Historical records matching Tancred de Hauteville, prince d'Antioche
Immediate Family
About Tancred de Hauteville, prince d'Antioche
- http://leonardopisani.blogspot.com/2016/07/quando-tancredi-fu-il-pr...
3. TANCRED ([1070/75]-Antioch 5 Dec 1112, bur Antioch St Peter). "Tancredus Odonis boni marchisi filius" is recorded by Orderic Vitalis as one of those who left with Bohemond of Apulia on the First Crusade in 1097[84]. William of Tyre names him "Tancredus Willelmi marchionis filius", when recording that he accompanied Bohemond on crusade, as "consanguineus" of Bohémond Prince of Antioch when the latter appointed him regent of Antioch in 1104, and as "nepos" of Bohémond when he discusses his marriage[85]. Albert of Aix records that "Tancredus filius sororis Boemundi" avoided passing through Constantinople after his uncle Bohémond had made peace with the emperor[86]. Albert of Aix provides an indication of his age by calling him "tiro illustris" when recording his departure for Palestine with his uncle[87]. Orderic Vitalis records that, while en route through Cilicia in Sep 1097, Tancred expelled the Turks from Tarsus (from where he was immediately expelled by Baudouin de Boulogne [later Baudouin I King of Jerusalem]), Adana, and Mamistra[88]. Tancred commanded the army of the Normans of Sicily at the siege of Jerusalem (7 Jun 1099 to 15 Jul 1099). At one point, he broke away from the siege to capture Bethlehem, where he placed a banner on the church of the nativity. He captured Tiberias in 1099, later conquering the whole of Galilee and the port of Haifa[89]. Tancred declared himself Lord of Tiberias. In Mar 1101, he left Tiberias to become regent of Antioch during his uncle's absence in prison, on the understanding that if his uncle was released within three years Tancred would be restored in Tiberias by Baudouin I King of Jerusalem[90]. Albert of Aix records that "Tancredus" was made prince of Antioch after the captivity of "Boemundi", dated to 1101 from the context[91]. In order to strengthen the position of the principality of Antioch in case of an eventual attack by Emperor Alexios I, Tancred recaptured Mamistra, Adana and Tarsus in Summer 1101[92]. In early 1102, he incarcerated Raymond "de Saint-Gilles" Comte de Toulouse, who had been captured at Tarsus after his return in disgrace from Constantinople following the battle of Mersivan, and released him only after Raymond swore not to interfere further in affairs in Syria. In compliance with this oath, Comte Raymond evacuated his garrison from Lattakieh, which Tancred besieged in early Spring 1102 although the siege lasted for nearly a year before the town capitulated[93]. Tancred relinquished authority in Antioch to his uncle after the latter's release from imprisonment in 1103, being rewarded with a small fief within the principality. Tancred did not return to Tiberias[94]. Albert of Aix records the return of "Boemundo" to "Italiam sed et Galliam" to request reinforcements "adversus Alexium regem Græcorum", while Tancred returned to Antioch "vice avunculi sui", dated to 1105 from the context[95]. Tancred used the title "Dux et Princeps Antiochenus"[96]. He defeated the Turkish forces of Ridwan of Aleppo 20 Apr 1105 and was thereafter able to recapture all the territory lost the previous year[97]. In early 1109, Tancred captured Mamistra from Byzantium. At the council of crusader rulers outside Tripoli in Jun 1109, Tancred was given back the title "Prince of Galilee", under the suzerainty of Baudouin I King of Jerusalem[98]. In 1110, he captured the castle of the Kurds, which later became Krak of the Knights. He succeeded his uncle in 1111 as TANCRED Prince of Antioch. While dying, Tancred made Pons de Toulouse promise to marry his wife, and named his nephew Roger as his heir[99]. Albert of Aix records the death of "Tancredus qui Antiochiæ præerat" and his burial "in basilica beati Petri Apostoli", dated to [1112] from the context[100]. Matthew of Edessa records the death 5 Dec 1112 at Antioch of "Tancrède comte d'Antioch", poisoned, and his burial "dans la principale église de cette ville, à Saint-Pierre"[101]. Bar Hebræus records the death in A.H. 506 (1112/13) of "Basile souverain du pays des Arméniens" and that "le Franc seigneur d'Antioche marcha contre ce pays" but died en route[102].
m (late 1106) as her first husband, CECILE de France, daughter of PHILIPPE I King of France & his second wife Bertrade de Montfort ([1097]-after 1145). The Historia Regum Francorum Monasterii Sancti Dionysii names "Philippum et Florum et filiam unam" as children of "Philippus rex [et] Fulconi Rechin Andagavorum comiti uxorem", specifying that the (unnamed) daughter married "Tanchredus Anthiochenus"[103]. Her parentage is recorded by William of Tyre, who also records her two marriages[104]. Her first marriage was arranged while Bohémond I Prince of Antioch was visiting the French court seeking support against Emperor Alexios I. She sailed for Antioch at end-1106[105]. She married secondly (Tripoli 1112) Pons Count of Tripoli. Albert of Aix records the marriage at Tripoli of "Punctus filius Bertrannus de Tripla" and "uxorem Tancredi, quæ filia erat regis Franciæ", dated to [1115] from the context[106]. She became Lady of Tarsus and Mamistra, in Cilician Armenia, in 1126[107].
Tancred, Prince of Galilee
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An imaginary portrait of Tancred as regent of Antioch.
Tancred (1072 - December 5 or December 12, 1112) was a Norman leader of the First Crusade who later became Prince of Galilee and regent of the Principality of Antioch.
