Wakaninihanku 'Asa' Lovejoy

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Wakaninihanku 'Asa' Lovejoy (1812 - 1903)

Also Known As: "Wakanyanku"
Birthplace: Nebraska, United States
Death: June 14, 1903 (90-91)
Flandreau, Moody County, SD, United States
Immediate Family:

Husband of Yasinagiwin 'Eliza' Lovejoy; Mahpiyawastewin 'Nancy' Lovejoy; Ampetuwin Lovejoy; Tasinagiwin 'Eliza' Lovejoy and Metana Lovejoy
Father of Private; Private; Private; Private; Private and 20 others

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Wakaninihanku 'Asa' Lovejoy

1939 Apr - "United States, Social Security Numerical Identification Files (NUMIDENT), 1936-2007", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6KWW-YFVN : Thu Feb 06 04:51:10 UTC 2025), Entry for Paul Lovejoy and Asa Lovejoy.

From: https://www.familysearch.org/en/tree/person/details/K48R-SLS
Asa "Wakanimhanku" Lovejoy born in 1815 in Minnesota and can be found in many of the Flandreau Sioux census records for 1900, 1900, 1902, 1903. He is in the 100's and his wife Eliza Moorhead is much younger (born in 1840). Asa was also at one time married to Eliza's sister, Nancy. Also noted in these records is John Lovejoy (John) born in 1863, wife Hannah (1869), Children are Fred (1891), Bessie (1892 - Bessie must have died between 1891-1892 as she is dropped from the rolls (age 9-10), Hattie (1894), Winnie (1895) Rena (Lena) born 1897, Albert (1900), Alex (6/12 months).

Asa and Eliza Sky (Moorhead) were married on July 3, 1864 in Winona, MN. Film 1377817/ and on MN marriage index 1849-1950, certificate LOVAMOREL

Minnesota Film # 13777817 Marriage - Asa G. Lovejoy to Eliza Moorhead, Winona, Minnesota on July 3, 1864.

1887 Census, Flandreau Tribe - Asa Wakaninihankua Lovejoy, age 63, Eliza (Tasinagimin), age 52, John (Aupetnto), age 29, Lucy, age 19, Anna, age 17, Martha, age 10. Also listed was mother-in-law, Suma Julia Sky, age 86.

Asa Lovejoy is listed as one of the Indian Homesteaders of 1878 along with Charlie Lovejoy (Scarpi), Owen Lovejoy.

In the 1880 Census, Asa was 65 years of age with his parents being born in Minnesota. His wife was Eliza (Moorhead) They were farming in Moody, Dakota Territory in South Dakota. She was age 55. Children were John, 19, Louis 15, Lucy 12, Annie 6, Mary 4 and Eli, age 1.

July 1, 1885 US Native Census - Asa Lovejoy (Wakaninthankua) born 1824, Flandreau, Sioux. He was 61. Wife Tasinagiwin (Eliza) was age 51, John age 28, Louisa, age 18, Lucy, age 17, Anna, age 12 and Martha, age 9

June 1886 US Indian Census
Asa Lovejoy, age 62, Eliza, age 52, John age 29, Lucy age 18, Anna, age 16 and Martha, age 10. Also mother-in-law, Julia Sky, age 85.

1889 Indian Census - Asa Lovejoy, age 65, Eliza, age 55, Anna, age 19, Lucy age 21 and Martha, age 13.

Note that the Lovejoys are often found in the census records with the Cavander and Flute families also listed.

In the Genealogy descendants of John Lovejoy of Andover, Maine by Clarence E. Lovejoy 1930 of the American Genealogical Biographical Index (AGBI) it shows in volume 106, This needs further research.

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Wakaninihanku 'Asa' Lovejoy's Timeline

Nebraska, United States
Sioux Nation, MN, United States
Rosebud District, Sioux Nation, Sisseton, Roberts County, SD, United States
Flandreau, Moody County, SD, United States
December 1852
Minnesota, United States
Dakota Territory, ND, United States
Minnesota, United States
Flandreau, Moody County, SD, United States