Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Washington County, Oregon

    The Provisional Legislature of Oregon created the county as Twality District on July 5, 1843. Twality was one of the original four districts of the Provisional Government of Oregon in Oregon Country along with Clackamas, Champooick (later Marion), and Yamhill counties. Columbia, later known as Hillsboro, was selected as the county seat in 1850. Washington County lost significant portions of its...

  • Columbia County, Oregon

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Columbia County, Oregon. The Chinook and Clatskanie Native American peoples inhabited this region for centuries prior to the arrival of Robert Gray, captain of the ship Columbia Rediviva, in 1792. The Lewis and Clark Expedition traveled and camped along the Columbia River shore in the area later known as Columbia County in late 1805 ...

  • Curry County, Oregon

    Located in the southwesternmost corner of the state, the county is named for George Law Curry , a two-time governor of the Oregon Territory. The county seat is Gold Beach. Cemeteries Cemeteries of Oregon Links Wikipedia

  • Deschutes County, Oregon

    French-Canadian fur trappers of the Hudson's Bay Company gave the name Rivière des Chutes (River of the Falls) to the Deschutes River, from which the county derived its name. On December 13, 1916, Deschutes County was created from the southern part of Crook County. Bend has been the county seat since the county's formation. It was the last county in Oregon to be established. The Shevlin-Hixon...

  • Hood River County, Oregon

    The first permanent settlers in present-day Hood River County filed a donation land claim in 1854. The first school was built in 1863 and a road from The Dalles was completed in 1867. By 1880 there were 17 families living in the valley. By the latter part of the nineteenth century farmers of Japanese, Finnish, German, and French ethnicity had settled in the valley. At the turn of the twentieth...

  • Jackson County, Oregon

    Modoc, Shasta, Takelma, Latgawa, and Umpqua Indian tribes are all native to the region of present Jackson County. Prior to the 1850s, the Klickitats from the north raided the area. The Territorial Legislature created Jackson County on January 12, 1852, from the southwestern portion of Lane County and the unorganized area south of Douglas and Umpqua Counties. It included lands which now lie in ...

  • Josephine County, Oregon

    The discovery of rich placers at Sailor Diggings (later known as Waldo) in 1852 and the resulting gold rush brought the first settlers to this region. Several U.S. Army forts were maintained in the county and many engagements during the Rogue River Indian War (1855–1858) took place within its boundaries. In 1851, a group of prospectors moved to the Illinois Valley and made the first discovery o...

  • Klamath County, Oregon

    The Klamath or Clamitte tribe of Indians, for which Klamath County was named, are the descendants of varying cultures of indigenous peoples, who have lived in the area for more than 10,000 years. When European-Americans began to travel through the area in 1846 along the Applegate Trail, they competed with the Klamath for game and water, which precipitated clashes between the peoples. This was ...

  • Lake County, Oregon

    The county is named after the many lakes found within its boundaries, including Lake Abert, Summer Lake, Hart Lake, and Goose Lake. Lake County is in the high desert region known as the Oregon Outback, on the northwestern edge of the Great Basin. The county is generally divided between the communities around Lakeview and Paisley to the south and the communities around Christmas Valley, Fort Ro...

  • Morrow County, Oregon

    Morrow County was created in 1885 from the western portion of Umatilla County and a small portion of eastern Wasco County. It is named for Jackson Lee Morrow , a state representative who advocated for the county's formation. Heppner was designated the temporary county seat at the time the county was created and narrowly defeated Lexington in the election held in 1887 to determine the permanent ...

  • Polk County, Oregon

    Polk County is one of the 36 counties in the U.S. state of Oregon. As of the 2020 census, the population was 87,433. The county seat is Dallas. The county is named for James Knox Polk, the 11th president of the United States. Polk County is part of the Salem, OR Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the Portland-Vancouver-Salem, OR-WA Combined Statistical Area. It is located...

  • Wasco County, Oregon

    Celilo Falls on the Columbia River served as a gathering place and major trading center for the local Native Americans, including the Wasco, Paiute, and Warm Springs tribes, for thousands of years. These rapids came to be named Les Grandes Dalles de la Columbia or "The Great Falls of the Columbia" by the French Canadian fur traders. The Dalles initially served as a way station on the Oregon Tr...

