Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Kylä Piispansaari, Viipurin maalaiskunta, Viipuri

    Tämä projekti on Viipurin pitäjän, myöhemmin Viipurin maalaiskunnan Piispansaaren kylän kyläprojekti. Perustettu 5.9.2019 / Toni NäppiVieressä maalaiskunnan kylät Hapenensaari , Vahvaniemi , Porkansaari , Kiiskilä , Lihaniemi ja Samola sekä Johanneksen Niemelä ja Viipurin kaupungin Ravansaari

  • Hermannsburg missionaries to South Africa

    The Hermannsburg Mission, started by Louis Harms in the German village Hermannsburg, sent out missionaries to South Africa beginning in 1854. They worked especially in KwaZulu-Natal (the Midlands and KwaZulu) and in the Northwest, as well as Botswana.See the book 'Hermannsburger Missionare in Südafrika' by Hinrich Pape, 1986, and Hermannsburg Missionaries on the web.----------------------------...

  • The Ovid Family of Carriacou

    The Ovid Family of Carriacou Mary Bedeau née Mary Ovid Mrs Mary Bedeau, born Mary Ovid in 1809, on a plantation in Carriacou. She was a landowner and former slave alongside her husband, Glasgow Bedeau, with whom she raised seven children. She died, aged, 89yo on 2nd August 1899. She is buried with her husband at The Bedeau Family Cemetery, in Carriacou. Mary's parents; John Ovid and his wife ...

  • HAARLEM : Where did they live?

    d—under CONSTRUCTI"ON - not yet geredigeerd door de iend-redactie en de hoofd-redacite en geschecked door de correspondenten buitenland. HAARLEM : Where did they live? Dam-STRAAT - NL200---21- Klokhuis-plein nr. 9 : uit 1891 - ontwerp G. HAITSMA MULIER i.o.v. drukkers-familie ENSCHEDÉ nr. XX - Huis De HULST - alias: Fundatie-HUIS* - eig. testament zoeken we nog in de klui...

  • St. Paul University Dumaguete

    Wikipedia This project aims to organize genealogical data of St. Paul University Dumaguete students. DISCLAIMER: Do not add faculty members who did not study in their workplace, as well as to those who received honorary degrees. How to Contribute Please click the "Join Project" button on the upper right of the project page. After adding yourself as a "Follower" or "Collaborator", s...

  • Hillcrest Cemetery, Decatur, Nebraska

    This cemetery is located in Decatur, Burt County, Nebraska. It's also known as Decatur Cemetery . Find a Grave Nebraska Gravestones This cemetery is part of the Cemeteries of Nebraska subportal .

  • Lieutenant Governors of Manitoba

    The Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba /lɛfˈtɛnənt/ is the viceregal representative in Manitoba of the Canadian monarch, King Charles III, who operates distinctly within the province but is also shared equally with the ten other jurisdictions of Canada, as well as the other Commonwealth realms and any subdivisions thereof, and resides predominantly in his oldest realm, the United Kingdom. The Lieu...

  • Filipino Martyrs

    This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on Filipinos, and executed for their faith and/or patriotism. The project EXCLUDES individuals who were assassinated. Profiles here are those of historical figures and public personalities, posted for education and research purposes, with information acquired compliant with the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012. Find more surnames at the Ph...

  • The Bedeau Family of Carriacou

    The Bedeau Family of Carriacou The Bedeau Family of Carriacou are the direct descendants of Glasgow Bedeau. All Bedeau’s of Carriacou can trace their ancestry right back to Glasgow through one of seven family lines. Bedeau/Fortune Bedeau/John Lewis/Bedeau Bedeau/Alexis Alexis/Bedeau Bedeau/Nilson Dick/Bedeau Glasgow Bedeau Glasgow Bedeau was a landowner and former slave, bor...

  • Jewish families from Körmend, Hungary

    Jews have settled in Körmend since as early as the early 1300s, however the "modern" community got its start in the early 1700s, starting with about 7 families. The community grew over time, probably reaching a high of about 740 individuals as of 1869, when the community voted to become a Neolog congregation. By the late 1930s, the community had diminished to about 320 people. A few people retu...

  • Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba

    The Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba is the only right-wing political party in Manitoba, Canada. It is also the official opposition party in the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba entering the 41st Manitoba general election on April 19, 2016.

  • Members of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

    This project has been created to house all current and former members of Manitoba's Legislative Assembly.=Sources=* Official site * Assemblée législative du Manitoba, Wikipédia

  • Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

    Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War SUVCW Database - The National SUVCW Graves Committee Website, National Graves Registration Database Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War The Civil War Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) is an American congressionally chartered fraternal organization, the legal successor to the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). Founded in late 1...

