GUILLAUME Talbot (-after 1036). "Robertus comes Augensis…uxore Beatrice et filiis meis Radulfo, Willermo atque Roberto" made donations to the abbey of St Michel, Tréport, and confirmed donations, including the donation of “servitium terre Sansogolonis in Gillemercourt” made by “Willermi Talebot”, by charter dated 1036[1192]. "Robertus comes Augensis…" confirmed donations to the abbey of St Michel, Tréport, including the donation of “servitium terre Sansgolonis quam habebat in Gilermercourt” to “ecclesie Sancti Michaelis de Ulterisportu” made by “Willelmus Talebot” with the consent of “comitis Roberti et comitisse Beatricis ac filiorum eorundem Willelmi...”, by charter dated 1059[1193]. This document includes no indication whether Guillaume Talbot was still allive or not at the date of the confirmation. The same donation was later confirmed by Hugues Archbishop of Rouen by charter dated 1145[1194], and by Pope Lucius III by charter dated 19 Jun 1185[1195].
1030 |
Badleslane, Bedfordshire, England
1050 |
Badleslane, Bedfordshire, England
1066 |
Age 36
Bladleslane, Bedfordshire, England
Age 36