Sir Simon Constable

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Sir Simon Constable (1243 - 1294)

Also Known As: "Simon le Constable", "Simon de Constable"
Birthplace: Halsham, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
Death: February 1294 (46-55)
York Castle, York, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom) (Perhaps starvation )
Place of Burial: Longthorpe Grange, Yorks, England
Immediate Family:

Son of Sir William Constable, of Halsham and Cecily de Thweng
Husband of Catherine Constable; Joan Constable; Katherine Wyvelesby and Alice Constable
Father of Sir Robert Constable, of Halsham; Clemence de Boulton; Ela Fauconberg; Maud Constable; Erneburga Constable and 1 other
Brother of Galfred Constable; William Constable and Sir Robert Constable, of Flamborough

Managed by: Angus Wood-Salomon
Last Updated:

About Sir Simon Constable

Simon Constable

  • Birth: about 1243 - Halsham,Yorkshire,England
  • Parents: William Constable, Cecilia Thweng
  • Married: 1) Joan 2) Katherine Wyvelesby 3) Alice Fitton
  • Death: Feb 1294 (perhaps starvation while imprisoned)
  • Burial: before Apr 10 1294 - Longthorpe, Grange, Yorkshire,England

Children include

  1. Robert (VII).
  2. Ela, mar. John Fauconberg.
  3. Herneburgh
  4. Clemence
  5. Richard


The eldest son, is witness in a charter of King Henry III. 1259; and to another of King Ethvard I. 1287. He had grant of free-warren in Pagula, Holme, Kaynham, Otteringham, Thurlesthorpe, West-Halsham, Punchaugh, BurtonConstable, Merton, Benningholm, and many others, anno 1287. It appears, by an inquisition after his death, that he had been possessed of extensive landed property in several counties, of all which Robert, his son and heir, was in possession, anno 1294. [5]


Sir Simon Constable, of Halsham, son of William le Constable and Cecilia de Thweng was married three times. Firstly to Joan who was the mother of his son and heir Robert Constable. Secondly to Alice, who survived him and also, at the same time to Katherine, daughter of Philip de Wyvlesby who also survived him. Her name is clearly recorded in the Registers of William Wickwane, Archbisop of York. His first wife Joan appears to have been poisoned by Katherine. Simon died in prison in York Castle in early 1294.

1275, octaves of B.V.M, Penance of Simon Constable for adultery with Katherine, wife of Sir John Danthorpe. He bound himself to pay £100 to the succour of the Holy Land if he transgressed again [1].

September 1277, Demise for a year by Dame Katherine, widow of Sir John de Dantorp to Sir Simon the Constable property all her land of Pinndaxe and Skefcling with her manor of Pinnhaxe. And (for herself, and for her daughter (and Sir John's) Erneburg) all property falling to them on death of Sir John in Wencop, Pinndhaxe and Skefcling Rendering £10. Witnesses: Sir John de Frismarais, Sir Fulk the Constable. Morrow of Pentecost, 1277 [2].

15 April 1280, Mandate to the dean of Holderness to publish the excommunications of Simon Constable and Katherine, widow of John of Danthorpe. 17 April 1280, Mandate to the same that Constable having been absolved, the publication was not to be made [3].

16 November 1280, Mandate to the dean of Holderness to cite Katherine of Danethorpe to appear before the archbishop to answer certain charges [4].

26 June 1282, Decision in favour of the marriage of Simon Constable and Katherine de Wyvelesby [dominum Symonem, dictum Constabularium, et Caterinam, filiam Philippi de Wyvelesby] [5].

Simon le Constable died in prison in 1293 (or probably the early part of 1294). The Annals of Dunstable record that in 1293: "Eodem anno justiciarii itinerantes apud Eboracum valde rigide se gerebant; et quendam nobilem, Simonem le Constable nomine, de multiis feloniis arreptatum, ad poenitentiam statuti poserunt, quia veredictum patriae recusavit. Et, mortuus est in prisona" In the same year the Justices in Eyre at York, behaved very rigorously; and to a certain man of noble birth, by the name of Simon le Constable, accused of many felonies, they have put to repentance of the law, because the verdict of his country refused to. And, he is dead in prison [6].

The writ for the inquisition post mortem of Simon le Conestable was issued on 1 March 1294 and the inquisition was held on 10 April 1294. Robert son of Simon le Conestable, aged 29 years and upwards was found to be his heir [7].

A detailed description of many of the properties held by Sir Simon at the time of his death is given in the following:
The history and antiquities of the seigniory of Holderness By George Poulson. Page 225. "Middle Bailiwick"

20 June 1294, Pardon to Catherine, late the wife of Simon le Conestable, for having, as is said prepared a poison (intoxicacom') for John de Danethorp, sometime her husband, Joan, sometime the wife of the said Simon, and Henry de Thorleye, whereof she was indicted before Hugh de Cressingham and his fellows, justices in eyre in the county of York [8].

18 October 1295, Katherine, late the wife of Simon le Conestable, acknowledges that she owes to Thomas de Boulton and Clemencia, his wife, 31 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. York [9].


  • 1. The Register of Walter Giffard, Lord Archbishop of York, 1266-1279, Surtees Society, 104 (1904), 282.
  • 2. East Riding of Yorkshire Archives and Records Service: Chichester-Constable Family, DDCC/135/51.
  • 3. The Register of William Wickwane, Lord Archbishop of York, 1279-1285, Surtees Society, 114 (1907), 94.
  • 4. The Register of William Wickwane, Lord Archbishop of York, 1279-1285, Surtees Society, 114 (1907), 105.
  • 5. The Register of William Wickwane, Lord Archbishop of York, 1279-1285, Surtees Society, 114 (1907), 282.
  • 6. Henry Richards Luard, ed., Annales Monastici, Vol. III, Rolls Series (1866), 377.
  • 7. Yorkshire Inquisitions, Vol. II, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Record Series, 23 (1898), 160-2.
  • 8. Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I, vol. 3, 76.
  • 9. Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I, vol. 3, 1288-1296 (1904), 462.
  • Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, with Additions, Parts 5-7 (Google eBook) Sir William Dugdale W. Pollard & Company, 1901 - Yorkshire (England)
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Sir Simon Constable's Timeline

Halsham, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
Halsham, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
Halsham, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
East Riding, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
Halsham, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
February 1294
Age 51
York Castle, York, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)