Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ==The Winchester (or Parker) Chronicle has Cynric, son of Cerdic, son of Elesa, son of Gewis, son of Wig, son of Freawine, son of Frithugar, son of Brand, son of Beldeg, son of Wo...
Auðr the Deep-Minded
(c.633 - c.717)
Auðr the Deep-Eyed Ivarsdóttir (Old Norse: Auðr in djúpúgða) was a Scandinavian princess, the daughter of Ivar Vidfamne, and the mother of Harald Wartooth, who appears in Sögubrot, Hversu Noregr byggdi...
Elisabeth, princess of Hungary
(1117 - 1155)
Elisabeth Arpád Peerage: Her father was BELA II Elisabeth of Hungary (*1128 +ca 1155) EuWeb: Her father was Béla II of Hungary (*1108/10+13.2.1141) Her father was Béla II of Hungary /-or-/ Prince Álmos...
Maria Komnene, queen of Jerusalem
(c.1154 - 1217)
MARIA Komnene (1154-<Oct 1217)
d/o IOANNES Doukas Komnenos ([1128]-killed in battle Myriokephalon c17 Sep 1176) & NN Taronitissa
x (Tyre 29 Aug 1167) AMAURY I King of Jerusalem ,s/o FOULQUES King of Je...
Sir Hugh le Fraunceys
(1395 - 1427)
Marriage Contract of Sir Hugh Fraunceys and Philippa Hamme March 3, 1421
Sir Hugh Fraunceys was born circa 1395 at of Giffords Hall, Wickenham, Suffolk, England. He married Philippa Hemmys, daughter...
Janet ‘Jean’ Stewart, Countess of Huntly
(c.1461 - 1510)
Born: 1461, 1468 or 1481
She [Margaret Douglas] had no children by the Earls of Douglas, but two daughters by the Earl of Atholl. These were Janet, wife of Alexander Gordon, 3rd Earl of Huntly and El...
 Photo by Wikimedia Commons user Constru-centro. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Michael_Jackson_Dangerous_World_Tour_1993.jpg
Michael Jackson
(1958 - 2009)
Michael Jackson was an American singer, songwriter, and dancer. Dubbed the "King of Pop", he is regarded as one of the most significant cultural figures of the 20th century. Over a four-decade career, ...
El Cid
(1043 - 1099)
Complete name: Rodrigo Díaz , the Champion
Other titles: "National Hero"
Birth: c. 1048 Vivar del Cid, Burgos?
Death: 1099 Valencia
Burial: Cathedral of Valencia (1099); Monastery of San Pedro...
Domnall Ó Néill, High King of Ireland
(925 - 980)
ua NéillFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDomnall ua Néill (died 980) (English: Donald grandson of Niall, Donald of Armagh) was High King of Ireland from 956 to 980.Domnall was the son of Muircherta...
Thorgils Sprakalägg
(c.970 - d.)
Thorgils Torgils
Earl of Wessex
Var son till Styrbjörn och Tyra
Att det står enbart Björn är fel och inte ok 3 historiker får dessa 2 till hans föräldrar.
Läs noga tydligen kan inte personer över...
Mary I of England
(1516 - 1558)
Mary I (18 February 1516 – 17 November 1558) was Queen of England and Ireland from July 1553 until her death. She was the eldest daughter of Henry VIII and only surviving child of Catherine of Aragon. ...
Magnus III of Sweden
(c.1241 - 1290)
: 892 Utfärdat: 12690531, Löing Innehåll: Hertig Magnus bortbyter till Peter Israelsson (Finstaätten) jord i (Eds socken, Sollentuna härad) mot jord i Väsby (Munsö socken, Färentuna härad).
