Matching family tree profiles for William Scott
Immediate Family
About William Scott
William Scott
- Birth 1672 Maryland, USA
- Death 1740 (aged 67–68) Prince George's County, Maryland, USA
William and Mary Lucas Scott only had 2 sons Thomas and William and a daughter Mary. William Scott, Jr wife was also Mary her maiden name is unknown, and its William Jr, that died in 1752 PGM Not William Scott Sr's death date is uncertain in my records possible before 1740. William Scott's birthplace is not proven. There are no proven records of his parents. It is certain he had a brother George Scott but few to no records on George Scott. Based on DNA matches I expect this Scott family came from England to America. William Scott Sr may have been the first with his brother George Scott. Please do your own research.
May have been bn in Fife, Scotland per Jerry Scott Find A Grave
[That is a different William Scott.]
•ID: I14103 •Name: William Scott •Sex: M •Birth: 1672 in Charles County, Maryland •Death: AFT 1730 in Prince George's County, Maryland •Note:
Prince George's County Land Records, Folio 122a: Indenture 14 Oct 1704 From: Richard Garrell, planter of Prince George's County and his wife Alce To: William Scott, planter of Prince George's County "Witnesseth ye said Richard Isaac"; "payment of ye said Richard Jearell"; for 30£ sold to William Scott a 100 acre parcel of land part of a tract called Dean lying in Prince George's County near the Eastern Branch of the Potomac River; bounded by land of Francis Pristley called Forgott and by land of Col. Ninian Beall Signed: Rich'd Jearell (mark) and Alce Jearoll (mark) Witnessed: Samuel Magruder and William Tanyhill Memorandum: 14 Oct 1704 Alce Jearell examined by William Tanyhill and Sam'll Magruder Alienation: 2 Dec 1704 the sum of 4s paid by William Scott
Prince George's Land Records 1726-1730 - Liber M, Page 151
Memorandum; 4th Tues. in Aug last; Justices John Magruder, John Powell, Basil Waring and Edward Sprigg, Gentlemen; Charles Beals seized of 2 parcel of land called Virgin's Garden and Forgot the Name; oaths regarding boundaries: 7 Nov 1726; deposition of Thomas Evans, age ca 52, regarding boundaries of above 7 Nov 1726; deposition of William Scott, age ca 52, regarding boundaries of above 7 Nov 1726; deposition of Walter Evans, age ca 79, regarding boundaries of above
Prince George's Land Records 1726-1730 - Liber M, Page 170
Enrolled at request of William Scott 3 Jun 1727: Indenture, 29 Mar 1727; Between John Thomson, planter, and William Scott, planter; for £25; part of a tract called Dann; bounded by land of Ninian Beall and Francis Presly; containing 89 acres; /s/ Jno. Thomson; wit. Thomas Gault, Jno. Magruder; ack. 29 Mar 1727 by John Thomson
Prince George's Land Records 1726-1730 - Liber M, Page 376
Enrolled at request of Dr. John Haswell 27 Feb 1728: Indenture, 26 Feb 1728; Between William Scott, planter, and John Haswell, surgeon [first finding of this spelling]; for £37; part of a tract called formerly Thomas' Beginning later surveyed The William & Mary; bounded by William Scott on the south side of a bottom leading to Cabbin Branch; containing 200 acres; /s/ William Scott; wit. Jno. Magruder, Edw. Sprigg, John Belt; ack. 26 Feb 1728 by William Scott and Mary his wife
Prince George's Land Records 1726-1730 - Liber M, Page 485
Petition of Charles Beale 4th Tues. of March last: From Charles, Lord Baltimore, to Basil Waring, Benjamin Berry, Walter Brooke and Osborne Sprigg, Gent.; regarding boundaries of The Barrens; depositions follow: 15 Jul 1729; Deposition of William Tannihill, age ca 76; mentions David Elliot 30 years ago and tobacco house 15 Jul 1729; Deposition of William Scott, age ca 57; mentions tobacco house and Col. Beale's land 15 Jul 1729; Deposition of Walter Evans, age ca 80; mentions plantation of William Scott near a tobacco house and Col. Beale 15 Jul 1729; Deposition of Thomas Scott, age ca 26; mentions his father, tobacco house and William Scott Enrolled 29 Aug 1729
