Immediate Family
half sister
half brother
half brother
About Stenkil, king of Sweden
Stenkil Ragnvaldsson
- Fifth was King Stenkil. He loved the Visigoths above all the men who were in his kingdom. And he was a good shooter and strong, so that even his marks are in Levene . One is called the King's Stone. Another stands at Konungsledstolpe, a third on Ståndsberget. And the people of Västgötland rejoiced over him, as long as his days of life lasted.
- Stenkil , King of Sweden and founder of a royal family, the stenkilska (ca. 1060 – ca. 1130), was probably of Västgötland descent and married to Emund the Old daughter. He ascended the throne after the death of his father-in-law at the end of the 1050s and reigned until around 1066. From contemporary sources, S. is portrayed as a pious man who with zeal and wisdom promoted the spread of Christianity in our country. In his native village he was preserved in faithful memory as the one who "loved the Visigoths above all the men in his kingdom," and he was praised as a mighty archer, whose marks were long shown with admiration. One Old folklore tells that after his death S. was buried in the so-called Kungskullen in Levene parish in Västergötland. Of S's descendants, his two sons Hallsten and Inge later became kings in Sweden.
- The Peerage
- Geneall
- Wikipedia
- Wikipedia Staraya Ladoga
- https://sok.riksarkivet.se/sbl/Mobil/Artikel/20139
★King of Sweden: 1060 - 1066
Predecessor: Emund the Old Successor:Eric Stenkilsson and [Erik "Hedningen"]
Project MedLands, Sweden Kings
STENKIL Ragnvaldson, son of RAGNVALD Ulfsson Jarl in Västergötland & his second wife Astrid Njalsdotter (-1066). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Adam of Bremen names "nepos an privignus regis…Stinkil" when recording that he repulsed the legates of the Archbishop of Bremen, in the subsequent passage clarifying that he was "nepos eius [=rex Sueonum Emund] Stinkel" when recording that he succeeded on the death of Emund[80]. The reference to "nepos" would be consistent with Stenkil having been King Emund's stepson. He succeeded in 1060 as STENKIL King of Sweden. Adam of Bremen records the death of "in Sueonia rex Stinkel" and that after this "duobus Hericis" fought each other for the kingdom[81], the passage undated but following the record of the Norman conquest of England in 1066. Snorre records that "Steinkel, the Swedish king, died about the same time as the two Haralds fell" and was succeeded by "Hakon"[82]. married, The identity of King Stenkil's wife is not known. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[83], she was Emundsdottir, daughter of EMUND Slemme "den Gamle/the Old" King of Sweden & his first wife. The primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. It is possible that the marriage is uncorroborated in contemporary documentation but was assumed by later genealogists to explain Stenkil's succession as king. It is also possible that it is no more than a guess based on Adam of Bremen recording that "nepos eius [=rex Sueonum Emund] Stinkel" succeeded on the death of Emund[84], as “nepos” could presumably cover son-in-law. The accession could have been justified solely on the basis of Stenkil´s being the king's stepson, although it is not impossible that it was also confirmed by subsequent marriage to his predecessor's daughter, if indeed he had one[85].
King Stenkil & his wife had [two] children:
- 1. Halsten Stenkilsson The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. He succeeded in [1070] as HALSTEN King of Sweden. Snorre records that "Steinkel, the Swedish king, died about the same time as the two Haralds fell" and was succeeded by "Hakon"[86], but does not specify the family relationship between the two.] m ---. The name of Halsten's wife is not known.
Halsten & his wife had two children:
- a) FILIP Halstensson (-1118). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. He succeeded as FILIP King of Sweden. married as her second husband, INGEGÄRD of Norway, widow of OLUF I “Hunger” King of Denmark, daughter of HARALD III "Hardråde" King of Norway & his wife Ielisaveta Iaroslavna of Kiev. Snorre names "one Maria, the other Ingegerd" as the daughters of King Harald & his wife[87]. Snorre records the marriage of "Olaf, the Danish King Svein's son" and "Ingegerd, a daughter of King Harald and sister of King Olaf of Norway"[88]. The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not yet been identified.
- b) INGE Halstensson ' (-[1125]). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. He succeeded as INGE II King of Sweden. After his death, Magnus Nielsson of Denmark was chosen as king of Sweden [V%C3%A4sterg%C3%B6tland] in 1129[89]. married firstly RAGNHILD, daughter of ?. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. St Ragnhild of Telje is identified in some sources as queen of King Inge II[90]. married secondly as her first husband, ULVHILD Haakonsdotter, daughter of HAAKON Finsson & his wife (-before 1143). Fagrskinna names “Úlfhildr dróttning, dóttir Hákonar Finnssunar Hárekssunar or Þjóttu” as mother of “Karl konungs”, adding that she had first married “Nikolás Danakonungr”, secondly “Ingi Sviakonungr Hallsteinssunr” and thirdly “Sverkir konungr Kolssunr”[91]. She married secondly, as his second wife, Niels King of Denmark (-murdered 25 Jun 1134). Her second marriage is referred to by Saxo Grammaticus who states that "Ulvildam Noricam", wife of "Nicolaus", was secretly abducted by Sverker I King of Sweden but their "connection was accepted as a marriage"[92].
