Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Pärnu Alevi Kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Pärnu Alevi kalmistu on kandnud nimesid: Uus kirikaed alevis ; Pärnu Alevi II kalmistu ; Pärnu Riia II kalmistu Pilte Alevi Kalmistult Pärnus Eha Tenson (Toomingas > Kallu)
Playing with colours The flower had once seen a caravan passing. Men? - she echoed . I think there are six or seven of them in existence. I saw them, several years ago. But one never knows where to find them. The wind blows them away. They have no roots, and that makes their lives very difficult. From Little prince by Antoine-de-Saint-Exupery
< BACK . Objective This program aims to foster strong collaboration between all living descendants of New Amsterdam immigrants (1609-1674) - and thus improve the quality of the tree. If you are a descendant, please add your profile to the project and get involved! Philosophy Whilst Geni is an open collaboration platform, it is vital to respect the private genealogy initiatives from living ...
Notable Americans of Dutch descent The first Dutch settlers arrived in 1624 and founded a number of villages and a town called New Amsterdam on the East Coast, which would become the future world metropolis of New York. According to the 2006 United States Census, more than 5 million Americans claim total or partial Dutch heritage. Today the majority of the Dutch Americans live in California, Ne...
Tervetuloa Ylikiimingin sukututkimusprojektiin! Tämä on sukututkimussivusto Genin Ylikiiminki - paikkakuntaprojekti. Kaikki paikkakunnalla asuneiden henkilöiden historiasta kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita liittymään projektiin yhteistyöntekijöiksi. Seuraamalla projektia saat tietoa muutoksista projektin keskusteluissa, profiileissa, valokuvissa ja dokumenteissa. Projektiin voi liittää täällä ...
The project was created for interaction with . Enthusiast of this site Татьяна Жильцова Sources Smolensky-Lutheran-Cemetery / 229238 billiongraves.com Smolensky-Lutheran-Cemetery Petersburg Necropolis Vol. 1 A - D Petersburg Necropolis, T. 2 D - L Petersburg necropolis T. 3 M - R
Eesti veemoto : sportlased, paadi-, mootori- ja vindiehitajad, treenerid, kohtunikud, ajakirjanikud, ajaloolased ja üldse veemotoga seotud tegelased.**Veemoto Eestis 1954 – 2003". Koostanud Vahur Joala . Varrak. Tallinn 2003. 352 lk + CD** Eesti NSV 1. esivõistlused veemotospordis. Tartu, 3–4. august 1957 * Eesti NSV 21. meistrivõistlused veemotospordis. Tallinn, 5–7. august 1977
Tämä projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Valkjärven Vunukkalan kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille.Valokuva: Valkjärven kunnalliskoti Vunukkalan kylässä 1930-luku. Museovirasto, historian kuvakokoelma, Karjalan Liiton kokoelmaTämä projekti on keskeneräinen ja sitä päivitetään koko ajan.Projekti perustettu 11.11.2019 / Mirja Mappes
Agnes Szegő - PhD Librarian and Historian, Jewish University Library, Budapest - Kehilah - Eger , Heves Megye A research team of Historians and IT professionals want to immortalize the memory of Hungarian Jewry. We would be very grateful for any help (family photos, documents) that you could provide to help celebrate the legendary Hungarian Jewish legacy of passion and genius. Please do n...
Bereg (Rusyn: Береґ; German: Berg) was an administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory is now in northeastern Hungary and western Ukraine. The capital of the county was Berehove (Ukrainian, Berehovo in Rusyn, Beregszász in Hungarian, Bergsaß in German, Beregovo in Russian, Bereg in Romanian).Bereg county shared borders with the Austrian crownland Galicia (now in Po...
The goal of this project is to try and find the roots of the Purjesz Family. === A personal note; Ilana Burgess The Purjesz family is a classic example of the forced "wandering Jew". They most probably originated somewhere in ancient Israel, exiled 2000+ years ago and had to move from one country to the other in search of a safe haven. At some stage they made their home in Spain and during the ...
