Queen Sonja of Norway
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Dronning Sonja av NorgeQueen Sonja of Norway (née Sonja Haraldsen, born 4 July 1937 in Oslo) is the wife of King Harald V of Norway. ==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * The Royal House of Norway * Wiki...
Florence Jane Christopher Quinlivan
(1862 - 1955)
Census : 1871 - James St, Devonport, Devon, England
Hedwig of Nordgau
(937 - 992)
Hedwig van Nordgau (922 - 993) was de dochter van graaf Eberhard IV van de Nordgau en Luitgard van Lotharingen. Zij trouwde rond 950 haar oom (broer van haar moeder) Siegfried van Luxemburg, de...
Narymunt Gleb, prince of Polotsk and Pinsk
(1277 - 1348)
of Korela and Keksholm (Käkisalmi) fortress at Ladoga-Karelia district, Karelia. Baptized Orthodox as name GLEB in 1333. (Wikipedia). Narimantas or Narymunt (he was baptized as GLEB). Born ca. 1277- di...
Roger de Saint-Sauveur, vicomte du Cotentin
(c.945 - 1014)
Roger de Saint-Sauveur, Vicomte du Cotentin=ROGER [I] (-after [990/1000]). A charter dated to [1136] records donations to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur, which it states was first constructed "tempore vetu...
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
(1744 - 1812)
a short summary from Wikipedia :
Mayer Amschel Rothschild: Born: 23 February 1744, Frankfurt am Main. Died: 19 September 1812 (aged 68), Frankfurt am Main, Grand Duchy of Frankfurt. Known for: Rothsch...
Adelaide de Béziers
(1150 - 1193)
Katya Kischuk
John Tyler, 10th President of the United States
(1790 - 1862)
Which President was buried with a Confederate flag?
Tyler died in Richmond, Virginia on January 18, 1862 of a stroke. Tyler's death was the only one in Presidential history not to be officially recogni...
Guillaume I, 'Talvas' de Belleme, seigneur d'Alençon
(c.970 - 1031)
[I] de Bellême, son of IVES de Creil Seigneur de Bellême & his wife Godehildis --- (-[1031]). Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Guillaume de Belesme, fils d'Yves, qui tenait le château d'Alençon à ti...
Alan mac Lochlan, Lord of Galloway
(bef.1175 - 1234)
Alan of Galloway (Alan FitzRoland means Alan, son of Roland) Alan Fitz Roland (c. 1175 – 1234) was the last of the MacFergus dynasty of quasi-independent Lords of Galloway. He was also hereditary Const...
Henry de Percy, 2nd Baron Percy
(1301 - 1352)
Henry de Percy, 2nd Baron Percy== Henry de Percy, 9th Baron Percy and 2nd Baron Percy of Alnwick (1299–1352) was the son of Henry de Percy, 1st Baron Percy of Alnwick, and Eleanor Fitzalan, daughter of...
Angharad verch Griffith
(c.1244 - 1308)
See Peter Bartrum, (December 26, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator) _________________Ankaret verch Griffith1F, b. circa 1248, d. after 22 June 1308, #14336Father Gruffudd ap Madog ap Gruffudd Maelor ap Madog...
Emperor Nicholas I of Russia
(1796 - 1855)
Y-DNA: R1b
The Peerage
Johan the Younger #813
Ædric, Earl of Wessex
(c.900 - c.949)
Ædric Earl of Wessex (West Seaxe) The PEDIGREE ofEadric (Earldorman) of WESSEX Born: ? Died: abt. 949HM George I's 21-Great Grandfather. HRE Ferdinand I's 18-Great Grandfather. Osawatomie' Brown's 34-G...
David, 8th Earl of Huntingdon
(1152 - 1219)
Descendants under discussion:
Legitimate son David - son of first or second wife?
husband of Maud, John de Monmouth d. between 1241 - 14 Jun 1243
illegitimate son Philip - documentation needed,...
