Immediate Family
About Sunyer I, XIII comte de Barcelona
PLEASE NOTE: Sunyer I and Sunifred II were not the same person: they were apparently brothers, sons of Guifre/Wilfred the Hairy.
Sunyer, Count of Barcelona
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sunyer (c.870-950) was count of Barcelona, Girona and Ausona from 911 to 947.
He was the son of Wilfred the Hairy and younger brother of the previous Count of Barcelona, Wilfred II Borrel. He worked jointly with his brother in the government of the Counties held by their father after his death in 897. He did not reign independently until his brother's death in (911).
Family Conflict
However on the death of his uncle, Count Radulf I of Besalú, in 913 or 920, a conflict emerged between Sunyer and his brother Count Miró II of Cerdanya over the succession of the County of Besalú. In exchange for the total renunciation of all claims on the County of Barcelona, Sunyer gave up his claim on Besalú.
Sunyer was apparently married by 917, and later appears with wife Richilda, speculated, based on the introduction of novel names into the family, to have been daughter of the Count of Rouergue. They had four sons and a daughter: Ermengol, Miró, Borrell, Adelaide (also called Bonafilla), and Wifred.
Sunyer made important efforts with domestic politics, protected the church and strengthened its institutions and gave it more land and income. He also continued to encourage the repopulation of the county of Ausona.
He abandoned defensive stance adopted by his predecessors and took up the fight actively against the Moorish states to the south. Battles were fought at Lleida and Tarragona. At the same time, he managed to retain diplomatic relations with Córdoba who had increasingly lost control of its northern provinces. In 912 the Moorish Wali of Lérida attacked and destroyed the Barcelonian army under Sunifred in the Tàrrega valley. However in 914 Sunyer's counterattack successfully pushed them back again. He subsequently repopulated the county of Penedès, which had been the scene of many conflicts between the Frankish and Muslim empires, as far as Olèrdola (929).
During the intervening period, 936 to 937, he led an expedition against the Muslims. He defeated the Valencia including the Germanic tribe of the Quadi. As a result the Moors temporarily abandoned Tarragona (which became a no-man's land) and Tortosa was forced to pay a tribute to the count. In 940, he was forced by Abd ar-Rahman III to abandon a marriage pact reached with king García Sánchez I of Pamplona, who was to marry, or had already married, Sunyer's daughter.
In 947 he retired to monastic life and ceded the government of his realms to his sons; Borrell II and Miró I. He died in the Monastery of La Grassa (in Conflent) in 950.
SUNYER [I] (-15 Oct 954). The Gesta Comitum Barcinonensium names (in order) "Radulfum, Guiffredum, Mironem et Suniarium" as the four sons of "Guiffredus Pilosus comes" & his wife, specifying that Sunyer succeeded his father "in comitatu Urgelli et fuit primus comes Urgelli"[118]. He succeeded his father jointly with his brother in 897 as Comte de Barcelona, Girona and Ausona, and his brother in 911 as Comte de Barcelona, Girona i Ausona. He succeeded his brother Sunifredo in 948 as Comte de Urgell.
SUNYER [I] de Barcelona, son of GUIFRÉ [I] "el Velloso/el Pilós/the Hairy" Comte de Barcelona & his wife Guinidilda --- (-15 Oct 954, bur Ripoll Monastery). The Gesta Comitum Barcinonensium names (in order) "Radulfum, Guiffredum, Mironem et Suniarium" as the four sons of "Guiffredus Pilosus comes" & his wife, specifying that Sunyer succeeded his father "in comitatu Urgelli et fuit primus comes Urgelli"[132]. He succeeded his father jointly with his brother in 897 as Comte de Barcelona, Girona and Ausona, and his brother in 911 as sole Comte de Barcelona, Girona and Ausona. "Idelherus epicopus, Geresendes cometissa, Suniarius comes et marchio, Ermemirus vicescomes" signed a document dated 1 Dec 911 as executors of "Vuifredo comite condam filius fuit Vuifredo comite condam"[133]. “Suniarius…comes et Marchio” donated property to the church of Girona, for the souls of “patri meo Wifredi quondam, vel fratri meo Wifredi quondam…vel filio meo Borrello”, by charter dated 23 Nov 934[134]. Faced with Muslim attacks along the coast at Maresme and Empordà, comte Sunyer launched a counter-attack in 936 which was halted by Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ilyas who led the siege of Zaragoza[135]. Caliph Abd Al-Rahman III made peace with comte Sunyer in 940. Suniario and his wife Richildis donated property to the church of Santa Eulalia & Santa Cruz, Barcelona, for the souls of "sus padres Wifredo y Winidilda y de su hermano Borrell conde y de su hijo Ermengaudo difuntos" by charter dated 944[136]. "Suniarius comes et coniux mea Rechellis comitissa" donated property to the monastery of Santa Cecilia de Montserrat by charter dated 31 Jul 945[137]. He succeeded his brother Sunifredo in 948 as Comte de Urgell. Suniario donated property to the abbey of la Grasse by charter dated 30 Jun 953[138]. The martirilogio of Vic records the death "Id Oct" of "Suniarius"[139]. The year of his death is narrowed to 954 given the charter dated 19 Feb 955 under which his son Comte Borrell granted property, acquired from "su difunto padre el conde Suniario", to his cousin Miró[140]. The Gesta Comitum Barcinonensium the death in 950 of "Sunyer" and his burial "in monasterio Rivipolli"[141].
