Örn (The Eagle) 1654-1654Belonged to the Crown, wrested from Denmark in June 1644 120 feet long, 30 feet wide and with a crew of approx. 80 men.* Sailed from Gothenburg on February 2, 1654* Arrived at New Sweden May 22, 1654A great many colonists went over with the expedition. Twelve boys from the Bilding College of Stockholm were also sent. About a hundred families were left behind on account ...
Members of Fire Brigade in Brodnia (pow. Poddębice, woj. Lodz) Source :
Official Web Site =Amherst County was formed in 1761, from parts of Albemarle County. The county was named for Sir Jeffrey Amherst, known as the "Conqueror of Canada". Jeffrey Amherst was named Governor of Virginia, although he never came to the colony. Native Americans were the first humans to populate the area. They hunted and fished mainly along the countless rivers and streams in Amherst Co...
Oulun kaupunkilaisten adressi 18 5/3 99 (05.03.1899) H.M. Keisari Suurruhtinaalle. Kaikki ovat tervetulleita projektiin, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita Oulun historiasta ja löytävät sukuaan adressin allekirjoittajista. Projektiin voi liittää oululaisten allekirjoittajien Geni-profiileja, valokuvia, dokumentteja sekä osallistua keskusteluun. Projekti aloitettu 14.11.2017. Keskeneräinen. Oulun pr...
Alpha Delta Phi (ΑΔΦ), commonly known as Alpha Delt, ADPhi, or ADP, is a North American Greek-letter secret and social college fraternity. Alpha Delta Phi was originally founded as a literary society by Samuel Eells in 1832 at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York. Its more than 50,000 alumni include former presidents and senators of the United States, and justices of the Supreme Court. In 1992...
Amherst College=== Wikipedia =Amherst College is a private liberal arts college located in Amherst, Massachusetts, United States. Amherst is an exclusively undergraduate four-year institution and enrolled 1,817 students in the fall of 2012. Students choose courses from 35 major programs in an unusually open curriculum. Amherst is ranked as the second best liberal arts college in the country by ...
Royal Victorian Order The Royal Victorian Order is given by The Queen to people who have served her or the Monarchy in a personal way. These may include officials of the Royal Household, family members or perhaps British Ambassadors who have helped organise a State Visit to a particular country. The Order was founded in April 1896 by Queen Victoria as a way of rewarding personal service to ...
Projektin tarkoituksena on koota yhteen Tuomas Laurentii Paldaniuksen jälkeläisten sukupuu. Taustaa Paldanius-nimen varhaisin kantaja Tuomas Laurentiin poika Samuel Thomae Paldanius (k. 1651) toimi Paltamon kirkkoherrana. Paltamo”on johdos sanasta ” palta ”, joka merkitsee ’rinnettä, rantapengertä’, joten siihen sukunimikin pohjimmiltaan palautunee. Sukunimi Paldanius on muodoltaan ns. suoma...
Delta Upsilon (ΔΥ), commonly known as DU, is a collegiate men's fraternity founded on November 4, 1834 at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. It is the sixth-oldest, all-male, college Greek-letter organization founded in North America (only Kappa Alpha Society, Sigma Phi, Delta Phi, Alpha Delta Phi, and Psi Upsilon predate). It is popularly and informally known as "DU" or "Delta U"...
Wikipedia = Bates College Bates College is a private liberal arts college located in Lewiston, Maine, in the United States. The college was founded in 1855 by abolitionists. Bates College is one of the first colleges in the United States to be coeducational from establishment, and is also the oldest continuously operating coeducational institution in New England. Originally a Free Will Baptist ...
The director of national intelligence (DNI) is a senior cabinet-level United States government official, required by the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 to serve as executive head of the United States Intelligence Community (IC) and to direct and oversee the National Intelligence Program (NIP). All 18 IC agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Def...
Emigration from Norway to the United States of America. This project is about emigrants from Norway to USA. Please also follow Norwegian Ancestry - information Index Links Norwegian-American Settlements in The US From which county in Norway was the emigrants born? Østfold Akershus Oslo Hedmark Oppland Buskerud Vestfold Telemark Aust-Agder Vest-Agder Rogaland H...
