Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Spiritualism in Vermont (1800s)

    In 1866, the National Association of Spiritualists held their Convention in Providence Rhode Island. three officers were from Vermont President: Newman Weeks of Rutland Treasurer: N.O. Nott of Brandon one of the V.P.s was Mrs. S.A. Horton of Brandon a glimpse, via a newspaper-based chronology 1829 Mar. "the Spiritualists believe that all phenomena are produced by the soul" T...

  • Clergy of the Diocese of Arkhangelsk

    Архангельская епархия — епархия Русской православной церкви, объединяющая приходы и монастыри в средней части Архангельской области (в границах городов областного значения Архангельск, Новодвинск и Северодвинск, а также Пинежского, Приморского и Холмогорского районов). Входит в состав Архангельской митрополии. История на официальном сайте епархии

  • Elysian Burial Gardens, Millcreek, Utah

    This cemetery is located on 1075 East College Street (4580 South), Millcreek, Salt Lake County, Utah. It was formerly named Millcreek Cemetery and was owned and operated by the Latter Day Saints Church from 1879-1924. It is now incorporated as a lot holders association. Billion Graves Find a Grave

  • Nederlandse militaire slachtoffers Nederland - Indonesië 1945 1962

    Militaire slachtoffers 1945-1962 in Indonesië v/m Nederlands-Indië Militairen in dienst van het Ned. Kon. na December 1945 Op 17 Augustus 1945 roepen Soekarno en Hatta de onafhankelijke Republiek Indonesië uit. Vanaf 1946 probeert Nederland zijn gezag met politieke en militaire middelen te herstellen. Ondanks de inzet van 240.000 miliitairen raakt Nederland eind 1949 Nederlands Indie kwijt, on...

  • Curator Profile Exchange: America (US)

    Fellow curators, please use this project to deposit any non-living American (US) Master Profiles (MP) you no longer wish to curate. When assuming curatorship of profiles, please do so with in intention of maintaining and improving them. Thank you.Please be sure to remove profiles from the project when you assume curating responsibilities.

  • Winkler v Gorici in Trstu / Winkler a Gorizia e Trieste / Winkler in Gorizia and Trieste (Austro-Hungarian Empire, Italy)


  • Baylor University

    Wikipedia ==Baylor University=Baylor University is a private Baptist university in Waco, Texas. Chartered in 1845 by the Republic of Texas, Baylor is the oldest continuously operating university in Texas and was one of the first educational institutions west of the Mississippi River in the United States. The university's 1,000-acre campus is located on the banks of the Brazos River next to free...

  • Jewish Families from Náchod, Bohemia Czech Republic

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Náchod in Bohemia, Czech Republic.* NACHOD: Bohemia - IAJGS Cemetery Project Nachod is near the Czech border with Poland Jewish settlement in Nachod dates back to before 1340, which makes it one of the oldest Jewish communities in the Czech lands - along with Prague, Kolin, Mlada Boleslav and Roudnice. The sixteenth centu...

  • Porvarit; kauppa ja käsityö Suomessa - Merchants commerce and crafts in Finland

    Projekti aloitettu 21.11.2017 Projekti on kattoprojekti Suomessa toimineille porvareiila, kaupan ja käsityön harjoittajille. Paikkakuntien porvariprojekteja Porvarit Hamina I Porvarit Hämeelinna I Porvarit Kokkola I Porvarit Kristiina I Porvarit Kurkijoki I Porvarit Käkisalmi I Porvarit Lappeenranta I Porvarit Naantali I Porvarit Nevanlinna I Porvarit Oulu I Porvarit Pietarsaari I Porvarit ...

  • Liepāja Gymnasium

    Wikipedia: Liepāja Gymnasium was a six-year (later seven) gymnasium (high school) in Liepāja (Libau), Courland Governorate, Russian Empire. Only public profiles may be added to this project Prominent students Many prominent Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, and German people studied at the gymnasium, including: Leonas Bistras, Prime Minister of Lithuania Balys Dvarionas, Lithuanian composer...

  • Baltic Cross

    The Baltic Cross (German: Das Baltenkreuz) was a military decoration of the German Weimar Republic. It was created in 1919 by the Baltic National Committee (Baltischer Nationalausschuss), the political representation of German-Baltic population of southern Livonia and Courland (roughly equivalent to parts of modern Latvia). The Cross was awarded to officers, NCOs and men of the Baltic Landeswe...

  • Great Northern War (1700-1721)

    Great Northern War (1700-1721)== Great Northern War (1700–1721) was a conflict in which a coalition led by the Tsardom of Russia successfully contested the supremacy of the Swedish Empire in Northern Europe, Central Europe and Eastern Europe. The initial leaders of the anti-Swedish alliance were Peter the Great of Russia, Frederick IV of Denmark–Norway and Augustus II the Strong of Saxony-Polan...

  • Courland Cuff Title

    The Courland Cuff Title, or Courland Cuff Band, (German: Ärmelband Kurland) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to Wehrmacht servicemen of Army Group Courland who served in the Courland Pocket.

