Welcome to the Native American Chiefs Project. The Native American Chiefs Project is for people who have a strong interest in Native American history and culture. Designed for people to learn about a variety of Native American histories and cultures and for the preservation of cultures and langues, for people to share what they know. For sharing and learning about Native Americans from 16th and...
The Blackfoot Confederacy , Niitsitapi , or Siksikaitsitapi [1] (ᖹᐟᒧᐧᒣᑯ, meaning "the people" or "Blackfoot-speaking real people"[a]), is a historic collective name for linguistically related groups that make up the Blackfoot or Blackfeet people: the Siksika ("Blackfoot"), the Kainai or Blood ("Many Chiefs"), and two sections of the Peigan or Piikani ("Splotchy Robe") – the Northern Piikani (Aa...
Alberta, Canada=This is the master portail for the Province of Alberta, Canada.=The People of Alberta=This section of the project will explore the relationships and links between families who lived in Alberta. Please add each family name alphabetically below and add profiles of those who lived or were born in Alberta to the project. Native Groups The ancestors of today's First Nations in Albert...
The Ghettos in Šiauliai (Shavli); The Lithuanians succeded in killing over 2000 Šiauliai Jews before the incarceration of the remaining Jews in the two Ghettos, one in the Kafkaz area and the other in the Traku neighborhood, about 500 meters away. The Ghetto gates closed behind about 5500 Jews that were crammed in an area of about 8000 square meters of living space; 1.5 m per person. The guards...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Hohebach/Jagst (Baden-Württemberg), Germany. JewishGen-Hohebach/Jagst (Baden-Württemberg)
The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) is an agency of the United States federal government responsible for developing and promoting United States foreign trade policies. Part of the Executive Office of the President, it is headed by the U.S. trade representative, a Cabinet-level position that serves as the United States president's primary advisor, negotiator, and spokespe...
The purpose of this project is to collect all of the profiles of displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors, who were residents of Santa Maria al Bagno Displaced Persons Camp. This camp was formally known as Santa Maria di Bagni Displaced Persons Camp and was located in Santa Maria al Bagno , Italy.==History of the camp==Santa Maria al Bagno was the site of a post World War II displaced person ca...
Wikipedia The University of Maryland, College Park (often referred to as The University of Maryland, Maryland, UM, UMD, or UMCP) is a public research university located in the city of College Park in Prince George's County, Maryland, approximately 8 miles from Washington, D.C. Founded in 1856, the University of Maryland is the flagship institution of the University System of Maryland. It is c...
Wikipedia =The George Washington University (GW, GWU, or George Washington) is a private, coeducational research university located in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington, D.C. The university was chartered by an Act of Congress on February 9, 1821, as the Columbian College in the District of Columbia. It is the largest institution of higher education in the District of Columbia.George W...
Stanford University = Leland Stanford Junior University , or more commonly Stanford University , is a private research university in Stanford, California, and one of the world's most prestigious institutions, with the highest undergraduate selectivity and the top position in numerous surveys and measures in the United States.Stanford was founded in 1885 by Gov. Amasa Leland Stanford , former go...
Williams College Wikipedia Williams College is a private liberal arts college located in Williamstown, Massachusetts, United States. It was established in 1793 with funds from the estate of Ephraim Williams. Originally a men's college, Williams became co-educational in 1970. Fraternities were also phased out during this period, beginning in 1962. Williams forms part of the historic Little Thr...
Hamline University is a private university in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Founded in 1854, Hamline is the oldest university in Minnesota, the first coeducational university in the state, and is one of five Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities. The university is named after Bishop Leonidas Lent Hamline of the United Methodist Church. As of 2017, Hamline had 2,117 undergraduate students and 1,668 gr...
The Order of the Eastern Star is a Freemasonry-related fraternal organization open to both men and women. It was established in 1850 by Boston, Massachusetts lawyer and educator Rob Morris, a former Freemason official. The order is based on teachings from the Bible, but is open to people of all religious beliefs. It has approximately 10,000 chapters in twenty countries and approximately 500,000...
Clergy=====Sources* extensive lists of very early clergy 1300'ds etc ==Tracing the faith and religious convictions of your family==This project will work in conjunction with the "History Project" to give you a report of how many Clergy(equivalent in any Religion or Faith) were in your family.Please add ANY profiles of ANY Clergy or equivalent in any Religion or Faith to this project, to take ad...