Emlyn Christopher Willetts
(1871 - 1963)
1892/2258 Emlyn Christopher Thacker Frank Farrow*1935/824 Emlyn Christopher Farrow Leonard Nixon Bean*1963/28873 Willetts Emlyn Christopher 92Y
Luule Komissarov
Luule Komissarov (neiupõlvenimi Luule Proos; hiljem Luule Laanet; Luule Paljasmaa; sündinud 11. augustil 1942 Haapsalus) on eesti näitleja.
Kirbla valla sünniregister - Saaga ERA.5181.4.48:26
(680 - 718)
Ingild==* of Wessex (672-718 was a member of the House of Wessex. He was Wessex, England. Although a member of the direct male line from Cynric to Egbert, Ingild was never king due to usurpations by ju...
Rozala of Italy
(952 - bef.1004)
(27 languages)
Rozala of Italy (also known as Rozala of Lombardy , Rozala of Ivrea or Susanna of Ivrea ; c. 950–960 –1003) was countess consort of Flanders by marriage to Arnulf II of Flanders, and...
Frederick I, count of Moselgau
(965 - 1019)
Alt birth dates: 1345, 1358, 1360, 1375 and in French:
Frederick of Luxembourg (965 - 6 October 1019), count of Moezelgouw, was a son of count Siegfried of Luxembourg and Hedwig of Nordgau.
Gilbert FitzGilbert "Strongbow" de Clare, 1st Earl of Pembroke
(1100 - 1148)
Gilbert de Clare, 1st Earl of Pembroke de Clare, 1. jarl av Pembroke de Clare, son of Gilbert Fitz Richard Earl of Clare and Alice de Claremont. Sometimes referred to as "Strongbow" but his son is bett...
Klaus Jakobsson Kurki
(c.1425 - 1478)
Uusimmat kuulumiset Kurki-suvun ja Laukon kartanon maista. Ylen ohjelman 2017 Menneisyyden metsästäjien tavoitteena oli löytää vesilahtelaisen Laukon kartanon mailla olevalta Pohdon saarelta merkkejä M...
Olavi Virta
(1915 - 1972)
Olavi Virta (originally to 1926 Oskari Olavi Ilmén) (27 February 1915, in Sysmä, Finland – 14 July 1972, in Tampere, Finland) was a Finnish singer, acclaimed as the king of Finnish tango.[1] Between 19...
Ingeltrude of The Franks of Orleans
LIUTHARD (-3 Jan [813] or after). "Leutardi germanum Stephani comitis" subscribed the charter dated 811 under which "Stephanus…comes…Amaltrudis comitissa" donated property to "Inchadus Parisiace urbis ...
Akseli Gallen-Kallela
(1865 - 1931)
Akseli Gallen-Kallela kuuluu Suomen merkittävimpiin kuvataiteilijoihin. Ennen kaikkea hän oli suomalaiskansallisen taiteen uranuurtaja ja tärkein kehittäjä; kansallisromantiikaksi kutsuttu visuaalinen ...
Esa-Pekka Salonen
Esa-Pekka Salonen KBE (pronounced [%CB%88es%C9%91%CB%8Cpek%CB%90%C9%91 ˈsɑlonen] ⓘ; born 30 June 1958) is a Finnish conductor and composer. He is the music director of the San Francisco Symphon...
Ettore Gotti Tedeschi
Gotti Tedeschi (born 3 March 1945 in Pontenure) is an Italian economist and banker, and ex-President of the Institute for Works of Religion, also known as the Vatican Bank (from 2009 to 2012).Biography...
Emmo II, Count of Looz
(1025 - 1078)
The death of Emmo is established as January 16, 1078 by the following source:Alain Marchandisse, L'obituaire de la cathédrale Saint-Lambert de Liège (XIe-XVe siècles) , 1991 [Immo]=EMMO [Immo], son of ...
Magdalena Johansdotter Lithovius
(c.1595 - 1664)
Magdalena Johantytär Limingius s. 1595, k. jälkeen 1644. Eli leskenä Oulussa 1653. - Puoliso Hannu Petterinpoika Houru s. 1591, k. Oulu noin 1644. Kauppias Oulussa, kirkonisäntä, porvari, Oulujoen nimi...
