William Paschal, Jr.

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About William Paschal, Jr.

Burial record:



William Paschal, Jr. was born on July 22, 1693 in Philadelphia County, Province of Pennsylvania. His parents were William Paschall, Sr. and Susanna Paschall (Budd). He was a Saddler, Farmer.

William married Reliance Phoebe Paschal (Dennis) in 1726 in New Jersey, United States. Together they had the following children: Samuel Paschall; John Paschall; Isaiah Paschall; William Paschall; Elisha Paschal; James Paschall; Sarah Paschall;

Clarence McDaniel suggests that after the death of his first wife Reliance c. 1739, he may have been married to a woman of the Pike family, possibly a daughter of the William Pike whose will William witnessed In 1729, at Woodbridge, NJ. McDaniel states: "The names of the daughters, Rachel, Dianna, Sarah and Ruth, are names used in the Pike family, especially Dianna and Ruth." "My guess is that William married secondly into this Pike family, who were his neighbors, and embraced their religion about 1743 and [that] Dennis, J, and Thomas, K, as well as two or three daughters, were by this second wife."

William married Sarah Ruth Rachel Paschall (England) circa 1743 in Philadelphia, PA, United States. Together they had the following children: Hannah Stow (Paschall).

William was in North Carolina by 1744.

William had a survey run on Mar 11, 1748, and received his first land grant on Mar 25, 1749, in the county of Granville, for 625 acres. William's three oldest sons also received grants in their names, all in the same immediate area.

William married Tabatha Paschall (King). She may have been the mother of *Reliance Paschall--or this Reliance may have been one of William's granddaughters.

He died on November 6, 1774 in Bute County, Province of North Carolina.

From Donnie East Jr's Family history website at https://www.genealogy.com/ftm/e/a/s/Donnie-F-East-jr/WEBSITE-0001/U... (edited for paragraphing, grammar, punctuation and typo correction):

Known as William of the Land Grant.

Received 4 land grants from Lord Granville's agents from 1749-1761. Served in the North Carolina Militia, 1754.
1719 Midd/NJ WB Samuel Dennis names daughter, Reliance, others

Bute Co., N. Carolina court minutes Nov 15, 1770: Ordered that Parks King, Tabitha King, and Mary King, orphans of John King dec'd be bound to William Paschal until they atain to lawful age, the said William to learn the said Parks King the business of a planter and the said Tabitha and Mary to read and write and housewifery.

WILLIAM PASCHALL by Clarence McDaniel, October, 1997

NOTE: Since this was written, a new item has been found. This is a deed to William Paschall, 1730, near Elizabethtown. The witnesses are said to have been 3 men from Woodbridge. If we consider this to be the same family, then perhaps the 1729 and 1730 items are not William but his father! One reason to think this is [that] the signature of 1729 has William spelled out; this is the only instance of this; all the later signatures use, "Will'm". Also, when William died, a noted Presbyterian minister was well paid for the sermon. This is the church of Scotland, and Perth-Amboy, the port of Woodbridge, was a Scottish settlement?

William was born about 1705, perhaps a little earlier. He seems to have been the immigrant from England or Scotland but not France. Bristol is one of the areas identified as the origin of some of the early immigrants to Philadelphia. These immigrants, mostly Quakers and their allied families, formed one of the "core" branches of subsequent Philadelphia society. See the book, "Albion's Seed". The immigrant, Benjamin, A246, was once considered to be the father, but the birth records of the Bristol Friends Meetings show he was born 1690, which is too late. Perhaps the answer lies in one of the unknown Paschalls in the Say Bible or the Bible of Abraham Paschall.

Recent (November, 1986) discoveries of several documents have extended our knowledge of William. William came to Woodbridge, Middlesex County, NJ, prior to 1726 and remained there until moving to North Carolina. So far, two documents have been located that show his presence in Woodbridge from 1729 to 1739. Additionally, Samuel Dennis of Woodbridge, in his will of 1719, named an unmarried daughter as Reliance. William named his seventh son, Dennis, no doubt but to honor her line. In 1729, at Woodbridge, William signed as witness to the will, of Thomas Pike. The original will exists and a photocopy of William's signature has been obtained. The copy is faint but the signature compares well with that of the 1749 land grant.

