WILLIAM de Mohun, son of WILLIAM de Mohun & his wife Agnes de Gand (-1176). "Willielmus de Moyne comes Somersetensis" founded Bruton priory in Somerset by undated (but dated to 1142 by Maxwell-Lyte[1349]%29 charter witnessed by "Willielmo filio meo, Henrico, Juwanno, Petro, et Ricardo clericis…"[1350]. "William de Moyun juvenis" confirmed his father’s donations to Bruton, for the souls of "William his father, Agnes his mother", by undated charter, witnessed by "…Juvano filio comitis"[1351]. “William de Moyon” donated tithes to Troarn abbey by charter dated to [1160], witnessed by "God[eholda] uxore mea et Willelmo filio meo…"[1352]. “William de Moyon” confirmed the donation of the church of Lyon to Troarn abbey by "William de Moyon his father" by undated charter, witnessed by "…Ricardo de Moyon…"[1353]. Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, record the knights’ fees held from "Willelmi de Moiun" in Somerset[1354]. The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "Willelmus de Moyn xli m, de nov ii m" in Dorset, Somerset in [1167/68][1355]. The Red Book of the Exchequer records enfeoffments in the duchy of Normandy in [1172], "Willelmus de Moiun" with 5 knights and eleven knights in his own service[1356].
m GODEHOLDE, daughter of --- (-before 1186). “William de Moyon” donated tithes to Troarn abbey by charter dated to [1160], witnessed by "God[eholda] uxore mea et Willelmo filio meo…"[1357]. "William de Moion" granted tithes of his mills of Moion, Tesseium and Belcodreium to the Holy Trinity of Luzerne, for the soul of "his mother Godeheut", by charter dated 1186, witnessed by "…Willelmo de Sancto Johanne, Gaufrido et Johanne et Roberto de Moion…"[1358].
William & his wife had seven children:
1. WILLIAM de Mohun (-Oct 1193). “William de Moyon” donated tithes to Troarn abbey by charter dated to [1160], witnessed by "God[eholda] uxore mea et Willelmo filio meo…"[1359]. "William de Moyun the younger" confirmed donations to Bruton made by "his grandfather Earl William, his father William" by undated charter, witnessed by "Lucia uxore mea…"[1360]. "William de Moyun the younger" confirmed donations to Bruton by undated charter, witnessed by "Lucia uxore mea, Willelmo filio meo et herede, Ricardo de Moyun, Roberto filio Ricardi, Henrico Corbet, Willelmo fratre eius…"[1361]. "William de Moyun" confirmed the right of free election of their priors to Bruton by undated charter, witnessed by "Lucia uxore mea, Willelmus filius meus et heres, Galfridus de Moyun frater meus, Robertus filius Ricardi senescallus meus…"[1362]. “William de Moyon” donated the churches of Moyon and Taissy to the canons of Briweton to hold "after the decease of his brother Thomas" by charter dated to [1177/94][1363]. "William de Moion" granted tithes of his mills of Moion, Tesseium and Belcodreium to the Holy Trinity of Luzerne, for the soul of "his mother Godeheut", by charter dated 1186, witnessed by "…Willelmo de Sancto Johanne, Gaufrido et Johanne et Roberto de Moion…"[1364]. m LUCY, daughter of --- (-after 1203). "William de Moyun the younger" confirmed donations to Bruton made by "his grandfather Earl William, his father William" by undated charter, witnessed by "Lucia uxore mea…"[1365]. "William de Moyun the younger" confirmed donations to Bruton by undated charter, witnessed by "Lucia uxore mea, Willelmo filio meo et herede, Ricardo de Moyun, Roberto filio Ricardi, Henrico Corbet, Willelmo fratre eius…"[1366]. "William de Moyun" confirmed the right of free election of their priors to Bruton by undated charter, witnessed by "Lucia uxore mea, Willelmus filius meus et heres, Galfridus de Moyun frater meus, Robertus filius Ricardi senescallus meus…"[1367]. "Reginald de Moyun" donated the church of Liun in Normandy and land at Bruwham to Bruton by undated charter, witnessed by "Lucia matre mea…"[1368]. "Will de Traceio…Lucia de Moon" both paid rent on part of "terre de Moon", dated 1198[1369]. "Lucea de Moyun" paid a fine for "feud vii mil" in Cambridgeshire, dated 1201[1370]. "Lucia de Moon [%E2%80%A6terre de Moon]…Will de Traceio…versus Oliv de Traceio" all paid rent in "Ballia Constancien" in Normandy, dated 1203[1371]. William & his wife had two children:
a) WILLIAM de Mohun (-[before 1193]). "William de Moyun the younger" confirmed donations to Bruton by undated charter, witnessed by "Lucia uxore mea, Willelmo filio meo et herede, Ricardo de Moyun, Roberto filio Ricardi, Henrico Corbet, Willelmo fratre eius…"[1372]. "William de Moyun" confirmed the right of free election of their priors to Bruton by undated charter, witnessed by "Lucia uxore mea, Willelmus filius meus et heres, Galfridus de Moyun frater meus, Robertus filius Ricardi senescallus meus…"[1373].