Prince George's Land Records 1726-1730 - Liber M, Page 488 - 490 Petition of Archibald Edmondston 4th Tues. of June last: From Charles, Lord Baltimore, to Jeremiah Belt, Basil Waring, Benjamin Berry & Walter Brooke, Gent-; regarding boundaries of Whitlackintine WHITELAINTINE; depositions follow: 22 Aug 1729; Deposition of William Thompson, age ca 80; mentions Col. Beale 46 years ago and Whitlackintine belonging to Christopher Thompson 22 Aug 1729; Deposition of William Thompson, age ca 80; mentions Col. Beale 35 years ago, his brother Christopher Thompson and Hudson Son's land 22 Aug 1729; Deposition of Charles Beale, age ca 57; mentions Locust Point of Col. Ninian Beale, his father 22 Aug 1729; Deposition of Charles Beale, age ca 57; mentions ca 18 years ago his father Col- Ninian Beall and Samuel Queen 22 Aug 1729; Deposition of William Scott, age ca 57; mentions 18 - 19 years ago Christopher Thompson brought James Stoddert, Sr. to identify hickory stump on the south side of the Eastern Branch of the Potomac 22 Aug 1729; Deposition of William Scott, age ca 57; mentions whitlackintine, Christopher Thompson and James Stoddert
Prince George's Land Records 1730-1733 - Liber Q, Page 275
Enrolled at request of Dr. John Haswell, Mathew Markland, Thomas Wilson and Richard Weaver 15 Jun 1731: From William Scott, planter, for 5s; to Dr. John Haswell, Mathew Markland, Thomas Wilson and Richard Weaver; a parcel called William Scott's Gift for a chapel; being part of a tract called William & Mary Increased; containing 1 acres; 28 May 1731; /s/ Wm. Scott; wit. Jere. Belt, John Beall; 28 May 1731 ack. by William Scott and Mary his wife
Contributed by JERRY SCOTT <jerryscott572@sbcglobal dot net>
Indenture 15 April 1724 enrolled 18 Apr 1724 From; William Scott to;Richard Weaver, carpenter of Prince George County for 11f part of a tract of land called William's Portion in PG Co. bounded by Richard Weaver's land containing 86 acres. Signed William Scott Wit; Ralph Crabb Leonard Hollyday. Ack'd by Mary Scott, wife of William
Indenture, 15 Apr. 1724; Enrolled 18 Apr. 1724 From; William Scott planter of Prince Geoge Co., To; Thomas Gittings of Prince Geo., Co. for f 6 a parcel of land called William's Portion of 105 acres s/ William Scott Wit; Ralph Crabb, Leonard Hollyday. Ack'd by Mary Scott wife of William
Beall, Charles, Capt., Prince George's Go, 24th Mar., 1739/40; 27th Nov., 1740. To wife Mary, dwelling plantation "Bealls Adventure," She to keep it in good repair and not destroy any timber, At her death to pass to son Charles and hrs, This place is never to be sold or let except for a period of 1 Yr. To son Charles and hrs., 473 A. "The Constitution"and 100 A, "Picheltons Rent" lying near plantation of John Willcoxon. To son Ninian and hrs., land lying next to William Scott. This land not to be sold or leased for more than 1 yr. To son [unnamed] [mm note - Joshua] land adjoining that of Ninian, afsd. and 300 A. "Cold Cranfords Adventure," adjoining land of Mr. Hewbon. to sons Ninian and Joshua and hrs., "Danby" lying in Dorchester Co. to dau. Mary and hrs., 200 A. "Dispute" and 75 A. "Charles and William." to dau. Rachel, 118 A. "Magruders and Bealls Honesty" and 133 A. "Gruble Thicket." Testator desires that his interest in "Charles and Benjamin" be sold to pay debts. Exs.: Wife Mary and son Joshua. Test: Thomas Evans, Charles Mason, Daneil Phillips. MCW 22.261.
John Beal 31.409 I PG £26.17.4 Jul 24 1710
Appraisers: William Scot, William Thomson.