Penelope Stout
(1622 - 1732)
Penelope (van Princis) Stout emigrated in 1644 from Amsterdam, Netherlands to the New Netherland Colony with her first husband, John Kent. They were shipwrecked at Sandy Hook on the New Jersey shore, t...
Franz II/I Joseph Karl von Habsburg-Österreich, last Holy Roman Emperor, 1st Emperor of Austria
(1768 - 1835)
Archduke of Austria 1768 - 1792*Holy Roman Emperor 1792 - 1806*Emperor of Austria 1792 - 1835*Was the last Holy Roman Emperor===Golden Fleece - Knights: Austrian Branch=== Links: * The Peerage * Geneal...
 Photo by Mark Hirschey. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Warren_Buffett_KU_Visit.jpg
Warren Buffett
Warren Edward Buffett (born August 30, 1930) is an American business magnate, investor, speaker and philanthropist who serves as the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Known as the "Oracle of Omah...
Gilbert de Talbot, II
(c.1220 - 1274)
Gilbert Talbot II
BIRTH 1225
Bromyard, Herefordshire Unitary Authority, Herefordshire, England
DEATH 1300 (aged 74–75)
Credenhill, Herefordshire Unitary Authority, Herefordshire, En...
John Bryant
(1650 - 1736)
John Bryant Sr. was born Apr 7, 1650 in Duxbury, Plymouth, MA and died Mar 29, 1736, Plympton, Plymouth, MA. He is buried in Old Cemetery At The Green.
Parents: Stephen Bryant (Abt 1615-1701) & Abigai...
 Photo by Flickr user chrisweger. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Madonna_Rebel_Heart_Tour_2015_-_Stockholm_(23051472299)_(cropped).jpg
Note: Named "Madonna Louise Ciccone" after her mother. Adopted "Veronica" as her confirmation name.
Madonna is an American singer-songwriter and actor. She is considered one of the most influential f...
Gregers Andersson Garp
(1360 - bef.1450)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s.148-153. Andersson Garp. Vehmaan Kosken herra, tarkastusmies Vehmaalla 9.6.1417; sinettivahvistaja Turussa 1421; maaoikeuden jäsen Turussa 1438; kihlakunnan tuomari V...
 By Tuntematon - http://www.annelikotisaari.net/67373.jpg, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=18907889
Pekka Ollinpoika Halonen
(1865 - 1933)
Taidemaalari, professori.Tuusula. Pekka Halosen taiteilijakuvaan on liitetty suomalaisuus yksimielisemmin kuin keneenkään muuhun taidemaalariin. Halosen talonpoikainen syntyperä, suomenkielisyys ja usk...
Eneid ap Eudos, Brenin Powys
(25 - c.83)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)See "My Lines"( )from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, ...
Robert William FitzNigel Fossard, Baron Mulgrave
(c.1068 - 1135)
held Mulgrave at Domesday and who became a tenant-in-chief in 1088* (1) . / -- poss. (NN; FOSSARD?) * (2) ../ -- poss. Nigel FOSSARD * (3).. / -- Neil (Nigel) FOSSARD * (4)... / -- Adam FOSSARD *.........
Dui mac Daui Tengae Umai Ó Briuin, King of Connaught
(c.425 - 502)
Dui mac Daui Tengae Umai Ó Briuin, King of Connaught was born in 425, in Ireland, to Dauí - Duach Tenga Uma (+ ) of Connaught. Dauí was born in 395, in Ireland. Dui had 5 brothers: Seannach King of Wes...
Yves de Creil, seigneur de Bellême
(c.940 - c.1005)
From MedlandsIVES de Creil (-1005 or after). [Guillaume of Jumièges records that Louis IV King of the West Franks, after the death of Richard´s father, marched on Rouen, was received by “Rodulphus et B...
Sophie - Zsófia van Loon queen consort of Hungary
(c.1042 - 1075)
IS NOT Synadena!!!----------------------------------===Her father/mother are uncertain:===*Wikipedia ** Deutsch: Graf Giselbert von Looz Franais: Gislebert, comte de Looz Hungarian: Arnulf belga-limbur...