About 1708, the Zebulon Montgomery Pike family joined the Presbyterian Church that [had] just organized in Woodbridge. Reliance's father, Samuel Dennis or Dennes, and his father before him (also named Samuel), were well-known personages of Woodbridge. The elder Samuel had served in several civil capacities in the town. Reliance's grandfather and his brothers, John and Jonathan, along with their father, Robert Dennis, were pioneers in New Jersey. Records indicate that Robert came from Yarmouth, MA, about 1667. John and Samuel arrived on a ship in 1664, embarking from Cork, Ireland. They may have completed their schooling in Britain before leaving to join their father in Woodbridge.

In 1739, records of the court of New York city indicate that a runaway servant, Richard Glover, was being held until William Paschall, of Woodbridge, should come to get him. During these critical ten years, we can show William living in Woodbridge. An examination of the town book, called Libre B, may show more, but this has not been accessed to date.

About the year 1744, William, and likely his two older sons, went to North Carolina, perhaps in a group along the Quaker Trail that led from Philadelphia to Baltimore to Richmond to Petersburg, VA. It may be that the entire family went to Virginia and stayed there while the three men went on south. My own guess is that Reliance had died and William remarried. The names of the daughters, Rachel, Dianna, Sarah and Ruth, are names used in the Pike family, especially Dianna and Ruth.

Our particular thread can be picked up in the 1744 North Carolina petitions for land. A petitioner had to meet certain requirements. These were: he had to be a loyal subject of the Crown, not bound or criminal, and he had to pledge support to the Church of England. These were laws passed by the colonial government at New Bern, the capital. From about 1720, land in North Carolina had been given by the Lord Proprietors in England at the rate of 50 acres for each person present in the family, including servants/slaves.

Our petitioner asked for the modest sum of 150 acres which would indicate that only William and possibly two sons were present in 1744. This petition and a cattle mark registration of 1745 are our first records of William in North Carolina. The 1744 petitions were never granted due to policy changes in England. My thought is that he next brought the entire family to North Carolina by 1748, as the survey for his first grant was made that year. This survey most likely included the 150 acres he had previously claimed. In any event, William had a survey run on Mar 11, 1748, and received his first land grant on Mar 25, 1749, in the county of Granville, for 625 acres. William's grant of 1749 is a beautiful document. Copies may be obtained from the North Carolina Archives and are expensive. The document is large and contains William's signature to attest his agreement to the terms of the grant. Those granting the land were the legally appointed commissioners of Lord Granville, sitting at New Bern. William's signature shows a fair hand, and he signed his surname in the Anglicized form with one L. He abbreviated his first name as "Willm" as he did on his will.

THE TERMS OF THE GRANT - The grantee was required, within a space of time, to make improvements in the property. He was to clear and cultivate the land at so many acres a year or he was to build a suitable house and graze so many head a year, etc. In all, he was required to do exactly as you would expect he would want to do. A token sum, called quit rents, was due yearly, forever. Failure to meet the terms meant expulsion and forfeiture. It is uncertain why terms were imposed; it was not to the advantage of the Crown to enforce them.

THE PLACE OF THE GRANT - The grant's bounds are perfectly definable. The grant may be easily located even at this date on a modern topographical map of the area. Embellishments made by William's sons were still definable in the 1920's, according to Edward E Paschall. He wrote that a mill, "Paschall Mill", was still standing in 1925. As we follow the Roanoke upriver from the bay country, we encounter a northeasterly flowing creek named Smith's Creek. William located up this creek near a branch called Beetree. It was here William had survey chains dragged through densely forested hill and vale and made his home place, and it is here that he is buried. William improved and kept his 1749 grant; indeed, he added three more grants of adjacent land to the original, making in all 2597 acres. These grants were dated the 11th and 13th of March, 1760 and 16 March, 1761.

This constituted a parcel of land about 3 miles long, east to west, and a mile wide. On a road map, North Carolina routes 1217, 1206 and 1218 enclose most of the original grants. This achievement has caused William to be fondly known as: "William of the Land Grants".