* 1 Early life
* 2 First Crusade
* 3 Regent of Antioch
* 4 Tancred in fiction
* 5 References
* 6 Footnotes
[edit] Early life
Tancred was a son of Emma of Hauteville and Odo the Good Marquis. His maternal grandparents were Robert Guiscard and Guiscard's first wife Alberada of Buonalbergo. Emma was also a sister of Bohemund of Taranto.
Tancred and Bohemond in battle during the First Crusade.
[edit] First Crusade
In 1096, Tancred joined his maternal uncle Bohemund on the First Crusade, and the two made their way to Constantinople. There, he was pressured to swear an oath to Byzantine Emperor Alexius I Comnenus, promising to give back any conquered land to the Byzantine Empire. Although the other leaders did not intend to keep their oaths, Tancred refused to swear the oath altogether.
He participated in the siege of Nicaea in 1097, but the city was taken by Alexius' army after secret negotiations with the Seljuk Turks. Because of this, Tancred was very distrustful of the Byzantines. Later in 1097, he captured Tarsus and other cities in Cilicia and assisted in the siege of Antioch in 1098.
In 1099, during the assault on Jerusalem, Tancred, along with Gaston IV of Béarn, claimed to be the first Crusader to enter the city on July 15. However, the first crusader to enter Jerusalem was Ludolf of Tournai, and he was followed by his brother Englebert. When the city fell, Tancred gave his banner to a group of the citizens who had fled to the roof of the Temple of Solomon. This should have assured their safety, but they were massacred, along with many others, during the sack of the city. The author of the Gesta Francorum (Deeds of the Franks) records that, when Tancred realised this, he was "greatly angered". When the Kingdom of Jerusalem was established, Tancred became Prince of Galilee.
[edit] Regent of Antioch
In 1100, Tancred became regent of Antioch when Bohemund was taken prisoner by the Danishmends at the Battle of Melitene. He expanded the territory of the Latin principality by capturing land from the Byzantines, although, over the next decade, Alexius attempted, unsuccessfully, to bring him under Byzantine control. In 1104, he also took control of the County of Edessa when Baldwin II was taken captive after the Battle of Harran. After Baldwin's release in 1107, he had to fight Tancred to regain control of the county; Tancred was eventually defeated and returned to Antioch. After Harran, Bohemond returned to Europe to recruit more Crusaders, again leaving his nephew as regent in Antioch. Tancred's victory over Radwan of Aleppo at the Battle of Artah in 1105 allowed the Latin principality to recover some its territories east of the Orontes River.[1]
After fighting between Antioch and Shaizar in 1108, the Frankish and Muslim overlords exchanged gifts, according to Usamah ibn Munqidh. Tancred received the gift of a horse from the ruling family of Shaizar. The Christian leader admired the handsome youth who delivered the animal, a Kurd named Hasanun. Tancred promised him that, if he ever captured the young man, he would free him. Unfortunately, the regent of Antioch had a cruel streak. When the lad fell into his hands a year later, Tancred broke his promise, imprisoning and torturing him, and putting out his right eye.[2]
In 1108, Tancred refused to honour the Treaty of Devol, in which Bohemund swore an oath of fealty to Alexius, and, for decades afterwards, Antioch remained independent of the Byzantine Empire. In 1110, he brought Krak des Chevaliers under his control, which would later become an important castle in the County of Tripoli. Tancred remained regent in Antioch in the name of Bohemund II until his death in 1112 during a typhoid epidemic. He had married Cecile of France, but died childless.
The Gesta Tancredi is a biography of Tancred written in Latin by Ralph of Caen, a Norman who joined the First Crusade and served under Tancred and Bohemund. An English translation was co-published in 2005 by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach.
Nicolas Poussin's Tancred and Erminia (Hermitage Museum).
[edit] Tancred in fiction
Tancred appears as a character in Torquato Tasso's 16th-century poem Jerusalem Delivered, in which he is portrayed as an epic hero and given a fictional love interest, the pagan warrior-maiden Clorinda. He is also loved by the Princess Erminia of Antioch. Portions of Tasso's verses were set by Claudio Monteverdi in his 1624 dramatic work Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda. Rossini based his opera Tancredi on Voltaire's 1759 play Tancrède. He also appears in one of the scenes in Imre Madách's The Tragedy of Man. He also appears as a character in Tom Harper's "Siege of Heaven" and is depicted as a violent psychopath.
[edit] References
* Robert Lawrence Nicholson, Tancred: A Study of His Career and Work. AMS Press, 1978.
* Peters, Edward, ed., The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998)
* Hunn, Stuart - The Life and Times of Tancred (Penguin Publishing 1985)
* Smail, R. C. Crusading Warfare 1097-1193. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, (1956) 1995. ISBN 1-56619-769-4
[edit] Footnotes
1. ^ Smail, p 28
2. ^ Smail, p 45
v • d • e
Princes of the Principality of Antioch
Reigning Princes
Bohemond I · Tancred (regent) · Bohemond II · Roger (regent) · Baldwin (regent) · Constance · Fulk (regent) · Raymond I (by marriage) · Raynald (by marriage) · Bohemond III · Raymond II (regent) · Bohemond IV · Raymond-Roupen · Bohemond IV (restored) · Bohemond V · Bohemond VI
Armoiries Bohémond VI d'Antioche.svg
Titular Princes
Bohemond VI · Bohemond VII · Lucia · Philip · Marguerite · John I · John II · John III
Tancred de Hauteville, prince d'Antioche's Timeline
1070 |
1112 |
December 5, 1112
Age 42
???? |
St. Peter's in Antioch, Antioch