Heming Grant
Hemingr , son of Håkon Jarl , is attested by the Monymusk Text , a manuscript history of the Grant family. The text is too late to be a reliable genealogical source.The same name is mentioned in Snorre...
(bef.870 - d.)
Sveyn, probably a chieftain of Vikings in the 800s.== Herkomst (dansk) ==Sveyn bliver nævnt som far til Knud I den Harde i Saxo, Danmarks Krønike, Roskilde Krøniken og ved Adam af Bremen. Det nævnes at...
Bernard, King of Lombardy
(c.797 - 818)
Find-a-Grave memorial #66394545, located at: >>> A3.B4.C1 Bernard ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio) . Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina"[...
Olaf "the Mighty", king of the Svear
(b. - c.971)
He is kept on this side of the cut with Björn "The Old" Eriksson just because he is the supposed father (no historical evidence of this relationship) to Styrbjörn "The Strong" Olafsson, who has stronge...
William of Elmley, 1st Baron of Beauchamp
(c.1105 - 1170)
William de Beauchamp= ) From Medlands WILLIAM [I] de Beauchamp (-1170, bur Worcester). Henry I King of England confirmed the inheritance by "Willelmo filio Walteri de Bello Campo, dispensario meo" of "...
Dirk van Hamaland, graaf van Teisterbant
(956 - 1032)
Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the United States
(1822 - 1885)
Ulysses S. Grant (born Hiram Ulysses Grant; April 27, 1822 – July 23, 1885) was the 18th President of the United States (1869–1877) as well as military commander during the Civil War and post-war Recon...
Gerberge von Henneberg von Zutpen
(aft.975 - aft.1036)
HERIBERT (-992). m IMIZA . Heribert & his wife had four children:>a) OTTO von Hammerstein (-[5 Jun] 1036). m IRMGARD , daughter of GODEFROI Comte de Verdun & his wife Mathilde of Saxony [Billung] ([970...
Philip of Swabia, King of Germany
(aft.1177 - 1208)
Philipp von Schwaben
The Peerage
King of Germany(formally King of the Romans): Reign: 1198–1208 (contested by Otto IV)
Predecessor: Henry VI Successor: Otto IV
Sir David Fleming of Biggar and Cumbernauld, knight
(b. - 1405)
Sir David Fleming was probably that beloved and faithful bachellarius David Fleming to whom King David II., on 27 October 1362, granted certain annualrents. From King Robert III. he had a charter on 14...
Harold de Vaux
(c.1010 - 1086)
Harold was a mesne-lord in Norfolk in 1086 (Domesday Book). Also possessed manor at Dalston, Cumberland, England. (1)
Disputed origins Harold is an English name, and unlikely for a Frenchman in this ...
Dolfin fitz Uchtred, Lord of Raby
(b. - c.1136)
Dolfin fitz Uchtred, Lord of Raby was born circa 1110 at Raby, County Durham, England.2 He is the son of Uchtred fitz Maldred.1 He married Alice (?).2
He gained the title of Lord of Raby, co. Durham [...
Wilibalda of the Alemannians
(c.500 - d.)
Christian IX, king of Denmark
(1818 - 1906)
The first king of the Glücksburg branch, familie Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, on the danish throne.Valgsprog: Med Gud for ære og ret==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Kings of Denmark * B...
Adelaide of Normandy, countess of Aumale
(c.1029 - c.1090)
of Normandy (also called Adelais, Adélaïde, Adèle or Adeliza) (c. 1026 in Calvados, France - c. 1090) was the sister or half-sister of William the Conqueror.She was the daughter of Robert the Magnifice...
Adélaïs of Paris
(853 - 901)
Traditionally, she is said to have been the daughter of Begue II of Paris . However, there is some reason to believe that she might have been a daughter of Count-Palatine Adalhard .
