Matching family tree profiles for William "Billy" Holloway, Jr., of Pittsylvania Co., VA
Immediate Family
About William "Billy" Holloway, Jr., of Pittsylvania Co., VA
William "Billy" Holloway Jr. (c. 1754–1831) appears as a resident of Pittsylvania County for the last time in the 1800 personal property tax list. He and his wife Caty seem to have moved to North Carolina sometime between 1800 and 1802. On 19 Oct. 1802, Billy Holloway of Lincoln Co., NC sold his property on Little Sandy Creek in Pittsylvania Co., VA. Billy's daughter Jean Holloway then married William Wyatt in Lincoln County, their bond issued 13 Jan. 1804. Billy and his son Barnes Holloway both appear in the Lincoln County land tax list of 1805, Billy with 74 acres and 0 polls, Barnes with 594 acres and 1 poll. Barnes Holloway married Sarah Magill/McGill in Lincoln County, their marriage bond issued 1 Apr. 1806. (Note that the last digit of the year 1806 is smudged on the original marriage record, causing the date to be given as 1800 in published volumes of Lincoln County marriages. However, the marriage bond refers to Nathaniel Alexander as Governor, who took office in 1805, thus making clear that the marriage bond dated to 1806, not 1800.)
Billy's second wife Caty Poteet Holloway presumably died in Lincoln County before 1809, when Billy married his third wife. Billey Holloway and Anne Senter were married in Lincoln County, their marriage bond issued 23 Jan. 1809. Anne "Nancy" Holland Senter was born about 1764, an apparent orphan of Charles Holland of Cumberland County (c. 1722–1767) and widow of Steven Senter, whom she married in Lincoln County in 1779. (The Holloways lived near the communities of Dallas and Hardins, Lincoln County, later formed into Gaston County.) Billy, his son Barnes, and his daughter Jean all moved with their spouses to Blount Co., TN by at least 1812, Barnes having done so by 1808. Billy's brother Joseph had made this same move from Lincoln to Blount in about 1796. Billy, Joseph and their extended families lived in the community of Six Mile, Blount County, where they were members of the Six Mile Baptist Church. Billy was ordained as a minister there in 1819. Billy stated in his Revolutionary War pension application in 1820 that his wife was Nancy, age 56, and that two of her children and a grandson from a previous marriage lived with them, all having the surname Senter. This confirms that the Billy Holloway and Anne/Nancy Senter who married in Lincoln County were the same couple who moved to Blount County. Billy's military pension file proves that he and Joseph were brothers. Joseph
Holloway (c. 1750–1820) was married with children during the Revolution and thus did not serve during the war. He provided an affidavit for Billy's military pension application, stating that he and Billy were brothers and that he knew Billy to have served during the war. Despite this evidence, early genealogists adopted the view that Billy was Joseph's father, a mistake that escalated into the further mistake that Billy Jr. was married to his mother, Frances Meador, as claimed in many online family trees. These family trees typically fail to differentiate between William
"Billy" Holloway Sr. (c. 1729–aft. 1801) and his son, William "Billy" Holloway Jr. (c. 1754–1831). The correct attributions are that William Sr. was married to Frances Meador, and that Billy Jr. (Reverend and Revolutionary War soldier) was married first to an unknown wife, married second to Catherine "Caty" Poteet, and married third to Anne "Nancy" Holland Senter. Adding to the confusion is that Billy Jr. had both a brother and son named Barnes Holloway. Billy's brother Barnes Holloway Sr. (c. 1754–aft. 1824) married Sarah Meador in Bedford Co., VA in 1780, moved
to Georgia, and died in Marion Co., AL. Billy and his first unknown wife had a son Barnes Sr. (1781–1846) who married first to Sarah McGill in Lincoln Co., NC in 1806, married second to Ruth Wallace in Blount Co., TN in 1816, and died in Cass Co., MO. These two Barnes Holloways (uncle and nephew) are often confused with each other in online family trees. Both of them had sons named Barnes Jr.
There are many early records of Pittsylvania County that have not been published in print editions, such as the Pittsylvania County Court Minutes. It is likely that much more information for the Holloway family in Pittsylvania County will eventually be brought to light.
- Birth: 1754 VIRGINIA
- Death: 4-30-1831 BLOUNT CO TENNESSEE
- Pension Number: *S38844
- Service Source: *S38844
Billy was born Abt. 1758 . He was a Baptist preacher of English descent. Billy enlisted in Cumberland County, Virginia on February 14, 177 6. He served as a private in Captain Fleming's Company, Colonel Dangerfield's Virginia regiment until late September 1776. He transferred to Captain Scrugg's Company, Colonel Scott's 5th Virginia regiment and marched north. He was in both battles of Trenton. The battles of Brandywine and Germantown. He served until February 15, 1778, at which time he was discharged at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Billy was allowed pension on his application executed May 2, 1818, at which time he resided in Blount County, Tennessee and was 64 years old.
Billy, age , died in 1831 in Tennessee.
Served under General Washington in the Revelutionary War
14 FEB 1776 Enlisted in Cumberland County, Virginia Served a a private in Captin Flemings COmpany, Colonel Dangerfields, Virgi nia Regiment until the latter part of September 1776 Transferred to Captin Scruggs Company, Colonel Scotts Fifth Virginia Regim ent Fought in both battles of Trentonin the Revolutionary War Fought in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown in the revolutionary w ar 15 FEB 1778 Discharged at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 1781 Served a tour in the Militia Religion: Baptist Occupation: Baptist Minister
Sources: 1.Title: D Blocher.GED Note: Merged 29/03/2009 22:10 Date: 2 APR 2009 Note: Record originated in...
William "Billy" Holloway, Jr., of Pittsylvania Co., VA's Timeline
1754 |
Cumberland County, VA, British Colonial America
1781 |
September 16, 1781
Pittsylvania County, VA, United States
1786 |
1788 |
Washington County, TN, United States
1790 |
Washington County, TN, United States
1792 |
1831 |
April 30, 1831
Age 77
Blount County, Tennessee, United States