From GenForum post by Jerry Scott: Lettice Russell was not born in Buncombe Co North Carolina, Buncombe was not formed until 1791 and Lettice was born in 1757 thatabouts. Another thing her parents were not Joseph Russell and Elizabeth Penn this is made up fron the 1950's bad research on the Scotts and Russells and is simple incorrect.
The best Source we have for Lettice Russell's father is William Russell who came to North Carolina with Samuel Scott and Mary Jones from PG Maryland.
William Russell married Thomas Scott's sister Rachel Scott and from the research and very limited records William Russell had a first wife and had children Isaac, Benjamin and Lettice Russell, Wiliam 1st wife died and William married Rachel Scott and had 8 more children. No where in any records in Burke/ Wilkes or anywhere has the name Joseph Russell and Elizabeth Penn been found.
This is the same bad research that Thomas Scott parents were John Scott an Margaret Thorton and we know this is incorrect per very good research on John and Margaret, who did have a son Thomas Scott b/ 1754 and was at the Battle of Kings Mountain, just like our Thomas Scott.
Thomas Scott b/ 1754 had two brothers at Kings Mountain William and Samuel. There were at list 10 Scotts at Battle of Kings Mountain not related.
Our Thomas Scott was prob. only about 15 when his parents came to North Carolina and where in Rowan Co NC by 1770.
They did not buy land until 1778 in Rowan/ Burke and as the County lines changed in Burke Co not formed until 1777 from Rowan.
From very good research and with very good Sources, Court Records land deeds we can say without Question that the parents of Thomas Scott born July 19, 1755 in Prince Co Maryland not Cecil Co Maryland were Samuel Scott and Mary Jones.
His brothers were Nathan Scott m/ Sarah Hereford, Samuel Scott, Jr., married Hannnah Phillip, Richard Scott, settled in Wilson Tennessee, Jemima Scott, Rachel Scott married William Russell from records must have been William second wife. Believe William Russell had fisrt wife because of land deeds and tax list with Benjamin and Isaac Russell were his sons.
This Scott line can be proven from
William Scott b/ 1672 married Mary Lucas daughter of Thomas Lucas and Elizabeth
had Daughter Mary b/ 1700 PG Maryland
had son Thomas Scott b/ 1702 PG Maryland married Elizabeth Prather daughter of John Prather and Catherine
son William Scott b/ 1704 married Mary stayed in Maryland and very good research on his children from his Will died in 1752
Thomas Scott born 1702 had son Samuel Scott b/ 1728 married Mary Jones, daughter of Richard Jones, son of Thomas Jones of AA Maryland.
Abouut 1766 Samuel Scott was selling land that his father Thomas owned that he recieved from his father William.
Samuel sold this land to Thomas Beall and his cousin Zach Scott and William Scott his brother b/ 1730.
Between 1766-1770 Samuel Scott with the Russell family came to North Carolina and had brought a slave boy Adam to North Carolina, a son of Priss that was given to Mary Jones in abt 1755 from her father Richard Jones. Adam suited for his freedom per Court Records in Morgonton NC.
1788-89.The Court Records clearly places Thomas Scott as son of Samuel and Mary Jones Scott, and Rachel as husband of William Russell. Henry Hereford was mentioned in the Court Records and was the father-in-law to Nathan Scott, son of Samuel Scott and Mary Jones.