* Yehoshua Zimri, Earliest recorded ancestor of RASHI
Traditionally - 23RD GENERATION progeny of Yokhanan haSandlar ? Unlikely - a gap of ca. 900 years would span more than 23 generations.
Dardanus, king of Dardania
(c.-1519 - c.-1414)
Greek mythology, Dardanus ("burner up") founder of the city of Dardaniamany "sources" claim biblical Dara and Dardanus are the same person, this is VERY sloppy genealogy, as Dardanus lived at least 800...
Sir Alan Stewart of Darnley, Kt.
(c.1394 - 1439)
SIR ALAN STEWART OF DARNLEY Sir Alan Stewart of Darnley, here treated, is the son of John Stewart of Darnley. NRS: GD220/2/1/46
Evidence from the National Records of Scotland 1
4 August 1437: Lett...
Margaret af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg
(1456 - 1486)
In July 1469 (at age 13), at Holyrood Abbey, she married James III, King of Scots (1460-88). Her father, King Christian I of Denmark and also of Norway, agreed on a remarkable dowry to her. He however ...
Anlach Goronog mac Cormac, King of Ireland
(c.370 - d.)
King of Garthmadrun, Wales
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Lands Called Garthmadryn; . (Steven Ferry, may 4, 2021.)
See Peter Bartum, (February 8, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Pierre II de Courtenay, Emperor of Constantinople
(1155 - 1217)
PIERRE de Courtenay, Comte de Nevers, Comte d’Auxerre, Emperor of Constantinople (>1158-Epirus >Jun 1219).
s/o PIERRE de France Seigneur de Courtenay & Elisabeth de Courtenay
x (1184) AGNES Ctss de Ne...
Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Galicia
(1171 - 1230)
Alfonso IX de León (15 August 1171 – 24 September 1230) was King of Galicia and the last King of León as an independent kingdom from 1188 until his death in 1230. His son Ferdinand III of León and Cast...
Sancho IV el Bravo, rey de Castilla y León
(1258 - 1295)
Infante don SANCHO de Castilla y León, son of ALFONSO X "el Sabio" King of Castile and León & his wife Infante doña Violante de Aragón (Valladolid 12 May 1258-Toledo 25 Apr 1295, bur Toledo, Cat...
Phillipa, countess of Luxembourg
(1252 - 1311)
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria
(1830 - 1916)
Franz Joseph I or Francis Joseph I (18 August 1830 – 21 November 1916) was Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, and the other states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from 2 December 1848 until his death....
Ebles II Manzer, duc d'Aquitaine
(876 - 935)
Ebles did NOT marry Eldgifa, an English princess [if anyone has proof to the contrary, please post.] Eble Mancer, Comte de Poitou, Duc d'AquitaineMarried:1. Aremburgis (Erembourge), no children2. Emili...
Rob Roy MacGregor
(bef.1671 - 1734)
Used his mother's maiden name, Campbell.
Rob Roy or alternately Red MacGregor, was a famous Scottish folk hero and outlaw of the early 18th century, who is sometimes known as the Scottish Robin Hoo...
Mathilde de Luxembourg
(c.1068 - c.1110)
MATHILDE de Luxembourg (-after 1070). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitem Guilelmum de Luscelenburg…et Ermensendem…et Mathildem" as children of "Conrado comiti de Luscelenburch" ...
Emil/Emilio Arnstein
(1886 - 1976)
Emilio Arnstein founded of a football team in Trieste (Black Star) and having moved to Bologna in 1907 established the Bologna FC (football club) in 1909 and later became its president.
Thyra "Dannebod" Dronning af Danmark
(c.898 - d.)
We have no dates for Thyra. She was the wife of Gorm the Old, who was born about 890/900 and died about 958/61. She certainly died before he did. He erected a rune stone in her honor. She is called Thy...
