For a comparatively small population of about 6 million people, Ireland has made an an especially enormous contribution to literature. =Famous Irish * Abraham Stoker * Pierce Brosnan * W. B. Yeats * John Jack Butler Yeats * C. S. Lewis * Maureen O'Sullivan * Liam Neeson >>>>>--------------------------------------- Wikipedia
People on British Commemorative Stamps The policy followed by the Royal Mail is that the only identifiable living people depicted on British stamps are the monarch and other members of the Royal Family (or people imminently marrying into it). This policy has only occasionally been broken. In the 1967 issue commemorating the solo round the world voyage of Gipsy Moth IV a person appears as an...
Striscia la notizia ( wiki ) is an Italian satirical television program on the Mediaset-controlled Canale 5. Founded in 1988, it is meant to be a parody of the daily news, which airs right before the program, but Striscia also satirizes government corruption and exposes scams with the help of local reporters who are also comedians. The program is created by Antonio Ricci and is hosted by two ma...
Greatest Czech / Největší Čech=== Největší Čech (The Greatest Czech) is the Czech spin-off of the BBC Greatest Britons show ; a television poll of the populace to name the greatest Czech in history.The series was broadcast by the national public-service broadcaster, Česká televize. The presenter of the programme was Marek Eben , who was also nominated to be in the Top 100; however, since he was...
Projekti aloitettu 14.6.2023. Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Lamppi Wikipedia Ahlaisten kylät Alakylä (Nederby) Anttoora (Antören, Antora) Pastuskeri (Bastuskär) Kellahti (Källfjerd) Lampaluoto (Lambalot) Lamppi (Lampis) Pirttijärvi
Korpilahti oli Vuoksenrannan kunnan suurin kylä, noin 1/4 kunnan pinta-alasta. Kylä käsitti Vuoksenrannan keskisen, pohjoisen ja luoteisen alueen. Leveys rajan läntisimmästä mutkasta itäisimpään oli 11 km 700 m ja etelästä pohjoiseen 12 km 600 m. Ennen vuotta 1924 kylä kuului Antreaan, josta Vuoksenranta erosi omaksi kunnakseen. Vuoksenrannan seurakunta oli perustettu jo 5.11.1913 ja seurakunna...
This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. The first attempt by Europeans to settle in present-day Randolph County came in 1752 or '53 when David Tygart — for whom the Tygart Valley River was named — and Robert Foyle (later called Files) located (separate...
This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. Gilmer County is a county in the U.S. state of West Virginia. It is West Virginia's fifth-least populous county. Its county seat is Glenville. The county was formed in 1845 from parts of Lewis and Kanawha Counties,...
New Netherland , or Nieuw-Nederland in Dutch, was the 17th century colonial province of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands on northeastern coast of North America. The claimed territory were the lands from the Delmarva Peninsula to southern Cape Cod. Settled areas are now part of Mid-Atlantic states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, with small out posts in Connecticut, and Pennsylvani...
Riigivapi teenetemärk Kõik selle kavalerid siia... Palume kõigil siia lisatud isikutel lisada isikukirjesse (profiili) viide Presidendi Teenetärgi Kavaleride andmebaasi kirjele (või ka muule samaväärsele kinnitavale allikale). See on vähim mida enne kavaleride projekti lisamist peaks tegema... Alates (05.?) 2023 toimib ainult: ja varasemad lingid ümber ei suuna
Sources billiongraves.com Volkovsky Lutheran Cemetery Petersburg Necropolis Vol. 1 A - D Petersburg Necropolis, T. 2 D - L Petersburg necropolis T. 3 M - R Petersburg necropolis T. 4 С - Ѳ TsGIA f. 452 VOLKOVSKY EVANGELICAL-LUTHERAN CEMETERY / Alphabets of the buried etc. available on-line TsGIA f.2294 COLLECTION OF METRIC BOOKS OF LUTHERAN'S CHURCHES OF ST. PETERSBURG AND PROVINC...