Prince George Heritage Sidelights of the Early History]
of Pg., Maryland 1696-1800
Land Records of Prince Geo Maryland 1726-1730
Land Recirds of Prine Geo maryland 1733-1739
Setters of Maryland 1769-1783
Early Landowners of Maryland Vol. 4 Charles Co MD 1740-1710
Court Records of PG., MD 1696-99 by Joseph H. Smith
Prince George land Records 1739-1743
Will of William Scott Aug 25 1752 PG Maryland
Will of Thomas Lucas, PG, Maryland 26 Feb 1721
Will of Thomas Jones AAcO., Maryland Nov 14, 1750
Lucas Genealogy by Annette Kemp, 1964
Rev War Records of Thomas Scott b/ 22 Feb 1754
Rev War Rec of Samuel Scott b/ Aug 5 1762
Rowan Co land Deeds Entrys 1778
Rowan County NC Vacant land Entries 1778-1789
Morgan Dirtrict, North Carolina Superior Court of Law and Equilty Bk 1 Estate Records
Wilkes Co North Carolina Wills Abstracts Bk 1-2
Wilkes Co marriages 1778-1868
Wilkes Co land Entries Nov. 1796- Nov 1805
Allender Sybert,Genealogist of Balitmore MD did research on our Scotts and Jones for cousin Kay Bedford
1790 Wilkes Co NC Census
1790 Burke Co Census
Alexander Co land Deeds
Burke Co North Carolina land records 1779-1780 Vol 2
Burke Co land Records 1778 Vol 1
Wilkes Co land Records a1 b1 c1 1778-1803, Mrs W.O. Absher
Wilkes Co Deeds Bk 1782-1797
Carter Co Tennessee Deed Bk 1797-1806
Abtracts of the Deeds of Carter Tenn 1796-1825 By Mary Melver
Prince's George Co Heritage, Sidelights on the Early History of Prince George's, Maryland 1696-1800 by; Louise Joyer Heinton
Pg. 94- On Oct 12, 1709 Dr. Mordecai Moore of Anne Arundel County gave to National Taylor, William Tannchill, William Hatton, James Beall, Alexander Beall, William Scott, William Thompson, and their successors half acre of land in the Southwest corner of " Locust Thicket", lying on the south side of the Eastern Branch of the Potomic River, for the purple of building a house for the worship of Almighty God.This deed give us the name of three men in Prince George's Co who were Presbyterians,William Hatton was a delegate to the General Assembly and also a justice of the Provincial Court. William Scott had served as both as overseer of the highways and constable in his hundred, while William Thompson, brother of Christopher Thompson, had also served as overseer in his hundred.
pg 71- On May 28, 1731, William Scott had given to four men of the upper part of the parish and their heirs so long as it should be used as a chapel, one acre of land called "William Scott's Gift" for a Chapel, part of the tract 'William and Mary Increased " and there is a reference to the chapel in the vestry minutes as early as April 1735. In May 1744 an act was passed at the General Assembly to deem this a chapel of King George's Parish and to empower the justices of the county to levy the sum of f200 current money on the taxable inhabitants of the parish for building a chapel. The vestry entered into a contract with George Scott to build the Chapel, rail in the yard and cover the old chapel with clapboards. Pews were also built by Mr. Scott and sold to the parishioners. This chapel was known either as the Upper Chapel, the Eastern Branch Chapel or Mr Addison Chapel. The last is the name which has clung to it though the years, and today it is still known as Addison Chapel. William Scott was a elder of this Church
"Stones and Bone" says this: "In about 1695 a company of Scottish Presbyterians under the pastorate of Rev. Nathaniel Taylor settled in Marlborough. In 1704, Col. Ninian Beall deeded one-half acre of land to 17 of his fellow Scotsmen for erecting a house of worship there. This was part of his tract "The Meddows". The meeting house that the Scotsmen built was the first Presbyterian church in the County and only the third in America. ---:" That site is now Trinity Episcopal Church.
About William Scott
Contact me at scottgarrett31@gmail.com
Prince George's County MD rent rolls 1725-1740 Vol 4
Folio 401
220a 08 10 WILLIAM & MARY DIMINISHED Surveyed: 12/14/1710
Surveyed for William Scott beginning at a bounded white oak standing near the said Scott's plantation. Patented: 12/10/1715
Conveyances & Re-surveys:
--/-/-- *included in the re-survey of 'William & Mary Increased- folio 504
Prince George's County Circuit Court
Land Surveys and Condominium Plats
William and Mary Deminished, 220 Acres; Certificate
Developer/Owner: Scott, William 1714 Patent Record EE 6, p. 122 0 0 MS A S 1596-4672
William and Mary Deminished, 220 Acres; Patent
Developer/Owner: Scott, William 1714 Patent Record RY 1, p. 312 0 0 MS A S 1596-4674
Thomas Beginning, 200 Acres; Certificate
Developer/Owner: Scott, William 1716 Patent Record PL 4, p. 95 0 0 MSA S 1 596-4232
Williams Portion, 285 Acres; Certificate
Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.Nov., 1696 C ourt.
