Rozpoczynam dzisiaj projekt Rodzina Cieślakowskii aby zebrać w jednym miejscu wszystkie informacje o rodzinie. Zapraszam do współpracy całą swoją znaną mi, i nie znaną rodzinę. Chętnie również będę gościł wszystkie osoby chętne do współpracy i posiadające informacje przydatne przy badaniach. Zapraszam również wszystkie osoby zainteresowane tym projektem. Uprzejmie proszę o dzielenie się uwagami...
Släktträd för Morfar och Mormor
The history of the STYMIEST family surname has been an exciting 40-year research venture. Special acknowledgements to my late father, Carlyle (Bud) William Stymiest, (New Brunswick, Canada); his brother, Donald Garfield Stymiest, (Ontario, Canada); and Barbara Gayle Stymiest, (Ontario, Canada) for their assistance and motivation to complete this pursuit.The notes from Eldon James Stymiest (Tabu...
The Yukon Progressive Conservative Party (in French: Parti progressiste-conservateur du Yukon ) was a conservative political party in Yukon, Canada. It is now known as the Yukon Party .==History==The Yukon Progressive Conservative Party was founded in April 1978. Long time Yukon legislator Hilda Watson was elected the party's first leader defeating Yukon MP Erik Nielsen by one vote.[1] Watson h...
The Yukon Party (in French: Parti du Yukon ), is a conservative political party in Yukon, Canada. It used to be known as the Yukon Progressive Conservative Party.==Declining fortunes==With Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's Progressive Conservative federal government's decreasing popularity, the Yukon Progressive Conservatives decided to sever its relations with the federal Conservatives, and rena...
The Yukon New Democratic Party (NDP) is a social-democratic political party in the Yukon territory of Canada.The Yukon NDP first formed the government of the territory under the leadership of Tony Penikett from 1985 to 1992, and under the leadership of Piers McDonald from 1996 to 2000. The party's current leader is Elizabeth Hanson. The NDP sat as official opposition to the current Yukon Party ...
The Yukon Liberal Party is a political party in the Yukon Territory in Canada.==History==After twenty years as a minor party, the Yukon Liberal Party won the 2000 general election and formed a government under Premier Pat Duncan. The government was plagued with defections, however, and was reduced to minority government status. Duncan called a snap election for November 2002 in the hope of rega...
The Wildrose Party (legally Wildrose Political Association , formerly the Wildrose Alliance Political Association) is a conservative provincial political party in Alberta, Canada. The party was formed out of the Alberta Alliance Party in early 2008 following its merger with the unregistered Wildrose Party of Alberta. The wild rose is Alberta's provincial flower.It contested the 2008 provincial ...
The purpose of this project is to collect all of the profiles of those who served as Labour politicians in any of the following:* The Canadian House of Commons (serving as an MP)* Any Provincial Legislature (serving as any of the following: MHA, MLA, MNA, MPP)
The Progressive Party of Saskatchewan was a provincial section of the Progressive Party of Canada and was active from the 1920s to the mid-1930s. The Progressives were an agrarian, social democratic political movement originally dedicated to political and economic reform and challenging economic policies that favoured the financial and industrial interests in Central Canada over agrarian and to...
The Northwest Territories Liberal-Conservative Party also known formally as the Liberal-Conservative Association prior to 1903 and the Territorial Conservative Association after 1903, was a short lived political party in the Northwest Territories, Canada. from 1897–1905. It was a branch of the federal Conservative Party of Canada (historical).
The Saskatchewan New Democratic Party (NDP) is a social-democratic[1][2] political party in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It forms the official opposition, but has been a dominant force in Saskatchewan politics since the 1940s. The party is the successor to the Saskatchewan section of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), and is affiliated to the federal New Democratic Party.