b) REYNOLD de Mohun of Dunster, Somerset (-1213). "Reginald de Moyun" donated the church of Liun in Normandy and land at Bruwham to Bruton by undated charter, witnessed by "Lucia matre mea…"[1374]. The Red Book of the Exchequer records "Reginaldus de Moun" holding one knight’s fee in Warwickshire in [1210/12][1375]. The Testa de Nevill includes a writ of King John dated 1212 which records that "Reginaldus de Moiun" held "Dunestorre…in capite domino rege per servicium xl militum et dimidii de conquestu Anglie…in hundredo de Karenton" in Somerset[1376]. m as her first husband, ALICE Briwere, daughter of WILLIAM Briwere & his wife Beatrice --- (-after 24 Jul 1236). Bracton records a claim, dated 1233, by "Hugo Wack" against "Margeriam de Feritate et Willelmum de Percy" relating to an agreement "cum Alicia de Moun et predicto Hugone" concerning share of land which was held by "Willelmi Briwere"[1377]. She married secondly William Paynell of Bampton, Devon. Her parentage and second marriage are confirmed by a writ dated 2 Jan "33 Hen III", after the death of her son "William Paynel alias Painel" which names the manor of "…Huffeculm…with 10 l land which Fulk Painel gave to William Briwer the elder…but afterwards William Brewer the younger…bestowed the said land upon William Painel, father of this one, in free marriage with Alice his sister" in Devon[1378]. "William Paynel" assigned "Alice de Mohun his wife and Hugh de Samford" to make part payments of debts "in each of the three years after starting out on his pilgrimage to the Holy Land" with the manor of Bampton as security, dated 27 Sep, although listed in the roll among other fines dated [Feb/Mar] 1228[1379]. Henry III King of England ordered the sheriff of Devon to release "dotem suam...Willelmum filium et heredi predicti Willelmi" to "Alicia de Moyun que fuit uxor Willelmi Paynel", and confirmed the custody granted to “Hereberto filio Mathei”, dated 1228[1380]. The king granted custody of "the land and heir of William Paynel to Herbert son of Matthew", saving to "Alice who was William’s wife…her…dower", dated 18 Nov 1228[1381]. The Testa de Nevill includes a list of fees of William Briwere, dated 1234, records "porcio Alicie de Moyun"[1382]. King Henry III commanded "Alicia de Moyun” not to dispose of “the ward of the land which William Cumin held of her as the heritage of Margery his wife” because of the disputed succession, dated 24 Jul 1236[1383]. King Henry III, seeing that "Alicia de Moyun has deceived him by the suggestion that there was another lawful heir to the manor of Sturton than Margery daughter of William Cumin”, ordered the sheriff of Warwick “to give Alicia seizin as custodian to cause John de Cantilupe and the said Margery his wife to have such seizin”, dated 24 Jul 1236[1384]. Reynold & his wife had three children:i) REYNOLD de Mohun (-Tor Mohun, Devon 20 Jan 1258, bur Newenham). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not been identified. - see below.
