his grave). Sir Colin m , possibly a dtr of Sinclair of Roslin (alias St Clair of Roslin), and had issue:
..A1 Neil, his heir
..A2 Donald Campbell, ancestor of the Campbells of Loudon.
..A3 Dugald Campbell of Torsa, Knight, Laird of Menstrie in Clackmannanshire, swore fealty to King Edward I in 1296, but later joined Robert Bruce.
..A4 Arthur Campbell, Knight, Constable of Dunstaffnage, swore fealty to King Edward I in 1296, but later joined Robert Bruce. (Some writers have doubted he was the son of Sir Colin.)
..A5 Duncan Campbell, alive in 1296.
..A6 Gillespie Campbell
3 - Sir CAILEIN MâOR Great Colin 1280-1294
From him the patronymic "Mac Cailein Mor" was derived as he added largely to his estates. In 1280 he was nighted by King Alexander III, the early titles were "de Ergadia" and Lords of Lochow. Sir Colin married a lady of the name of Sinclair, by whom he had five sons. From his island stronghold of Innischonnaill or Inchconnell (Innischonnel) he was already effectively dominating Lochawe and its surroundings in the very heart of Argyll. He died, 1294, slain in a fight with the MacDougalls of Lorne at the Red Ford in Lorn and lies buried at nearby Kilchrenan. This death is said to have occasioned bitter feuds betwixt the houses of Lochow and Lorn for a long period of years, which were put to an end to by the marriage of the daughter of the Celtic proprietor of Lorn, with John Stewart of Innermeath about 1386.
4 - http://www.clandonald.org.uk/genealogy/d0001/g0000070.html#I0198 suggests Sir Colin married the heiress of Duncan MacDuibhne, and that his son Neil and the daughter that married Angus Mor MacDonald of the Isles were from that marriage. This could be more confusion over which generation the MacDuibhne (O'Duibhne) heiress married into.
It is unusual that her father should be named as Duncan whereas all other sources name the father of the O'Duibhne heiress as Paul "the Sporran", ie. King's treasurer.
5 - Sir Colin Campbell Mor of Lochow, after whom the head of the Clan Campbell (now the Duke of Argyll) is known by the Gaelic title of 'Mac Cailean Mor', was knighted by King Alexander III in 1280, married a daughter of Sinclair of Roslin and was killed in 1294 at the Red Fort of Lorne fighting Alexander, Lord of Lorne.
6 - Cailean Mâor (fully, Cailean Mâor Caimbeul) , also known as Sir Colin Campbell (d. 1296 ), is one of the earliest attested members of Clan Campbell and an important ancestor figure of the later medieval Earls of Argyll .
Cailean was the son of one Gilleasbaig , a knight and lord of the estates of Menstrie and Sauchie in Clackmannanshire . It was first suggested in the 1970s that Cailean's mother was Afraig , a daughter of Cailean mac Dhonnchaidh , the brother of Niall, Earl of Carrick . [2] Although it has also been suggested that this Afraig was the daughter of Niall himself, there is no doubt that Afraig was of the family of the Gaelic Earls of Carrick . This means that Cailean himself was the cousin of the future king, Robert I of Scotland , which explains why the Campbells were so attached to the Bruce cause during the Wars of Scottish Independence .Cailean himself took part in the Great Cause , and was one of the Bruce representative advocates to King Edward I of England in 1291 .
He appears as a witness in various documents dating to the 1290s and relating to lordships in south-western Scotland. He appears (c. 1293 ) in the Newbattle Registrum, where he is called the son of "Gylascop Kambel" ("Gilleasbaig Caimbeul"), obtaining from Sir Robert Lindsay the estate of Symington; the document, which has James Stewart, 5th High Steward of Scotland , Lord of Kyle , as one of Cailean's pledgers, guarantees continued payment of rent to Newbattle Abbey . In 1295 , Cailean appears as a witness in a charter of James Stewart granted to Paisley Abbey , and in 1296 appears again in the Paisley Registrum attesting the marriage of James to the sister of Richard de Burgh , Earl of Ulster . Cailean also witnessed a charter of Maol Choluim , the contemporary Mormaer or Earl of Lennox , and in another Lennox charter in which he is granted lands in Cowal by John Lamont, one of Maol Chaluim's vassals.
By 1296, and perhaps by 1293, Cailean held the position of "Ballie" of Loch Awe and Ardscotnish , a position he was granted either by King John Balliol or Edward I of England. It was this position that made him the enemy for Iain of Lorn, the MacDougall Lord of Lorne . Sometime after September 1296, Cailean was killed by the MacDougalls at the "Red Ford" on the borders of Loch Awe and Lorne.
Cailean's great fame lies in the fact that the later Earls and Dukes of Argyll claimed descent from him, and styled themselves "Mac Cailein Mâor", son or descendant of "Colin the Great".
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cailean_M%C3%B3r ]
7 - The Chief of Clan Campbell takes his Gaelic title of 'MacCailein Mor' from Colin Mor Campbell - 'Colin the Great' who was killled in 1296, and was succeeded by his son Sir Neil Campbell, companion and brother-in-law of King Robert the Bruce.
[ http://www.inveraray-castle.com/Pages/content.asp?PageID=79 ]
Sources 1.[S521] http://www.baronage.co.uk/bphtm-03/campbe01.html
2.[S474] Colquoun_Cunningham.ged, Jamie Vans
3.[S73] Burke's Landed Gentry of Great Britain 2001, Peter Beauclerk Dewar,, (2001.)
4.[S67] Macdonald genealogy, Roddy Macdonald of the Clan Donald Society of Edinburgh, (http://www.clandonald.org.uk/genealogy.htm), genealogy/d0000/g0000035.html#I0039 (Reliability: 3)
5.[S5] International Genealogical Index - submitted, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
6.[S132] Nevin Genealogica, mailto:linda@nivenfamily.org, (http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~nivenfamily/index.html), genealogica_chapter8.html (Reliability: 3)
FamilySearch []https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LTJC-VTZ?1=1&spous...
Son and heir of Sir Gillespic Campbell 1st of Menstrie.
Created: 1st Lord of Lochow
Other Titles: 2nd of Menstrie, Chief of Clan Campbell
Birth: January 1230, Lochawe, Argyll, Scotland, United Kingdom
Death: 1294 (Age 65), Argyll, Scotland, United Kingdom
Marriage: about 1249, Scotland
Children (10)
* Sir Archibald Gillespic Campbell 8th Laird of Lochowe (1199-1280)
Marriage: 1229, Lochawe, Argyll, Scotland
* Erricka de Carrick (1201-1280)
Children (4)
1230 |
January 1230
Lochow, Argyllshire, Scotland
1252 |
Lochawe, Argyll and Bute, Scotland
1258 |
January 1258
Lochow, Argyllshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1268 |
Dunstaffnage, Scotland
1294 |
Lochow, Argyllshire, Scotland
1296 |
Age 66
String of Lorne, Argyll and Bute, Scotland
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |
Church of St Peter the Deacon, Kilchrenan, Argyll and Bute, Scotland (United Kingdom)