Hallan saarelle valmistui vuonna 1876 höyrysaha toiminimellä Hallan Osakeyhtiö . Sahan rakennuttajina toimi norjalainen yhtiö N. Otterstad & Co. Saha siirtyi suomalaisomistukseen vuonna 1916, jolloin sen osti UPM:n edeltäjä Kymiyhtiö. Saarella on ollut myös Hallan sellutehdas. Saha lopetti toimintansa vuonna 1986. Saaren omistaa nykyisin UPM, joka on suunnitellut muuttavansa Hallan sataman yksi...
Australian soldiers held as prisoners of war in WWIIPlease add persons who were imprisoned by the enemy during the years of the second world war, who were Australian.===Specific Camps WWII* Geni Project - WWII Prisoners at Stalag VII-A - WikiPage ===Resources* Australian National Archives - Prisoner of war records A-Z * Australian Prisoners of War | The Anzac Portal * Stolen Years: Australian p...
Vallavanemad ja vallasekretärid (ja nendega võrdsustatud omavalitsustegelased) Kõik Eestimaalt ja Liivimaalt Eesti aladelt läbi aegade (esimestest valdadest kuni tänaseni) P.S. Kõikide linnapeade jaoks on linnadel eraldi projektid
Siia on plaan koguda Eestiga seotud kirikutegelased ja vaimulikud alllikaid Saagas olevate koguduste ja kirikute asukohad
Aasta vaimulik Kõik aasta vaimulikud kogume siia
Vidlitsa (Olonets Karelia, Russia) locality project =Genealogy project for Vidlitsa and the neighbouring areas.In addition to this locality project, please register also to the larger entity, Finland and Karelia Project , that builds family tree in the whole Finland and Karelia. Please register also to the relevant village projects (list below). Joining projects: in the project page, click "Act...
Projekti aloitettu 5.6.2023. Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Norsjoki Wikipedia Käkisalmen maalaiskunnan kyläprojekteja Alapuusti I Hirvisaari I Joensuu I Kapeasalmi I Marjalanniemi I Norsjoki I Näpinlahti I Ostamo I Pärnä I Pötrsykkä I Sakkali I Suikanlahti I Suotniemi I Tenkalahti I Vuohensalo I Yläpuusti
Rychtář (v listinách i richter nebo iudex) byl v období středověku představeným městské či vesnické obce (obdoba dnešního starosty). Během 15. a 16. století se obsah funkce změnil, od roku 1547 v městě dosazený královský rychtář reprezentoval jen zájmy panovníka. Funkce královského rychtáře byla zrušena v roce 1783.Ve středověku rychtář mohl být do své funkce buď dosazen vrchností, resp. panovn...
Hogere Zeevaartschool / Maritiem Instituut de RUYTER · sinds 1903 · Vlissingen 1903-1949 : Praktische opleiding van de Kon.Paketvaart Mij te Vlissingen . bronnen 1903 : Oprichting Ver. Zeevaartschool 1909 : nieuw gebouw 1941-1946 In de zomer van 1941 verhuisde, op last van de Duitse bezetter, de Zeevaartschool van Vlissingen naar Nijmegen. Na vertrek werd het gebouw aan de ...
Hellamaa kalmistu ehk Muhu Hellamaa kalmistu on kalmistu Muhu saare idaosas Hellamaa kiriku naabruses Koosneb õigeusklike (Hellamaa koguduse) surnuaiast kuhu hilisemal ajal on igale poole ka mitte-õigeusklikke, mitte-luterlasi ja mitte-usklike maetud. Hellamaa kalmistule maetuid on hakatud ka Haudisse kandma (ca 1987 isikut juba kantud). Kalmistu leht on siin Lehed ja otsingud ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Waupaca County, Wisconsin. Official Website The county was created in 1851 and organized in 1853. It is named after the Waupaca River, a Menominee language name meaning 'white sand bottom', 'pale water', or 'tomorrow river'. For a complete list of Towns & Communities, please see Wikipedia . Adjacent Counties Shawano Coun...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Boston, Mass. Official Website Boston , officially the City of Boston , is the capital and most populous city in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the United States. The city serves as the cultural and financial center of the New England region of the Northeastern United States. It has an area of 48.4 square miles and a populatio...