This project is intended for all of those that served in the United States Continental Navy.The Continental Navy was the navy of the United States during the American Revolutionary War, and was formed in 1775. Through the efforts of the Continental Navy's patron, John Adams, and vigorous Congressional support in the face of stiff opposition, the fleet cumulatively became relatively substantial ...
The Royal Ancestry of EUPHAME (SCOT) JOHNSTON of NJ and NY; wife of Dr. John Johnstone, Mayor of NYC et al Nathan W. Murphy, MA, AG, FASG recommends the royal ancestry of EUPHAME (SCOT) JOHNSTON, of NJ and NY wife of Dr. John Johnstone, Mayor of NYC et al. Gary Boyd Roberts has Euphame in his book, but it follows a different line that he states may have problems. Nathan W. Murphy hasn't found a...
Vaippila, Vaipilais, Waipilais, Vaipilainen, Vaipala Varhaisin maininta v. 1455, varhaisin maakirjamerkintä v. 1555, kaksi tilaa. ( Lähde: Päijät-Hämeen maakuntakaava Historiallisen ajan muinaisjäännösten inventointi ) Suur-ruhtinaskunnan kartta Päijänteestä itään SAY Suomen asutuksen yleisluettelo -arkisto - Sysmä 1720-1739 , jakso 112, sivu 112: Waipilais Putola ; Kansallisarkisto: / ...
This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. The county was formed in 1836 from parts of Lewis, Kanawha, and Nicholas counties and named for Carter Braxton , a Virginia statesman and signer of the Declaration of Independence. Important salt works were locate...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Rakvere Palermo kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Maetu otsing Haudi andmebaasis Palermo kalmistu pindala on ligikaudu 12 605 m², parkimisplats asub üle tee, teisel pool Lilleoru tänavat. Rakvere linnale kuulub neli kalmistut: Rakvere ...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. 'Projekt "Rakvere kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. * ]]
Tähän projektiin kerätään Suomessa toimineita agronomeja. Agronomeja on koulutettu Mustialassa vuosina 1865-1908 ja sen jälkeen Helsingin Yliopistossa.
Juupajoki on Suomen kunta, joka sijaitsee Pirkanmaan maakunnassa.===Naapuriseurakunnat===Kuorevesi, Längelmäki, Orivesi, Ruovesi, Vilppula===Kylät===Aakkola, Haavisto, Hirvijärvi, Hoivala, Höytee (Höydes), Hulipas, Kihlala, Kokkila, Kopsamo, Lylyjärvi, Melli, Pärrinautio (Pärri), Porvola (Borgerla), Pylkinautio (Pylkki), Sahrajärvi, Sukkila, Voitila===Muuta===Juupajoen sukupuu -projekti on aloi...
Hillsborough Cemetery is located at 250 Hillsborough Road, Hillsborough, Auckland, New Zealand.The cemetery opened in 1916 and was managed pursuant to the Cemeteries Acts 1908 and 1922, which were superseded by the Burial and Cremation Act 1964. The cemetery closed in 1976. Around 17,000 people are buried there.
=====Images: Above - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Courtesy of CWGC ; Right - Tyne Cot Cemetery, CC BY-SA 2.0, Tyne Cot Memorial and Cemetery ===West-Vlaanderen, Belgium The Tyne Cot Memorial to the Missing forms the north-eastern boundary of Tyne Cot Cemetery. The names of those from United Kingdom units are inscribed on Panels arranged by Regiment under their respective Ranks.
Te Aroha Cemetery contains the official war graves of 10 men who served in the New Zealand forces during the First World War and who died before 1 September 1921. The cemetery is situated opposite the racecourse, in Stanley Road South, about 2 kilometres south of Te Aroha towards Matamata.
Accardo Palumbo Leonarda Accardo Palumbo, figlia di Vincenzo Accardo Palumbo - Partanna, Atti di Nascita 1821 No. 273 Link Aglieri Rinella Giovanni Aglieri Rinella Rosario Aglieri Rinella Armato Barone Francesco Armato Barone, son of Giuseppe Armato Barone - Partanna, Atti di Nascita 1846 No. 142 Link Bitto Pisano Carmelo Bitto Pisano Costanza Scinta Francesco Costanza Scinta D...