Richard Awbrey
(1665 - 1697)
See source below, from a public post by Jerry Ferren FerrenAncestors of Sarah HoskinsGeneration No. 11. Sarah Hoskins, born 1637 in Virginia; died 1672 in Rappahannock County, Virginia. She was the dau...
Anton Starkopf
(1889 - 1966)
Anton Starkopf (kunstnikunimi 1936–1940 Starkopf-Rea ; 22. aprill 1889 Röa küla, Kohila vald – 30. detsember 1966 Tartu) oli eesti skulptor.
Abielu: Tallinna Pühavaimu koguduse abielude registreeri...
Alexander Forbes, 2nd of Pitsligo
(c.1428 - 1477)
Sir Alexander Forbes, 2nd of Pitsligo
Gender: Male
Born: Født 1423?? Place:
Christened: Place:Lived In: Place: Scotland
Died: Mar 1477 Place:
Buried: Place:
Father: Sir William Forbes, of K...
Gersende de Provence, Infanta d'Aragon
(1205 - 1268)
- ) GERSENDE de Provence. “Garsendis uxor quondam Ildefonsi comitis Provinciæ” donated her rights “in comitatu Forcalqueriensi”, granted by “Guillelmo quondam comite Forcalqueriensi avo meo”, to “Raymu...
Robert de Condet (Cundy), Lord of Thorngate
(c.1106 - 1141)
Robert de CONDET [Parents] 1, 2 was born 1106 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England. He died 10 Oct 1141 in South Carlton, Lincolnshire, England. Robert married Adeliza la MESCHIN on 1137 in South Carlton, Li...
Gordon Ramsay
Biography Gordon Ramsay was born on November 8, 1966 in Johnstone, Strathclyde, Scotland, United Kingdom. His parents were Gordon James Ramsay, Sr and Helen (Cosgrove) Ramsay . He was a Presenter, Chef...
N. N.
Lydeken vaimo. Tuntematon (kuten myös Lydeke, josta tiedätään vain etunimi). Lydekes hustru. Okänd (liksom Lydeke, man vet bara hans förnamn). 'Lydeke's wife. Unknown (like Lykede, only his first name ...
Hendrik van Limburg, Hertog van Limburg and Arlon (Duke of lower Lotharingia)
(b. - 1119)
The next recorded successor of Udo as Graaf van Limburg was Hendrik [I] who is shown below. Untangling the reports about Hendrik’s family origin is confusing, especially as whatever solution is foun...
Jussi Halla-aho
Helsinki, Finland
Jussi Halla-aho polveutuu äitinsä Ulla Bergrothin puolelta suomenruotsalaisesta kulttuurisuvusta, jossa on kirjoitettu katkeamatta ylioppilaaksi 1700-luvulta lähtien.
Filosofian tohtori, kansanedustaj...
Prince Vyachko of Koknese, Principality of Koknese
(c.1175 - 1224)
In the photograph: Sculpture group 'Meelis and Wetseke on the protection of Tartu' in Tartu Kassitoom, front view, September 20, 2011.
Wetseke of Koknese, also Wetseke von Kokenhusen (Latin: Rex Wets...
Gebhard II, count of Querfurt
(c.1100 - 1126)
parents: i) BURCHARD [von Querfurt] . The Annalista Saxo names "Burchardum et Ida" as children of Gebhard[514]. m ---. The name of Burchard's wife is not known. Burchard & his wife had [two] children: ...
King Ouraquero, George Skipper, Jr / Cheroenhaka Nottoway Iroquois
(1700 - 1780)
Avatar: Named among the Chief Men of the Nottoway = Cheroenhaka Iroquois on a Tripartite Indenture. Land records: 1. unfinished record of the 1748; viz. 1668 deed.
Possible children: Isom Clemonds Ur...