m (917 or before) RICHILDE, daughter of --- (-after 954). Bofarull states that she is named as wife of Sunyer in 917 in a donation to the monastery of San Cucufáte del Vallés by "los hermanos Ermenardo y Udalardo" but does not cite the precise reference[142]. "Suniarius comes et coniux mea Rechellis comitissa" donated property to the monastery of Santa Cecilia de Montserrat by charter dated 31 Jul 945[143]. "Ricildis comitissa" donated property to the abbey of la Grasse by charter dated 954 before 31 Aug subscribed by "Miro comes, Borellus comes"[144], the subscribers assumed to be her sons. Szabolcs de Vajay suggests[145] that she was Richilde de Rouergue, daughter of Ermengaud de Toulouse Comte de Rouergue & his wife Adelais ---, to explain the transmission of the name Armengol [Ermengaud] into the Barcelona family.
Sunyer [I] & his wife had five children:
1. BORRELL [II] de Barcelona (-30 Sep 993). The Gesta Comitum Barcinonensium names (in order) "Borellus, Ermengaudus et Miro" as the three sons of "Sunyer"[146]. His parentage, and the fact that he was probably his father´s oldest son, is confirmed by the charter dated 23 Nov 934 under which “Suniarius…comes et Marchio” donated property to the church of Girona, for the souls of “patri meo Wifredi quondam, vel fratri meo Wifredi quondam…vel filio meo Borrello”[147]. He succeeded as Comte de Barcelona, Girona, Ausona, i Urgell.
- see below.
2. ARMENGOL de Barcelona (-21 Aug [940/942]). The Gesta Comitum Barcinonensium names (in order) "Borellus, Ermengaudus et Miro" as the three sons of "Sunyer"[148]. Comte de Ausona. A charter dated 939 records the dedication of the church of Santa Maria de Moyá, under the authority of "princeps…dominus comes Suniarius et Marchione…et eius…prolus Ermengaudus Ausonensis comitis"[149]. The necrologies of Vic, Girona and Ripoll record that "Ermengaudus comes filius Suniarii comitis" was killed "XI Kal Sep"[150]. Sunyer donated property to Santa Maria de Ripoll for the soul of "su hijo Ermengaudo condam" by charter dated 6 Sep 943[151]. Suniario and his wife Richildis donated property to the church of Santa Eulalia & Santa Cruz, Barcelona, for the souls of "sus padres Wifredo y Winidilda y de su hermano Borrell conde y de su hijo Ermengaudo difuntos" by charter dated 944[152].
3. MIRÓ de Barcelona (-31 Oct 966). The Gesta Comitum Barcinonensium names (in order) "Borellus, Ermengaudus et Miro" as the three sons of "Sunyer"[153]. Comte de Barcelona i Ausona. "Ricildis comitissa" donated property to the abbey of la Grasse by charter dated 954 before 31 Aug subscribed by "Miro comes, Borellus comes"[154], the subscribers assumed to be her sons. The name order of the subscriptions in this document suggests that Miró was older than his brother Borrell, but this appears to be contradicted by the charter of their father dated 23 Nov 934 which only names Borrell (see above). The document dated 26 Nov 966 signed by "Borrellus…comes et marchio, Petrus Barchinonensis episcopus…et Guitardus vicecomes" as "tutores vel elemosinarii" of "condam Mirone comite"[155] shows Borrell with the full comital title in comparison with the limited title of Miró. At first sight, this suggests that Borrell must have been the older son. However, the reference to "tutores", a term not used in any of the other testamentary documents in the compilation, suggests a guardianship element in the relations between the executors and the deceased. It is possible, therefore, that Miró was the older son but was in some way incapacitated and therefore excluded from the full succession to his father. This document also serves to identify Miró's date of death. "Mirone comes et marchio" donated property to the monastery of Sant Cugat del Vallés by charter dated 16 Mar 955[156]. “Miro Comes” donated “alodem meum qui mihi advenit per donationem Seniofredi Comitis fratris mei…in comitatu Bisellunensi in villa…Parietes” to the church of Girona by charter dated 2 Feb 968[157]. "Borrellus…comes et marchio" exchanged property with "uxori mee Ermerud comitissa" by charter dated 5 Sep 988 which names "fratri meo Mironi comiti…condam"[158]. m ---. The name of Miró's wife is not known. Miró & his wife had three children:
a) RAMON (-after 24 Sep 993). The testament of "Borellus comes" dated 24 Sep 993 appoints "filio meo Ermengaudo comite et Raimundo comite nepoti meo, cum fratres suos Borello comite et Suneario comite" to "comitatu Orgullense"[159]. The term "nepos" in this document can only mean "nephew" as neither of the testator's sons was old enough at that date to have had three sons himself. The testator's brother Mirón is the only known possible father of these brothers. No reference to them has been found in any other document, but their mention as part heirs in the will of Comte Borrell [II] suggests a recognition of their possibly superior claim to share in the family estates, maybe corroborating the hypothesis that their father was older than his brother Borrell. The absence of further reference to joint counts of Urgell suggests that all three brothers died soon after the date of this testament, probably without male issue.
