Material aqui:
Fiz um exame de DNA sou 42% Ibérica,27,3% Centro Americana,9,5%Nigeriana,8%Norte Europeia e europeia Ocidental e 12,9%- 5 etinicidades. Sempre gostaria de saber de onde vim, onde meu pai Alencar e minha mãe me amaram muito.
Tämä projekti on Savitaipaleen Laarin kylän kylä-projekti. Olet tervetullut mukaan projektiin ja myös täydentämään projektisivua.This is a village project for the village of Laari, Savitaipale, Finland. You are welcome to join the project and also to complete the project page.
This project seeks to list representatives of all of the Jewish families from the village of Mimoň (Niemes) in the Czech Republic.
Kiikan Raukon lampuoti1777-95
All koli people from India
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the village of Koleč (Kolletsch) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.
The aim of this project is to find as much as possible information about this extremely rare surname.