Álvaro Gonçalves Pereira, prior do Crato
(c.1310 - 1375)
Wikipédia PT D. Frei Álvaro Gonçalves Pereira (? - Amieira do Tejo, c. 1379), foi um nobre português, prior da Ordem do Hospital, que viveu no século XIV.Pai de Nuno Álvares Pereira , 2º Condestável de...
Eudes "Odo", comte d'Orléans
(c.780 - 834)
EUDES ([770/80]-killed in battle [Touraine] Jun 834). His birth date is estimated on the assumption that he was already mature when named for the first time in 810/11, but bearing in mind h...
Elizabeth Gordon
(1445 - 1500)
ELIZABETH GORDON Countess of Erroll===
Elizabeth Comitisse de Erole (1471) Elizabeth Gordoun comitissam de Erroll (1481) Elizabeth Comitisse de Erol (1482-83) Elizabeth Comitissam de Eroll (1487-88) ...
Frances Elkins
(1702 - 1796)
Notes "KING GEORGE CO., WILL BOOK" by Ha. S. King
1745 June 4;"I, Maxfield Brown, in Parish of Hanover, County of King Georg e..." bequeaths each of his five daughters Five Shillings, viz: Elizabe th...
 Source: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/18821061/reuben-derrith-roberts
Reuben Derrith Roberts, Sr.
(1744 - 1841)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for North Carolina with the rank of Private. DAR Ancestor # A097023 Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statement for 1492 * Updated from MyHeritage Famil...
Sophia Dorothea of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg
(1636 - 1689)
Name/title: *Dorothea Sophie Princess(Prinzesse) of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg By Marriage: *Duchess(Herzogin) of Brunswich-Lüneburg 1653-1665*Electress(Kurfürstin) of Brandenburg 1668-16...
Olaf I "Morsel", King of Man & the Isles
(c.1080 - 1153)
OLAV of Man , son of ([1080]-murdered 29 Jun 1153). The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum names “Lagmannum, Haraldum et Olavum” as the three sons of “Godredus Crovan” [1288]. The Chronicon Manniæ et Insula...
Ingeborg Svantepolksdotter
(c.1250 - bef.1341)
Dottern Ingrid Svantepolksdotter återkom som änka till Sverige senast 1310, blev nunna i Vreta kloster 1321 och var efter sin syster Katarina Svantepolksdotter (d 1329) abbedissa där från 1322...
Dronning Mechtild af Danmark
(c.1220 - 1288)
Mechtild von Schauenburg-Holstein, Dronning af Danmark=* Daughter of Adolph IV, Herr von Schauenburg, Graf zu Holstein und Stormarn and Heilwig Gräfin von der Lippe* Mechtild von Holstein , (även Mecht...
Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the United States
(1822 - 1885)
Ulysses S. Grant (born Hiram Ulysses Grant; April 27, 1822 – July 23, 1885) was the 18th President of the United States (1869–1877) as well as military commander during the Civil War and post-war Recon...
Adolph IV, Herr von Schauenburg, Graf zu Holstein und Stormarn
(c.1186 - 1261)
Adolph IV Graf von Schauenburg-Holstein (* vor 1205; † 8. Juli 1261 in Kiel) war Edler Herr von Schauenburg (1225–1238) sowie Graf von Holstein und Stormarn (1227–1238).===Leben===Adolf IV. war der ält...
Harry "the Great Lester"
(1878 - 1956)
Harry "The Great" Lester was (born Maryan Czajkowsk (Tchaikovsky) on 8 September 1878 – 14 July 1956), best known by his stage name "The Great Lester", he was a seminal Polish-American vaudeville ventr...
 National Archives and Records Administration. Office of Presidential Libraries. Harry S. Truman Library. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain in the United States. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:TRUMAN_58-766-06_(cropped).jpg
Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the USA
(1884 - 1972)
Harry S. Truman (May 8, 1884 – December 26, 1972) was the thirty-third President of the United States (1945–1953). As vice president, he succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt, who died less than three months...
