Immediate Family
About Vogele Katz (2nd wife), [Maharal dau. #8]
Vogele Bezalel (Veigele) Loew
- Born in 1556 - Prag / Tschechische Republik
- Deceased 28 January 1629 - Prague
- Buried 28 January 1629 - Prague
Notes haRabbanit Vogele e' (haRav) Isaac k"Ts bt haGaon Jehuda Loeb (Maharal) 1629
Vogel bt haGaon Jehuda Loeb e' Isaac k"Ts z"l 1629 (This is Vogel, dau. of Maharal, who m. Isaac, AB"D Wien. Nikolsburg, & Prag, bn Samson k"Ts]
Lea LOEW [Maharal daughter #5] died childless, and Rabbi Yitzhak KATZ (Ha-)COHEN remarried Lea LOEW's sister Vögele (Vaigel) Bezalel Löb (LOEW) [Maharal daughter #6] (d. 28 Jan. 1629 Prague).
One biography of Maharal - ויקיגניה - claims that the Maharal was married twice. His first wife was the daughter of Rabbi Abraham Haiut, and Lea & Feigele-Voegele were daughters of this marriage.
Most other biography versions of Maharal do not mention the first marriage and named Pearl as the mother of all Maharal's children, including Lea and Feigele-Voegele.
Vögele (Feigele) Loew was Maharal's 6th daughter. She married her widowed brother-in-law, Rabbi Yitzhak (Isak) (Jizchak) KATZ (COHEN TZEDEK) (d. 30 May 1624 Prague) son of Rabbi Shimhson (Samson) COHEN, who was first married to her sister Lea LOEW (no children of this marriage).
Vögele and Rabbi Yitzhak Katz had five children:
- Rabbi Chaim COHEN, president of the Beit Din in Pozha, married Bella BEZALEL, daughter of Samuel ben Bezalel (Rabbi in Prague, Frankfurt, & Posen).
- Rabbi Naftali COHEN (b. Frankfort, d. 1644 or 1649) (Rabbi in Lublin). President of the Beit Din in Lublin. Married Dinah daughter of Yehudah KATZENELLENBOGEN son of Saul WAHL.
- Chawa (Eva) COHEN (b. 1580 Prague, d. and buried 1651 Sofia on the way to Palestine) was an unusual woman with great knowledge. She married Rabbi Abraham Samuel BACHRACH (b. 1575, d. 26 May 1615 Gernsheim) Rabbi in Worms, son of Isak BACHRACH. (Chawa was Abraham's 2nd wife.)
- Rabbi Shimon LOEW (died before 1621) m. Lana.
- Slowe m. Jakob Meshullam Salomon THEOMIM-FRANKEL-MIRELS.
Vogele Katz (2nd wife), [Maharal dau. #8]'s Timeline
1556 |
Prague, Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
1582 |
Prague, Czech Republic
1585 |
1588 |
Prague, Czechia (Czech Republic)
1629 |
January 28, 1629
Age 73
Prague, Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
January 28, 1629
Age 73
Prague, Czechoslovakia
???? |
Praga, Hlavní město Praha, Praga, Czech Republic
???? |