Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Kylä Ala-Honkajoki, Kankaanpää

    Projekti aloitettu 4.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittaushallituksen paikkatieto Ala-Honkajoki Ala-Honkajoki Wikipedia Ala-Honkajoen historiaa Kankaanpään kylät Ala-Honkajoki I Jämiänkeidas I Kankaanpää I Karhoismaja I Korvaluoma I Kyynärjärvi I

  • Meteorologists, climatologists, and weathercasters

    What do meteorologists really do? By Rachelle Oblack Updated on December 22, 2018 While most people know a meteorologist is a person who is trained in the atmospheric or weather sciences, many may not be aware that there is more to a meteorologist's job than simply forecasting the weather. A meteorologist is a person who has received a specialized education to use scientific principles to...

  • Explorers of Australia

    Explorers of Australia This is a short list, there are pages also dedicated to State explorers that I think could possibly all be included here for now. Reference The photo is of the ill fated Calvert Expedition complements State Library of South Australia A Alexander MacPherson (explorer) John Allen (miner) George Austin Said Ameer (camel driver) B Thomas Baines Henry Lidgb...

  • Victoria Australia Portal

    Welcome to the Victorian Portal on Geni=This is a sub-project of the Australian Portal This Victorian Portal has been created to: * Link together existing Victorian projects * Encourage new Victorian projects to be created * Encourage collaboration between Victorian-based Geni users, and Geni users worldwide who have Victorian interests and connections * Promote and facilitate Victorian genealo...

  • Physicists

    A physicist is a scientist who specializes in the field of physics, which encompasses the interactions of matter and energy at all length and time scales in the physical universe. Physicists generally are interested in the root or ultimate causes of phenomena, and usually frame their understanding in mathematical terms. They work across a wide range of research fields, spanning all length scale...

  • Antarctic Explorers

    Antarctic Explorers Image Right - Jameson Adams , Frank Wild and Eric Marshall (left to right) of the Nimrod Expedition plant the Union flag at their southernmost position. Please link GENi profiles of people who were involved in Antarctic Exploration to this project. See also Arctic Explorers The first land south of the parallel 60° south latitude was discovered by the Englishman William ...

  • Prominent Scientists: (i) Exact Sciences & Natural Sciences

    Prominent scientists (of high international recognition) who have made major contributions to our understanding of our world and the rules of nature. Part I: Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences ( excluding Life Sciences and Medicine) *Exact Sciences - Mathematics & Computer Sciences; Physics; Astronomy *Natural Sciences - Chemistry (& Alchemy); Chemical Engineering; Geology (earth & planetary) ...

  • Hämeenkyrön Kyröspohjan Frantsilan talonhaltijoita ja talojen asukkaita

    Tähän projektiin kerätään Hämeenkyrön Kyröspohjan Frantsilan talonhaltijoita ja talojen asukkaita. Sijainti: N=6837880.300, E=296488.929 Hämeenkyrön talonhaltijaluettelot Talonhaltiat 1557 - 84 Johan Perss 1585 - 1600 Frans Nilss 1600 - 03 Matts Grip 1607 - 29 Henric Johansson Laitila 1630 - 34 Carl Sigfridss 1635 - 37 Jöran Henricss 1639 - 46 Mårten Sigfridsson 1646 - 51 Knut Lars...

  • Stolpersteine in the Czech Republic

    Stolpersteine in the Czech Republic>This is a child project of Stolpersteine and is intended to house all the profiles of monuments placed in the Czech Republic. Stolpersteine (Stumbling Blocks) is a project of the artist Gunter Demnig. With appropriately placed plaques he wants to remind us of the fate of people who were persecuted, murdered, deported, expelled or driven to suicide during the ...

  • Urissaare kalmistu

    Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Urissaare kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Kultuurimälestise Riikliku Registri registrikanne vt. registrist ka kaasnevaid fotosid. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

  • R-ZZ12-1 (Y-DNA)

    ( initiated project)= R-ZZ12 (Y-DNA) Project ={ R-M343 => R-M269 => R-L11 => R-P312 => } R-P312 * ZZ11** U152** R-DF27 *** ZZ12 **** FGC78762 ***** ZZ19/ZZ20 ****** Z31644******* PH2054******* Z37492******** PH2047********* A7014 / Z1513 { Point to Northern Ireland } ******* SK2109 { Point to England }**** FGC78762 ***** ZZ19/ZZ20****** Z34609******** Z2571******* DF84**** FGC78762 ****...

