Sir John Arundell, VI, Esq.

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Sir John Arundell, VI, Esq.

Also Known As: "John Arundel"
Birthplace: Bideford, Devon, England (United Kingdom)
Death: December 04, 1423 (30-31)
Ewias Lacy, Herefordshire, England (United Kingdom)
Place of Burial: West Sussex, England, United Kingdom
Immediate Family:

Son of Vice-Admiral Sir John Arundell, V and Lady Eleanor Annora Arundel
Husband of Margaret de Arundell
Father of Sir John Arundell, VII, Kt.
Brother of Sir Thomas Arundell, MP; Sir Renfrey Arundel, MP; Philippa Bodrugan and Joan Arundell, Abbess of Canonsleigh

Managed by: Duane Harley Roen
Last Updated:

About Sir John Arundell, VI, Esq.

Primary Sources

Inquisitions Post Mortem for John Arundell of Bideford, Esquire, Writ. 26 May 1424.

Family members mentioned:
"Margaret his late wife"

He died on 4 December last [1423]. John Arundell is his son and next heir, aged 3 years and more.

Family and Education

b.c.1392, 1st. s. of (Sir) John Arundell I*. m. by 1417, Margaret (c. 1376-c.1421), er. da. and coh. of Sir John Burghersh* of Ewelme, Oxon., wid of Sir John Grenville* (d.1412) of Bideford, 1s.


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Sir John Arundell, VI, Esq.'s Timeline

Bideford, Devon, England (United Kingdom)
June 9, 1421
Bideford, Devon, England (United Kingdom)
December 4, 1423
Age 31
Ewias Lacy, Herefordshire, England (United Kingdom)
December 4, 1423
Age 31
Arundel, West Sussex, England, United Kingdom