Wife of Engelbert, Duke of Carinthia.
Engelbert II (died 12 or 13 April 1141) was the Count of Sponheim from 1096 and Margrave of Istria and Carniola from sometime between 1101 and 1107 until 1124. 1108 he was founder of the county of Kraiburg in Bavaria. In 1124, he was raised to the Duchy of Carinthia and held it until his retirement in 1135. He was the son of Egelbert I of Sponheim and his wife Hadwig.
His younger brother Henry III was created Duke of Carinthia in 1122 and Engelbert succeeded him in 1124, having already replaced Poppo II in Carniola.
In February 1111, Engelbert stood as guarantor of Henry V at his imperial coronation.
Engelbert married Uta, daughter of Ulric of Passau. Together they were the parents of the following children:
Engelbert III, succeeded his father in Istria, Carniola and Kraiburg in 1124
Ulric I, succeeded his father in Carinthia in 1135
Henry, Bishop of Troyes in 1145
Matilda, married Theobald IV of Blois
Rapoto I, Count of Ortenburg in 1130 and Kraiburg in 1173
Hartwig, Bishop of Regensburg in 1155
Ida, married William III, Count of Nevers
Uta died after 1140.
See http://www.e-familytree.net/F73/F73778.htm for more information,
speculative research of Rob Salzman (http://www.e-familytree.net/surnames.htm).
1080 |
Sulzbach, Oberpfalz, Bavaria
1097 |
Kaernten,, Carinthia, Austria
1104 |
Carinthia, Austria
1108 |
1110 |
1113 |
1115 |
Carinthia, Austria
1130 |
Carinthia, Austria