Christopher Thompson Demands Subpoena for William Scott, Mordicay
Moore and Jane Nicholls to testify inter he and Furguson and Teage: warrant
etc. to Subpoena and returne ut Supra. [Sumoned]
1719 Prince Geo Co Maryland Taxables New Scotland Hundred, William Sco tt Constable;
James Beall, Richard Weaver, Thomas Gillings, Ninian Beall, John Prath er, Thomas Prather, William Scott.
Prince's George Co Heritage,
Sidelights on the Early History of Prince George's, Maryland
1696-1800 by; Louise Joyer Heinton
Pg. 94- On Oct 12, 1709 Dr. Mordecai Moore of Anne Arundel County
gave to National Taylor, William Tannehill, William Hatton, James Beal l, Alexander Beall, William Scott, William Thompson, and their success ors half acre of land in the Southwest corner of ' Locust Thicket', l ying on the south side of the Eastern Branch of the Potomic River, f or the purpose of building a house for the worship of Almighty God.Thi s deed give us the name of three men in Prince George's Co who were Pr esbyterians,William Hatton was a delegate to the General Assembly and a lso a justice of the Provincial Court. William Scott
had served as both as overseer of the highways and constable in his hu ndred, while William Thompson, brother of Christopher Thompson, had al so served as overseer in his hundred.
pg 71- On May 28, 1731, William Scott had given to four men of the upp er part of the parish and their heirs so long as it should be used as a c hapel, one acre of land called 'William Scott's Gift' for a Chapel, pa rt of the tract 'William and Mary Increased ' and there is a reference t o the chapel in the vestry minutes as early as April 1735. In May 1744 a n act was passed at the General Assembly to deem this a chapel of Kin g George's Parish and to empower the justices of the county to levy th e sum of f200 current money on the taxable inhabitants of the parish f or building a chapel. The vestry entered into a contract with George S cott to build the Chapel, rail in the yard and cover the old chapel wi th clapboards. Pews were also built by Mr. Scott and sold to the paris hioners. This chapel was known either as the Upper Chapel, the Eastern B ranch Chapel or Mr Addison Chapel. The last is the name which has clun g to it though the years, and today it is still known as Addison Chape l.
William Scott was a elder of this Church
'Stones and Bone' says this: 'In about 1695 a company of Scottish Pres byterians under the pastorate of Rev. Nathaniel Taylor settled in Marl borough. In 1704, Col. Ninian Beall deeded one-half acre of land to 17 o f his fellow Scotsmen for erecting a house of worship there. This was p art of his tract 'The Meddows'. The meeting house that the Scotsmen bu ilt was the first Presbyterian church in the County and only the third i n America. ---:'
That site is now Trinity Episcopal Church.
Prince George Co., Maryland Land Deeds;
On 14 October 1704 William Scott bought part of the tract “Dann,” 100 a cres, near the Eastern Branch of Potomac River in Prince George’s Coun ty, from Richard Jarrell (Prince George’s Co. Land RecordsC:122a).
Prince George's County Land Records, Folio 122a: Indenture 14 Oct 1704 F rom: Richard Garrell, planter of Prince George's County and his wife A lce To: William Scott, planter of Prince George's County 'Witnesseth y e said Richard Isaac'; 'payment of ye said Richard Jearell'; for 30£ s old to William Scott a 100 acre parcel of land part of a tract called D ean lying in Prince George's County near the Eastern Branch of the Pot omac River; bounded by land of Francis Pristley called Forgott and by l and of Col. Ninian Beall Signed: Rich'd Jearell (mark) and Alce Jearol l (mark) Witnessed: Samuel Magruder and William Tanyhill Memorandum: 1 4 Oct 1704 Alce Jearell examined by William Tanyhill and Sam'll Magrud er Alienation: 2 Dec 1704 the sum of 4s paid by William Scott
Prince George's Land Records 1726-1730 - Liber M, Page 170 Enrolled at r equest of William Scott 3 Jun 1727: Indenture, 29 Mar 1727; Between Jo hn Thomson, planter, and William Scott, planter; for £25; part of a tr act called Dann; bounded by land of Ninian Beall and Francis Presly; c ontaining 89 acres; /s/ Jno. Thomson; wit. Thomas Gault, Jno. Magruder ; ack. 29 Mar 1727 by John Thomson
15 April 1724
William Scott, planter, and his wife Mary sold part of “Williams Porti on,” containing 86 acres, to Richard Weaver, and another part of the s ame tract, containing 105 acres, toThomas Gittings (Prince George’s Co . Land Records I:536-537).
