1. WALERAN [I] (-before 1032). Comte d'Arlon. m ADELAIS de Lotharingia, daughter of THIERRY Duke of Upper Lotharingia [Wigeriche] & his wife Richilde --- ([995/1005]-after 1032). Waléran [I] & his wife had [four or more] children:https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20(UPPER)%20NOBILITY....
a) WALERAN[II] d'Arlon ([1015/30]-after [1084/85]%29 One passage in the Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi records that "Adela soror Friderici ducis” [Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric [II] Duke of Upper Lotharingia] gave birth to “Fulconem et Gallerannum et filiam unam quam habuit Henricus de Liemborc, pater Pagani de Arluns”[13]. Their father’s name is confirmed by the 1052/1053 charters quoted below. Waléran’s date of birth is estimated very approximately to test the chronology of this family, bearing in mind his mother’s estimated date of birth and his father’s supposed date of death. The Gesta Treverorum names "Walrammi et Folconis" as sons of "comitissa [Adelheid] de castello…Aralunæ"[14]. Eberhard Archbishop of Trier refers to past donations by "comite Walrammo de Arlo et uxore ipsius Adelheide" in two charters dated 1052 and 1053, the second one referring to the confirmation of donations by "filiorum eorum Walrammi et Folconis" after the death of their parents[15]. Comte d'Arlon. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that the dowry of Waleran's wife was "dominium ultra Mosam prope Leodium" and that he constructed "castrum de Lemborch" on the site[16]. Archbishop Udo of Trier donated property to Trier St Simon by charter dated 29 Jan 1068, subscribed by "Theoderici comitis, Henrici fratris eius, Walrammi comitis, Folconis comitis, Stephani comitis…"[17]. “...Walaramnus et Folco comites fratres...” witnessed a charter of Egilbert Archbishop of Trier dated [1084/85][18]. ["%E2%80%A6Walrammus et frater eius Volko comites de Arlo…" subscribed the spurious charter dated 1093 under which "Heinricus…comes palatinus Rheni et dominus de Lacu…uxore mei Adleide" founded the abbey of Laach[19], which provides no guarantee that the brothers Walram and Bolko/Foulques were still alive at that date.] The question of Waléran’s marriage is speculative. As explained in the document LIMBURG, there are two alternative cases which explain the ancestry of Hendrik [I] Graaf van Limburg. In Alternative (1), Hendrik would have been the son of Waléran [II] Comte d’Arlon. Consistent with this alternative, Waléran would have married Jutta [Judith] de Luxembourg, daughter of Frédéric Duke of Lower Lotharingia [Luxembourg] & his first wife Gerberge de Boulogne. One passage in the Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi records that "Gerberga soror Eustachii comitis, ex Friderico duce” [Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric de Luxembourg Duke of Lower Lotharingia] gave birth to “filiam Iuttam” who was mother of “Henricum de Lemburc”[20]. For consistency with the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines (which records that "Henricus Lembergensis qui ducatum perdidit" [referring to his loss of the duchy of Lower Lotharingia, see below] was "filius...antiqui Walerani" [no further precision in the text, presumably from a chronological point of view this refers to Waléran [II] Comte d’Arlon] and he had “filium...Paganum” who also claimed “ducatu contra Lovanienses”, as did “filius eiusdem Pagani Henricus” who married “filiam suam” to “tertio Godefrido de Lovanio” to settle the dispute[21]. This source does not name Jutta’s husband. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names her husband Waléran but not his wife, recording that [his mother] “Adela comitissa Arelung vel Areleonis...soror Sigifridi [error for Friderici] filia...ducis Theoderici” had two sons “Fulconem et Galeranum”, of whom Waléran “per uxorem suam” [unnamed] had "dominium ultra Mosam prope Leodium" and built “castrum de Lemburch”[22]. In Alternative (2), Hendrik would have been the son of his predecessor Udo Graf van Limburg and acquired an interest in Arlon by marrying the daughter of one of the brothers Waléran or Foulques as shown below. [Wal%C3%A9ran [II] & his wife had two children]: https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20(UPPER)%20NOBILITY....
i) ? HENDRIK [I] van Limburg (-1119). As explained in the document LIMBURG, there are two alternative cases which explain the ancestry of Hendrik [I] Graaf van Limburg. In Alternative (1), Hendrik would have been the son of Waléran [II] Comte d’Arlon. The two alternative cases, and the relevant primary sources on which they are based, are explained in the document LIMBURG.] https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20(UPPER)%20NOBILITY....
ii) ?[KONRAD von Merheim (-after 1088). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.] https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20(UPPER)%20NOBILITY....b) FOULQUES [Bolko] d'Arlon ([1015/30]-after [1084/85]).
c) [--- d’Arlon
d) two or more daughters
Walram Ier ou Waléran Ier de Limbourg, dit Udon, mort vers 1082, fut comte d'Arlon de 1052 à 1082, et comte de Limbourg de 1065 à 1082. Il semble être fils de Walram, comte d'Arlon.
L'origine de sa famille est mal connue, il semble qu'il soit membre d'une branche collatérale de la maison d'Ardenne. Il est aussi possible que sa mère soit Adèle de Lorraine, fille de Thierry Ier duc de Haute-Lotharingie
Il est d'abord comte d'Arlon en indivis avec son frère Foulques, puis devient seul comte à la mort de ce dernier en 1078.
Il épousa Jutte, fille de Frédéric de Luxebourg, duc de Basse-Lotharingie et de Gerberge de Boulogne, qui lui donnera comme fils :
* Henri Ier (1059 † 1119), duc de Limbourg
Ce mariage lui apporta en dot le comté de la Len ou de Lengau, un ancien district du comté de Liège. Waléran s'installa dans cette terre, et fit construire un château qu'il nomma Limbourg (=Len-burg). Ce château et la ville qui l'entoure devinrent la capitale du comté de Lengau, qui prit ensuite le nom de comté de Limbourg. Il fut également avoué de l'abbaye de Saint-Trond, dépendant de l'évêché de Metz, que son beau-père avait déjà tenu, et dont il transmit la charge à ses descendants.
The origins of his family are poorly known, he appears to have been a member of a collateral branch of the house of Ardennes, then ruling in Upper Lorraine. He may instead have been maternally related to that house. His mother may have been Adela, daughter of Duke Theodoric I.
He inherited Arlon together with his brother Fulk, who died in 1078, leaving him sole count. Waleran married Jutta, daughter of Frederick, Duke of Lower Lorraine. This marriage gave him the county of the Len (or Lengau), a district around Liège. Waleran constructed a castle in his new territory: the Lenburg, whence Limburg. Waleran made this castle his seat and he is known as the first count of Limburg. His son, Henry, inherited his counties on his death.
The origins of his family are poorly known, he appears to have been a member of a collateral branch of the house of Ardennes, then ruling in Upper Lorraine. He may instead have been maternally related to that house. His mother may have been Adela, daughter of Duke Theodoric I.
He inherited Arlon together with his brother Fulk, who died in 1078, leaving him sole count. Waleran married Jutta, daughter of Frederick, Duke of Lower Lorraine. This marriage gave him the county of the Len (or Lengau), a district around Liège. Waleran constructed a castle in his new territory: the Lenburg, whence Limburg. Waleran made this castle his seat and he is known as the first count of Limburg. His son, Henry, inherited his counties on his death.
Bron : https://www.genealogieonline.nl/en/familie-carnas/I33080.php
Graaf van Limburg 1061-1082
1008 |
1082 |
Age 74
Age 74
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Limbourg, Duchy of Limburg, The Duchy of Lower Lotharingia, Holy Roman Empire
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