This is a village project of xx in old locality Lappee (now part of the Lappeenranta). Purpose of the project is to collect all the people profiles born, lived or died in this village.Join also larger projects and surrounding locality projects: == Suomi ja Karjala ===== Karjala ===* Lappeenranta * Lauritsala * Nuijamaa * Ylämaa * Joutseno * [ Vahviala
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the small village of Přestavlky (Prestawlk) in the Pardubice Region in Bohemia, Czech Republic.
Somebody already listed them all on Geni: his first name is Martin: Martin RhNegativ (but unfortunately, he's gone and will never come back, he said it in French on his profile and when I joined he was already gone) and he got his information from:
Informações Principais Nome do Batizado: Pietro Bryan Nabhan Dias Data de Nascimento: 21 de agosto de 2008 Local de Nascimento: Hospital Adventista do Pênfigo, Campo Grande, MS Data do Batismo: 22 de novembro de 2008 Local do Batismo: Paróquia São José Padrinhos Padrinho: Paulo Sérgio Ribeiro Nabhan (tio materno) Madrinha: Maria Aparecida Camoci (tia por via de Paulo, esposa d...
This project seeks to collect representatives of all of the Jewish families from Mladá Boleslav (Jungbunzlau) in Bohemia, Czech Republic. Town in Bohemia, 60 kilometers north of Prague. The presence of Jews in Mladá Boleslav (Ger., Jungbunzlau; known to Jews as Bumsla) was documented by the second half of the fifteenth century. Until the nineteenth century, Jews comprised roughly 10 percent of...
Jewish families of the Kurshany shtetl (Kurseniaia, Kurshan, Kurshany, Kurshjan). Who were they? Where did they go? Families Adelshteyn Adelzon Bloch Browde (Broude) Fridman Gelman (Helman) Glezer Glick Gold Greenspon (Greenspoon) Gurvich (Hurwich) Kan Kagan Kats Katsev Kleyn Korol Kremer Kriger Lurie Lipshitz Mark Medalie Mitavsky Neyman ...
This cemetery is located on 505 N. East Avenue, York, York County, Nebraska. This cemetery is part of the Cemeteries of Nebraska project. Find a Grave Billion Graves
This cemetery is located on 4465 State Route 601, Greenville, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. Find a Grave
Rest Haven Memorial Park Also known as Shady Grove Cemetery Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, USA
This cemetery, established in 1909, is located about 0.2 of a mile onto Bards Hill Road right off of 62 West in Depoy, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. Find a Grave KY Kinfolk
This cemetery is located on 506 East Main Street, Greenville, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. Find a Grave Billion Graves
Roselawn Memorial Park Alice, Jim Wells County, Texas, USA
Kärikän taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 6.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Emoprojektit Kylä Savikumpu, Parikkala Paikkakunta Parikkala Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Savikummun talot 1 Alatalo 2 Mäkelä 3 Hannomäki 4 Opotta-aho
Projekti aloitettu 5.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittaushallituksen paikkatieto Järvenkylä Hämeenkyrön kylät Haukijärvi I Heinijärvi I Herttuala I Hiironen I Hirvola I Ilottula I Jumesniemi I Järvenkylä I Kalkunmäki I Kierikkala I Kostula I Kuotila I Kyröspohja I Laitila I Lemmakkal...
Purpose of this project is to list profiles of notable performers of Lithuania. Every person, who performed on the stage in Lithuania or was known as performer from Lithuanian in other countries will fit this project. This will include theater, ballet, concert stage, folk stage and field performers, market and street festival performers, music, dance, poetry, storytelling, acrobatic and magic s...
Kutsutaan myös: Kääntä, Alakääntä, Käändä by Talot № 1 Kääntä № 2 Isokääntä № 3 Vetenoja № 4 Tilvis № 5 Aksila № 6 Niska
Hannomäen taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 6.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Emoprojektit Kylä Savikumpu, Parikkala Paikkakunta Parikkala Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Savikummun talot 1 Alatalo 2 Mäkelä 3 Hannomäki 4 Opotta-aho
Tämä projekti on Suistamon Pyörittäjän kylän kyläprojekti. Projekti sisältää kylän asutusluetteloita, tarinoita ja valokuvia, linkkeineen sukupuuhun. Kyläprojekti kehittyy ja täydentyy jatkuvasti.* Pyörittäjän kylän kyläkartta ( linkki tulossa )* Pyörittäjän kylän asutusluettelo * Tarinoita suomeksi ja karjalaksi * Pyörittäjän kylän sukuja * Pyörittäjän kylään liittyviä kuvia, artikkeleita, asi...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Põltsamaa õigeusu vana kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Eestikeelne Vikipeedia Asukoht kaardil -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
India, officially the Republic of India, is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area; the most populous country from June 2023 and from the time of its independence in 1947, the world's most populous democracy. This project is a meeting place for users from India to discuss genealogy and work together. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Por...
Tämä projekti on Savitaipaleen Rantalan kylän kylä-projekti. Olet tervetullut mukaan projektiin ja myös täydentämään projektisivua.This is a village project for the village of Rantala, Savitaipale, Finland. You are welcome to join the project and also to complete the project page.
This cemetery is located on County Road 450 W-18, Washington Township, Delaware County, Indiana. Find a Grave
DeLamar Cemetery is also known as Atchley Cemetery . This cemetery is located on Highway 8, about two miles west of Manning, in Dallas County, Arkansas. Find a Grave Arkansas Gravestones