On 7 November 1726 William Scott, aged about 52 years, gave a depositi on about the boundaries of the tracts “Virgin’s Garden” and “Forgot th e Name” (Prince George’s Co. Land Records M:153).
On 15 July 1729 William Scott, aged about 57 years, and Thomas Scott, a ged about 26 years, gave depositions (Prince George’s Co. Land Records M :487). The ages given for William Scott in the two depositions place h is year of birth about 1672-1674.
15 Jul 1729; Deposition of William Scott, age ca 57; mentions tobacco h ouse and Col. Beale's land
15 Jul 1729; Deposition of Thomas Scott, age ca 26; mentions his father r's tobacco house and William Scott
Enrolled 29 Aug 1729
Enrolled at the request of Dr. John Haswell, Mathew Markland, Thomas Wilson n and Richard Weaver 15 Jun 1731:
From William Scott, planter, for 5s; to Dr. John Haswell, Mathew Markl and, Thomas Wilson and Richard Weaver; a parcel called William Scott's Gift for a chapel; being part of a tract called William & Mary Increased; containing 1 acre; 28 May 1731; /s/ Wm. Scott; wit. Jere.Belt, John Beall; 28 May 1731 ack. by William Scott and Mary his wife
Prince George's Land Records 1726-1730 - Liber M, Page 170
Enrolled at the request of William Scott 3 Jun 1727:
Indenture, 29 Mar 1727; Between John Thompson, planter, and William Sc ott, planter; for £25; part of a tract called Dann; bounded by land of N inian Beall and Francis Presly; containing 89 acres; /s/ Jno.Thomson; w it. Thomas Gault, Jno. Magruder; ack. 29 Mar 1727 by John Thomson
Prince George's Land Records 1726-1730 - Liber M, Page 376
Enrolled at the request of Dr. John Haswell 27 Feb 1728:
Indenture, 26 Feb 1728; Between William Scott, planter, and John Haswe ll, surgeon; for £37; part of a tract called formerly Thomas'Beginnin g later surveyed The William & Mary; bounded by William Scott on the s outh side of a bottom leading to Cabin Branch; containing 200 acres; / s/ William Scott; wit. Jno. Magruder, Edw. Sprigg, John Belt;ack. 26 F eb 1728 by William Scott and Mary his wife.
Dr John Haswell wills this land to his grandson Haswell Magruder on 11 A pril 1750.
Haswell Magruder - Prince George’s Co.
156 7/8 acres, 3 June 1789. “William and Mary”, surveyed 23 October 1 745,
granted to William Scott - 564 acres. “William and Mary Increased”, from older
survey land called “Baltimore”, original older survey parcel of land called
“Little Dear”, surveyed 15 February 1695 for Thomas James. Other survey for
Christopher Thompson, 1685, 300 acres called “Whittentine/Whittentime” .
MD LW&P 1787-1790, FHC Film 0013123, page 504
copy of maternal Grandfather will)
Haswell, John, Prince George's; Co. surgeon. 12 Nov. 1746
11 Apr 1750
To Haswell Magruder, son of Samuel Magruder, Jr., and hrs, 1 tract called 'The Brotherhood,' 190 A., and another 200 A., being pt, of a tract called 'The William and Mary increased, after wife's decease.
To wife Sarah Haswell., other goods.