William de Braose II, 3rd Lord of Bramber
(1112 - 1192)
Birth and death dates highly conjectural. He was certainly the eldest son and heir.
WILLIAM [II] de Briouse , son of PHILIPPE de Briouse & his wife Eleanor de Barnstaple (before 5 Jan [1096]-afte...
Juana Manuel de Villena
(1339 - 1381)
Wiki - Juana Manuel Juana Manuel de Castilla (¿?, 1339 - Salamanca, 1381). Infanta de Castilla. Era hija de la unión del todopoderoso infante Juan Manuel de Castilla y de Blanca Núñez de Lara, pertenec...
Sune Sverkersson Sik
(1132 - c.1220)
Sune Sverkersson Sik=* Son of King of Sweden Sverker the Elder av Sverige and Queen Ulfhild of Aalborg * Allegedly a son Sune,[25] thought to have been born about 1154.* Sune Sverkersson Sik Family Gen...
Hildegard von Stade, duchess of Saxony
(c.960 - 1011)
Birth year 978 or 974 is unprobable when her husband was born around 950. She had children born before 980.Uncertain mother; maybe Judith, countess of the Wetterau, as suggested by the LDS 974-1011 3.e...
Co-Emperor Andronikos Doukas
(c.967 - c.1029)
The Dukas family== Andronikos Dukas, living ca 1020 (he was related to Emperor Konstantinos (+913) but exactly how is uncertain) had issue:*A1. Konstantinos X Dukas, Emperor of Byzantium (1059-67), +10...
Sveriges Drottning Margareta Eriksdotter Leijonhufvud, Queen of Sweden
(1516 - 1551)
Ellen de Baguley aka Ellen de Corona
(1283 - 1352)
Additional Curator's Note Ellen de Baguley ( or de Baggilegh) is often called Ellen de Corona because she was the heir of Thomas de Corona, a kinsman of hers (Thomas de Corona was Ellen's first cousin ...
Thomas Perrin
(1585 - 1625)
I cannot find a Thomas Perrin listed in any Jamestown Colony or Virginia documents. If someone has, please share the source of documentation === GEDCOM Source ===@R1603696126@ Ancestry Family Trees Onl...
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
(1840 - 1893)
Piano Concerto no.1 - Maestro Mehta's 80th birthday - Khatia Buniatishvili, piano, Zubin Mehta, conductor, Israel Philharmonic, May 2, 2016
Swan Lake - American Ballet Theatre, 2005 . 0:00 Op. 20, Ac...
Capt. John Cook
(1652 - 1727)
Find a Grave
To avoid confusion with his cousin, also named John Cook, he was known as "John Cook, black" in reference to his dark complexion,
while his cousin was referred to as "Whitehead" (pr...
(c.1025 - bef.1083)
Richenza (also spelled as Richeza or Richza) (c. 1025 – before 1083) was a German noblewoman. By her first marriage, she was Countess of Werl. By her second marriage, she was Countess of Northeim, and ...
Cein ap Doli
(c.205 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Ingerid Svendsdatter of Denmark, Queen Consort of Norway
(1054 - 1093)
Ingerid Svendsdatter. Ingrid Sven daughter, died after the year 1093, Norwegian Drottning 1067-93. Dotter till Danmarks kung Sven II of Denmark. Married year 1067 with kung Olav III Kyrre.Ingrid was th...
Carl Linnaeus
(1707 - 1778)
Den store svenske botanikeren Carl von Linné besøkte Rørstad, Sørfold, Norway i 1732, forelsket han seg i Sara Johannesdatter Rasch , som han beskriver som en ung pike på 18 år av ekstraordinær skjønnh...
Hans Forbus
(c.1622 - 1710)
Hans Casparsson Forbuksen tyttären Christina Hansdotterin todistus isänsä syntyperästä
Saloisten seurakunnan arkisto > Muut asiakirjat ja kokoelmat > Historisk beskrivning över Brahestad och Salo (IIIU...