b) BORRELL (-after 24 Sep 993). The testament of "Borellus comes" dated 24 Sep 993 appoints "filio meo Ermengaudo comite et Raimundo comite nepoti meo, cum fratres suos Borello comite et Suneario comite" to "comitatu Orgullense"[160].
c) SUNYER (-after 24 Sep 993). The testament of "Borellus comes" dated 24 Sep 993 appoints "filio meo Ermengaudo comite et Raimundo comite nepoti meo, cum fratres suos Borello comite et Suneario comite" to "comitatu Orgullense"[161].
4. ADELAIDA [Bonafilia] de Barcelona (-[after 11 Mar 988]). "La condesa Adaliz llamada tambien Bonafilia" donated property to San Juan de Ripoll, for the souls of "patri meo Suniario comite et matri mee Richeldes comitissa", by charter dated 24 Jun 944[162]. The title "condesa" attributed to her in this document suggests that Adelaida was married to, or was widow of, a "conde" at the date of the document. Bofarull suggests that she was the wife of her paternal uncle Seniofredo Comte de Urgell[163], but this appears to be based on nothing more than the fact that the two individuals bore the same name (which was not an uncommon one at the time). A charter dated 16 Aug 950 records the election of "Adalaizam" as abbess of San Juan de Ripoll in the presence of "Borrellus…comes"[164], although the document does not specify that the new abbess was Borrell´s sister. "Adaleziba sive Bonafilia" donated property to the monastery of San Pedro de las Puellas de Barcelona by charter dated 11 Mar 988, which specifies that she was abbess[165]. The similarity of the name suggests that this was the same person as the daughter of Comte Sunyer. [m ---- Comte de --- (-before 16 Aug 950).]
5. JOZFREDO de Barcelona (-after 9 Apr 986). “Borellus…comes et marchio…filios meos Raymundo et Ermengode” ordered the security of “castro…Cardona”, constructed by “avus meus Wifredus comes et marchio”, by charter dated 9 Apr 986, subscribed by “Geribertus vicecomes…Gocefridus frater Borelli comes”[166].
Source: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CATALAN NOBILITY.htm
Per al comte d'Empúries i el Rosselló, vegeu Sunyer I d'Empúries.
Sunyer I (?, c. 870 - Sant Pere de Rodes, 950) fou comte de Barcelona i de Girona (911-947) i comte d'Osona (911-939 i 943-947).
Orígens familiars
Fill de Guifré el Pelós i germà de Guifré II Borrell, Sunifred II d'Urgell i Miró II de Cerdanya].
Biografia política
Des de la mort del seu pare, el 897, va estar associat al govern sota la tutela de Guifré II i a partir de la mort d'aquest, el 911, va governar sol.
En morir el seu oncle Radulf I de Besalú, vers el 920, va sorgir un conflicte entre Sunyer I i el seu germà gran Miró II de Cerdanya per la possessió del comtat de Besalú. Al final es va decidir incorporar Besalú a Cerdanya i a canvi Miró II renunciava a les seves aspiracions al comtat de Barcelona.
En les relacions exteriors, va abandonar l'actitud defensiva habitual entre els comtes catalans i lluità contrà els sarraïns a Lleida i Tarragona, alhora que mantingué relacions diplomàtiques amb Còrdova. Eixamplà i repoblà, a partir de 929, el seu comtat pel Penedès fins a Olèrdola).
El 912, el governador sarraí de Lleida, Muhammad al-Tawil, va dirigir un atac contra el comtat de Barcelona que va derrotar els exèrcits de Sunyer a la vall de Tàrrega. Però el 914, Sunyer va organitzar una expedició de resposta que va donar mort a Muhammad al-Tawil.