Wife, extx:
Wits Thos. Conner, Wm, Hearben, John Brawner. 27.276
Indenture 15 April 1724 enrolled 18 Apr 1724 From; William Scott; Richard Weaver, carpenter of Prince George County for 11f part of a tract o f land called William's Portion in PG Co. bounded by Richard Weaver's land containing 86 acres. Signed William Scott Wit; Ralph Crabb Leonard H Hollyday. Ack'd by Mary Scott, wife of William
Indenture, 15 Apr. 1724; Enrolled 18 Apr. 1724 From; William Scott planter of Prince Geoge Co., Too; Thomas Gittings of Prince Geo., Co.for f 6 a parcel of land called William's Portion of 105 acres s/William Scott Wi t; Ralph Crabb, Leonard Hollyday. Ack'd by Mary Scott wife of William
Settlers of Maryland,1731-1750
William Scott bought this land Thomas's Beginning 200 acres 12 April 1 716
William Scott bought 100 acres Girls Portion 5 April 1717
William Scott bought 220 acres William and Mary Desumised 10 Dec. 171 4
William Scott bought 285 acres William's Portion 20 May 1724
William Scott sold 105 acres called William's Portion 1724 to
Thomas Gittings
William Scott sells 86 acres to Richard Weaver on 18 Apr. 1724
William and Mary Increase 573 acres 18 June 1734 Cert Book AM1 Patents E 4 pg 249
William and Mary Increase 564 acres 23 Oct 1745 Patents P12 pg 221 (T he may be William Jr.) same as above
only had 564 acres of William and Marys increase resurveyed in
Thomas Scott - Girl's Portion Addition 100 acres 1725
William Scott, bought 117 acres Scott's Fancy 18 April 1764
Addison Chapel of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Addison Parish Cemetery which is located on a hill at Addison Road and 62nd Place, just north or Palmer Highway, Route 704 in Seat Pleasant (page 84 from Stones and Bones: Cemetery Records of Prince George's County, Maryland). In 16 94 Col. Addison donated an acre of land for the original log cabin church to be erected which was built in 1696. In 1731 William Scott deeded a 2nd acre of land to Addison Chapel and in 1916 an additional 3.107 acres were purchased and now the church and the cemetery consist of 5.4 67 acres. In 1972 the church and cemetery were placed in the Register of Historic Sites of the United States of America.
Ninian Beall, a neighbor and friend of William Scott who was in New Sc Scotland
He seems to have identified himself with the Presbyterian Church of Ma before 1690. During that year 200 Presbyterian immigrants came over from Scotland under his supervision. He located them along the Potomac River and called the settlement New Scotland. These immigrants brought with them, Rev. Nathaniel Taylor. There is recorded at Upper Marl boro a deed of gift from Col. Ninian Beall to Reverend Taylor, of land In Upper Marlboro upon which to build a church. In 1707 Col. Ninian Bea ll presented the above church a costly silver communion set, made in L London. A portion of this silver communion set is now in the Presbyterian Church at Hyattsville, Md
Upper Marlborough, Maryland, was founded by a company of Scottish immigrants and was ministered to by the Rev. Nathaniel Taylor, also from S Scotland. Note; Our William Scott b/ 1672 was an Elder of this Church of N Nathaniel Taylor.
p. 48:
'William Scott on 21 July 1710 appraised the property of John Beall, deceased, of Prince George's Co., --John Beall, b. ca 1669/70, d. 1710, intestate, was a son of Col. Ninian Beall and his wife Ruth (Moore).
15 Jul 1729; Deposition of Walter Evans, age ca 80; mentions plantation of William Scott near a tobacco house and Col. Beall
Prince George's Land Records 1730-1733 - Liber Q, Page 275
1 May 1729; Deposition of Walter Evans, planter, age ca 81; mentions W William Scott's dwelling plantation, George Burgis 34 years ago
1 May 1729; Deposition of Richard Weaver, carpenter; mentions 45 years ago, William Scott's dwelling plantation, 6 years ago Walter Evans, Tho mas James
1 May 1729; Deposition of Thomas Evans, planter, age ca 44; mentions C cabin Branch, Beaver Dam Branch Eastern Branch; the south side of Dr. John Haswell's dwelling plantation; mentions about 34 years ago deponent t's father, George Burgess, Thomas James, David Davis; also Cabin Branch