Eilika of Schweinfurt
(c.1000 - 1059)
BERTHOLD , son of --- (-15 Jan 980). m ([970]%29 EILIKA [Eiliswintha or Eila] von Walbeck, daughter of LOTHAR [II] Graf von Walbeck [Nordmark] & his wife Mathilde von Arneburg (-19 Aug 1015). Markgraf ...
Baldwin I "Iron-Arm", 1st Margrave of Flanders
(aft.837 - 879)
Baldwin I , byname Baldwin Iron-arm , French Baudouin Bras-de-fer , Flemish Boudewijn De Ijzere Arm (died 879), the first ruler of Flanders. A daring warrior under Charles II the Bald of France, he fel...
Susannah Richards
(1735 - 1778)
In 1753, Robert promised his daughter, Susannah, property in King & Queen Co. known as McGrath’s Tavern which she inherited in 1761.
Baron Klaus Eriksson Fleming 1st Governor-General of Finland
(c.1535 - 1597)
Baron Klaus Fleming (Swedish: Clas Eriksson Fleming; 1535 in Parainen – 13 April 1597 in Pohja) was a Finnish-born member of the Swedish nobility and admiral, who played an important role in Finnish an...
Jean I d'Avesnes, count of Hainault
(1218 - 1257)
I, Count of HainautJohn of Avesnes (1 May 1218 – 24 December 1257) was the count of Hainaut from 1246 to his death.===Family From Bouchard IV of Avesnes*Mother Margaret II of Flanders*Spouse(s) Adelaid...
Sir Ranulph "Crusader" de Glanville, Chief Justiciar of England
(c.1120 - 1190)
Ranulf de Glanvill (sometimes written Glanvil or Glanville) (died 1190) was chief justiciar of England during the reign of King Henry II and reputed author of a book on English law.
He was b...
Isobel Stewart
(aft.1475 - 1516)
Origins John Stewart and Eleanor Sinclair had two sons and nine daughters:
John Stewart, 2nd Earl of Atholl, living 1520, and died before 1522, who married Janet Campbell (died about Candlemas 1545...
Monica Lewinsky
Samille Lewinsky (born July 23, 1973) is an American woman with whom United States President Bill Clinton admitted to having had an "improper relationship" while she worked at the White House in 1995 a...
John FitzGeoffrey, Lord of Shere and Justiciar of Ireland
(aft.1205 - 1258)
John Fitzgeoffrey (name known as 'Fitzgeoffery' in Paddy Dunboynes genealogy on the Butler Society Website)
John served as Justicar of Ireland from 1245 to 1255.
John was Lord of Shere
From Wi...
(c.706 - 781)
Eoppa MP
Kön: Man
Födelse: cirka 487
Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Bernicia
Död: 559 (67-77)
Son till Esa
Far till Ida, king of Bernicia och Glappa, King of Bernicia
Tillagd av: Hibbard, 5 juli...
Lothar II, von Stade
(b. - 929)
LOTHAR [I] von Stade, son of --- (-killed in battle near Ebstorf 2 Feb 880). Graf von Stade. The Gesta Francorum lists "Liutharium" as one of the twelve counts who were killed fighting the Danes in 880...
 Photo by NBC Television. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:John_Cassavetes_Johnny_Staccato_1959.jpg
John Cassavetes
(1929 - 1989)
John Cassavetes was a Greek-American filmmaker and actor. He began as an actor in film and television before helping to pioneer modern American independent cinema as a writer and director, often self-f...
Penda "the Strong", king of Mercia
(575 - 655)
Penda (died 15 November 655) was a 7th-century King of Mercia, the Anglo-Saxon kingdom in what is today the English Midlands. A pagan at a time when Christianity was taking hold in many of the Anglo-Sa...