  • Livonian Order

    Balk 1237–1238 Dietrich von Grüningen 1238–1242 Dietrich von Grüningen 1244–1246 Andreas von Stierland 1248–1253 Anno von Sangershausen 1253–1256 Burchard von Hornhausen 1256–1260 Werner von Breithausen 1261–1263 Konrad von Mandern 1263–1266 Otto von Lutterberg 1266–1270 Walther von Nortecken 1270–1273 Ernst von Rassburg 1273–1279 Konrad von Feuchtwangen 1279–1281 Wilken von Endorp ...

  • Werle (Верле) from Kurland (Kurzeme)

    Здравствуйте, дорогие однофамильцы и интересующиеся! Приглашаю присоединиться к проекту исследования фамилии Верле. Объединим наши знания, семейные предания, исторические документы, фотографии. Узнаем друг друга. Добро пожаловать! С уважением, Алла Верле Москва, Россия

  • Государственная дума Российской империи I созыва

    Members of the State Duma of the Russian Empire of the First Convocation Государственная дума Российской империи I созыва — первый в России избранный населением представительный законосовещательный орган. Стал результатом попытки преобразовать Россию из самодержавной в парламентскую монархию, вызванной стремлением стабилизировать политическую обстановку в условиях многочисленных волнений и рево...

  • Jelgava Gymnasium (Academia Petrina)

    Wikipedia: Jelgava Gymnasium Jelgava Gymnasium or Academia Petrina is the oldest higher educational establishment in Latvia. Only public profiles may be added to this project

  • Nosaukums

    Preambula: visi Latvijas Sietiņsoni cēlušies no Kauguru (Mūrmuižas) pagasta Sietiņu mājām.

  • Daugavpils apriņķis

    Daugavpils apriņķis (poļu: Trakt dyneburski, Powiat dyneburski, krievu: Динабургский уезд, no 1893. gada Двинский уезд) bija administratīva vienība Pārdaugavas Livonijas hercogistes (1566—1582), Inflantijas vaivadijas (1629—1772), Polockas guberņas (1776—1796), Baltkrievijas guberņas (1796—1802), Vitebskas guberņas (1802—1917), Vidzemes guberņas (1918), LSPR (1919), Latvijas Republikas (1918/19...

  • Cēsu apriņķis

    Cēsu apriņķis (vācu: Kreis Wenden, krievu: Венденский уезд) bija administratīva vienība Pārdaugavas hercogistes (1566—1582), Zviedru Vidzemes (1629—1721), Vidzemes guberņas (1721—1918), Baltijas hercogistes (1918), Latvijas SPR (1919), Latvijas Republikas (1918—1940), Latvijas ģenerālapgabala (1941—1944) un Latvijas PSR (1940/1944—1949) sastāvā. Pārdaugavas hercogistes sastāvā Cēsu apriņķi (di...

  • Dogi della Repubblica di Venezia / Doges of Venice

    Seventh century (1) Paolo Lucio Anafesto (697–717) Eighth century (2-8) Marcello Tegalliano (717–726) Orso Ipato (726–737) assassinated perhaps at the instigation of Eutychius, Exarch of Ravenna Dominicus Leono Abrogatis - duke magistrate equivalent - Brief Interregnum (737–742) ref. Ducalis Regia Lararium, 1659, Elogia P. D. Leo Matina Teodato Ipato (742–755) deposed, blind...

  • House of Bourbon

    For naming conventions, see Medieval Kingdoms of Western Europe . The House of Bourbon is a European royal house, a branch of the Capetian dynasty . The Kings of Bourbon first ruled Navarre and France in the 16th century. By the 18th century, members of the Bourbon dynasty also held thrones in Spain, Naples, Sicily, and Parma. Spain and Luxembourg currently have Bourbon monarchs.L’ascension au ...

  • Mozuļu dzimta

    Mozuļu dzimta no Višķu pagasta Plotupiem Šis projekts izveidots par godu Mozuļu ģimenei, kas dibināta 1898.gada 7. jūnijā, kad apprecējās Višķu pagasta Plotupos dzīvojoši kaimiņi Jānis Mozuls un Rozālija Mozule . Ģimenē dzimuši 8 bērni: Antons Mozulis , Jēkabs Mozulis , Franciska Mozule , Jānis Mozulis , Jāzeps Mozulis , Antonija Mozule ,

  • Sāvienas (Sawensee) muižas dzimtas

    Cēsu apriņķa Sāvienas (Sawensee) muiža atradās Sāvienas ezera krastā, Ļaudonas ev.lut.draudzes novada teritorijā. Muižas teritorija bija mainīga, saistīta ar saimniecību pirkšanu, pārdošanu. Vācbaltu muižniecības dzimtas fon Helmersen (von Helmersen) valdījumā bijušas dažādas muižas mūsdienu Latvijas teritorijā, tajā skaitā arī Sāvienas (Sawensee) muiža kopš 1660.gada. Pirms tam muiža saistīta...

  • Rankas (Ramkau) pagasta dzimtas - Families in Ranka

    Projekts, kas apkopo dažādu Rankas pagastā cēlušos dzimtu kokus, sākot no 18. un 19. gadsimta mijas.

9826-9850 of 74775 projects