Cécile de Provence, vicomtesse consort d'Albi
(c.1070 - 1150)
Captain Samuel Doty, II
(1679 - 1741)
Sam Doty was the grandson of Edward Doty, of the Mayflower * Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Jan 9 2024, 20:53:45 UTC
Frodi "the Valiant / frøkne" Fridleifsson, King of Denmark
(c.479 - c.548)
Frodi "the Valiant" Fridleifsson, legendary king of Denmark. Fourth of that name according to the layout in "Hversum Noreg Byggdist".== Basics ==* Father: Fridleif III* Mother: Unknown* Wife: Unknown, ...
Rørik "Slængeborræ" Halfdansson, "slaunvanbauga"
(c.629 - c.700)
Then [king] Rorik ... set up Orwendel and Feng as rulers in Jutland. The king gave Orwendel his sister, for the good work he'd done. With her he had a son called Amblothe. Then Feng killed Orwendel out...
Olivia Newton-John
(1948 - 2022)
Olivia Newton-John , AC, DBE was an English-Australian singer, songwriter, actress, entrepreneur, dancer, and activist. She is a four-time Grammy award winner who amassed five number-one and ten oth...
Renny Harlin
Harlin (born Renny Lauri Mauritz Harjola, 15 March 1959) is a Finnish-American film director and producer. He is best known for Die Hard 2 (1990), Cliffhanger (1993), The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996) and...
Ita von Öhningen
(c.965 - 996)
von Öhningen (-16 Oct ----). The Genealogia Welforum names "de Oningen Itam…cuius pater fuit Chuno comes, mater vero filia Ottonis Magni imperatoris" wife of Rudolf[152]. The Historia Welforum refers t...
Ralph (Pincerna) le Boteler
(c.1055 - 1140)
In the reign of Henry I, Ralph Boteler, called "Radulphus Pincerna de Legrescestria," being Butler to Robert Earl of Leicester. Settled at Oversley, county Warwick where he erected a strong castle, and...
Dr. James Craik
(1730 - 1814)
DOCTOR JAMES CRAIK British Army Surgeon (1751) General Practitioner (1751-54) Surgeon in Colonel Joshua Fry's Virginia Provincial Regiment (1754) Physician General of the US Army (1798) Doctor James Cr...
Richard FitzAlan, 1st/6th/8th Earl of Arundel
(1267 - 1302)
On the matter of the various numbering systems for the Earls of Arundel, Wikipedia remarks, “ The Earls of Arundel have been numbered differently depending on whether the claims of the first seven to h...
Anna Jagiellon, Princess of Poland
(1476 - 1503)
Jagellon (1) F, #114709, b. 12 March 1476, d. 12 August 1503 Last Edited=14 May 2009 Consanguinity Index=0.05% Anne Jagellon was born on 12 March 1476 at Krakow, Poland.2 She was the daughter of Casimi...
John Ernst Steinbeck Jr. (III)
(1902 - 1968)
Wikipedia Biographical Summary:=="... John Ernst Steinbeck, Jr .(February 27, 1902 – December 20, 1968) was an American writer. He wrote the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Grapes of Wrath (1939) and ...
Bolette Petrine Jørgensen
(1861 - 1934)
Ingeborg of Norway
(c.1301 - 1361)
Ingeborg Haakonsdatter Ingebjørg eller Ingeborg Håkonsdatter (1301-ca 1360, senest 1364) var en norsk prinsesse, datter av kong Håkon V Magnusson av Norge (sønn av Magnus Lagabøte) og Eufemia av Arnste...
Richard d'Amiens, comte d'Amiens
(c.755 - 825)
unsure; various trees have him as son of * Waudbert VIII, comte de Lommois and Richarde de Ponthieu * Godefroid Le Danois
Ælfgifu of York
(963 - 1002)
Æthelred's first wife, background unclear. Possible father is Thored Gunnarsson, ealdorman of York. Six children:
1. Æthelstan
2. Æcgbert
3. Eadmund/Edmund Ironside
4. Eadred
5. Eadwig
6. Eadgyth (dau...
Agnes of Antioch
(c.1154 - 1184)
Agnes de Châtillon was the daughter of Reynold de Châtillon. (1) She married Béla III Arpád, King of Hungary, son of Geisa II Arpád, King of Hungary and Euphrosine of Novgorod, in 1168. (1) She died in...