Durant el període 936-937, va dirigir una expedició militar contra els musulmans al llarg del litoral català cap al sud. Sembla que va tenir molt d'èxit ja que, a banda de provocar una gran mortaldat entre els seus enemics, on també hi va morir el Cadí de València; va aconseguir que els musulmans abandonessin temporalment Tarragona, que va quedar com a terra de ningú; i va imposar el pagament d'un tribut a la ciutat de Tortosa.
En política interior, va protegir i enfortir les institucions eclesiàstiques concedint-los terres i tributs i estimulà el repoblament del comtat d'Osona.
El 947 va cedir el govern dels seus dominis als seus fills i professà com a monjo al monestir de Sant Pere de Rodes, on devia morir l'octubre del 950.[1]
Núpcies i descendents
Es casà en primeres núpcies amb Aimilda l'any 914 i van tenir una filla:
* Gudinilda (915-960), casada amb Hug I, comte de l'alt Carcí.
L'any 925 es va casar en segones núpcies amb Riquilda de Tolosa, filla del comte de Roergue Ermengol, i van tenir cinc fills:
* Ermengol I d'Osona (925-943), comte d'Osona
* Miró I de Barcelona (926-966), comte de Barcelona
* Borrell II (927-992), comte de Barcelona
* Adelaida (928-v955), casada amb el seu oncle Sunifred II d'Urgell i posteriorment abadessa del Monestir de Sant Joan de les Abadesses
* Guillem (929-986)
1. ↑ Descobertes arqueològiques recents a Santa Maria de Roses, llavors una dependència de Sant Pere, confirmen aquesta destinació, que fa obsoleta l'antiga tesi que el feia monjo al monestir de Santa Maria de la Grassa.
PLEASE NOTE: Sunyer I and Sunifred II were not the same person: they were apparently brothers, sons of Guifre/Wilfred the Hairy. See profile for Sunyer I: Sunyer I, XIII comte de Barcelona
Sunifred II d'Urgell
De Viquipèdia
Sunifred II d'Urgell (? - 948), Comte d'Urgell (897-948).
Tercer fill del comte Guifré el Pilós. Mentre un germà, Guifré II Borrell, heretà els comtats de Barcelona, Girona i Osona i un altre germà, Miró, el comtat de Cerdanya, ell heretà el comtat d'Urgell iniciant-se així la primera dinastia hereditària del comtat.
Va afavorir la recuperació del territori pallarès. L'any 914 va presidir una assemblea eclesiàstica que va refondre els béns d'antics monestirs decaiguts i els va adscriure a Sant Sadurní de Tavèrnoles. Mort sense descendència, va heretar el comtat el seu nebot, Borrell II, comte de Barcelona.
Sunifred II, Count of Barcelona
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sunifred II (c.870-950) or, in Catalan language, Sunyer II was count of Barcelona, Girona, Urgell and Ausona from 911 to 948.
He was the son of Wilfred the Hairy and younger brother the previous Count of Barcelona, Wilfred II Borrel. He worked jointly with his brother in the government of the Counties held by their father after his death in 897. He did not reign independently until his brother's death in (911).
Family Conflict
However on the death of his uncle, Count Radulf I of Besalú, in 913 or 920, a conflict emerged between Sunifred and his brother Count Miró II of Cerdanya over the succession of the County of Besalú. In exchange for the total renunciation of all claims on the County of Barcelona, Sunifred gave up his claim on Besalú.
In 925, Sunifred married for the second time to Richilda of Toulouse, daughter of the Count of Rouergue, they had four sons and a daughter: Ermengol (925), Miró (926), Borrell (927), Adelaide (928), and William (929).
Sunifred made important efforts with domestic politics, protected the church and strengthened its institutions and gave it more land and income. He also continued to encourage the repopulation of the county of Ausona.
He abandoned defensive stance adopted by his predecessors and took up the fight actively against the Moorish states to the south. Battles were fought at Lleida and Tarragona. At the same time, he managed to retain diplomatic relations with Córdoba who had increasingly lost control of its northern provinces. In 912 the Moorish Wali of Lérida attacked and destroyed the Barcelonian army under Sunifred in the Tàrrega valley. However in 914 Sunifred's counterattack successfully pushed them back again. He subsequently repopulated the county of Penedès, which had been the scene of many conflicts between the Frankish and Muslim empires, as far as Olèrdola (929).
During the intervening period, 936 to 937, he led an expedition against the Muslims. He defeated the Valencia including the Germanic tribe of the Quadi. As a result the Moors temporarily abandoned Tarragona (which became a no-man's land) and Tortosa was forced to pay a tribute to the count.
In 947 he retired to monastic life and ceded the government of his realms to his sons; Borrell II and Miró I. He died in the Monastery of La Grassa (in Conflent) in 950.
Sunyer I, XIII comte de Barcelona's Timeline
870 |
915 |
925 |
926 |
Barcelona, CT, Spain
927 |
928 |
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
929 |
Barcelona, CT, Spain
954 |
October 15, 954
Age 84