Uchtred of Molle, hear treated, is the son of Liulf of Molle, elder He is not the same person as Uchtred mac Fergus, Lord of Galloway
c. 1152: Charter by which Uchtred son of Liulf confirms that he has give the church of Mow, together with the adjacent land called Helayeshough, to the monks of Kelso. Kelso Liber: charter number 176 on pp, 144-5
Note: See
Lawrie's Early Scottish Charters: CXCVI on p, 412[ 21147 X 1164: Charter by which Herbert Bishop of Glasgow, confirms that the church of Mow has been given to the monks of Kelso by Uchtred son of Liulf. https://archive.org/details/libersmariedecal01kels/page/320 Kelso Liber: charter number 416 0n pp. 320-1The medieval place name "Molle" is now Mow in the Roxburghshire parish of Morebattle. Origines Parochiales Scotiae I: pp. 413-26 for the parish of Mow
1065 |
England, United Kingdom
1085 |
Scotland, United Kingdom
1174 |
September 22, 1174
Age 109
Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
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