William's three oldest sons also received grants in their names, all in the same immediate area.

Surviving records of the early period with individual names of settlers are few. Thankfully, we do have some. There are four published lists, three tax and a militia list, that give the names of individuals that are of interest. These are:

  • 1750 Granville Tax list
  • 1754 Granville Militia list
  • 1755 Granville Tax list
  • 1762 Granville Tax list

These lists suffice to give us some idea of William, his sons, and their neighbors. As would be expected, many prominent names can be found on these lists which became legends in later North Carolina history.

1750 - This list shows William with four additional polls. The state tax was levied on males at age 16 in these early years.

1754 - This is a military list, probably brought about by an Indian scare, resulting in a desire to know how many able-bodied men could fight. This list states some relationships. We have William and son, William. Other companies carry Samuel, John and Isaiah. Samuel is married and most likely so are John and Isaiah. John's name is either duplicated or the compiler could not distinguish the difference in names. We note Elisha is missing from the list. We do not know of any certain age requirement imposed for this list.

1755 - This list gives us the names of the polls, and we find six of William's sons listed with him. Only the youngest two sons are missing from this list.

1762 - Recently published, this list shows two sons living in the homes of relatives of their wives. We notice that Isaiah, F, is listed as overseer in the household of Julius Nichols, his brother-in-law.

Likewise, we see William, G, living in the household of Thomas Aspen. Thomas is likely his father-in-law. William, C, has Elisha and Dennis at home and over 16. Samuel and James are listed separately, so James has probably married by 1762.

The first two tax lists give us a chance to make some rough age estimates for William's sons. We can show the following:

1750 1755

  • Samuel > 16 > 16
  • John > 16 > 16 > means "over"
  • Isaiah > 16 > 16 William > 16 > 16
  • Elisha16
  • James16

We can see this indicates the first four were born before 1734 and the last two were born between 1734 and 1739. We have a document regarding Isaiah which says he was "about 50" in 1779. Samuel's Bible has his year of birth as 1727.

Using the traditional order as given by William's will, then we have:

  • Samuel b, 1727
  • John b, 1729
  • Isaiah b, 1731
  • William b, 1733
  • Elisha b, 1735
  • James b, 1739

We keep the two-year separation between births as most authorities recommend. The traditional year of birth for James is 1740. We lower this to 1739 to be in agreement with the tax list.

Other Early Records - The court records of early Granville list, in 1756, William's name in a trespass suit. A deed record of Thomas Aspen, in 1758, has as witness, William. This is most likely the son, William, G, as he was in the household in the 1762 tax list. There is in the 1760's a series of deeds, William to his sons and Isaiah to father, William.

William deeded to seven of his sons all of the land in the three later grants. He retained only the northernmost part of the 1749 grant - the home place. William, G, did not receive land because he had left the county - he most likely got property of equal value. The year 1765 saw Granville County divided, with William's original tracts split between two counties. The eastern portion of Granville with the home place became Bute County. Again in 1779, we see the Bute name discarded and the county divided into two new counties, Warren to the north and Franklin to the south. The records of Bute were given to the keeping of Warren County wherein the home place now lay. In 1773, there was an agreement between William and son Thomas, K. The agreement was that Thomas should provide his father and wife with their keep for one year; Thomas in return was to get a sum of money. The agreement was witnessed by William, who made a mark like a capital M. Whether this was Wm, D3, or Wm, G, remains to be determined, though Wm,,G is believed to have made a mark like a capital W and thought to have been in Orange County.

In May of the year 1774, William made his will. The will was probated in Bute court of November 1774. Today we can view a microfilm copy of that original will. William named his seven oldest sons and devised a nominal sum to each. This signifies that he considered they had already gotten their fair share of his estate. The idea in naming each is to show that none had been accidentally forgotten. William named his then-living wife, Tabitha; his underage daughter, Reliance; his married daughter, Dianna, and her husband and son; his three adult daughters and his youngest son, Thomas. The four adult daughters received land in Granville, Reliance got a sizeable bequest, Tabitha got the home place land for her lifetime. Thomas got the rest including Tabitha's after her death. Thomas was made the ward of his sister, Reliance, and posted bond.