  • Stora Mellösa socken, Närke

    Stora Mellösa socken i Närke ingick i Askers härad, ingår sedan 1971 i Örebro kommun i Örebro län och motsvarar från 2016 Stora Mellösa distrikt.Socknens areal är 104,25 kvadratkilometer, varav 103,60 land. År 2000 fanns här 2 708 invånare. Göksholms slott, gården Hjälmarsnäs samt tätorten och kyrkbyn Stora Mellösa med Stora Mellösa kyrka ligger i socknen.Administrativ historik Stora Mellösa so...

  • Zaslužni Hrvati XIX. stoljeća / Notable Croatians XIX century

    Album zaslužnih Hrvata XIX. stoljeća : 150 životopisa, slika Gjuro Arnold (1853-1941) Ksaver Šandor Gjalski (1854–1935) (Ljubo Babić) Vjekoslav Babukić (1812-1875) Hugo Badalić (1851-1900) Matija Ban (1818-1903) Mirko Bogović (1816-1893) Ivan Bojničić (1858-1925)

  • Popular Musicians of the United Kingdom (1960s)

    Musicians of the United Kingdom (1960s) =Music of the United Kingdom developed in the 1960s into one of the leading forms of popular music in the modern world. By the early 1960s the British had developed a viable national music industry and began to produce adapted forms of American music in Beat music and British blues which would be re-exported to America by bands such as The Beatles and Rol...

  • Order of the Million Elephants and the White Parasol

    The Order of the Million Elephants and the White Parasol, also called the Order of the Million Elephants and the White Umbrella, is the highest knighthood order of the Royal Family of Laos. Wikipedia

  • Marina census of 1723 (Status animarum)

    Anno Domini 1723 die 7. mensis Martii Status Animarum Castri Bossigline (1) [Jericev] In edibus Magdalene qm. Thome Gerichiev habitant Magdalena annorum 40 Joannes filius annorum 19 Catharina filia annorum 12 Lucas filius annorum 9 (2) [Marinov] In edibus Antonii Marinov filii qm. Martini habitant Antonius filius qm. Martini Marinov annorum - Ursula eius uxor annorum - Magdalena eius f...

  • Kylä Ala-Kuusaa, Muolaa

    Ala-Kuusaa sijaitsi Muolaan pohjoisosassa noin kahdeksan kilometriä Muolaan kirkonkylästä Kirkkorannasta pohjoiseen. Ala-Kuusaan naapurikyliä olivat lännessä ja pohjoisessa Ylä-Kuusaa, idässä Peippola ja etelässä Koirala. Vuonna 1936 Ala-Kuusaan pinta-ala oli 7,85 neliökilometriä, josta oli peltoa 305 hehtaaria, niittyä kahdeksan hehtaaria ja metsää 466 hehtaaria. Ala-Kuusaan halki kulki maanti...

  • St. Lawrence County, New York

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in St. Lawrence County, New York. Official Website St. Lawrence County is part of Macomb's Purchase of 1791 and was established in 1802. The county is named for the Saint Lawrence River, which in turn was named for the Christian saint Lawrence of Rome, on whose feast day the river was visited by French explorer Jacques Cartier. On Sep...

  • Jews of Alabama

    This is an umbrella project for all projects related to Jews from Alabama .Virtual Jewish World: Alabama, United States Virtual Jewish World: Table of Contents | North America | United States Early History While Jewish traders are known to have been active in Alabama as early as 1757, and a number of Jews lived in Mobile in the 1760s under British rule, it was not until the 1820s that the firs...

  • Karlovac

    Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje / Croatian Genealogy , Karlovačke županije, grad Karlovac, Hrvatska / Karlovac County, City of Karlovac, Croatia Karlovac, Hr | En | Cz | De | It | Fr | Hu Karlovac (Croatian pronunciation: [k%C3%A2%CB%90rlov%CC%9Eat%CD%A1s], (Károlyváros in ungherese, Karlstadt in tedesco, Karlovec in sloveno, Carlostadium in latino e Carlovizza in italiano...

  • Byn Väsby i Ljusterö socken, Uppland

    Johan Gustav Fredriksson född 1846 i Österåker gm Anna Margareta Ersdotter född 1848 i Länna Anna Viktoria Jansson f 1882 Peter Per Matsson Ekström f 1824 Rimbo, d 1927 Väsby Gm Maria Wång f 1825 Gottröra, d 1904 Väsby

16376-16400 of 74953 projects