Ciapparelli, Mezzanzanica, Comuni di Legnano, Parabiago, Nerviano, San Giorgio su Legnano, Canegrate, San Vittore Olona, Cerro Maggiore, Villa Cortese, Rescaldina, Busto Garolfo, Dairago
Emilio Salgari, COLOGNA VENETA - Scolari CONCAMARISE - Garbelli MALCESINE - Viviani NEGRAR - Tomamsi POVEGLIANO - Lory Del Santo SAN BONIFACIO - REbellin SORGA' - Ascari Affi, Albaredo d'Adige, Angiari, Arcole, Badia Calavena, Bardolino, Belfiore, Bevilacqua, Bonavigo, Boschi Sant'Anna, Bosco Chiesanuova, Bovolone, Brentino Belluno, Brenzone sul Garda, Bussolengo, Buttapietra, Caldiero...
The Talmud states, "Michal the daughter of King Saul used to wear tefillin, and the sages did not protest" (Eruvin 96a). =Women Torah Scholars* Miriam Luria (Spira) - מרים לוריא * Chanah, Rashi's grand-daughter - חנה, נכדת רש"י * Elvina, Rashi's grand-daughter - אלווינה, נכדת רש"י, * Miriam RIBAN - מרים, אשת ריב"ם * Yocheved Kalonimus - קלונימוס יוכבד * Rachel Jocelin - רחל ג'וסלין
Tuletõrjet võib võrrelda kaitseväega ja seda täie õigusega. Iga sõdur paneb lahingusse minnes kaalule oma elu ja tervise. Samad ohud on ka tuletõrjuja töös. Mehiste meeste mehine amet! Säilinud on väga vähe nimekirju vabatahtlike tuletõrjujate ühingute isikkoosseisu kohta. Alltoodud 101 nime on leitud nii säilinud fotode põhjal kui arhiividokumentide alusel, kus on esitatud tuletõrjujad hoolsus...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. 'Projekt "Tallinna Hiiu - Rahu kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. * Kalmistu kontaktandmed * ]
Legion of Honour , officially National Order of the Legion of Honour, French Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur , Legion of Honour - premier order of the French republic, created by Napoleon Bonaparte, then First Consul, on May 19, 1802, as a general military and civil order of merit conferred without regard to birth or religion provided that anyone admitted swears to uphold liberty and equa...
Kopparö är en gammal by i Pargas som varit bebyggd med gårdar sedan åtminstone 1500-talets början men har även besökt kortvarigt av människor långt före det. De historia gårdarna i byn heter Uppgård, Böhls, Västergård och Mellangård. Historiska stavelsevariationer på bynamnet är bl.a "Kåparöö, Kåperöö, Kaperöö och kapparö" Till grannbyarna hör bl.a följande; Fallböle, Lofsdal, Pjukala & Ersby ...
The United States secretary of health and human services is the head of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, and serves as the principal advisor to the president of the United States on all health matters. The secretary is a member of the United States Cabinet. The office was formerly known as the secretary of health, education, and welfare. In 1980, the Department of Heal...
Wisconsin Governors===List of Governors of Wisconsin==
States Governors=In the United States, the title governor refers to the chief executive of each state or insular territory, not directly subordinate to the federal authorities, but the political and ceremonial head of the state.Role and powersThe United States Constitution preserves the notion that the country is a federation of semi-sovereign states and that powers not specifically granted to ...
Wikipedia The United States Army Reserve (USAR) is the federal reserve force of the United States Army. Together, the Army Reserve and the Army National Guard constitute the Army element of the Reserve components of the United States Armed Forces.
Wikipedia The Army National Guard (ARNG), in conjunction with the Air National Guard, are the United States federal and state military reserve force. They are simultaneously part of two different organizations, the National Guard of the Several States, Territories and the District of Columbia (also referred to as the Militia of the United States), and the National Guard of the United States. ...
Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid eestlasi Kanadas läbi kõigi ajajärkude. * Siin võiks olla isikud kes on tuntud Kanada eestlaste kogukonnas (näiteks Kanada eestlaste organisatsioonide eestvedaja) ja Kanada ühiskonnas või terves maailmas oma alal (nt tippteadlane, tuntud kirjanik, kunstnik, arhitekt, insener, fotograaf, disainer, ettevõtja, sportlane jne).Well-known Estonians ...
Projekti aloitettu 15.11.2023. Emigrants and descendants living abroad Finland Emigration and Immigration, Family Search Suur-Ikaalisilla tarkoitetaan Ikaalisten, Honkajoen, Jämijärven, Kankaanpään, Karvian, Kihniön ja Parkanon aluetta . Tähän projektiin on tarkoitus liittää henkilöitä, jotka ovat syntyneet tai asuneet näillä paikkakunnilla ja lähteneet siirtolaisiksi eri puolille maailm...
8. Eesti Laskurkorpus ehk 8. Eesti Tallinna laskurkorpus (s/o 61409) oli Punaarmee rahvuslik väekoondis Varem Genis puudunud projekt seal teeninud isikutele (langenud, kaduma läinud, elama jäänud). NB! 8. Eesti Laskurkorpus eksisteeris vaid 25.08.1942 - 12.05.1946 Siia projekti ootame vaid neid isikuid kellest on kindlalt teada, et nad 1942-1946 just selles väeosas teenisid (mitte kõik Punaarm...
Eesti NSV - Эстонская ССР - Estonian SSR=Siia soovime koguda kõik "kuulsad ja tuntud" isikud kellele andis võimaluse Nõukogude Eesti 1940 – 1941 / 1944 – 1990.EKP sekretärid, Ülemnõukogu liikmed, Ministrite nõukogu ministrid, komsomolitöötajad, kolhooside ja sovhooside juhid ja paljud teised selle ajajärgu inimesed kellest tihti tollastes ajalehtedes kirjutati...need "punased", kes ENSVga ajali...
Wikipedia =Oglethorpe University is a private, liberal arts college in Brookhaven, an inner suburb of Atlanta, in the U.S. state of Georgia. Originally chartered in 1835, it was named in honor of General James Edward Oglethorpe, founder of the Colony of Georgia. Notable Alumni
Alpha Phi Alpha Website "Alpha Phi Alpha, the first intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity established for African American Men, was founded at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York by seven college men who recognized the need for a strong bond of brotherhood among African descendants in this country. The visionary founders, known as the “Jewels” of the fraternity, are Henry Arthur Callis, Ch...
Wikipedia Seton Hall University is a private Roman Catholic university in South Orange, New Jersey, United States. Founded in 1856 by then-Bishop James Roosevelt Bayley and named after his aunt, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Seton Hall is the oldest diocesan university in the United States. Seton Hall consists of 11 schools and colleges with an undergraduate enrollment of about 5,800 students and...
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society (ΑΩΑ) is an honor society in the field of medicine. Alpha Omega Alpha currently has active Chapters in 132 LCME accredited medical schools in the United States and Lebanon. It annually elects over 4,000 new members. The majority of new members are elected in their final year of medical school, but distinguished teachers, faculty members, residents, and a...
Phi Beta Kappa Website === The Nation's Oldest and Most Widely Known Academic Honor Society ==="Phi Beta Kappa was founded by five students at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. The first meeting was held in the Apollo Room of the Old Raleigh Tavern on December 5, 1776." "John Heath, the first president of Phi Beta Kappa, was determined to develop a student society that ...
Wikipedia Morehouse College is a private, all-male, liberal arts, historically black college (HBCU) located in Atlanta, in the U.S. state of Georgia. The College assumes special responsibility for teaching the history and culture of black people. Morehouse is one of a few remaining traditional men's liberal arts colleges in the United States.Morehouse is the largest men's college in the United ...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. 'Projekt "Haapsalu Vana kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. * Haapsalu Vana Kalmistu ajaloost * ]