It has always been the custom that William named his sons in order of their birth and we know of no cause to believe otherwise at this date. An inventory of the estate shows a voucher for payment to the Rev. Henry Patrillo [could this be Patillo?] for the funeral sermon. He was a noted Presbyterian minister of the time.

Anderson, J1, named a son, Zebulon Montgomery, no doubt but for the famous Pike's peak explorer. My guess is that William married secondly into this Pike family, who were his neighbors, and embraced their religion about 1743 and [that] Dennis, J, and Thomas, K, as well as two or three daughters, were by this second wife. Enforcement to this idea is had by the fact that neither of the J or K lines ever named a daughter Reliance, whereas the older ones did so.

Of the five daughters we originally knew very little. No marriage records of this period have been located. Dianna had a record (banns) of intent to marry Richard King, and this is confirmed by the will. No further record has been identified for the other three daughters. The daughters' marriages may be traced using the land records. This requires a tedious search for the first recorded owner of the bequeathed land. William gave bequests to four daughters of land in Granville county below that of son Elisha. The deed to Elisha was confused, but it was for 845 acres. To understand this, the searcher must know that the 700 acres of land given by son Isaiah to his father was to the west and south of the fourth grant of William. When this 700 acres is platted in and the boundaries of the 845 acres to Elisha used, we see that Elisha got 685 acres (the entire 4th grant to William) and 160 acres of the west part of Isaiah's old grant. A careful reading of the deed to Elisha now shows that William gave Elisha the entire grant along with the liabilities thereof, i.e. the quit rents. This left 540 acres of Isaiah's old grant, all south of Elisha. The dimensions are given for this residual land.

Following the amounts given in the will, we can plat the land given to each daughter. This has been done. The above lengthily explanation was necessary as this is the only clue to the marriages of the three daughters. The land records had to be searched for mention of Sarah, L's 150 acres south of Elisha being conveyed. The conveyor must have no prior deed for the land it being his wife's legacy. There was located, as predicted, three such sales of the exact land. The story is found in each daughter's history. More work needs to be developed on these lines.

The daughter, Reliance, was alive and not married until 1785, the year Thomas last renewed the bond. Reliance was not the child of William's wife Reliance as so many searchers have presumed. We can show this by the following analysis: Eighteen was at the time the legal age for females. If Reliance was underage in 1785 (assuming the bond was for an underage ward), then she must have been born no earlier than 1767. If we presume Reliance was born no later than 1703 (she was a minor when her father died in 1719), then Reliance would have been, as a minimum, 65 years old when daughter Reliance was born. The incidence of live births to women over 50 is extremely small, so good genealogy then denies the assumption that Reliance was the mother. In 1815 at Smith County, TN, James Burchett died and had an estate sale. He was allied by his sister's marriage to the E-line and went with them to that county earlier. At his sale was his widow, Reliance. I suspect she was either William's daughter or a daughter of James,,I, or John,,E. The latter seems more likely and is so indicated below. We have traced as accurately as possible the descendants of the eight sons. All eight sons married and had issue. William was blessed with no less than 63 grandchildren! The line-up as we apportion it today is:

Line Son Grandsons

  • D Samuel-- Wm, John, Samuel, Milton
  • E John-- James, Silas, Samuel, John
  • F Isaiah-- Wm, George, John, Isaiah, Dennis
  • G William-- Thomas
  • H Elisha-- Wm, Samuel, John, Elisha, Jesse, Isaiah,
  • Ezekiel, Alexander
  • I James-- Samuel, Robert, John, James, Joshua, Edmund
  • J Dennis-- Anderson, Nichols, Elisha
  • K Thomas-- Wm, Thomas, John, Henry, Michael, Robert

Line Son Granddaughters

  • D Samuel --Reliance, Mary, Rachel, Sarah, Susan, Nancy, Mildred, Betty, Phereba
  • E John-- Jemina?, Reliance?
  • F Isaiah-- Lucinda
  • G William-- Hannah
  • H Elisha-- Elizabeth, Reliance, Jerusha, Rachel
  • I James-- Patience, Elizabeth, Eluena, Sarah
  • J Dennis-- Mary, Sarah
  • K Thomas-- Nancy, Elizabeth, Mary, Martha, Bushaba

