Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Lumijoki, Kirkonkylä, talo Kleemola No 6 asukkaat

    Kaikki paikkakunnalla asuneiden henkilöiden historiasta kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita liittymään projektiin yhteistyöntekijöiksi Projekti käsittää Lumijoen kirkonkylän alueella talon Kleemola No 6 asukkaat Lumijoki, Kirkonkylä ja Ylipää - Talonhaltijaluettelo Projektissa on luettelo Lumijoen kirkonkylän alueella v. 1939 saakka olevien talonhaltijoiden nimet ja talot. Tarkoituksena on ...

  • Cedar Grove Cemetery, Peabody, Massachusetts

    The Massachusetts Historical Commission does not refer to this cemetery in MACRIS at this time. This cemetery is referred to as GR53 Cedar Grove Cemetery, Peabody in the "Vital Records of Danvers Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849." It's located on 100 Cedar Grove Avenue, Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts. Find a Grave

  • St. Wenceslaus Catholic Cemetery, Beasley, Texas

    In Fort Bend County, from Rosenberg, take Highway 59, and turn on the first Beasley exit. The cemetery is 3/4 miles down Highway 59 on the left. It's also known as Beasley Catholic Cemetery . Find a Grave

  • Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, East Bernard, Texas

    This cemetery is located on 839 Church Street, East Bernard, Wharton County, Texas. Find a Grave

  • Calvary Cemetery, Faribault, Minnesota

    Calvary Cemetery is owned by Divine Mercy Catholic Church at 139 Mercy Dr, Faribault, MN. Calvary Cemetery, initially laid out in 1858, contained ten acres of Section 35 in the southeastern part of Wells Township. It was originally the property of the Diocese of St. Paul, and in 1877 it was deeded to the Immaculate Conception parish. In 2002, Immaculate Conception Parish merged with the parish...

  • Colorado College

    Wikipedia =The Colorado College (also known as CC) is a private liberal arts college in Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States, near the foot of the Rocky Mountains. It was founded in 1874 by Thomas Nelson Haskell. The college enrolls approximately 2,000 undergraduates at its 90-acre (36 ha) campus, 70 miles (110 km) south of Denver. The college offers 42 majors and 33 minors, and has a stud...

  • St. Mary's University of Minnesota

    Saint Mary's University of Minnesota (SMUMN) is a private Catholic university with an undergraduate residential college in Winona, Minnesota; graduate and professional programs in Winona, the Twin Cities, and Rochester; and course delivery sites in Minnesota and Wisconsin as well as Jamaica. The institution was founded in 1912 and is associated with the Institute of the Brothers of the Christia...

  • Rice County, Minnesota

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Rice County, Minnesota. Official Wesbite Rice County was founded on March 5, 1853. It was named for Henry Mower Rice, a fur trader who became instrumental in creation of the Minnesota Territory and its subsequent growth and development. Adjacent Counties Dakota County Goodhue County Dodge County Steele County Scott Count...

  • Princeton Class of 1879

    Wikipedia photo of the class: Birthdates of all class members in the Nassau Herald, beginning on this page: Directory of living alumni from the class, as of 1917: Directory of living alumni from the class, as of 1908: General catalogue of the class, 1906: LIST OF CLASS MEMBERS (From a plaque in the archway of 1879 Hall - see project photos): Alexander, Samuel - Dr. Samuel L. Alexa...

  • Hiitolan ja Ilmeen suvut

    Projekti aloitettu 20.7.2023. Sivusto on rakenteilla. Hiitola paikkakunta pääsivu Hiitolan suku- ja jälkeläisprojekteja Hiitolan ja Ilmeen suvut -projekti on koonti- eli listausprojekti suvuista. Liity ystävällisesti jokaiseen haluamaasi sukuprojektiin erikseen. Pääset sivustoille klikkaamalla sukunimeä. Ystävällisesti, tähän projektiin ei lisätä yksittäisiä profiileja, vaan tämä on ...

  • Kurkijoen suvut

    Projekti aloitettu 12.8.2023. Sivusto on rakenteilla. Kurkijoki paikkakunta pääsivu Kurkijoen suku- ja jälkeläisprojekteja Kurkijoen suvut -projekti on koonti- eli listausprojekti suvuista. Liity ystävällisesti jokaiseen haluamaasi sukuprojektiin erikseen. Pääset sivustoille klikkaamalla sukunimeä. R Ristolaiset T Torikat V Valkeapäät Lähteitä Kurkijoen...