- 2. INGE Stenkilsson (-[1111]). Snorre names Inge as son of Stenkel when recording that he succeeded Hakon as king[93]. He lived in Russia before being recalled to Sweden to become king, although the primary source on which this statement is based has not yet been identified. He succeeded in 1080 as INGE I King of Sweden. Orkneyinga Saga records that “King Ingi Steinkelsson” was deposed because of his Christianity and replaced by “another king who still adhered to the pagan rites, the queen´s brother Svein, nicknamed the Sacrificer”, adding that Inge “was forced into exile and went to West Gotaland, but eventually managed to trap Svein inside a house and burnt him there” before resuming control[94]. married firstly HELENA, daughter of ?. Her marriage is confirmed by a charter dated 1194/95 which names “Cristinæ Reginæ…filia…Ingonis Suevorum Regis et Helena Reginæ”[95]. Presumably Helena originated in Russia where her husband allegedly lived before 1080. She is first named in Abbot William's genealogy of the Danish kings written in [1193][96]. Her possible Russian or Byzantine origin, and whether the series of Greek names were introduced into the Swedish royal family through her influence, is discussed by M. Sjöström[97]. married secondly MAER, sister of BLOT-SVEN [later King of Sweden]. She is the wife attributed to King Inge in the Sagas, but as "Maer" means "the maiden" she may be identical with his first wife shown above. However, Sjöström suggests that Queen Helena´s religious donations indicate that this is unlikely to be correct because Blot-Sven is recorded in primary sources as a heathen[99].
King Inge & his first wife HELENA had four children:
- a) CHRISTINA (-18 Jan 1122). Fagrskinna records that “Harald konungr”, son of “Valdimars ok Gydu”, married “Kristinar, dóttur Inga konungs Steinkelssunar”[100]. Morkinskinna records that “Haraldr Valdimarsson” married “Kristin, the daughter of King Ingi Steinkelsson king of the Swedes”[101]. A genealogy written by Vilhelm Abbot of Æbelholt records that “Christina avia Waldemari regis filia fuit Ingonis Svevorum regis et Helene regine”[102]. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a charter dated 1194/95 which names “Ingiburgh filia Rizlavi…Ruthenorum Regis et Cristinæ Reginæ…filia…Ingonis Suevorum Regis et Helena Reginæ”[103]. m (1095) as his first wife, MSTISLAV I Vladimirovich Grand Prince of Kiev, son of VLADIMIR Vsevolodich "Monomakh" Grand Prince of Kiev & his first wife Gytha of England (1076-15 Apr 1132).
- b) MARGRETA "Fredkulla/peace-bringing woman" (-4 Nov [1130], bur Roskilde). Snorre records that the marriage of "King Inge's daughter Margaret" and King Magnus was agreed at "Konghelle on the Gaut river" under the agreement which settled disputes between the kings of Norway, Denmark and Sweden[104]. Saxo records that her first marriage took place after the peace meeting between the three Scandinavian kings at Gotaalv in 1101, hence her nickname[105]. Snorre names "Queen Margaret, a daughter of King Inge, who had before been married to King Magnus Barefoot" as the wife of "the Danish king Nikolas, a son of Svein Ulfson"[106]. m firstly ([1101]%29 MAGNUS III "Berrføtt/Barfod/Barfot/Barefoot" King of Norway, illegitimate son of OLAV III "Kyrre/the Gentle" King of Norway & his mistress --- (-killed in battle in Ireland 24 May 1103). m secondly ([1105]) as his first wife, NIELS King of Denmark, illegitimate son of SVEND II King of Denmark & his mistress --- (-murdered Schleswig 25 Jun 1134).
- c) KATARINA. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not so far been identified. m BJØRN "Jernside/Ironside" of Denmark, son of HARALD "Kesja" Regent of Denmark & his wife Ragnhild of Norway (-drowned 1134).
- d) RAGVALD Ingesson His parentage is given in the Fagrskinna genealogy[107]. Snorre names "Ragnvald, who was the son of the Swedish King Inge Steinkelson" when recording his daughter's marriage[108]. Claimant to the throne. Under-King in Västergötland. He was killed when he arrived uninvited at the ting at Karlaby[109]. m ---. The name of Ragvald's wife is not known.
