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Aisin Gioro Genealogy and Aisin Gioro Family History Information

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  • Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后 (1835 - 1908)
    Hsiao-ch'in Hsien Huang-hou 孝欽顯皇后 née Yehe Nara ( Yehonala ) 葉赫那拉, Nov. 29, 1835-1908, Nov. 15, is referred to in these biographies as Empress Hsiao-ch'in , but was also known by her title, as Tz'û-...
  • Kangxi Emperor of Qing China 清康熙帝 (1654 - 1722)
    Hsüan-yeh 玄曄 (H. 體元主人), May 4, 1654-1722, Dec. 20, second Emperor of the Ch'ing dynasty, who ruled during the years 1661-1722 under the reign-title, K'ang-hsi 康熙, was the third son of Fu-lin [q.v.]. Hi...
  • Qianlong Emperor of Qing China 清乾隆帝 (1711 - 1799)
    Hung-li 弘曆 (H. 長春居士, 信天主人, 古稀天子, 十全老人), Sept. 25, 1711–1799, Feb. 7, was the fourth emperor of the Ch'ing dynasty, who ruled under the reign-title Ch'ien-lung 乾隆 (1736-1796). As the fourth son of Emper...
  • Yongzheng Emperor of Qing China 清雍正帝 (1678 - 1735)
    Yin-chên 胤禎 (H. 破塵居士, Dec. 13, 1678-1735, Oct. 8, third Emperor of the Ch'ing dynasty, ruled in the years 1723-36, under the reign-title Yung-chêng 雍正. He was the fourth son of Emperor Shêng-tsu . His ...
  • Puyi [Aisin Gioro], the last Emperor of China (1906 - 1967)
    Puyi 溥儀 , of the Manchu Aisin Gioro clan, was the last Emperor of China and the twelfth and final ruler of the Qing dynasty. When he was a child, he ruled as the Xuantong Emperor (宣統帝) in China and Khe...

About the Aisin Gioro surname

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