"engeltje" van Roij

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"engeltje" van Roij

Birthplace: Leveroy, Limburg, Netherlands
Death: December 10, 1904 (1 day)
Leveroy, Limburg, Netherlands
Immediate Family:

Child of Godefridus van Roij and Maria Gertrudis Verstappen
Sibling of Anna Geertrudis Helena van Roij; Mathijs Godefried van Roij; Peter Mathijs van Roij; Henricus Hubertus van Roij; Wilhelmus Joannes van Roij and 4 others

Managed by: William John van Nieuwenhoven
Last Updated:
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"engeltje" van Roij's Timeline

December 10, 1904
Leveroy, Limburg, Netherlands
December 10, 1904
Leveroy, Limburg, Netherlands