Thomas Andrews, Jr.

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Thomas Andrews, Jr.

Also Known As: "Tommie"
Birthplace: Ardara House, Comber, County Down, Ireland
Death: April 15, 1912 (39)
At sea aboard the Titanic (Drowned in the sinking of the RMS Titanic)
Immediate Family:

Son of Thomas Andrews and Eliza Andrews
Husband of Helen "Nellie" Reilly Harland
Father of Elizabeth Law Barbour Andrews
Brother of Rt. Hon. John Miller Andrews; Eliza Montgomery Andrews; Rt. Hon. Sir James Andrews, 1st and last Bt.; NN Andrews and Captain William Andrews

Managed by: Ric Dickinson, Geni Curator
Last Updated:

About Thomas Andrews, Jr.

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See Encyclopedia Titanica (2017) Thomas Andrews (ref: #8, last updated: 18th August 2017, accessed 10th September 2023 08:05:03 AM)

Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Thomas Andrews Jr
Titanic Victim
Born: Friday 7th February 1873 in Comber, County Down, Ireland
Age: 39 years 2 months and 8 days (Male)
Nationality: Irish
Marital Status: Married to Helen Reilly Barbour
Last Residence: in Belfast, Ireland
Occupation: Shipbuilder
1st Class Passengers
Embarked: Belfast
Ticket No. 112050
Cabin No. A36
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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Thomas Andrews, Jr.'s Timeline

February 7, 1873
Ardara House, Comber, County Down, Ireland
November 27, 1910
April 15, 1912
Age 39
At sea aboard the Titanic