Ragvald & his wife had one child:
- i) INGRID Ragvaldsdotter (-after 1161). Her first marriage is confirmed by Snorre naming "Magnus…and…Ragnvald" as sons of "Queen Ingerid and Henrik Halte…a son of the Danish king Svein Sveinson"[110]. According to Saxo Grammaticus, her first marriage was arranged by her paternal aunt Margareta Queen of Denmark to improve relations between the Swedish and Danish royal families[111]. She deserted her first husband, allegedly with a lover, but she was recaptured at Ålborg and brought home[112]. Snorre records the marriage of King Harald and "Ingerid, a daughter of Ragnvald, who was the son of the Swedish King Inge Steinkelson"[113]. Morkinskinna records that Harald married “Ingirídr, Rognvaldr´s daughter”[114]. Snorre records that Queen Ingerid married "Ottar Birting…a lendermen and a great chief, and of a Trondheim family" after the death of King Harald, but that he was killed "north in the merchant town"[115]. Snorre records that "Queen Ingerid had a son to Ivar Sneis…called Orm [nicknamed]…King-brother", and afterwards married "Arne of Stodreim, who was from this called King's-mate", their children being "Inge, Nikolas, Philip of Herdla, and Margaret who first married Bjorn Buk and afterwards Simon Karason"[116]. m firstly HENRIK "Skadelår/the Limper" of Denmark, son of SVEND Svensson of Denmark & his wife --- (-killed in battle near Fotevig 4 Jun 1134). m secondly ([Jun 1134/36]) HARALD "Gille" King of Norway, illegitimate son of MAGNUS III King of Norway & his mistress --- (-murdered Bergen 14 Dec 1136). m thirdly (1136) OTTARR Birting (-murdered [1146/47]). [m] [fourthly] IVAR Sneis . The source cited above suggests that Ingrid and Ivar Sneis were not married. m [fourthly/fifthly] ARNE Ivarsson "Kongsmag", at Stodreim in Norway (-after 1161).
Source Project MedLands, Swden Kings
The Hervarar saga has a great deal to tell about Stenkil:
There was a great man of noble family in Sweden called Steinkel. His mother's name was Astrith, the daughter of Njal the son of Fin the Squinter, from Halogaland; and his father was Rögnvald the Old. Steinkel was an Earl in Sweden at first, and then after the death of Eymund, the Swedes elected him their King. Then the throne passed out of the line of the ancient kings of Sweden. Steinkel was a mighty prince. He married the daughter of King Eymund. He died in his bed in Sweden about the time that King Harold fell in England. Steinkel had a son called Ingi, who became King of Sweden after Haakon.
The Hervarar saga describes Stenkil as the son of a Ragnvald and later historians have identified this father as Ragnvald Ulfsson who was the earl of Staraja Ladoga and the grandson of the legendary Viking Skagul Toste. But this presumed family-connection is not supported by any other sources and must therefore be regarded as very uncertain. The Icelandic sagas mention a wife and two sons to Ragnvald Ulfsson but none are identical with Stenkil and his mother Astrid.
King of Sweden ca 1060 - 1066..
- The Anderson-Krogh genealogy including ancestral lines / compiled by Lester W. Hansen, by Hansen, Lester Welhaven, 1886 - https://archive.org/details/andersonkroghgen00hans/page/72
- Den Äldre Västgötalagen's kungalängd - http://wadbring.com/historia/sidor/vglagkungar.htm
- Snorre Sturluson (1993), Nordiska kungasagor. Magnus den gode till Magnus Erlingsson. Stockholm: Fabel, p. 129-30 (Harald Sigurdsson's Saga, Chapter 69).
- Nordic family book / Owl edition. 26. Slöke - Stockholm - http://runeberg.org/nfcf/0664.html
- Ancient stories of the Nordic countries The story of Hervar and Heiðrek - http://wayback.vefsafn.is/wayback/20070508170621/http://www.heimskr...
Om Stenkil, kung av Sverige (svenska)
Stenkil Ragnvaldsson
Vald till Emunds efterträdare. Konung 1061-66, han var storvuxen och en stark bågskytt. Den äldre västgötalagen skriver om honom "Han älskade västgötarna framför alla de män i hans rike voro, ochn han var en god skytt och stark, så att ännu stå hans skattemärke i Leverne; ett kallas konungsten, det andra står vid konungens ledstolpe, det tredje vid ståndsberget, och västgötarna voro alltid glada åt honom. så länge hans livtid varade" Stenkil stred mot den norske kungen Harald Hårdråde och stödde den norske jarlen Håkan när han kom som flykting till Sverige.
- http://genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00049970&tree=LEO
- https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Staraya+Ladoga,+Leningrad+Oblas...