In this list there are some questions, but it represents a minimum count - there [were] possibly two more grandsons. Of these 36 grandsons, nearly all had descendants. One can quickly see the numbers become astonishing in several generations. When I first became aware of these eight sons and their children and the confusion regarding them, I determined to find where they went and when they died. Little did I know of the extent of such a task. The date and place of death for the sons were:

Name Date County/State

  • Samuel 1805 Abbeville, SC
  • John 1776 Granville, NC
  • Isaiah 1795 Franklin, NC
  • William 1818+ likely Russell, VA
  • Elisha 1810+ Caswell, NC
  • James 1792 Warren, NC
  • Dennis 1815 Warren, NC
  • Thomas 1821 Warren, NC

Those who made wills were: Samuel, Isaiah, James, Dennis. Relationship information may be found in deed records for: John, Elisha, Thomas and in other wills for John, William

Contrary to what might be expected, the greatest problems occur when a great number of persons with the same surname are living in the same civil region. Such occurs in Warren in the period from about 1780-1810. After this time, the number of remaining lines has diminished to the point where identification is not questionable. The only saving factor in Warren was the preservation of a great number of records. The tax lists divide the county into smaller geographical areas or districts. With a large number of descendants in a small area, no scrap of paper or mention is insignificant. One John who could sign his name and another who couldn't was the break needed in one case. When William deeded his land to his sons, the land was all in one civil jurisdiction, Granville County. In 1765, the land given to James was partially divided between Granville and Bute. In the west, John, Isaiah and Elisha were still in Granville, while to the east Samuel, Dennis and Thomas with their father were in Bute. Furthermore, the new county line dividing Bute and Granville was artificia; that is, an imaginary line rather than the more familiar boundary of a river. The line ran fairly parallel to Deep Creek, but the creek had been ignored as a boundary. Dissatisfaction with this line must have been great, because in the year 1786 (after the tax list), Granville ceded this district, Nutbush, to Warren. Knowledge of this change is necessary to interpret the records of 1785-87 correctly. In 1787, Elisha suddenly appears to have moved from Granville to Warren. We are not so fortunate in the later Granville records as we are in those of Warren; fewer tax lists are available and the 1790 census is missing. We have tax lists for 1769, 1771 and various years and most of the state census of 1786.

He signed a will in May 1774 in Bute Co., NC proved 11/ 1774.

On May 12, 1730 Joseph Allin, Jr. of Essex Co., NJ, Saddler deeded to William Paskel of the same place 100 acres in the parish of Elizabethtown, NJ.

Records indicate William Paschall moved to NC about 1740. Under Lord Granville, William and his sons were granted large tracts of land in what was then Granville Co., some of this land was in the Drewry-Ridgeway area.

Granville Co. NC deeds to William Paschall:

  • 3/24/1749625 acres
  • 3/11/1760640 acres
  • 3/13/1760647 acres
  • 3/16/1761685 acres
  • Total 2,597 acres


Philadelphia Co, PA; moved in 1720s to Woodbridge, Middlesex Co, NJ and then to Bute Co, NC c 1744; 1749 land grant in Granville Co, NC



Wendell Petty provides 3 wives for William Paschall:

(1) He married Reliance Dennis abt. 1726 in Middlesex,NJ. Reliance Dennis was born abt. 1708 in Middlesex, NJ. She died aft. 1739. Six children:

  • 1. William Paschall, b. 1733
  • 2. Elisha Paschall, b. 1735
  • 3. James Paschall, b. abt. 1739
  • 4. Samuel Paschall, b. April 01, 1727
  • 5. John Paschall, b. 1729
  • 6. Isaiah Paschall, b. 1731

(2) He married Sarah Ruth Rachel abt. 1743. Sarah Ruth Rachel was born bef. 1733. She died abt. 1768 in Bute, NC. Children:

