Founder of yeshiva university new York . Architect, philanthropist.1928 biography. "fourth years of struggle for a principle".
my family history
En la convicción de que uno de los grandes males que padece nuestra isla es la existencia de redes clientelares dominadas por unos pocos clanes familiares, hemos decidido sacar adelante este proyecto para dejar en evidencia tal realidad. Nos proponemos investigar, descubrir y publicar los vínculos existentes entre altos funcionarios, políticos de los principales partidos y empresarios habitualm...
Ancestors, descendants of Stirling Beaty
Relatives, ancestors, descendants of Jared M Thomas and Penny Thomas Worthington
Relatives, Ancestors, and descendants of Karen Hohenwalde Potter Hywood
Ancestors and descendants of Jacob Dietrich
George Washington McCoy and Sarah Jane (Bailey) McCoy Settled in Ketchum Idaho in the 1880's.
Here are copies of the documents I have uploaded for the whanau view.
Most recently from the Foggia Region in Italy, paternally, and Clabria from the DeMarco side.
We are trying to locate a Medal that may have been awared to Abe.
Nathaniel Land Dobynes, father of Henry C. Dobyns, Robert Ingersol Dobyns and Wallace C. DoByns.
The connections and Inter weaving of those who hold the last name Hambrick
This is an attempt to create a clear and documented family bloodline.
Looking to find relatives of Obadiah Knuckles and Susan Johns of Amherst County, Virginia. Obadiah was listed on the initial tribal roll of the Monacan Indians.
I aim to identify all of the citizens caught on the censuses of these townships!
Uniting Thimmavajjala family