Immediate Family
About Theobald, count of Arles
Theobald, count of Arles, was a Frank from the Bosonid-family. He was son of Hucbert and he married Bertha - an illegitimate daughter of Lothair II, King of Lotharingia - that was renowned for her beauty and spirit. They had two sons Hugh of Italy and Boso of Tuscany. Theobald died in 925.
1. THEOTBALD [Thibaut] (-[Jun 887/895]). The Annales Vedastini record that "Teutbaldum filium Hucberti" was gravely wounded by "Heinricus" in the battle against "Bosonem tyrannum" in 880[119]. "Richardi comitis, Teutbaldi comitis, Bernardi comitis" subscribed the charter dated 25 Jul 879 under which "Boso…et coniunx mea Hirmingardi proles imperiales" donated property "in pago Laticense…in villa Lantinus" to the abbey of Montiérender[120]. Comte d'Arles.
m ( [879/80] ) as her first husband, BERTA of Lotharingia, illegitimate daughter of LOTHAIRE II King of Lotharingia & his mistress Waldrada --- ([863]-8 Mar 925, bur Lucca). "Hugo comes et marchio" names "patris mei Teutbaldi et matris meæ Berthe…" in a donation by charter dated 924[121]. "Berte" is also named as mother of "Hugo rex" in the latter's donation to Cluny for the souls of his parents dated 8 Mar 934[122]. Her parentage and first marriage are confirmed by the Annales Bertiniani which name "Hugonem Lotharii iunioris filium" and “sororium illius Theutbaldum” in 880[123]. Her origin and second marriage are confirmed by the epitaph of "Comitissæ…Bertha" which specifies that she was "uxor Adalberti Ducis Italiæ…regalis generi…filia Lotharii" and records her death in 925[124]. Liudprand provides the proof that Berta, who married Marchese Adalberto, was the widow of Theotbald when he names "Berta matre regis Hugonis", specifying that she was previously married to Adalberto, when recording her death[125]. She was regent of Tuscany after the death of her second husband in 915. She married secondly ([890/98]) Adalberto II Marchese of Tuscany.
Theotbald & his wife had four children:
born 856?
Occupation: Count of Arles
- Name: Theobald I Count Of ARLES
- Given Name: Theobald I Count Of
- Surname: Arles
- Sex: M
- Birth: 854 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, Provence, France
- Death: 895
Father: Herbert Of St Maurice ARLES b: Abt 830
Marriage 1 Bertha Princess Of LORRAINE b: 863 in Lorraine, France
* Married: Abt 879
1. Teutberga DE ARLES b: Abt 879 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, Provence, France
2. Hugues D'arles King Of ITALY b: Abt 880 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, Provence, France
3. Boso I Margrave Of TUSCANY b: 885 in Tuscany, Italy
Ancestral Root s of Certain Ame rican Colonists, 7th Edition, by
Frederick LewisWeis, additio ns by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 199 9
ABBR Ancestral Roots o f Certain American Colonists, 7th E ditio n , by
Freder ickLewis Weis, additio ns by Walter Lee Sh ippa r d Jr., 19 99
PAGE 145-17
Theobald, count of Arles, was a Frank from the Bosonid-family. He was son of Hucbert and he married Bertha - an illegitimate daughter of Lothair II, King of Lotharingia - that was renowned for her beauty and spirit. They had two sons Hugh of Italy and Boso of Tuscany. Theobald died in 925.
CLONE OF Theobald, count of Arles
Theobald, count of Arles's Timeline
880 |
Arles, Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence, France
881 |
Arles, Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence, France
885 |
887 |
June 887
895 |
Cathdral Of Lucca, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy
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