  • Village Rahja, Kalajoki, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland

    Taloja ===№ 1 Siermala 64.130815, 23.786886 № 2 Santapakka 64.149827, 23.824249 № 3 Alajoki Vähäalajoki 64.164152, 23.744022 № 4 Siipo № 5 Siironen № 6 Rahja № 7 Roukala № 8 Joki № 9 Puro № 10 Aro № 11 Kurikkala 64.153411, 23.823242 № 12 Joensuu № 13 Juusola

  • Brick-Wall Workshop

    This is an open group collaborative project for assistance on genealogy "Brick-Walls". We all have them - some we have been successful at overcoming, others still give us continued grief as we all like to complete our ancestor line as far back as possible to learn our family heritage.Basic genealogy 101 teaches us that most "Brick-Walls" are due to human error - enumerator mis-spellings, and th...

  • Eesti NSV teeneline kunstnik

    Eesti NSV teeneline kunstnik - Заслуженный артист Эстонской ССР (1942-1990, vene keelses 1945-1988) Nõukogude Venemaal ja Nõukogude Liidus oli juba 1919-1941 aunimetus Заслуженный артист Республики (ka igas liiduvabariigis eraldi) - puuduvad andmed kas ka mõni eestlane enne 1942 selle autasu kusagil sai. Eesti NSV teeneline kunstnik on Eesti NSV aunimetus, mida anti "interpreetidele, helilooj...

  • Baronetage of Upper Clanaboy

    The Baronet of Upper Clanaboy Baronet Created 13 November 1843 Disambiguation: Clan Hugh Boy, Clanahoy, Clandeboyne, Claneboys, Clanaboys Clann Áodha Buidhe Heraldry ARMS Argent, two lions rampant combatant, gules, in supporting a sinister hand, coupled at the wrist, gules, in chief 3 mullets of the second, and in base, a samon, naiant, proper. CREST On a wreath, a dexter arm embowed in...

  • United States Army Air Forces

    Wikipedia The United States Army Air Forces (USAAF or AAF) were the military aviation service of the United States of America during and immediately after World War II, successor to the United States Army Air Corps and the direct predecessor of the United States Air Force. The AAF were a component of the United States Army, which in 1942 was divided functionally by executive order into three...

  • Pi Gamma Mu

    Pi Gamma Mu Website

  • Sõjalaevad- ja sõjapõgenike laevad Läänemerel II maailmasõjas

    WILHELM GUSTLOFF 71 30. jaanuaril 1945 uputas Vene allveelaev S-13 põgenikelaeva Wilhelm Gustloff; hukkus üle 9000 inimese... tuletan meelde, et Sõjasurmade raamatus on 9180 langenu-hukkunu-kadunu nimed, nii et pea sama palju kui eestlasi mitme sõjaaasta jooksul... KODUMAALT PÕGENEMIST MEENUTADES ,,MOERO" HUKKUS, VIIES KAASA PALJU EESTLAS I Kolm laevahukku 1944. aasta sügisel Moero, Nordste...

  • Talo Rusilankontu, Kirjavala 10, Parikkala

    Rusilankonnun taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 4.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Emoprojektit Kylä Kirjavala, Parikkala Paikkakunta Parikkala Paikkakunta Saari Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Kirjavalan talot 1 Piiparinen 2 Rantalötjölä 3 Louhi

  • Eestlased Taanis

    Eestlased Taanis Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid eestlased Taanis läbi kõigi ajajärkude.

  • Majandijuhid ja suurettevõtete juhid ENSVs

    Kolhooside, sovhooside, linnuvabrikute, kalurikolhooside ja tööstuste juhid jt ENSV perioodist.

  • Eestlased Vene sõjavangis 1941-1945

    Eestlased Vene sõjavangis 1941-1945 (ka hiljem, kui ei vabanenud 1945) Nii seal surnud kui ka elusalt vabanenud. NB! Vene sõjavangi sattusid II MS ajal enamasti need kes olid võidelnud Saksa ja / või Soome sõjaväes ja vangi langesid.

  • Tšehhi põrgu (1945) elusalt läbinud eestlased

    Tšehhi põrgu - 05.1945 eluga läbinud eestlased *

4476-4500 of 74642 projects