Jöns Andersson Garp, till Koskis
(c.1440 - 1512)
Jöns Andersson, Garp==* von Iohannes Garp*
James John Thacker
(1838 - 1928)
Census : 1851 - 86 James Street, Devonport, Devonshire, England
Census : 1871 - James St, Devonport, Devon, England
James John Thacker and his wife Mary Ann Pearce Christopher came to Napier NZ on...
Frances Elliot
(c.1612 - c.1658)
Anthony ELLIOTT was born BEF 1623 in England, and died bef 9 Jan 1665/66 in Lancaster Co., VA.He married#UNNAMED was born ABT 1623.#Frances Armistead daughter of William Armistead & Anne Ellis, d. 1685...
Valentinian III, Western Roman Emperor
(419 - 455)
Valentinian III (425-455 A.D)
Ralph W. Mathisen University of South Carolina
Valentinian's Early Years
Placidus Valentinianus, later the emperor Valentinian III, was born in 419, the son of the e...
John Ayr
(bef.1327 - d.)
more info on wikitree
Olof Nilsson Tavast
(c.1400 - 1460)
Rälssimies. Porkkala, Lammi. Frälseman. Porkkala, Lampis, Finland. Olaf Tavast nuorempi on lähteissä kaikkein useimmin mainittuja suomalaisia rälssimiehiä. Kuitenkin häntä voidaan hyvällä syyllä luonne...
Jaan Pilvet
(1906 - 1942)
Jaan Pilvet oli näitleja ja laulja (bariton)
JAAN PILVET sü 29.04.1906 UKJ su 24.01.1949
29.04.1906 UKJ = 16.04.1906 VKJ
Nime eestistamine Piller -> Pilvet
- Taotlus (29.04....
Leopold I, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau
(c.1676 - 1747)
Der Alte Dessauer== Links: * The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * Prince of Anhalt-Dessau: Reign 1693-1747 > Predecessor: John George II Successor Leopold II
Hilda Gustavson
(1898 - 1983)
Hilda Gustavson (kuni 8. novembrini 1924 Soolo , 09./21. august 1898 Viljandi – 18. jaanuar 1983 Stockholm) oli eesti õpetaja, Oskar Gustavsoni abikaasa.
Cavalry Captain Peter Udnie
(c.1590 - 1656)
neljä sivua /four page udnie:
Peter Udnij Inkerinmaan ritarikunta siellä olis tietoja ainakin tämän mukaan
Lothar I, Graf von Stade
(b. - 994)
HEINRICH [I] "der Kahle" von Stade, son of LOTHAR [II] Graf on Stade & his wife Swanehild --- (-11 May 976, bur Kloster Heeringen).
m firstly ([946]%29 JUDITH, daughter of --- [Konradiner] & his wif...
Alfonso VIII the Noble Sanchez, king of Castile
(1155 - 1214)
Alfonso VIII de Castilla, llamado «el de Las Navas» o «el Noble» (Soria, 11 de noviembre de 1155 – Gutierre-Muñoz, del domingo 5 al lunes 6 de octubre de 1214), fue rey de Castilla entre 1158 y 1214. H...
Patriarch Abraham / אברהם אבינו
(-1812 - -1637)
Genesis 11:26-32 Birth of Abram.* Genesis 16:15-16 Birth of son Ishmael.* Genesis 21:1-5 Birth of son Isaac.* Genesis 21:1-4 Marriage to Keturah and birth of her 6 sons.* Wikipedia: Abraham , אברהם (an...
 KTombDugdale67. via Wikimedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katherine_Swynford#/media/File:KTombD... Creative Commons 3.0
Katherine Swynford, Duchess of Lancaster
(1350 - 1403)
"Katherine Swynford, Duchess of Lancaster (also spelled Synford), née (de) Roet (also spelled (de) Rouet, (de) Roët, or (de) Roelt) (probably 25 November 1350 – 10 May 1403), was the daughter of Sir Pa...