NN d'Amiens, hereditiere d'Amiens
(c.775 - 805)
historical [modern] place name:Austrasia, Kingdom of the Franks [Picardy, France]
Picardy is one of the 27 regions of France. It is located in the northern part of France. ...From the 5th century the ...
William de Beauchamp, IV, Lord of Elmley Castle
(c.1215 - 1268)
William de Beauchamp (d.1268)== William de Beauchamp (c1215–1268) was an English baron and hereditary sheriff. He was born and lived in Elmley Castle, Worcestershire the eldest son of Walter de Beaucha...
Henry the Young King
(1155 - 1183)
Henry, known as the Young King (28 February 1155 – 11 June 1183) was the second of five sons of King Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. He was junior King of England, Duke of Normandy, Count...
John Clement
See Peter Bartrum, (August 12, 2022; Anne Brannen, curator)
Isabel de Dover, of Chilham
(c.1245 - 1292)
Alexander Baliol married Isabel de Chilham, de Dover, or De Warrenne, da. of Richard de Fitzroy or De Chilham, natural son of King John of England. She was relict of David, Earl of Athol, and resided a...
Adèle de Vermandois, comtesse de Vermandois et Valois
(c.1057 - 1120)
Adelais (Adele) de Vermandois (1065-28 Sept 1120/24) was suo jure Countess of Vermandois and Valois and the last member of the Carolingian dynasty. Daughter of Heribert IV de Vermandois; married Hugues...
Sir, Vice Admiral Francis Drake
(1540 - 1596)
Alternate date: He his said to have died in January 1596, but his will is dated April 10, 1661.
His great nephew also named Sir Francis Drake died in 1661.
Sir Francis Drake, Vice Admi...
Nathaniel Rothschild, 5th Baron Rothschild
Klosters Serneus, Prättigau/Davos, Graubünden/Grigioni/Grischun, Switzerland
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Nathaniel Philip Victor James Rothschild, 5th Baron Rothschild (born 12 July 1971), is a British-born financier who settled in Switzerland and is a member of the...
 Photo by the US Senate Judiciary Committee. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Maryanne_Trump_Barry.png
Maryanne Trump Barry
(1937 - 2023)
Maryanne Trump Barry was an American attorney and a United States federal judge. She became an Assistant United States Attorney in 1974 and was first appointed to the United States District Court for t...
Krotoa 'Eva'
(c.1641 - 1674)
!Goroǀgôas of the ǁAmmaqua (c1642, Cape - 29 July 1674 Robben Island) Krotoa (called 'Eva' by V Riebeeck) of the ǁAmmaqua (Watermans) referred to disparagingly by some Peninsula Khoe as Goringhaic...
Vogn Tullesen Sparre, (i Skaane)
Vogn Tullesen Sparre (i Skaane) Ejendom: Klågerup (Klogerup), Svedala, Skåne, Sverige
Far Tulle Aagesen Sparre (i Skaane), d. eft. 1287
Mor N.N.
menes at have eiet Klogerup (Bare H.).
(c.1004 - 1055)
Do NOT confuse with Lady Godiva (also Godgifu,) wife of Leofric!Godgifu, or Goda, of England.Daughter of Æthelred Unræd and Emma de NormandieMarried:1. Dreux2. Eustache[Goda] (-before 1049). Her parent...
Martha (Dandridge) Washington, 1st First Lady of the United States
(1731 - 1802)
Martha Washington, née Dandridge *1st First Lady of the United States*In office: April 30, 1789 – March 4, 1797*Born June 2, 1731(1731-06-02) Chestnut Grove, New Kent County, Virginia*Died May 22, 1802...