Rabbi Yaakov Hirsch Levenshtam, ABD Brisk & Lublin

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Rabbi Yaakov Hirsch Levenshtam, ABD Brisk & Lublin (1575 - 1643)

Hebrew: הרב הגאון הגדול יעקב אשכנזי, אב"ד בריסק ולובלין
Also Known As: "The Lubliner Rebbe", "Yakov Hersch Lubliner", "Yakov Lubliner"
Birthplace: Kraków, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Death: November 17, 1643 (67-68)
Lublin, Lublin County, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland
Immediate Family:

Son of Rabbi Efraim Naftali Hirsch Levenshtam, ABD Ludmir and wife, Efraim Naftali Hirsch
Husband of Deborah Lubliner and Shprinze Wife R' Yakov Lublin Shprintze's
Father of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, Head, Cracow Yeshiva and wife, Benjamin Zev Wolf Ashkenazi
Brother of Rav Wolf Hirsch; Shmuel Eliezer Hirsch and Issachar Berisch Hirsch

Occupation: Av Beit Din of Lublin, Rabbi in Brisk & Lublin, Av Beit Din of Lublin & Brisk, àá" ìåáìéï, Rabbi in Lublin, Av Beis Din of Lublin
Managed by: Prof. Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:

About Rabbi Yaakov Hirsch Levenshtam, ABD Brisk & Lublin

R. Jakob Lubliner: הגאון מו"ה יעקב אבד"ק לובלין - Av Beit Din Lublin.

Rabbi and Dean of Yeshiva and ABD in Brisk (1634), also known as Brest-Litovsk; then also in Lublin


The Unbroken Chain, Neil Rosenstein (1990), page 12 - second husband of Deborah G5.6

הגאון מו"ה יעקב אבד"ק לובלין http://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=8011&st=&pgnum=11


Note: Eliminated Babad from name as the addition of Babad was only introduced with Issachar's son Yitzchak Krakover. See Neil Rosenstein's note.

Isaac A.B.D. Brody, Brzezany ("Saul Wahl" by Dr. Neil Rosenstein, page 273) Many of his descendants adopted the name of "Babad, (B.A.B.A.D. - sons of the Av Beth Din). "The Unbroken Chain", by Dr. Neil Rosenstein.

About הרב הגאון הגדול יעקב אשכנזי, אב"ד בריסק ולובלין (עברית)

הג"ר יעקב אב"ד בריסק ולובלין

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Rabbi Yaakov Hirsch Levenshtam, ABD Brisk & Lublin's Timeline

Kraków, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Kraków, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
November 17, 1643
Age 68
Lublin, Lublin County, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland
Age 68
Lublin, Poland