ii) WILLIAM de Mohun (-Norton, Cornwall, 1265, bur Newenham). “Reginaldus de Mohun” donated “terra de Stortmanforde” to Clive abbey, for the soul of “piæ memoriæ Havisiæ de Mohun”, with the consent of “Willielmi de Mohun fratris mei”, by undated charter[1385]. “Reginaldus de Moun” founded Newenham abbey, Devonshire, for the souls of “Willelmi Briwer senioris et Willelmi Briwer junioris et uxorum suarum...Hawisiæ de Moun et Isabellæ Basset uxorum mearum et Willielmi de Moun fratris mei”, by undated charter[1386]. A manuscript records the death “III Kal Feb” 1257 of “dominus Reginaldus de Mohun fundator” and in 1265 of “Willelmus de Moun fundator huius monasterii et frater germanus supradicti Reginaldi, qui apud Nortun in Cornubia in manerio huius domus moriebatur”[1387]. A manuscript records the burial at Newenham of “Willielmus de Moun, frater Reginaldi et alter fundator dictæ abbathiæ”[1388].iii) ALICE de Mohun . m ROBERT de Beauchamp of Hatch Beauchamp, Somerset, son of SIMON de Vautort & his wife --- de Beauchamp of Hatch Beauchamp, Somerset (-1251).
2. GEOFFREY de Mohun . "William de Moyun" confirmed the right of free election of their priors to Bruton by undated charter, witnessed by "Lucia uxore mea, Willelmus filius meus et heres, Galfridus de Moyun frater meus, Robertus filius Ricardi senescallus meus…"[1389].
3. JOHN de Mohun . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
4. THOMAS de Mohun . “William de Moyon” donated the churches of Moyon and Taissy to the canons of Briweton to hold "after the decease of his brother Thomas" by charter dated to [1177/94][1390].
5. ROBERT de Mohun . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
6. AGNES de Mohun . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m WILLIAM de Windsor, son of ---.
7. YOLANDE de Mohun . Maxwell-Lyte notes that "Yolenta daughter of William de Mohun the Third" married "Ralph son of William son of Durand de Mohun, who may have been a distant cousin", who was the principal military tenant of the honour of Dunster and gave his name to Brompton Ralph[1391]. "Ralph son of William de Bruneton" donated land in "Sudhei in his manor of Brunne" to Bruton, with the consent of "Yolenta his wife", by undated charter[1392]. m RALPH, son of WILLIAM de Bruneton & his wife ---.
Was benefactor of the Benedictines of Dunster and the Augustine Canons of Bruton Priory which he founded in 1142, endowing it with the manor and rectories of St. Mary's and St. Adhelm's churches, Moion, Pierreville, Regoufe and Lyon-sur-Mer on his Norman properties in the dioceses of Coutances and Bayeux and the estates of Cresserons, Sequeville and Messons. He also gave the manor of Lydeard St. Lawrence to Taunton Abbey. He married Godehold or Godelind (d. 1209) who held the vill of Brinkley, Cambridgeshire.
William III De Mohun (son of William II De Mohun and Agnes De Gaunt was born 1132 in Dunster, Somersetshire, England279, and died 1176 in Dunster, Somersetshire, England279, 279. He married Godeheut De Toeni, daughter of Roger De Toeni and Ida De Hainault.
Notes for William III De Mohun:
William III was benefactor of the Benedictines of Dunster and the Augustine Canons of Broton Priory which he founded in 1142, encdowning it with the manor and rectories of St. Mary's and St. Adhelm's churches. William had 3 sons, William IV, Geoffrey and John, the last two held Brinkley and Ham, Dorset. William IV, by his wife Lucy had a son William, who died soon after his birth.
William the IV's son Reginald I (by Lucy) inherited Dunster in 1204.
Children of William III De Mohun and Godeheut De Toeni are:
+William IV De Mohun, b. 1156, Dunster, Somerset, England279, d. Oct 1193, Jerusalem, Palestine279.
William was also called Willelm III de Moion, Lord of Dunster. He succeeded his father, inheriting only the Barony of Dunster, Somerset, but not the Earldom circa 1155.
Earlier he had been a supporter of the Empress Maud, fortifying his castle of Dunster on her behalf and breaking out into open rebellion against King Stephen.
1132 |
Dunster, Somerset, England (United Kingdom)
1145 |
1156 |
April 1156
Dunster Castle, Dunster, Somerset, England (United Kingdom)
1160 |
1165 |
1166 |
Oakham, Rutland, England (United Kingdom)
1176 |
October 1176
Age 44
Dunster, Somerset, England (United Kingdom)
???? |