Predecessor: Ottokar II Successor: Wenceslaus III
Predecessor: Przemysl II of Poland Successor: Wenceslaus III
Václav II. byl šestý český a první polský král z dynastie Přemyslovců. Byl synem českého krále Přemysla Otakara II. a jeho druhé manželky Kunhuty. Po Přemyslově smrti v bitvě na Moravském poli roku 1278 se poručníkem sedmiletého Václava stal Ota V. Braniborský, a ten se pro uchování kontroly nad situací v zemi rozhodl odvézt chlapce do Braniborska. Po několika letech zmatků, hladomoru a nejisté politické situace souhlasil Ota s Václavovým návratem zpět do Čech. Teprve dvanáctiletý Václav se konečně ujal vlády, hlavní roli však hrál nový partner Václavovy matky Záviš z Falkenštejna. http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%A1clav_II.
Wacław II (polska wersja imienia: Więcław) – z dynastii Przemyślidów, książę czeski w latach 1278-1297 (do 1285 regencja), król czeski od 1297, władca ziemi kłodzkiej od 1290, książę krakowski od 1291, sandomierski od 1292, brzesko-kujawski, sieradzko-łęczycki, wielkopolski i pomorski od 1299, król polski od 1300, władca zwierzchni nad księstwami: bytomskim (od 1289), opolskim, cieszyńskim (od 1291), raciborskim (od 1292), sieradzkim, łęczyckim i brzesko-kujawskim (w latach 1292-1299), inowrocławskim, dobrzyńskim (od 1299) oraz wrocławsko-legnickim i świdnicko-jaworskim (od 1301). Wikipedia PL
Wenceslaus II Premyslid (Czech : Václav II.; Polish : Wacław II Czeski; September 27 , 1271 – June 21, 1305 ) was King of Bohemia (1278 - 1305), Duke of Cracow (1291 - 1305) and King of Poland (1300 - 1305).
He was the only son of King Ottokar II "the Great" of Bohemia and Ottokar's second wife Kunigunda. He was born in 1271, ten years after the marriage of his parents. Kunigunda was the daughter of Rostislav , lord of Slavonia, son of a Grand Duke of Kiev and Anna of Hungary, daughter of Béla IV of Hungary. His great-grandfather was the German king Philip of Swab.
Wenceslaus II Premyslid (Czech: Václav II.; Polish: Wacław II Czeski; September 27[1], 1271 – June 21, 1305) was King of Bohemia (1278 - 1305), Duke of Cracow (1291 - 1305) and crowned King of Poland (1300 - 1305) at Mainz. He was the only son of King Ottokar II "the Great" of Bohemia and Ottokar's second wife Kunigunda. He was born in 1271, ten years after the marriage of his parents. Kunigunda was the daughter of Rostislav, lord of Slavonia, son of a Grand Duke of Kiev and Anna of Hungary, daughter of Béla IV of Hungary. His great-grandfather was the German king Philip of Swabia.
Early years
In 1276 Rudolf I, King of Romans, placed Ottokar under the ban of the empire and besieged Vienna. This compelled Otakar in November 1276 to sign a new treaty by which he gave up all claims to Austria and the neighbouring duchies, retaining for himself only Bohemia and Moravia. Ottokar's son Wenceslaus was also betrothed to Rudolph's daughter Judith. It was an uneasy peace. Wenceslaus's father died in battle August 26, 1278, shortly before Wenceslaus's seventh birthday.