  • Ikaalisten Juhtimäen Toivosen talonhaltijoita ja asukkaita

    Projekti aloitettu 15.6.2022. -Kehitteillä Tähän projektiin kerätään Ikaalisten Juhtimäen Toivosen talonhaltijoita ja asukkaita. Ikaalisten talonhaltijaluettelot Juhtimäenkylä Maanmittauslaitoksen paikkatieto Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Kylät Talonhaltijat ja asukkaat Ikaalisten tal...

  • Merrimack College

    Merrimack College is a private Augustinian university in North Andover, Massachusetts. It was founded in 1947 by the Order of St. Augustine with an initial goal to educate World War II veterans. It enrolls approximately 5,700 undergraduate and graduate students from 34 states and 36 countries. The school has an acceptance rate of 75%. Source : Merrimack College Wikipedia entry - link accessed...

  • Talo Mökinselkä, Melkoniemi 9, Parikkala

    Mökinselän taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 5.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Emoprojektit Kylä Melkoniemi, Parikkala Paikkakunta Parikkala Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Melkoniemen talot 1 Ristimäki 2 Sorkanniemi 3 Timperimäki 4 Härkinniemi

  • Kylä Lamminpää, Savitaipale, Finland

    Tämä projekti on Savitaipaleen Lamminpään kylän kylä-projekti. Olet tervetullut mukaan projektiin ja myös täydentämään projektisivua.This is a village project for the village of Lamminpää, Savitaipale, Finland. You are welcome to join the project and also to complete the project page.

  • Kylä Lavikanlahti, Savitaipale, Finland

    Tämä projekti on Savitaipaleen Lavikanlahden kylän kylä-projekti. Olet tervetullut mukaan projektiin ja myös täydentämään projektisivua.This is a village project for the village of Lavikanlahti, Savitaipale, Finland. You are welcome to join the project and also to complete the project page.

  • Haven Hill Cemetery, Olney, Illinois

    This cemetery is located on 1100 North Ludlow Street, Olney, Richland County, Illinois. Find a Grave

  • State University of Makassar

    Wikipedia State University of Makassar (Indonesian: Universitas Negeri Makassar) is a public university in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It was established on 1 August 1961. Its rector is Prof. Dr. H. Karta Jayadi,. M.Sn.

  • Mendocino County, California

    Mendocino County was one of the original counties of California, created in 1850 at the time of statehood. Due to an initially minor settler American population, it did not have a separate government until 1859 and was under the administration of Sonoma County prior to that. Some of the county's land was given to Sonoma County between 1850 and 1860. The county derives its name from Cape Mendoc...

  • Union County, Oregon

    According to Oregon Geographic Names, the county is named for the town of Union. Union County was originally part of Baker County (which was originally a part of Wasco County, which was originally part of Clackamas County). The northern end of the Grande Ronde Valley was the first part to be settled. During the 1860s, population growth in eastern Oregon prompted the State Legislature to split U...

  • Talo Maunonvuori, Rautalahti 16, Parikkala

    Maunonvuoren taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 6.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Tietoa Talollinen Juhana Pekanpoika Kettunen perinnöksiostanut tilan 4.6.1867. Emoprojektit Kylä Rautalahti, Parikkala Paikkakunta Parikkala Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Rautalahden talot...

  • Baker County, Oregon

    Official Website Baker County is one of the 36 counties in the U.S. state of Oregon. As of the 2020 census, the population was 16,668. The county seat and largest city is Baker City. The county was organized on September 22, 1862, when a portion of Wasco County was partitioned off. The new county's area was reduced in 1864 when Union County was partitioned off, and again in 1887 when Malheur Co...

  • Malheur County, Oregon

    Malheur County was created February 17, 1887, from the southern territory of Baker County. It was first settled by miners and stockmen in the early 1860s. The discovery of gold in 1863 attracted further development, including settlements and ranches. Basques settled in the region in the 1890s and were mainly engaged in sheep raising. Cemeteries Cemeteries of Oregon Links Wikipedia

13001-13025 of 74856 projects