Wikipedia =The Catholic University of America (CUA) is a private university located in Washington, D.C. in the United States. It is a pontifical university of the Catholic Church in the United States and the only institution of higher education founded by the U.S. Catholic bishops. Established in 1887 as a graduate and research center following approval by Pope Leo XIII on Easter Sunday, the un...
Early New Zealand Shipping Index: This project aims to catalog the first generation of European immigrants to New Zealand during the 1800s (19th century arrivals), and to organize them by the ships they arrived on (dates used are the ones that the ship arrived in New Zealand on). Please add your pioneer ancestors to the project by going to their profile, click "actions" click "add to project". ...
Asikkalassa sijaitsevat Vesivehmaan ja Muikkulan kylät kuuluivat ennen vuotta 1848 Hollolan seurakuntaan , mutta olivat jo silloinkin osa Asikkalan hallintopitäjää, joten lisättäessä vesivehmaalaisia ja muikkulalaisia henkilöitä profiileihin kunnaksi tulisi merkitä Asikkala eikä Hollola. Lähdeviitteistä sitten ilmenee, että henkilöt löytyvät Hollolan kirkonkirjoista ennen vuotta 1848. Tervetu...
While intended for curator use, this project is open to everyone who'd like to help. For Master Profiles in the photographic era, and especially those for living people, finding copyright-friendly images can be surprisingly difficult. Please use this project for the following purposes: Adding Master Profiles that need photos Fulfilling other curators' photo requests Having this list wi...
Välkommen med och forska om invånarna i Siiby Sideby namnet. Sidebybon Emil Norrback har i en artikel i Vasabladet 13.5.1938 s 5 utförligt redogjort för namnvarianterna Sydhaby i Wlsby (Ulvsby ) omtalas första gången i Stockholms tänkebok 27/9 1479. Där omnämnnes av Reinh. Hausen i »Medeltidsurkunder», del. IV s. 211. Det rör sig om ett ärekränkningsmål mellan en »Peder Ingeualsson i Sk...
Грандиозное с полуподвалами трёхэтажное здание Епархиального женского училища на Владимирской улице (ныне Педуниверситет, ул. Свободы, 46) занимает почти квартал. Это почтенное учебное заведение указом Святого Синода 31 марта 1876 года – из приюта для бедных девиц «духовного» происхождения, существовавшего в Рязани с 1853 года – преобразовано было в Епархиальное женское училище. Основное здание...
Projekti on aloitettu 17.5.2020. Tervetuloa yhteistyökumppaniksi Asikkala, Asikkalan kirkonkylä -projektiin! (Toiminnot > Liity projektiin ) Kun lisäät kylässä asuneen henkilön profiilin projektiin, tarkista että syntymäpaikkatiedot ovat oikeassa kohdassa , mikä helpottaa jatkossa projektiin liitettyjen profiilien tarkastelua ja lajittelua (ks. ohje: paikkatiedon tallennus profiiliin ). Tä...
Suomesta on lähdetty siirtolaisiksi eri puolille maailmaa, Amerikkaan, Ruotsiin, Norjaan, Venäjälle ja Neuvostoliittoon sekä muihin kaukaisiin maihin.Voit lisätä projektiin Kärsämäeltä lähteneet siirtolaiset ja myös ne, jotka ovat myöhemmin jostain syystä palanneet takaisin. Kärsämäen projektit *Paikkakunta Kärsämäki, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Suomi Paikkakunta Kärsämäki *Papit Kärsämäki, Pohjois-Po...
Projekti on aloitettu 22.5.2020.==Tervetuloa yhteistyökumppaniksi== Asikkala, Kopsuon kylä -projektiin! (Toiminnot > Liity projektiin ) Kun lisäät kylässä asuneen henkilön profiilin projektiin, tarkista että syntymäpaikkatiedot ovat oikeassa kohdassa , mikä helpottaa jatkossa projektiin liitettyjen profiilien tarkastelua ja lajittelua (ks. ohje: paikkatiedon tallennus profiiliin ).Tärkeää on, e...
Projekti on aloitettu 19.5.2020.==Tervetuloa yhteistyökumppaniksi== Asikkala, Salon kylä -projektiin! (Toiminnot > Liity projektiin ) Kun lisäät kylässä asuneen henkilön profiilin projektiin, tarkista että syntymäpaikkatiedot ovat oikeassa kohdassa , mikä helpottaa jatkossa projektiin liitettyjen profiilien tarkastelua ja lajittelua (ks. ohje: paikkatiedon tallennus profiiliin ).Tärkeää on, ett...