Before Wenceslaus became of age, the government was handled by Otto IV Margrave of Brandenburg, who is said to have held Wenceslaus captive in several locations. He returned to Bohemia in 1283, at the age of twelve. His mother's secret husband, Záviš of Falkenštejn ruled for him. On January 24, 1285, Wenceslaus married Judith of Habsburg, daughter of Rudolf I, to whom he had been betrothed since 1276. In 1290 Wenceslaus had Záviš beheaded for alleged treason and began ruling independently. [edit]King of Bohemia and Poland
In 1291 Przemysł II, High Duke of Poland, ceded the sovereign duchy of Krakow to Wenceslaus. Kraków was associated with the overlordship of Poland, but Przemysł held the other duchies and in 1295 was crowned King of Poland. After Przemysł's death in 1296 Wenceslaus became overlord of Poland and in 1300 was in Gniezno crowned King of Poland.[2] [edit]Silver in Kutná Hora
In 1298 silver was discovered at Hory Kutné (Kutná Hora, Kuttenberg) in Central Bohemia. Wenceslaus took control of the mine by making silver production a royal monopoly, and issued the Prague groschen which became the most popular of the early Groschen-type coins. Kutná Hora was one of the richest European silver strikes ever: between 1300 and 1340 the mine may have produced as much as 20 tons of silver a year. In 1300 Wenceslaus issued the new royal mining code Ius regale montanorum. This was a legal document that specified all administrative as well as technical terms and conditions necessary for the operation of mines.[3] [edit]The Crown of Hungary and death
Queen Judith had died in 1297. Wenceslaus's second wife was Elisabeth Richeza, daughter of Przemysł II, King of Poland 1295 - 1296 (later she remarried to Rudolph of Habsburg, duke of Austria, who also became king of Bohemia for a brief period in those unruly years). In 1301, Wenceslaus' kinsman Andrew III of Hungary died and with him the Árpád dynasty in male line. Wenceslaus was one of the relatives who claimed the throne, and he accepted it from a party of Hungarians on behalf of his young son. On August 27, 1301, Wenceslaus III was crowned in Székesfehérvár as the King of Hungary and as such assumed the name Ladislaus V (Hungarian: László [4], Czech, Slovak and Croatian: Ladislav). At that time the Kingdom of Hungary was split into several de-facto principalities, and young Wenceslaus was only accepted as the King of Hungary by the rulers in modern Slovakia (Matthew Csák and the Abas), in Burgenland (the Güssings [K%C5%91szegis]%29 and on territory around the capital, Buda. But the Abas and Matthew Csák switched sides in 1303 and started to support Wenceslaus' rival Charles Robert of Anjou. Consequently, the young Wenceslaus, in Ofen (Buda), became afraid and wrote to his father in Prague for help. His father took a large army and invaded Buda, but having considered the situation, he took his son and the Hungarian crown and returned to Bohemia (1304). Ivan of Güssing was named to represent Wenceslaus III in Hungary. Wenceslaus II died in 1305, at the age of 34, probably on tuberculosis. He was planning to invade Austria in this time, but that never happened. He was succeeded by his son, Wenceslaus III (Václav III.), last of the Přemyslid kings in male line. [edit]Family
He was married twice[5]: In 1285 in Eger (Cheb), he married Judith of Habsburg (1271–1297), daughter of Rudolph I of Germany and his wife Gertrude of Hohenburg. She died shortly after their 10th child was born: Přemysl Otakar (May 6, 1288 - November 19, 1288) Wenceslaus III (October 6, 1289 – August 4, 1306); King of Bohemia, King of Hungary and King of Poland Anne, twin of Wenceslaus. Died young. Anne of Bohemia (Anna Přemyslovna) (October 10, 1290 – September 3, 1313), married in 1306 to Henry of Carinthia Elisabeth of Bohemia (Eliška Přemyslovna) (January 20, 1292 - September 28, 1330), married in 1310 to John of Luxembourg Guta (March 3, 1293 - August 3, 1294) John (February 26, 1294 - March 1, 1295) John (February 21, 1295 - December 6, 1296) Margaret of Bohemia (Markéta Přemyslovna) (February 21 1296 - April 8, 1322), married in 1308 to Bolesław III the Generous, Duke of Wrocław Guta (*†May 21, 1297) In 1300, he married Elisabeth Richeza (1286 – 1335), daughter of Przemysł II. They had one child: Agnes of Bohemia (Anežka Přemyslovna) (June 15, 1305 - before January 4, 1337), married to Jindřich Javorský Wenceslaus has also numerous illegitimate children, including Jan Volek (?? - September 27, 1351), bishop of Olomouc
Venceslas II de Bohême (en tchèque Václav II., en polonais Wacław II Czeski, en allemand Wenzel II.), de la dynastie des Přemyslides, est né le 17 septembre 1271 et décédé le 21 juin 1305 à Prague. Il est le fils d’Ottokar II de Bohême et de Cunégonde de Tchernigov.
Il est roi de Bohême (1278-1305), duc de Cracovie (1291-1305) et roi de Pologne (1300-1305).
Venceslas II de Bohême (roi). Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
1271 |
September 17, 1271
Praha, Böhmen, Deutschland(HRR)
1288 |
May 6, 1288
Praha, Böhmen, Deutschland(HRR)
1289 |
October 6, 1289
Prague (Praha), Central Bohemia, Kingdom of Bohemia, Holy Roman Empire
October 6, 1289
Praha, Kingdom of Bohemia (Böhmen), Holy Roman Empire
1290 |
October 15, 1290
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Prague, Czechia (Czech Republic)
1292 |
January 20, 1292
Praha, Bohemia (Czech Republic)
1293 |
March 4, 1293
Praha, Böhmen, Deutschland(HRR)
1294 |
February 26, 1294
1295 |
March 21, 1295
Böhmen, Deutschland(HRR)