- https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stenkil
- https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staraja_Ladoga
Aldeigjuborg, Staraya Ladoga, Russia: är vikinkangars medeltida boställe. Viikingit kuljettivat kauppatavaroita jokea pitkin. Staraja Ladoga oli heidän keskiaikainen asuinpaikkansa. Slaavit asuivat Volgan eteläpuolella. (Anja Danska os. Varo s. 1935-, 2.7.2018.)
Stenkil, född ca 1028, ( troligen före 1020 med tanke på att hans påstådda far dog däromkring) död ca 1066, kung av Sverige som regerade på 1060-talet.
Stenkil föddes i Gårdarike (nuvarande del av Ryssland) där hans far var jarl över Aldejuborg. När fadern dog flyttade Stenkil med sin mamma till Sverige där hon gifte om sig med den svenske kungen Edmund den gamle.
Stenkil efterträdde Emund den gamle. Han gynnade kristendomen under 1060-talets hedniska reaktion och medverkade troligen till upprättandet av ett biskopssäte i Sigtuna. Stenkil dog helt plötsligt i en hetsig feber år 1066. Enligt Hervararsagan dog Stenkil sotdöden i Svitjod, samma år som Harald Hårdråde stupade vid Stamford Bridge i England, 1066.
Stenkil tog initiativ till att domkyrkan-Sankt Pers domkyrka-uppfördes i Sigtuna. Det är också troligt att denna kyrka under viss tid fungerade som ärkestiftets domkyrka. I Uppsala fanns ett hednatempel som biskoparna i Lund och Skara ville bränna ner, men detta hindrades av Stenkil.
Stenkil var en god men försiktig kristen och kände sig mest som västgöte hela sitt liv. Storvuxen, fet och tung och en stor dryckesman. Han skall ha varit en skicklig bågskytt och hans "skottmärken" visades ännu länge på hans hemort Levene i Västergötland, där han också ligger begravd i den s.k. Kungskullen. Han var stamfar för Stenkilska ätten.
Om Stenkilska ätten
Stenkilska ätten, kungaätt som regerade i Sverige ca 1060 - ca 1125. Till ätten hörde förutom stamfadern Stenkil hans söner Halsten och Inge d.ä. och Halstens söner Filip och Inge d.y. Inge d.ä:s dotter Katarina var gift med danske kungaättlingen Björn Järnsida och svärmor till den svenske kungen Erik den helige, dottern Margareta Fredkulla var maka till den danske kungen Nils och mor till den svenske tronpretendenten Magnus Nilsson. En tredje dotter, Kristina, gifte sig med den ryske fursten Msrislav av Novgorod.
I de flesta uppslagsböcker framgår att hustrun till Stenkil, Maria, var Emund den gamles dotter. Men närmare forskning och kontakt med personer som specialstuderat just Stenkilsätten (Sören Lindhe, Linköping) ifrågasätter detta.
Sören Lindhe går på uteslutningsprincipen och hävdar att hade Maria varit Edmund den gamles dotter skulle Stenkil gift sig med sin halvsyster. Därför anser Sören att det bör vara Edmunds bror Jakob som är far till Maria (Anudsdotter). I detta sammanhang anges därför detta troligare släktförförhållande.
1) Gustaf Elgenstierna - Den introducerade adelns ättartavlor
2) Lars O. Lagerqvist - Sveriges regenter - från forntid till nutid
3) Gunnar Hedin - Sveriges kungar och drottningar under 1000 år
:Kung av Sverige ca 1060 - 1066.
Ifølge Dick Harrysson finnes det ingen ting som tyder på att Olof Skjötkonung, Anund Jakob, Emund gamle og Stenkil innvrkede noe som helst inflytende over stormenn og bønder i bygdene sør om vest og østgöta slettene.
Muligens har de utøvet overhøhet i kystområdene rundt østersjøen. Hovud delen av dagens Småland sto då utenfor riks styret. Skäne, Halland og Blekinge drogs i stedet inn i en helt annen riks skapnings prosess, den som resulterte i det dansk politiske systemet. Var konge av Sverige.
Stenkil, king of Sweden's Timeline
1020 |
Aldeigjuborg, Staraya Ladoga, Russia (Russian Federation)
1049 |
1055 |
1060 |
Götaland, Sweden
Inge D: Stenkilsson
Far: Stenkil RANGVALDSSON (- 1066)
Född: 1055 Västergötland
Årtal Ålder Händelse
Skapad av MinSläkt 3,6, Programmet Tillhör: Roland Knutsson |
1065 |
Uppsala, Sweden
Drottning Helena BLOTSTULKA (Blot-Sven)
Född: 1050
Årtal Ålder Händelse
Skapad av MinSläkt 3,6, Programmet Tillhör: Roland Knutsson |
1066 |
April 1066
Age 46
Kungskullen, Levene, Västergötland, Sweden
Age 46
Kungskullen, Levene, Västergötland, Sweden
???? | |||
???? |