  • Cemeteries of Oregon

    This subportal is part of the State of Oregon Portal and the Cemeteries, Memorials & Graveyards Portal . Within the 240 towns and cities that make up the State of Oregon , there are approximately 1,500 cemeteries. These range from small, private family burying grounds with only a few graves to large public cemeteries covering hundreds of acres with hundreds of thousands of graves. Thi...

  • Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Oregon

    The earliest burial in this cemetery was January 2, 1848 (Jean Jacques Barclay per Catholic Church records - died 12/31/1847 at Fort Vancouver, WA) and by April 1848 was called the Old Cemetery and was the official city cemetery. This makes Mountain View Cemetery the oldest municipal cemetery in the Oregon Territory. It is located on 500 Hilda Street, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon. F...

  • Wallowa Cemetery, Wallowa, Oregon

    This project is for those buried in Wallowa Cemetery, Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon. Find a Grave US GenNet

  • Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Oregon

    Hubbard Cemetery was established in 1886. From Pacific Highway (US 99E) turn west on G street (at a traffic light), travel three blocks to 3rd street, turn left (south) to J Street NE (which becomes Broadacres Rd NE) turn Right, continues West past 7th street, entrance on the right (north side of the road) before the road descends down the hill. The City of Hubbard, in Marion County, maintain...

  • Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Oregon

    This project is for those buried in Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon. Find a Grave Billion Graves

  • Amity Cemetery, Amity, Oregon

    The Amity Pioneer Cemetery was established in 1854 and is located at the end of 6th Street in Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon. Find a Grave Billion Graves

  • Alsea Cemetery, Alsea, Oregon

    This project is for those buried in Alsea Cemetery, Alsea, Benton County, Florida. Find a Grave

  • Ashland Cemetery, Ashland, Oregon

    Prior to the founding of Ashland Cemetery, area families buried their dead on the gentle rises and knolls of individual farms. Like many other pioneer cemeteries, it began as a family burial ground on a donation land claim and expanded within distinct boundaries over the years. Burial dates in Ashland Cemetery range from 1860 (predating the official graveyard platting in 1880) to the present. W...

  • Adams Cemetery, Molalla, Oregon

    Established 1865. At the East end of the town of Molalla, in Clackamas County, where Oregon Highway 211 turns left, leave the highway, turning right (south) on Mathias Road. You can stay on this road, despite the sharp change of directions and names, After about 1.1 miles, turn hard left onto Claim Road. At 1.75 miles there is a junction with South Adams Cemetery Road on the left, but, instead,...

  • Greenwood Cemetery, Astoria, Oregon

    Greenwood Cemetery is located 1 mile south of the Walluski River bridge (or ½ mile past Milepost 5 on Highway 202) coming from the city of Astoria. This 30 acre cemetery lies on a gently rolling knoll overlooking Young's River and gives a panoramic view of the valley and surrounding hills, with views of the mouth of the Columbia River and the Pacific Ocean. Incorporated in 1891, it is possibl...

  • Tegelsmora socken, Uppland

    Tegelsmora socken i Uppland ingick i Olands härad, ingår sedan 1974 i Tierps kommun och motsvarar från 2016 Tegelsmora distrikt.Socknens areal är 111,13 kvadratkilometer varav 104,1 land. År 2000 fanns här 2 010 invånare. Nordöstra delen av tätorten Örbyhus, tätorterna Upplanda och Tobo. Tegelsmora kyrka ligger i socknen. Kyrkby saknas.Administrativ historikTegelsmora socken omtalas i skriftlig...

  • Mariehamn / Åland 1861-1900

    Är den enda staden på Åland, där också hälften av befolkningen bor. som tidigare hört till Jomala, grundades 1859 och fick sina privilegier 1861.Endast dom Första Mariehamnarna har Mariehamn Logo resten är bara med Mariehamn 150 år Mariehamn/Wiki

  • Kylä Jokikylä, Kälviä, Keski-Pohjanmaa

    No 1 Lassila No 2 Nissi No 3 Uusitalo No 4 Miekkoja No 5 Tuomaala No 6 Tikanoja No 7 Puukangas No 8 Kangas No 9 Saarala No 10 Passoja No 11 Ojala No 12 Honkimaa No 13 Myllykangas No 14 Saltbacka No 15 Honka No 16 Tikkanen No 17 Korpijärvi No 18 Kleemola No 19 Kykyri No 20 Mäkelä No 21 Porkola No 22 Nurila No 23 Pirkola No 24 Tuunala No 25 Hietala No 26 Herronen No 27 Rita No 28 Hassinen No 29 H...

13801-13825 of 74865 projects