Pentti Aleksi Röppänen
(1942 - 2021)
My e-mail adress is : pentti röppänen gmail.com ( not at all: inet.fi it is bluff email adres to me. : My name is Pentti Aleksi Röppänen I am work- pensioner : I am seeking the rooth Roeppaenen / Röppä...
Heikki Kinnunen
Alice de France, Comtesse de Blois
(1151 - aft.1195)
ALIX de France (1150-11 Sep after 1195) . -------------------------- Alix de France (1150-1195) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. de France (ou Adélaïde de France ou Aélis de Blois), née e...
Étienne Henri 'Stephen' II, Comte de Blois et Champagne
(1045 - 1102)
Medilands Central France: Blois, Tours (29 Jan 2022) Chapter 1-B. Comte de Blos (943)-1218
ETIENNE [Henri] de Blois , son of THIBAUT III Comte de Blois & his [first/second wife Gersende du Maine/Gu...
Anne of Bohemia and Hungary
(1503 - 1547)
mtDNA haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C)
The Peerage
Find A Grave
Malcolm Fleming of Biggar
(c.1312 - 1382)
Sir Malcolm Fleming, who had a charter from King David of the lands of Lenzie which had been forfeited by John Kennedy 11 January 1357. From his cousin Malcolm, Earl of Wigtown, he had a grant of the l...
Emperor Alexander III Alexandrovich Romanov
(1845 - 1894)
Alexander III Alexandrovich (Russian: Александр III Александрович, Aleksandr III Aleksandrovich)*Royal House: Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov*Married: Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar of Denmark)==Links:==* The Peera...
 Unknown photographer. Via http://www.caithness.org/caithness/castles/photogallery/index.php?gallery=14&image=7 No known copyright issues.
Sir William Sinclair of Roslin
(c.1283 - 1330)
Sir William Sinclair or Saint Clair (d. 1330), of Roslin, friend of Robert Bruce, was the son of Sir Henry Sinclair of Roslin [see under Sinclair, Sir William, (fl. 1266–1303)] by Alicia de Fenton. Acc...
Gerberga of Saxony
(c.914 - 984)
Gerberga von Sachsen born in Nordhausen 913-14, died in Reims 5 May 984.
Parents Henry the Fowler, king of Germany, and Matilda of Ringelheim
Spouses 1. Gilbert, Duke of Lorraine.
Philippe VI le Fortuné, King of France
(1293 - 1350)
Philip VI was the 1st French King of the House of Valois. of the House of Valois and list of related descendants: 1328, King Charles IV died without a direct male descendant; however, at the time of hi...
Coel Hen ap Tegfan, King of Northern Britain
(c.340 - 420)
See Peter Bartrum, See Peter Bartrum, (February 7, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 5, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Darrell Wolcott, , "Pedigree of the Ancient Lords of ...
Einion Yrth ap Cunedda, Brenin Gwynedd
(c.415 - aft.473)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 4. 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 3, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Pedigrees of the Welsh Tribal Patriarc...
Vortigern, King of the Britons
(c.385 - d.)
Please refrain from coping and pasting entire content from other websites into Geni profile overviews. Much content is under copyright protection and is now gone from this overview. Please be content i...
Hedwige of Saxony
(c.922 - c.958)
HUGUES , son of HUGUES “le Grand Duc des Francs & his third wife Hedwig of Germany ([940]-villa "Les Juifs", near Prasville, Eure-et-Loire 24 Oct 996, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). The...
Faith Deliverance Stout
(1679 - 1733)
Faith, twin of Hope. These twins were born in a blockhouse during an Indian raid. After the attack, Faith's name was changed to Deliverance.
Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Jun 25 ...
Ermengarde de Bourgogne, comtesse de Dijon, Duchesse de Bourgogne
(c.893 - 956)
An Ermengarde was the wife of Gilbert Duc of Burgundy . For many years, she has been believed to have been the daughter of Duke Richard "the Justiciar" of Burgundy; however, recent researchers have cas...