  • 1. Dennis Paschall, b. 1747
  • 2. Sarah Paschall, b. bef. 1756
  • 3. Dianna Paschall, b. 1750
  • 4. Rachel Paschall, b. abt. 1750
  • 5. Ruth Paschall, b. bef. 1756
  • 6. Reliance Paschall, b. abt. 1767
  • 7. Thomas Paschall, b. 1755

(3) He married Tabitha bef. 1774 in Bute,NC. She died 1779 in Warren, NC. (no children)

Other references to William Paschall:

  • 1719 Midd/NJ WB Samuel Dennis names dau, Reliance, others
  • 1727 Bible of son, Samuel, names mother as Reliance
  • 1729 Midd/NJ WB Thomas Pike; Wm was wit, signed; original will(the father?)
  • 1739 NewY/NY Ct Rec William Paschall, resident of Woodbridge, NJ
  • 1744 Edge/NC Col Rec Vol 4, p703 pet for 150a, granted; Nov 19
  • 1745 Edge/NC Brands Bk A; Wm, a crop & a hole in each ear; Jul 18
  • 1749 Gran/NC Ld Gt #38, file #760, Bk 14 p19, 625a; Mar 25; signed
  • 1750 Gran/NC TL William and sons, 6 polls
  • 1754 Gran/NC Militia, William & son, William; Samuel, John, Isaiah
  • 1755 Gran/NC TL William and 7 sons
  • 1760 Gran/NC Ld grants, 640a; Mar 11 and 647a; Mar 13
  • 1761 Gran/NC Ld grant, 685a; Mar 16
  • 1761 Gran/NC DB D314 Ld to son, Samuel; May; called D-line
  • 1766 Gran/NC DB I230 ditto
  • 1761 Gran/NC DB D313 Ld to son, John; Jun; called E-line
  • 1761 Gran/NC DB D327 Ld to son, Isaiah; Jun; called F-line
  • 1762 Gran/NC TL Smith's Cr has Elisha, Dennis at home
  • 1763 Gran/NC DB F170 Ld to son, James; Mar; called I-line
  • 1765 Gran/NC DB G313 Ld to son, Elisha; Feb duplicated J4, p6; called H-line
  • 1768 Bute/NC DB 2-45 Ld to son, Dennis; Feb; called J-line
  • 1770 Bute/NC Ct Min Wm gdn to Parks, Mary & Tabitha King; p150
  • 1773 Bute/NC Ct Min Wm & son, Thomas-agreement; Mar 27; p200; called K-line
  • 1774 Bute/NC WB will; May, proved Nov; sons, Thomas/Dennis exec'rs
  • 1777 Bute/NC Ct Min est acct; sermon, Rev Patillo, noted Presbyterian minister
  • 1779 Warr/NC Ct Min additional inventory; Aug
  • 1779 Warr/NC Ct Min Tabitha, widow, died; her property sold by Thomas
  • Note: King ch were ch of John King; Parks >18 by Nov 1771 when he was bound to Richard King until 21.
  • Note: prob marr 2ndly; Sarah Anderson or Pike?, c1745
  • Note: prob marr 3rdly; Tabitha King, widow of John King; had her dau, Tabitha King as ward
  • Note: son, William did not get land; called G-line
  • Note: 5 dau's, per will order, are called L-P lines


Clarence McDaniel provides the following (Paschal-Paschall genealogy, McDaniel, Clarence E., (http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~sandydog/ : September, 2006), accessed 11 Aug 2010), Descendeants of William Paschall C1703 - 1774, prepared by Clarence McDaniel, Aug. 5, 2010 (Reliability: 3), 11 Aug 2010.) http://genhistory.net/getperson.php?personID=I287&tree=Main

Note that I ave rearranged children to be in birth order. (PW)

  • Birth Abt 1703 [1]
  • Gender Male
  • Died Aug 1774 , Bute, North Carolina, USA [1]
  • Person ID I287 Main Tree
  • Last Modified 15 Oct 2010

Family 1 Reliance Dennis, b. Abt 1708, , Middlesex, New Jersey, USA , d. Aft 1739

  • Married Abt 1726 , Middlesex, New Jersey, USA [1]


