Matching family tree profiles for Victor Emmanuel III, king of Italy
Immediate Family
About Victor Emmanuel III, king of Italy
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- Victor Emmanuel was born in Naples, Italy. He was the only child of Umberto I, King of Italy, and his consort (first cousin by his grandfather Charles Albert of Sardinia, Princess Margherita of Savoy. Margherita was the daughter of the duke of Genoa.
- Unlike his paternal first cousin's son, the 1.98 m (6 foot 6") tall Amedeo, 3rd Duke of Aosta, Victor Emmanuel was short of stature even by 19th-century standards, to the point that today he would appear diminutive. He was just 1.53 m tall (just over 5 feet).[2] From birth, Victor Emmanuel was known by the title of Prince of Naples.
Ascension to the throne
- On 29 July 1900, at the age of 30, Victor Emmanuel ascended the throne upon his father's assassination. The only advice that his father Umberto ever gave his heir was "Remember: to be a king, all you need to know is how to sign your name, read a newspaper, and mount a horse"[citation needed]. His early years showed evidence that, by the standards of the Savoy monarchy, he was a man committed to constitutional government. Indeed, even though his father was killed by an anarchist, the new King showed a commitment to constitutional freedoms.
- Though Italy was a parliamentary democracy, under the Statuto Albertino, or constitution, the monarchy possessed considerable residual powers, including the right to appoint the Prime Minister, even if the individual in question did not command majority support in the Chamber of Deputies. A shy and somewhat withdrawn individual, the King hated the day-to-day stresses of Italian politics, though the country's chronic political instability forced him to intervene no less than ten times between 1900 and 1922 to solve parliamentary crises.
- When World War I began, Italy remained neutral at first, despite being part of the Triple Alliance (albeit it was signed on defensive terms and Italy objected that the Sarajevo assassination did not qualify as aggression). However, in 1915, Italy signed several secret treaties committing to enter the war on the side of the Triple Entente. Most of the people opposed war, however, and the Italian Chamber of Deputies forced Prime Minister Antonio Salandra to resign. Victor Emmanuel, however, declined Salandra's resignation and made the decision himself for Italy to enter the war. He legally had the right to make this decision under the Statuto Albertino, popular opposition to the war notwithstanding. However, the corrupt and disorganised war effort, the stunning loss of life suffered by the Italian army, especially at the great defeat of Caporetto, and the economic depression that followed the war turned the King against what he perceived as an inefficient political bourgeoisie. Nevertheless, the King visited the various areas of northern Italy suffering repeated strikes and mortar hits from elements of the Austro-Hungarian/Italian fighting there, where he demonstrated considerable courage and care in personally visiting many people, with his wife the queen taking turns with nurses in caring for Italy's wounded. It was at this time, the period of World War I, that the King enjoyed genuine affection from the majority of his people. read more....
Viktor Emanuel III (italiaksi Vittorio Emanuele III) (11. marraskuuta 1869 – 28. joulukuuta 1947) oli Italian kuningas (1900–1946) ja vaati myös Etiopian keisarin (1936–1943) ja Albanian kuninkaan arvonimiä (1939–1943).
Viktor Emanuel III oli Umberto I:n ja Margherita Teresa Giovannan, Savoijin prinsessan poika. Hän nai Elena Petrovićin, Montenegron Nikola I Petrović Njegošin tyttären.
Viktor Emanuel III osoitti alkukaudellaan merkkejä demokratian tukemisesta. Kuitenkin hän nimitti 1922 Benito Mussolinin pääministeriksi hylättyään neuvon kieltää fasistien marssi Roomaan. Hän ei myöskään toiminut aktiivisesti fasisteja vastaan ja hänestä tuli lopulta pelkkä nukkehallitsija.kenen mukaan? Hän ei ilmaissut vastustavansa fasistien rotulakeja 1938, kun monet juutalaiset upseerit tekivät itsemurhan kuollakseen univormussa.lähde?
Viktor Emanuelin toimet osoittautuivat pettymykseksi monille. Hän pakeni Roomasta erotettuaan Mussolinin 1943 oman turvallisuutensa vuoksi, vaikka paavi Pius XII jäi Roomaan, kuten myös Ison-Britannian Yrjö VI Lontooseen pommitusten aikana. Vuonna 1946 hän erosi kansansuosionsa menettäneenä poikansa Umberton hyväksi. Hän kuoli Egyptissä 1947. Italian monarkia päätettiin pian. Viktor Emanuel III:n asemaa Etiopian keisarina ei yleisesti hyväksytty Italian joukkojen syrjäytettyä keisari Haile Selassien ja Albanian Zogu I:n.kenen mukaan? Viktor Emanuel III luopui arvonimistään Albanian kuninkaana ja Etiopian keisarina 1943[
Victor Emmanuel III (Italian: Vittorio Emanuele III, Albanian: Viktor Emanueli III; 11 November 1869 – 28 December 1947) was King of Italy (29 July 1900 – 9 May 1946). In addition, he claimed the thrones of Ethiopia and Albania as Emperor of Ethiopia (1936–41) and King of the Albanians (1939–43), which were not recognised by all great powers. During his long reign (45 years), which began after the assassination of his father Umberto I, the Kingdom of Italy became involved in two World Wars. His reign also encompassed the birth, rise, and fall of Italian Fascism.
Victor Emmanuel abdicated his throne in 1946 to his son Umberto II, hoping to strengthen the support for the monarchy against an ultimately successful referendum to abolish it. He then went in exile to Alexandria, Egypt, where he died and was buried the following year.
He was nicknamed by the Italians as "Re soldato" (Soldier King) and "Re vittorioso" (Victorious King) after Italy was victorious in the First World War. He was also nicknamed "Sciaboletta" ("little sabre") due to his height of 1.53 metres (5.0 ft).
About Victor-Emmanuel III, roi d'Italie (Français)
Victor-Emmanuel III (en italien Vittorio Emanuele III), né à Naples le 11 novembre 1869 et mort en exil à Alexandrie le 28 décembre 1947, est roi d'Italie du 29 juillet 1900 après l'assassinat de son père Humbert Ier, jusqu'au 9 mai 1946, date de son abdication en faveur de son fils Humbert II, peu avant la proclamation de la République. Il porte dès sa naissance le titre de prince de Naples. Il est le fils d'Humbert Ier et de Marguerite de Savoie.
Victor-Emmanuel III a également porté les titres d'empereur d'Éthiopie de 1936 à 1941 et de roi d'Albanie de 1939 à 1943.
Victor Emmanuel III, king of Italy's Timeline
1869 |
November 11, 1869
Naples, Campania, Italy
1901 |
June 1, 1901
Rome, Lazio, Italy
1902 |
November 19, 1902
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Lazio, Italy
1904 |
September 15, 1904
Racconigi, Piemonte, Italia (Italy)
1907 |
November 13, 1907
Rome, Lazio, Italia (Italy)
1914 |
December 26, 1914
Roma, Lazio, Italia (Italy)
1947 |
December 28, 1947
Age 78
Alexandria, Qism El-Raml, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt
1948 |
January 8, 1948
Age 78
Cattedrale di Santa Caterina, الاسكندرية, Egypt
???? |
Naples, Campania, Italy