Mariestad, West Gothland, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Mariestad , Sweden. Everybody who is interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. This project ...
Municipality of Linköping, East Gothland, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the municipality of Linköping, Sweden. Everybody who is interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town...
Kesälahti locality project =Genealogy project for Kesälahti and the neighbouring areas.In addition to this locality project, please register also to the larger entity, Finland and Karelia Project , that builds family tree in the whole Finland and Karelia. Please register also to the relevant village projects (list below). Joining projects: in the project page, click "Actions" > "Join project". ...
Municipality of Växjö, Kronoberg County, Småland, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Växjö , Sweden. Everybody who is interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the...
Pyhäselkä locality project =Genealogy project for Pyhäselkä and the neighbouring areas.In addition to this locality project, please register also to the larger entity, Finland and Karelia Project , that builds family tree in the whole Finland and Karelia. Please register also to the relevant village projects (list below). Joining projects: in the project page, click "Actions" > "Join project". ...
This project seeks to list representatives of all of the Jewish families from the Moravian town of Bzenec (Bisenz) in the Czech Republic.BZENEC (Ger. Bisenz), town in Moravia, Czech Republic. The synagogue demolished in 1859 had probably stood for 500 years. Its community was one of the oldest in Moravia. It is referred to by a Bzenec medieval chronicler as nidus judaeorum ("nest of Jews"). The...
Projekti aloitettu 25.6.2022. -Kehitteillä Tähän projektiin kerätään Lavian Laviankylän Antilan talonhaltijoita ja asukkaita . Lavian talonhaltijaluettelot Laviankylä Maanmittauslaitoksen paikkatieto Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää henkilöprofiileja tähän projektiin. Entisen Satakunnan ja lähialueiden Kylät Talonhalti...
Projekti aloitettu 25.6.2022. -Kehitteillä Tähän projektiin kerätään Lavian Laviankylän Roikan talonhaltijoita ja asukkaita . Lavian talonhaltijaluettelot Laviankylä Maanmittauslaitoksen paikkatieto Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää henkilöprofiileja tähän projektiin. Entisen Satakunnan ja lähialueiden Kylät Talonhaltij...
Projekti aloitettu 6.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittaushallituksen paikkatieto Lavia, Lavia Lavian kylät Aluskylä I Haunia I Kalliala I Lavia I Mustajoki I Myöntäjä I Niemi l. Niemenkylä I Peräkylä I Riiho I Riuttala I Saarijärvi I
This project is for those buried in Brethren Cemetery, Dallas Center, Dallas County, Iowa. Driving directions to the cemetery: approximately 1-1/2 miles east of Dallas Center, Iowa on Hwy 44 & approximately 1/10 of a mile north on S Avenue. Find a Grave Interment.net Iowa Gravestones Billion Graves IA GenWeb
Welcome to the Venjoki project! Please join if any of your ancestors are from Venjoki. Villages of Venjoki: Anttila, Glaasova, Haapasaari, Haikkola, Hampaala, Hietakylä, Humalasaari (Hynnisi), Huuhka, Hyvösi, Hällölä, Häyhäsi, Hörkkölä, Jäniskylä, Kaakkala, Kapasi, Kaskisaari, Kekälekylä, Kelola (Jurkina), Kiiskilä, Kivola, Kokkola, Kommola, Koprala, Korhosi, Korkanmäki, Korkeamaa, Kouru (Kots...
Return to Parker Name Study, USA To Parker Name Study, South Carolina North Carolina, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1665-1998 from the !700's Name Thomas Parker Residence Place Albemarle, North Carolina Probate Date 23 Jan 1717 Probate Place North Carolina, USA Inferred Death Year 1717 Inferred Death Place North Carolina, USA Item Description Wills, Vol 22-24, Mos-Pop Others Li...