  • 1. Samuel Paschall, b. 1 Apr 1727, , Middlesex, New Jersey, USA , d. 1805, , Abbeville, South Carolina,
  • 2. John Paschall, b. 1729, , Middlesex, New Jersey, USA , d. 1776, , Granville, North Carolina
  • 3. Isaiah Paschall, b. 1731, , Middlesex, New Jersey, USA , d. 1795, , Franklin, North Carolina, USA
  • 4. William Paschall, b. 1733, , Middlesex, New Jersey, USA , d. Aft 1818, , Russell, Virginia, USA
  • 5. Elisha Paschall, b. 1735, , Middlesex, New Jersey, USA , d. Aft 1812, , Caswell, North Carolina, USA
  • 6. James Paschall, b. Abt 1739, , Middlesex, New Jersey, USA , d. 1792, , Warren, North Carolina

Family 2


  • 1. Dennis Paschall, b. 1747, , Edgecombe, North Carolina, USA , d. Nov 1816, , Warren, North Carolina
  • 2. Sarah Paschall, b. Bef 1756, , Granville, North Carolina , d. Bef 1789, , Granville, North Carolina
  • 3. Dianna Paschall, b. 1750, , Granville, North Carolina , d. Aft 1774
  • 4. Rachel Paschall, b. Abt 1750, , Granville, North Carolina , d. Abt 1802, , Warren, North Carolina
  • 5. Ruth Paschall, b. Bef 1756, , Granville, North Carolina , d. Aft 1774
  • 6. Thomas Paschall, b. 1755, , Granville, North Carolina , d. Nov 1821, , Warren, North Carolina
  • 7. Reliance Paschall, b. Abt 1767, , Bute, North Carolina, USA , d. Aft 1785

Family 3 Tabitha, d. Aug 1779, , Warren, North Carolina

  • Married Abt 1770 , Bute, North Carolina, USA [2]

Served in North Carolina Militia in Captain Richard Coleman's Company - Muster Roll October 8, 1754.

Granville County Deeds, 1746- 1751,Part 2

March 25, 1749 - The Right Honourable JOHN EARL GRANVILLE Viscount Carteret and Baron Carteret of Hawne in the County of Bedford in the Kingdom of Great Britain and one of the Lords of His Majesty's Most Honourable privy Council of the one part and William PASCHALL of Granville Co.; for 3 shillings proclamation money and a yearly yield of rent; 625 Acres in the parish and county of Granville on both sides of Smiths Creek beginning at a Willow in STROUD's new line on the E/side the sd Cr. thence run S 200 pole to a Blk Oak, E 112 pole to a White Oak on Cabbin branch, up branch 4 S pole to W. Oak in STROUD's old line thence by his lne W 274 pole to a W. Oak on Smiths Cr. afsd. thence up th esd Cr. S 150 pole to a poplar thence W 100 pole to a Red Oak thence N 440 pole to a W. Oak thence E to the beginning. E. MOSELY, Robt. HALTON, as agents for the Earl. Wit: Dan. WELDON, Willm. CHURTON. Land Grant. Proved open Court March 1749.

Birth: Jul. 22, 1693 Pennsylvania, USA Death: Nov. 6, 1774 Granville County North Carolina, USA

1st H/O Reliance Dennis m. 1722 F/O M/O Susannah, Hannah, Samuel, Mary, Isaiah, Rebecca, Sarah, Seth, William, Jane, Elisha, Diana, James, Dennis and John 2nd H/O Sarah Pike m 1742 F/O Thomas, Ruth, Reliance and Racheal

Family links:

 Reliance Denes Paschal (1693 - 1739)
 Sarah Pike Paschall (1722 - 1790)*


 Samuel Paschal (1727 - 1805)*
 Rachel Paschall Wilson (1750 - 1802)*

*Calculated relationship

Burial: Non-Cemetery Burial Specifically: unknown

Created by: Heritage Record added: Jul 29, 2013 Find A Grave Memorial# 114599028

view all 32

William Paschal, Jr.'s Timeline

July 22, 1693
Philadelphia County, Province of Pennsylvania
August 5, 1720
Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States
Philadelphia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, United States
August 21, 1726
Philadelphia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, United States
April 1, 1727
Bertie Precinct, North Carolina
Middlesex Co, NJ
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA